
Most of these problems could be overcome, as it is of-
ten with machine learning based techniques, if more
samples of the training data were available. Addition-
ally, some image pre-processing could be helpful here
to increase local contrast in dark areas. Nevertheless,
the obtained preliminary results are undoubtedly en-
In this work, we present a method of automatic local-
ization of the neuron nucleuses in the images acquired
with fluorescent microscope. This method is based on
the convolutional neural network which is trained to
act as a non-linear filter. These filtration results are
analyzed further to indicate possible localizations of
nucleuses. An original element of the presented work
is the way a CNN concept was used for the filtration
task. Also the result evaluation technique can be con-
sidered as an interesting idea for similar works. This
approach allowed not only to objectively measure the
quality of the proposed solution, but to find the op-
timal parameters used in the second phase of the de-
scribed approach as well.
The obtained results leave a lot of space for fur-
ther improvement. Some of the possible ideas were
already mentioned in the previous section. To im-
prove the filtration results, maybe the number of pos-
itive and negative samples could be increased. There
is no problem with the second group, but for obvi-
ous reasons the number of positive samples is lim-
ited. The main attempt to overcome this problem was
taking into account all 4 rotations of these samples.
This, however, may not cover the whole variety of
visible structures, since CNN is not invariant to input
rotation. To solve this problem, CNN modification
described in (Tarasiuk and Pryczek, 2016) may be of
use. Data augmentation methods, such as brightness
and contrast modifications or local elastic deforma-
tions, can be of use here as well. Also a bigger visual
field could allow the filter to take more information
about the pixel surrounding into account. All those
aspects are under further investigation.
This project has been partly funded with support from
National Science Centre, Republic of Poland, deci-
sion number DEC-2012/05/D/ST6/03091.
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KALSIMIS 2018 - Special Session on Knowledge Acquisition and Learning in Semantic Interpretation of Medical Image Structures