original approach in (Wohlkinger et al., 2012), which
is, to the best of our knowledge, the best result on this
dataset. Neural network-based approaches, like the
one we used here, are, however, much faster. Also,
PointNet architecture was used mostly for processing
of full 3D data, and not partial scans, as we use it
here. On the Cat200 subset of the 3DNet dataset,
which is significantly more computationally involved,
we couldn’t reach the same level of accuracy as re-
ported in (Wohlkinger et al., 2012); arguably, due to
GPU memory limitations. Generally, it would be inte-
resting to see a result analogous to those obtained on
the famous ImageNet classification challenge, on a si-
milar dataset of 3D objects or depth scans from depth
sensors. We are aware of several related challenges
on the ShapeNet collection (Chang et al., 2015), but
not for classification.
There are, of course, similar approaches to object
recognition and detection in scenes, also based on ge-
nerated views of 3D models of objects. However, they
are mostly based on volumetric or multi-view repre-
sentations, which can, arguably, be less practical in
certain applications. Also, here we were interested in
evaluating the performance on the specialized point
cloud classification problem; namely, if a classifica-
tion method performs well, especially the one based
on neural networks, it can be used as a basis for more
interesting problems of object detection (recognition)
in more complex scenes. For example, such approa-
ches were used for object detection in both RGB and
RGB-D images; however, that is still a very active
area of research.
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tian Science Foundation under the project number IP-
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