A method for R complex detection in ECG signals
is presented. The proposed method has a significant
effect on the detection of R-peaks and outperforms
other methods. The paper proposed a system capable
of detecting the representative R-peaks in an ECG,
taking as test cases the MIT-BIH arrhythmia database
and the Single Lead Heart Rate Monitor sensor. This
detection is necessary for the analysis and diagnosis
of several cardiac abnormalities. However, because of
several artifacts and the variable morphology of each
person’s ECG signal, different techniques have been
applied for the R-peak detection.
Different stages have been applied in the devel-
opment of the R-peak detection method, such as im-
plementation of a bandpass filter (for the signal from
the MIT-BIH arrhythmia database), the first deriva-
tive, the Hilbert transform, and the adaptive threshold
The developed system enables the identification of
R-peaks in ECG signals. However, there are several
potential directions for future research. Therefore, the
following directions for future research are porposed:
• Real-time signal classification to identify different
types of arrhythmias.
• System implementation in mobile devices for mo-
bile telemedicine.
• Signal averaging to enhance the representative
waves of ECG signals.
This project is supported by Research Grant No.
DSA/103.5/16/10473 awarded by PRODEP and the
Autonomous University of Ciudad Juarez. Title - De-
tection of Cardiac Arrhythmia Patterns through Adap-
tive Analysis.
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