Development of the Decision Support System in Treatment of Arterial
Application of Artificial Neural Networks for Evaluation of Heart Rate Variability
Anton Dolganov
, Vladimir Kublanov
, David Belo
and Hugo Gamboa
Ural Federal University, Mira 19, 620002, Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Laboratório de Instrumentação, Engenharia Biomédica e Física da Radiação (LIBPhys-UNL),
Departamento de Física, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa,
Monte da Caparica, 2892-516 Caparica, Portugal
Keywords: Heart Rate Variability, Artificial Neural Networks, Classification, Arterial Hypertension.
Abstract: The article presents first step of the decision support system development in treatment of arterial hypertension.
Results of arterial hypertension diagnostic task by short-term signals of heart rate variability are presented.
The tilt test study was used as the functional load. The peculiarity of this work is application of neural
networks for this task. The different number of hidden layers in the neural networks and different number of
neurons in hidden layers were tested in this study. The classification accuracy of the neural networks was
compared with those of simple machine learning classifiers. The following steps of the decision support
system development are declared.
According to the WHO experts the arterial hyper-
tension is the most frequent pathology of cardio-
vascular system. It is occurring among 15-25% of
adult population. Hypertension is one of the most
important factors of such diseases as coronary heart
disease, stroke and heart failure. The arterial hyper-
tension has a multi-factor origin and for a long time
is asymptomatic. However, fairly soon it might lead
to acute events. Therefore the task of early preclini-
cal diagnostic is relevant (Feng et al., 2014; Mancia
et al., 2013; Mendis et al., 2010).
The arterial hypertension emerges as a result of
regulatory mechanisms disorders of the vascular tone.
The most important indicator of the vascular tone is
the arterial pressure. It is well known that arterial
pressure is supported by the several regulatory
mechanisms, including neuronal and humoral. Here
is the exceptional role of the autonomic nervous
system (ANS).
Often, in accordance with recommendations of
the medical societies, arterial hypertension treatment
consists of several medications. These may lead to
polypragmasy and several side effect (Mancia et al.,
2013). The alternative to the pharmacological
approach is application of the physiotherapy
equipment dedicated to improvement of the
cardiovascular system. The SYMPATHOCOR-01
neuro-electrostimulator is one of such devices. The
device provides correction of the sympathetic
department of the ANS. Through the sympathetic
department the device has constricted control of the
vascular tone (Kublanov et al., 2010). Thereby it is
appropriate to apply in the development of the decision
support system in treatment of arterial hypertension
such methods that allow monitoring current state of the
One of the indirect ways to access functioning of
the ANS is the heart rate variability (HRV). (Kseneva
et al., 2016). Non-invasiveness and easy derivation of
the HRV measurement make it widely studied and
practical tool to monitor ANS function (Zadeh et al.,
2010). The R-R intervals of the ECG signals forms
the Heart Rate Variability (HRV) signals. The digital
HRV signal processing has a long history and
methodological recommendation for practical usage
were reflected in work of various scientific groups in
many countries around the globe (Malik, 1996;
Tarvainen et al., 2014; Ushakov et al., 2013).
Dolganov, A., Kublanov, V., Belo, D. and Gamboa, H.
Development of the Decision Support System in Treatment of Arterial Hypertension - Application of Artificial Neural Networks for Evaluation of Heart Rate Variability Signals.
DOI: 10.5220/0006728903250331
In Proceedings of the 11th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2018) - Volume 4: BIOSIGNALS, pages 325-331
ISBN: 978-989-758-279-0
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
In some works authors suggest that common
features of HRV have low sensitivity. However, joint
application of common features with non-linear
estimations could be of great benefit for more
practical identification of patients at risk
(Chattipakorn et al., 2007)
The Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) Artificial
neural networks is a computing approach, which was
inspired by the functioning of the biological neural
networks. Such approach have proven to be
successful in solving different task on variety of
data(Belova et al., 2007; Lee et al., 2005; Tkacz and
Kostka, 2000). There are several works in which
ANN is applied for HRV signals computing (Patel et
al., 2011; Rajendra Acharya et al., 2003). However,
in that works a limited number of HRV features were
On the other hand, there are works that apply
ANN for classification of arterial hypertension
among people suffering from obesity (Pytel et al.,
2015). There, anthropometric measures were used as
the hypertension indicators. However such approach
does not allows to evaluate dynamic reaction of the
organism on the functional load.
To our knowledge this study is the first attempt to
apply ANN for diagnostic of the arterial hypertension
using big vector of the HRV features. The goal of the
present work is first stage in the development of the
decision support system in treatment of arterial
hypertension. For this in present work classification
accuracy of ANN was evaluated for two groups
relatively healthy volunteers and patients suffering
from arterial hypertension. Additionally, obtained
results were compared with evaluations of other
machine learning classifiers.
2.1 Clinical Data
The clinical data was recorded at the Sverdlovsk
Clinical Hospital of Mental Diseases for Military
Veterans (Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation). This
pilot study had an approval of the local Ethics
Committee (Ural State Medical University,
Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation). The dataset
itself includes the recorded data of 28 healthy people
and 40 patients. All the patients were diagnosed with
the II/III degree of arterial hypertension. All
participants were volunteers and had signed the
participation consent.
The exclusion criteria were: liver failure, kidney
failure, diabetes of I type, diffusion collagen disease,
heart failure of III-IV class (NYHA classification),
respiratory failure, acute impairment of cerebral
circulation (6 month prior to the study), unstable
angina or myocardial infarction (6 month prior to the
study), permanent atrial fibrillation, women during
pregnancy and lactation period.
Electrocardiography (ECG) signals were recorded
by the electroencephalograph-analyzer Encephalan-
131-03” (“Medicom-MTD”, Taganrog, Russian
Federation) in the first limb lead (Kleiger et al.,
2005). After the ECG signal recording the
“Encephalan-131-03” software automatically derive
the HRV signals.
The clinical data was recorded in three functional
states involving the rotating table Lojer (Vammalan
Konepaja DY, Finland). During the first state the
participant calmly lies on the exanimating table (state
F). At the second state the so-called tilt-test is
performed the head end of the table is lifted up to
from the horizontal position (state O). At the final
state the participant returns to the horizontal position
(state K). The functional load was supervised by the
physician. The duration of the signal record in each
state was 300 seconds. In this study only features of
state O were used, as this state was the most efficient
classification accuracy wise (Kublanov et al., 2017).
2.2 Heart Rate Variability Features
Usually in state-of-art works that involve HRV signal
processing the Kubios software package is used to
extract HRV-related features (Tarvainen et al., 2014).
Tables 1-6 present summary of the features used in
this study. That list of features consist of time-domain
(tables 1 and 2) and frequency-domain features (table
3) established by the European Society of Cardiology
(Malik, 1996) as well as relevant non-linear features
(table 4) (Sivanantham and Shenbaga Devi, 2014). In
our study, in addition to commonly used features, the
wavelet transform features were used (tables 5 and 6)
(Egorova et al., 2014). Overall, a comprehensive list
of 64 features was considered.
Before features calculation, the outliers were
removed from the original R-R time series. By
outliers in this study, we have considered values of R-
R time series that differed from the mean of time-
series by more than three times of the standard
deviation. Across the entire signal samples less than
1.7 % of data were removed. This processed version
of the signal will be referred as a NN (Normal-to-
Normal) time series.
NENT 2018 - Special Session on Neuro-electrostimulation in Neurorehabilitation Tasks
Table 1: HRV statistical features.
Mean value of the NN time-series
Heart Rate
Standard Deviation of the NN time-series
Skewness of the NN time-series
Kurtosis of the NN time-series
the Coefficient of Variation
Square Root of the Mean of Squares of the
NN time-series
Variation higher than 50ms in the NN time-
Normalized NN50 by the length of NN time-
Standard Deviation of Differences between
Successive elements in NN time-series
Zero Crossing Rate
Statistical features included general estimation,
like mean and standard deviation. Moreover, there
were HRV-specific ones, which concern interaction
between consequent intervals (Malik, 1996). In table
1 the ZCR feature is evaluated in relation to the mean
value of the NN time series.
Table 2: HRV geometric features.
Mode of the NN time-series
Variation Range
Amplitude of the Mode
Stress Index
Index of Autonomic Balance
Autonomic Rhythm Index
Index of Adequate Regulation
St. George Index
The triangular Index
In table 2 the standard features are the mode,
amplitude of the mode, variation range and St.
George Index (Malik, 1996). Remaining features are
calculated using the standard ones, in accordance
with recommendations (Baevskiy, 2001).
In the case of the Fourier and wavelet transform
evaluation, the original R-R intervals were
interpolated, for a corresponding sampling frequency
of 10Hz, using cubic splines before the spectral
analysis (De Boor, 1978). For the wavelet transform
computation the Gaussian wavelet of the 8-th order
was used (Mallat, 2009). Main frequency components
of HRV are: high frequency (HF), from 0.15 to 0.4
Hz; low frequency (LF), from 0.04 to 0.15 Hz; very
low frequency (VLF), from 0.003 to 0.04 Hz.
Table 3: HRV Fourier spectral features.
High Frequency Fourier Spectral Power
Low Frequency Fourier Spectral Power
Very Low Frequency Fourier Spectral
Total Power of the Fourier Spectrum
Autonomic Balance Exponent Power of
the Fourier Spectrum
Maximum power of the HF
Normalized Power of the HF Fourier
Normalized Power of the LF Fourier
Normalized Power of the VLF Fourier
Index of Centralization
Index of the Subcortical Nervous Center’s
the maximal power of the HF spectral
Respiration Frequency
the maximal power of the LF spectral
the frequency that corresponds to the
the maximal power of the VLF spectral
the frequency that corresponds to the
In table 4 the SD1 and SD2 values are evaluated
for the Poincare plot graph of the NN time-series,
when each interval is plotted against the following
interval. The Entropy indexes are indicators of the
time series complexity and regularity (Yentes et al.,
Table 4: HRV non-linear features.
Shannon entropy
Shannon entropy of the interpolated time-
Approximate Entropy
Sample Entropy
Standard Deviation perpendicular the line-
Standard Deviation along the line-of-identity
Ratio of Poincare Plot’s Standard Deviations
In table 5, in addition to the common HRV
spectral features, the Standard Deviations and
Shannon entropies of the time series, obtained by the
wavelet transform are presented.
Development of the Decision Support System in Treatment of Arterial Hypertension - Application of Artificial Neural Networks for
Evaluation of Heart Rate Variability Signals
Table 5: HRV wavelet spectral features.
High Frequency Wavelet Spectral Power
Low Frequency Wavelet Spectral Power
Very Low Frequency Wavelet Spectral
Total Power of the Wavelet Spectrum
Normalized Power of the HF Wavelet
Normalized Power of the LF Wavelet
Normalized Power of the VLF Wavelet
Autonomic Balance Exponent Power of
the Wavelet Spectrum
Mean High Frequency Wavelet Spectral
Mean Low Frequency Wavelet Spectral
Mean Very Low Frequency Wavelet
Spectral Power
Standard deviation of the HF(t) Wavelet
time series
Standard deviation of the LF(t) Wavelet
time series
Standard deviation of the VLF(t) Wavelet
time series
Shannon entropy of the HF(t) Wavelet
time series
Shannon entropy of the LF(t) Wavelet
time series
Shannon entropy of the VLF(t) Wavelet
time series
Table 6 presents features of the (LF/HF)[t]
informational characteristics. (LF/HF)[t] is the
continuous function of the LF/HF ratio, obtained by
means of the wavelet analysis. Local dysfunctions of
this function represent relevant information of the
functional changes during the loads. The
effectiveness of such features was shown previously
in (Egorova et al., 2014).
Table 6: HRV wavelet dysfunctions features.
Maximal value of dysfunctions
Intensity of dysfunctions
Number of dysfunctions
the number of dysfunctions divided by
the length of the (LF/HF)[t].
All 64 features for all 68 subjects have formed
single matrix of features X (matrix size 68x64). In
addition, the class matrix was created (matrix size
68x2): for relatively healthy volunteers the line in
matrix is (1,0); for patients suffering from arterial
hypertension is (0,1).
2.3 Artificial Neural Networks
The ANN learn a set of parameters that are adjusted
to the input data, while comparing the their prediction
with the output in the training phase. In current work,
several Multilayer Perceptrons (MLP) with different
number of hidden layers and neurons were
considered. The general view of the used neural
networks structure is presented on figure 1.
Figure 1: Neural networks schematic.
Neural networks were used as the classifier: based
on the input matrix X the network is expected to
define affiliation to either group of healthy volunteers
or patients suffering from arterial hypertension. Input
layer consists of 64 nodes neurons. Each node
represents one of the considered heart rate variability
features. Prior to feeding the features to the network,
the feature vector was normalized to have a zero mean
value and uniform standard deviation (Sola and
Sevilla, 1997).
Output layer consisted of 2 neurons; one neuron is
responsible for defining affiliation to group of healthy
volunteers, second is responsible for defining
affiliation to the group of patients. Therefore, the
network is expected to give an answer (1,0) if the
subject belongs to the group of healthy volunteers,
and to give an answer (0,1) if the subject belongs to
the group of patients suffering from the arterial
hypertension. The number of neurons in the hidden
layers varied. Two types of neural networks were
analyzed: with one hidden layer, and with two hidden
layers. In addition number of neurons in each layer
varied from 1 to 64.
In order to define weights and biases the back
propagation method was used. The learning method
was set to be 0.1. As the stopping criteria the maximal
error level was used, which should not suppress 0.01.
Input Layer
Output Layer
Hidden Layers
NENT 2018 - Special Session on Neuro-electrostimulation in Neurorehabilitation Tasks
Maximal number of iterations was set to be 10000.
However, all networks configuration converged
prior. As the activation function the logistic function
was used. One of the features of this function is
relative easiness of prime evaluation (Demuth et al.,
2014; Hornik et al., 1989; Schmidhuber, 2015) .
In order to evaluate efficacy of the network
configuration, the leave-one-out cross-validation
(LOOCV) technique was used. LOOCV is the so-
called exhaustive cross-validation type which uses
one of the observations in the dataset as the test set,
while remaining data is used as the training set. This
procedure is repeated for all the observations in the
dataset (Refaeilzadeh et al., 2009). The total accuracy
(ACC) is evaluated as the number of correctly
predicted test set during whole LOOCV application.
Using the LOOCV approach allows one to prevent
overfitting on the training set while evaluating
classification efficacy on the external data.
In our previous works (Kublanov et al., 2017) we
have analyzed the following machine learning
classifiers linear and quadratic discriminant
analysis (LDA and QDA); k-nearest neighbors (k-
NN), for k = 3,4,5; Decision Tree (DT) and Naïve
Bayes (NB). The table presents results of the
classification using all features for different
Table 7: Classifiers accuracy, %.
Data in table show that application of all features
gives unsatisfactory results for all tested classifiers.
Therefore it is appropriate to search for way to
improve classification accuracy.
Firstly, the ANN classification accuracy was
evaluated for single hidden neuron configuration.
Results of the single layer configurations evaluation
accuracy are summarized on figure 2.
The minimal accuracy among all 64
configurations was 82.4; maximal 85.3; average
83.96. The maximal accuracy was achieved by 16
different configurations and includes (13, 19, 20, 23,
27, 30, 31, 41, 43, 49, 50, 53, 56, 57, 62, 63) neurons
in hidden layer. Overall the single hidden layer
configuration has consistent results.
Figure 2: Single hidden layer classification accuracy.
Then, the possibilities of the two hidden layers
configuration was evaluated. Results of the two layer
configurations evaluation accuracy are summarized
on figure 3.
Figure 3: Two hidden layer classification accuracy.
The minimal accuracy among all 4096
configurations was 79.4; maximal 86.8; average
83.26. The maximal accuracy was achieved by 38
different configurations.
It is worthy to point out that, all configurations,
studied in this work have shown result higher than
simple classifiers while using all features. Obtained
in this work accuracy is comparable with those
presented in (Pytel et al., 2015). However, in men-
tioned work, the anthropometric features were used.
This reduce application for the dynamic reaction
evaluation to the neuro-electrostimulation.
It is worthy to point out that the highest accura-cy,
when using only features in state F, was 72.1 %. This
furthermore highlights the importance of the tilt-test
in the arterial hypertension diagnosing.
However the overall accuracy can be still
improved. One of the possible solutions is prior
application of the efficient features selection.
Development of the Decision Support System in Treatment of Arterial Hypertension - Application of Artificial Neural Networks for
Evaluation of Heart Rate Variability Signals
The present works shows results of the artificial
neural networks application in task of the arterial
hypertension diagnostics. The distinctive feature of
the present work is application of the heart rate
variability signals data recorded during tilt-test study.
The vector of 64 time-domain, frequency-domain and
non-linear features was used. The results, obtained in
this work will become foundation of the decision
support system in treatment of arterial hypertension.
Results of this study showed, that application of
Artificial Neural Networks reaches higher
classification accuracy results than such machine
learning classifiers as discriminant analysis, Naïve
Bayes, Decision Tree, Nearest Neighbors. Relatively
high values of accuracy were obtained 86.8. We
want to point out that this work was the first step in
the neural networks application study. In the
following we are interested in continuing more
complex networks that could perform prior features
selection for accuracy improvement. One of the
possible ways of the future development is usage of
different networks architectures, like auto-encoding,
for dimension reduction (Hinton and Salakhutdinov,
The next step in the development of the decision
support system in treatment of arterial hypertension is
evaluation of the treatment efficiency. We are
planning to evaluate efficiency of the standard
pharmacological therapy and neuro-
electrostimulation by the SYMPATHOCOR-01
device. Such study will allow to estimate possibility
of the proposed system application for evaluation of
the treatment efficiency and prognosis of the
treatment process.
The work was supported by Act 211 Government of
the Russian Federation, contract № 02.A03.21.0006.
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Development of the Decision Support System in Treatment of Arterial Hypertension - Application of Artificial Neural Networks for
Evaluation of Heart Rate Variability Signals