Towards a Decision Support System for Disorders of the
Cardiovascular System
Diagnosing and Evaluation of the Treatment Efficiency
Anton Dolganov and Vladimir Kublanov
Ural Federal University, Mira 19, 620002, Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Keywords: Decision Support, Machine Learning, Feature Selection, Arterial Hypertension, Heart Rate Variability.
Abstract: The study describes a preliminary stage of the decision support system development for cardiovascular
system disorders. As the clinical model of the disorders, the arterial hypertension was used. The study
consisted of two steps: diagnosing of the arterial hypertension and an evaluation of the treatment efficiency
during the neuro-electrostimulation application. For the diagnosing part, a clinical study was conducted
involving heart rate variability signals recording while performing tilt-test functional load. Performance of
different machine learning techniques and feature selection strategies in task of binary classification
(healthy volunteers and patients suffering from arterial hypertension) were compared. The genetic
programming feature selection and quadratic discriminant analysis classifier reached the highest
classification accuracy. Best feature combinations were used to evaluate a treatment efficiency. The results
indicate the potential of the proposed decision support system.
When human organism is normal, the cardiovascular
system function as coherent whole. One can
highlight etiological factors among variety of
reasons causing disorders of the cardiovascular
system normal functioning. These factors mainly
affect the vascular wall, changing its structure and
causing disorder of the vascular tone. The vascular
tone is essential for organism adaptation to the
constantly changing environment(Mohr et al., 2011).
Disorders of the cardiovascular system can be
subtle for a rather long time. However, abruptly they
can lead to the acute impairments. According to the
World Health Organization data, the heart failure
and insult remain the leading causes of death in the
world (Mendis et al., 2011). Therefore, the task of
the early pre-clinical express diagnosing is relevant.
Among the challenges in the diagnosing of the
cardiovascular system disorders are the situational
changes, like stress.
Thus it is apropriate to develop a objective
decision support system. In present work arterial
hypertension is used as a clinical model for
cardiovascular system disorders. The following tasks
are considered: application of the machine learning
techniques for diagnosing of the arterial
hypertension and evaluation of the neuro-
electrostimulation treatment efficiency.
As noted in World Health Organization (WHO,
2013) arterial hypertension is among the most
frequent cardio-vascular pathologies and occurs in
around 15-20% of the elderly population. The
hypertension is considered to be among the most
prominent factors of the heart failure, insult and
coronary failure. Therefore arterial hypertension is
suitable clinical model of the cardiovascular
The nature of the arterial hypertension is
multifactorial. The hypertension arises as the
disorder of the vascular wall tone. The vascular
tone’s most important feature is the arterial pressure.
This is, in turn controlled by the regulatory
mechanisms within the autonomic nervous system
(ANS) (Kseneva et al., 2016).
The heart rate variability (HRV) is one of the
indirect means of the ANS monitoring. The heart
Dolganov A. and Kublanov V.
Towards a Decision Support System for Disorders of the Cardiovascular System - Diagnosing and Evaluation of the Treatment Efficiency.
DOI: 10.5220/0006753407270733
In Proceedings of the 11th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (HEALTHINF 2018), pages 727-733
ISBN: 978-989-758-281-3
2018 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
rate varies from beat to beat. This is caused by the
constant adaptation processes, which are launched
by the ANS to keep balance of the cardiovascular
system. The HRV reflects the functioning of the
cardiovascular system and regulatory mechanisms of
the organism, as well as the ratio between
sympathetic and parasympathetic departments of the
ANS. Changes of the HRV features can be
preemptive indicators of the health disorders
(Ahmad et al., 2009).
It is worthy to stress out evaluation of the HRV
features during the functional loads. This has a range
of advantages as it allows minimizing the personal
differences and estimating the direction of the
changes. As an example of the functional load one
can consider the tilt-test(Ducla-Soares et al., 2007).
The tilt-test is an experimental way to test organism
reaction on the crossover from the horizontal
position to the vertical one (head up). Usually the
rotating table is used for this load. Among the
benefits of the rotating table application is increased
sensitivity, improved reproducibility of conditions
and results, safety and possibility to control the
angle of the rotation as well as its speed. Finally it
reduces the noise of the biomedical signals
registration, as it prevents active body movement
(Turk et al., 2010).
The organism reaction to the tilt-test is well
studied for both, healthy persons and in case of the
some pathologies. As studied are the systems that
are activated as the response of the cardiovascular
system. Therefore one can compare changes of the
HRV during the tilt-test with the well-known
physiological reactions of the cardiovascular system.
The pilot clinical study was approved by the local
Ethics Committee in Ural State Medical University,
Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation (protocol 8
from 15 October 2015). 68 people have participated
in the study: 28 healthy people and 40 patients. All
the patients were diagnosed with the II/III degree of
arterial hypertension. All participants were
volunteers, listened to the detailed explanation of the
study stages and had signed the written participation
consent. The clinical study itself took place at the
Sverdlovsk Clinical Hospital of Mental Diseases for
Military Veterans (Yekaterinburg, Russian
The following exclusion criteria were considered
for the patients: liver, respiratory or kidney failure,
diabetes of I type, diffusion collagen disease, heart
failure of III-IV class (by the NYHA classification),
acute impairment of cerebral circulation (6 month
prior to the study), unstable angina or myocardial
infarction (6 month prior to the study), permanent
atrial fibrillation. Women during pregnancy and
lactation period were also not included in the
participation group.
Patients suffering from arterial were taking
standard pharmacological therapy –angiotensin-
converting-enzyme inhibitor, calcium channel
blockers, and diuretics in the medium therapeutic
doses. As an addition to the pharmacological therapy
the methods of the physiotherapy can apply which
are directed to the normalization of the autonomic
regulation and improvement of the cardiovascular
system functioning. The SYMPATHOCOR-01
neuro-electrostimulator (registration certificate
FCR 2007/00757) is one of such devices. The neuro-
electrostimulator can control the vascular tone by
means of the sympathetic nervous system correction
(Petrenko et al., 2017).
During the study the electrocardiography (ECG)
signals were recorded by the electroencephalograph-
analyzer “Encephalan-131-03” (“Medicom-MTD”,
Taganrog, Russian Federation) in the first limb lead
(Kleiger et al. 2005). Afterwards the ECG signal
recording the “Encephalan-131-03” software
automatically derives the HRV signals.
The clinical data was recorded in three functional
states involving the rotating table Lojer (Vammalan
Konepaja DY, Finland). During the first state the
participants were calmly lying on the exanimating
table (state F). At the second state the tilt-test was
performed – the head end of the table is lifted up to
from the horizontal position (state O). At the
final state the participant returns to the horizontal
position (state K). The duration of the signal record
in each state was 300 seconds. The whole study was
supervised by a physician.
4.1 Heart Rate Variability Features
That list of 64 HRV features in this study consisted
of time-domain and frequency-domain features
established by the European Society of Cardiology
(Malik, 1996; Tarvainen et al., 2014) as well as
relevant non-linear features (Sivanantham and
Shenbaga Devi, 2014). In our study, in addition to
commonly used features, the wavelet transform
features were used (Egorova et al., 2014). The
detailed list of the features was described in our
previous works on this topic (Vladimir Kublanov et
al., 2017).
Even though getting as much features from the
signal is vital, one should also consider proper
feature selection to avoid using redundant data
(Thangavel and Pethalakshmi, 2009). In this work
HRV features in three functional states were used
for the diagnosing of the arterial hypertension. In
particular the classification task was solved by
means of different machine learning techniques.
4.2 Machine Learning Techniques
The aim of the study was to evaluate variety of
machine learning techniques which are based on the
different core principles. In particular, the
considered machine learning techniques included:
Linear and Quadratic Discriminant Analysis
(LDA and QDA) – are based on the finding the
separating hyperplane, either linear or
quadratic(Cacoullos, 2014);
k-Nearest Neighbors (k-NN) – analyzing the
similarity between the closet objects in the
training subset (Peterson, 2009);
Decision Trees (DT) – representation of the
classification rule as an hierarchical sequence of
Boolean blocks «if…then…» (Rokach and
Maimon, 2008)
Naïve Bayes classifier (NB) – taking into
account posterior probabilities of the dataset,
with additional assumptions of the independency
of the features (Ng and Jordan, 2002).
As different machine learning techniques are
involved one have to use similar metric to compare
classification efficacy. For this, the leave-one-out
cross-validation (LOOCV) metric was used.
LOOCV implies using one of the observations in the
dataset as the test set, while the remaining data is
used as the training set. This procedure is repeated
for all the observations in the dataset. Application of
LOOCV procedure tends to minimize overfitting as
the efficacy is estimated on the external data,
previously not shown to the classifier (Zhang and
Yang, 2015).
4.3 Feature Selection Strategies
The principal component analysis (PCA) procedure
is commonly used to reveal internal structure of the
data by converting original features into set of
principal components – linearly uncorrelated
features combinations. This is a dimension reduction
technique, as it allows to project original features
dataset into a smaller number of principal
components. The first principal component is
selected in a way that it has the highest possible
variance of the dataset (Jolliffe, 2002).
The exhaustive search is guaranteed to find the
most optimal solution, in our case combination of
features with the highest classification accuracy.
However there is obvious limitation – time to
evaluate all the possible combinations. As example
the number of 5-combinations in 64 features set
extends 7 million. At the same time number of 5-
combinations in 128 features set (features of two
different states used simultaneously) is over 250
million. In order to reduce the search space it was
suggested to consider only such combinations that
are formed by features with low correlation
coefficient (less than 0.25). It is acceptable
restriction for HRV features, as part of them are
duplicates in the mathematic aspects as well as in the
biological interpretation (V. S. Kublanov et al.,
The greedy search algorithm core principle is to
take on each iteration the most optimal decision
(Ruiz and Stützle, 2007). In our study at the first
step, classification efficiency of all features is
evaluated separately. The feature with the highest
classification accuracy is selected. On the second
step, combinations of the selected feature with the
remaining ones are evaluated. The combination with
the highest classification accuracy is selected. The
algorithm is repeated until all features are picked on
the classification accuracy decreases.
As alternative to the exhaustive search the
genetic programming (GP) can be used. This
heuristic approach - involves application of the
Darwin’s evolutionary strategies for improvement of
the task’s solution (Koza, 1992). In this work the
binary encoding was picked. The ratio between main
genetic operations (copy, crossover, mutation) was
1:2:7. The initial population was 100 randomly
picked 3-combinations of the non-correlated
features. Maximal number of generations – 20.
Overall the evolution was repeated for 50 times (V.
Kublanov et al., 2017).
5.1 Arterial Hypertension Diagnosing
In the study the classification accuracy of two
groups – healthy and patients suffering from arterial
hypertension was evaluated for each of the machine
learning technique. Table 1 presents maximal
classification accuracy, reached by each of the
classifiers for different feature selection strategies. It
is worthy to point out, that different datasets were
considered: features of the single functional state (F,
O or K), features in two functional states (F-O, F-K,
O-K) and features in three functional states (F-O-K).
Table 1: Maximal Classification Accuracy, %.
Feature Selection LDA QDA 3-NN 4-NN 5-NN DT NB
ll features 73.5 66.2 76.5 79.4 79.4 76.5 70.6
PCA 86.8 83.8 83.8 82.4 86.8 77.9 76.5
89.7 91.2 91.2 89.7 91.2 95.6 92.6
Greedy algorithm 94.1 95.6 91.2 91.2 92.6 94.1 94.1
95.6 98.5 91.2 91.2 92.6 97.0 97.1
In case when all features were used the maximal
accuracy was achieved by NN classifiers when F-O
features were used. It is worthy to point out, that all
highest results were obtained in those cases, when
features of state O were included. However, the
highest classification accuracy is capped at 79,4 in
this case. Therefore it is appropriate to optimize
inclusion of the features.
When PCA was used the classification accuracy
was evaluated using combinations of first 10
principal components. The explained variance was
not less than 0.80. Similarly, high classification
accuracy was reached, when features of state O were
involved. The highest results were obtained by the
LDA classifier, using 9 first principles components
of features O-K; by the 5-NN classifier, using first 8
components of state O.
The semi-optimal search on the non-correlated
space was limited due to number of combinations.
Therefore, only combinations including up to 5
features were considered. Again, the highest
classification accuracy was associated with the state
O (around 90 %). When features of states F and K
were used separately, the results were comparable to
those of PCA. Overall, the DT classifier with the
following combination F EnInterp, O HFn f, K
fVLFmax, K SDLF, reached the highest
classification accuracy. Here EnInterp is the
Shannon Entropy of interpolated time-series, HFn f
– normalized spectral power of High Frequency
band, evaluated by means of the Fast-Fourier
transform, VLFmax – maximum of the Very Low
Frequency spectral power, SDLF – standard
deviation of the Low Frequency time-series derived
by the wavelet transform. Even though, the accuracy
improved the question was open – are these the best
possible results or they can be improved by adding
additional features?
As can be noted from the results in table 1,
application of the greedy algorithm allows
improving results of the LDA, QDA and NB, due to
increase of the used features. For example, the QDA
classification accuracy improved up to the 95.6%
when using 6 features of the F-O. However, this
approach does not guarantee the optimal solution, as
results of the DT classifiers have become slightly
worse. Because of that, the genetic programming
paradigm was used.
Data in last row in table 1 show that application
of the genetic programming allowed to improve
classification accuracy for all machine learning
techniques but nearest neighbors. The highest
accuracy – 98.5% – was reached by the QDA
classifier. Actually, four combinations reached such
accuracy. They are presented in table 2. These
combinations were selected for evaluation of the
treatment process efficiency.
Table 2: Best Features Combinations for Arterial
Hypertension Diagnosing.
Combination id Features
F SI F EnInterp O kurtosis O ZCR O LF/HF f
O RF O f(LFmax) O f(VLFmax) O LFn wt K HR K
f(LFmax) K VLFmax K EnHF K EnVLF
F SI F EnInterp O HR O kurtosis O LF/HF f O RF O
f(VLFmax) O LFn wt O EnVLF
HF wt
F SI F EnInterp O kurtosis O ZCR O LF/HF f
O RF O f(LFmax) O f(VLFmax) O LFn wt
O EnVLF K f(LFmax) K VLFmax K EnHF K
F SI F EnInterp O kurtosis O ZCR O LF/HF f
O RF O f(LFmax) O f(VLFmax) O LFn wt
O EnVLF K HR K f(LFmax) K VLFmax K EnHF K
In table 2, SI, is the Stress Index; ZCR is the
zero-crossing rate (in relation to the mean of the R-R
time series); LF/HF – ratio of the Low and High
Frequency spectral bands; f(LFmax) and f(VLFmax)
are the frequencies, corresponding to the maximums
of the Low and Very Low Frequency spectral power
respectively; LFn normalized spectral power of High
Frequency band; HR is Heart Rate, EnHF and
EnVLF are the entropies of the High and Very Low
Frequency time-series derived by the wavelet
transform; RF is the respiration frequency
(frequency, corresponding to the maximum of the
High Frequency spectral power). The f affix denotes
features evaluated by means of the Fast-Fourier
transform; wt affix denotes features evaluated by
means of the wavelet transform.
5.2 Evaluation of the Treatment
In order to evaluate efficiency of the treatment
process HRV features of eight patients were
analyzed. Data of these patients was not previously
used for the evaluations in chapter 5.1. The HRV
signals were registered in accordance with the
description, presented in chapter 3. Biomedical
signals were registered several times: the initial
registration; after a single procedure of the
SYMPATHOCOR-01 device neuro-
electrostimulation; after five procedures of the
SYMPATHOCOR-01 device neuro-
electrostimulation. The neuro-electrostimulation
procedures were performed in accordance with the
dynamic correction of the sympathetic nervous
system methodology (Petrenko et al., 2015).
First of all, it is worthy to point out that all eight
patients were classified by the combinations
QDA-(1-4) as ones, suffering from arterial
hypertension. This was in line with the physician
diagnosing. After that dynamics of the distance, until
the separating hyperplane, was analyzed. The
estimates were compared with data of the arterial
pressure changes.
In order to evaluate arterial pressure not less than
two measurements on each arm was done. Interval
between each measurement was not less than 2
minutes. If there was difference more than 5 mmHg
than additional, measurement took place. The lowest
measurement was taken as the final one (Mancia et
al., 2013).
Table 3 presents correlation coefficients of the
systolic and diastolic arterial pressure (Ads and
ADd), with the distance, until the separating
hyperplane, evaluated using features combinations
Table 3: Correlation of the HRV Features Prediction with
the Arterial Pressure Dynamic.
QDA-1 QDA -2 QDA -3 QDA -4
ADs 0,714 0,700 0,708 0,707
ADd 0,798 0,779 0,795 0,795
Presented in table 3 data has high degree of
significance (p-value <0,0001). The obtained results
highlights agreement between HRV features and
arterial pressure. The actual dynamic of the
evaluations shows a tendency toward the healthy
people. This was in line with physician comments
and subjective feeling of the patients.
Development of the decision support system is the
emerging area. There are works that use
anthropometric data to classify arterial hypertension.
However, despite having relatively high accuracy
there are some limitations. As we think the most
significant is limited possibility to quantify
dynamics of the physiological changes during the
treatment (Pytel et al., 2015).
Systems, which are based only on the data of
arterial pressure, also have limitations. The single
measurement of the arterial pressure does not always
correctly reflect current functional state. Features of
the arterial pressure can be distorted by the stress
situations (including the white coat hypertension) or
circadian rhythms.
Heart rate variability features are less susceptible
to such changes, as they are, essentially averaged
over a relatively long time interval. In addition,
application of the functional load allows to ‘direct
functional changes. Lastly the proposed procedure
allows preventing stress situations, as it is in fact, 15
minutes of lying.
Within the study, it was multiple times noted that
features of the state O (tilt-test), have the higher
classification possibilities. This fact confirms
feasibility of such functional load application.
In present works, pilot results of the neuro-
electrostimulation device SYMPATHOCOR-01
application were obtained. The device can be used as
the physiotherapeutic method for treatment of the
arterial hypertension. However, in order to
accurately evaluate applicability of the device one
has to conduct full-scale clinical double-blind
studies. This is not within the tasks of present study.
The limitation of the present study can be
relatively small clinical data sample. However,
preliminary results of the study on data, not used for
the classifiers training, demonstrate potential of the
proposed system. In future studies, our research
group is interested in conductance of the additional
studies on a bigger data sample. Moreover it is
possible to improve results by means of bagging,
boosting and stacking as it was shown in .
The present work described initial steps of the
decision support system development for
cardiovascular system disorders. The arterial
hypertension was used as the clinical model.
At first, the diagnosing accuracy was evaluated.
For that heart rate variability signal were registered
during the tilt-test functional load. The heart rate
variability is one of the indirect means to assess
functioning of the autonomic nervous system,
which, in turn, is essential in the pathogenesis of the
arterial hypertension
Possibilities of different machine learning
techniques were analyzed, in particular linear and
quadratic discriminant analysis, k-nearest neighbors,
decision trees and Naïve Bayes classifier. Various
feature selection techniques were tested: principal
component analysis, semi-optimal search on non-
correlated features space, greedy algorithm and
genetic programming. It was noted that the genetic
programming feature selection and quadratic
discriminant analysis classifier reached the highest
classification accuracy.
Best feature combinations were used to evaluate
treatment efficiency during the neuro-
electrostimulation by the SYMPATHOCOR-01
device. The results highlight significant agreement
of the heart rate variability with the arterial pressure
The accumulated during the present study
groundwork will become a basis for a decision
support system for disorders of the cardiovascular
The work was supported by Act 211 Government of
the Russian Federation, contract 02.A03.21.0006.
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