Although the presented framework for visual in-
spection is efficient and completely integrated with
the whole robotic work cell, it has certain limitations.
First, the hardware choice is suitable for inspection of
static images, but it is not suitable for video tracking.
Second, the whole software system is tied to a speci-
fic ROS version, which is not downwards compatible.
Third, the generation new processing pipelines would
require from the user some knowledge on image ana-
lysis and robotics. Fourth, new templates will have
to be generated and the parameters will have to be
re-optimized, if the robot poses or lighting conditions
change, which can be a rather time-consuming task.
The computer vision framework, which is used as a
monitoring module in a highly reconfigurable robot
workcell has been presented here. The hardware as
well as software components were described and dis-
cussed. The automotive assembly use case example
was used as an application example.
As future work, we will extend the software com-
ponents to allow the user to generate processing pi-
pelines as well as test the framework on further use
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Programme under grant agreement no. 680431, Re-
conCell(A Reconfigurable robot workCell for fast set-
up of automated assembly processes in SMEs).
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