visits to the patients; configure the individual
monitoring parameters for each patient; provide an
overall perspective of the patients’ population while
the team operates in a mobility context; support the
coordination of forwarding the patients throughout
the healthcare system units.
3.2.4 Management Web Application
The management application will be used by the
ACES to plan and coordinate the program of
palliative caring. It should provide information
regarding: the evolution of the patients’ support
service; a view of the geographic localization of the
patients and the team visits; a perspective of the
routes of the patients thought the units of healthcare
system; the management of the ECSCP visits routes.
This paper reports the inception of a project to use
ICT as tool to further improve the results of a
multidisciplinary palliatives care team, about to be
introduced by the national healthcare system. The
case of Douro Sul II presents a context which is
particularly appealing due to the geographic
dispersion, isolation and aging of the population. This
scenario might benefit from the introduction of
remote monitoring and other telematics related tools.
A first beta deployment is schedule to early 2018 and
the further developments will be incremental and
based on the results of each successive iteration. That
way, we expect to better understand the problem and
to better design an ICT solution.
This work was supported by Project "NIE – Natural
Interfaces for the Elderly/ NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-
024048" financed by the Foundation for the Science
and Technology (FCT) and through the European
Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
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