Figure 6: 10 random retrieval results from MCD database.
This paper presents a general a ffine motion estimation
algorithm based on Affine Curve Matching Algorithm
(ACMA). The re -parameterization of the contours ba-
sed on the affine arc length is indispensable when the
movement is assum ed affines. Under this hypothe-
sis, we recover the affine param e te rs by the compu-
tation of the pseudo-inverse matrix which minimizes
the error. Our experimen ts indicate that our algorithm
works well on the MCD database compared to many
existing techniques, particularly in the case of partial
occlusions th at might arise in many situations. While
the results on this dataset are interesting, but there is
no guarantee that th e same ordering of the methods
would be obtained with other datasets or other met-
hods. So, in the future, we intend to compare our
method with other approaches and other datasets in
terms of both performance s under perspective distor-
tion and complexity.
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