The present work described initial steps of the
decision support system development for
cardiovascular system disorders. The arterial
hypertension was used as the clinical model.
At first, the diagnosing accuracy was evaluated.
For that heart rate variability signal were registered
during the tilt-test functional load. The heart rate
variability is one of the indirect means to assess
functioning of the autonomic nervous system,
which, in turn, is essential in the pathogenesis of the
arterial hypertension
Possibilities of different machine learning
techniques were analyzed, in particular linear and
quadratic discriminant analysis, k-nearest neighbors,
decision trees and Naïve Bayes classifier. Various
feature selection techniques were tested: principal
component analysis, semi-optimal search on non-
correlated features space, greedy algorithm and
genetic programming. It was noted that the genetic
programming feature selection and quadratic
discriminant analysis classifier reached the highest
classification accuracy.
Best feature combinations were used to evaluate
treatment efficiency during the neuro-
electrostimulation by the SYMPATHOCOR-01
device. The results highlight significant agreement
of the heart rate variability with the arterial pressure
The accumulated during the present study
groundwork will become a basis for a decision
support system for disorders of the cardiovascular
The work was supported by Act 211 Government of
the Russian Federation, contract № 02.A03.21.0006.
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