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ner’s deep learning model.
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ture at a time but also groups of features. Any removal
led to moderate performance drop. The significance
drop happened when the BoW feature was removed.
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ted from the article heading and article tail. As dis-
cussed both parts either introduce or summarize argu-
ments and are likely to capture what is said in the he-
adline. Overall every feature plays a role in the clas-
sification. We showed that some features play role in
the first step (distinguishing between related and unre-
lated pairs) and others play at discriminating between
agree, disagree and discuss classes.
Our immediate future work will be to use stance to
perform judgments about fake news. We will investi-
gate how stance can be integrate for the fake news
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The Fake News Challenge: Stance Detection using Traditional Machine Learning Approaches