Nursing, 2012) Results so far indicate a high degree
of approximate accuracy with limited obstacles using
a single BLE beacon. Motion and movement of a
receiver within range of a beacon is easily identifiable
within captured data as BLE has demonstrated the
ability to output a high advertisement interval without
compromising on battery, a significant barrier to
other devices (Samarrai and Greene, 2011).
Additional experiment phases such as the multiple
room experiments have shown that using multiple
BLE beacons with one receiver, it is possible to
accurately determine the room the receiver is
currently occupying. Further tests showed the pattern
of movement and the potential path this receiver took
while moving between BLE beacon ranges
accurately. Additional phases of experiments need to
take place however, the most significant of which
involves incorporating pattern reading algorithms
using ADL to read and flag ADL condition
degeneration over a period. Although the outcomes of
using BLE as an IPS are speculated to be beneficial
to care givers both informal and formal the extent of
BLE application scope for home healthcare may not
be predicted without additional experimental phases
using OOI and data analysis algorithms.
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Developing a Sensor based Homecare System - The Role of Bluetooth Low-Energy in Activity Monitoring