This paper investigates deep classifier structures
with stacked autoencoder for higher-level feature
extraction. The proposed approach can overcome
possible overfitting and vanishing/exploding
gradient problems in deep learning with limited
training data. It is evident from the experimental
results that the deep multilayer perceptron trained
using the proposed three-stage learning algorithm
significantly outperformed the pre-trained stacked
autoencoder with support vector machine classifier.
Also, it can be seen that the proposed method (M3)
has much smaller difference between testing
accuracy and training accuracy than methods M1
and M2, which can be regarded as evidence of less
serious overfitting in the proposed method.
Preliminary experimental results have demonstrated
the advantages of the proposed method. Further
tests on this algorithm would be applied to deep
neural networks with more layers and hopefully
would beef up the performance of these networks.
Also, tests with other applications would be
conducted in future investigations.
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