amount of data to generate the public key. As long as
the selected prototypes are able to capture the relevant
characteristics of the heartbeats, the biometric system
should be able to maintain its performance.
Another interesting perspective of the proposed
cloud-based biometric system is the change of the pu-
blic key, which can be made by applying another clus-
tering algorithm, or changing the number of prototy-
pes in the clustering algorithms used in this paper. In
this case, it should be highlighted that a simple per-
mutation of the prototypes after training the classifier
shows an error rate higher than 95% for all three spa-
ces. This means that, when the system is attacked,
a mere permutation of the public key is able to sig-
nificantly change the identification process, whereas
a more substantial change should make sure that an
hacker obtaining the remotely-stored user key can no
longer be identified by the system.
This paper proposes a new ECG-based biometric ap-
proach for cloud systems, which locally encrypts the
ECG signal through a dissimilarity representation.
Such representation is obtained by applying a non-
linear and non-invertible transformation, the dissimi-
larity increments, between the public key, stored on
the server, and the real-time acquired ECG signal.
This provides significant advantages, as it does not
require the users’ ECG signals to be stored on the ser-
ver, but only a transformed version of it. In traditio-
nal approaches a hacker might be able to retrieve the
original ECG signal and thus forever compromise the
usage of ECG biometrics for that user. However, in
the proposed system, the hacker will only capture the
public key and a transformed version of the signal.
Accordingly, under such circumstances, a new public
key can be easily generated by simply selecting a new
set of prototypes and by asking the user to perform a
new enrollment.
The experimental results show that the proposed
methodology provides no significant degradation in
the identification error rates, especially when the se-
lected prototypes are generated from a reference da-
taset, independent of the users data, i.e., it is compo-
sed by the ECG signals of independent (unidentified)
This work was supported by the Portuguese Founda-
tion for Science and Technology, under scholarship
number SFRH/BPD/103127/2014 and grant number
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Protecting the ECG Signal in Cloud-based User Identification System - A Dissimilarity Representation Approach