The Fake News Challenge: Stance Detection using Traditional Machine
Learning Approaches
Razan Masood and Ahmet Aker
Department of Information Engineering, University of Duisburg-Essen, Duisburg, Germany
Fake News, Stance Detection, Traditional Machine Learning, Feature Engineering.
Fake news has caused sensation lately, and this term is the Collins Dictionary Word of the Year 2017. As
the news are disseminated very fast in the era of social networks, an automated fact checking tool becomes
a requirement. However, a fully automated tool that judges a claim to be true or false is always limited in
functionality, accuracy and understandability. Thus, an alternative suggestion is to collaborate a number of
analysis tools in one platform which help human fact checkers and normal users produce better judging based
on many aspects. A stance detection tool is a first stage of an online challenge that aims to detect fake news.
The goal is to determine the relative perspective of a news article towards its title. In this paper, we tackle the
challenge of stance detection by utilizing traditional machine learning algorithms along with problem specific
feature engineering. Our results show that these models outperform the best outcomes of the participating
solutions which mainly use deep learning models.
Fake news is one of the controversially discussed is-
sues lately. New York Times defines it as ”a made-
up story with an intention to deceive”
. Moreover,
propaganda, conspiracy theories and other false sto-
ries have always been used in the media for a second
gain like monetizing, political goals and opinion ma-
nipulation. Online services such as and perform manual fact checking to filter
fake news.
The current online environments like social media
create powerful tools to spread false stories extensi-
vely. As a result, journalists and fact checkers with
their current strategies cannot label fake stories in real
time before they are out of control. Automating those
strategies is one solution to speed up the procedure.
This kind of issues is considered to fit a machine lear-
ning task (Markowitz and Hancock, 2014; Hardalov
et al., 2016; Jin et al., 2017).
Until lately, the work on fighting fake news is
handled in many separate projects and studies. Howe-
ver, organizations like suggests to open
collaborations between these projects to build a plat-
form that provides a collection of tools to handle the
different aspects of fact checking routines
. Similarly
Fake News Challenge (FNC-1), which is an on-line
competition, also suggests a solution for fake news
detection to be composed by a collection of automa-
ted tools to support human fact checkers and speed
up their processes. Stance detection is among the col-
lection of these tools
Stance detection has been proven to be useful in
disinformation detection. (Jin et al., 2016) applied
the stance to analyze the credibility propagation for
news verification through building connections bet-
ween micro-blogs (tweets) as supporting or denying
each others’ viewpoints. (Qazvinian et al., 2011) use
the stance observed in tweets in a Belief Classifica-
tion to classify false and true rumors, even though
rumors checking is found to be different from news
checking. Stance detection for fact checking in the
emerging news has mostly been investigated in micro-
The stance detection task presented by FNC-1 is
about predicting the stance of one piece of text (news
body) towards another (news headline). Particularly,
it should predict whether the news body has the stan-
ces Unrelated, Discuss, Agree or Disagree to a news
headline. Most of the teams participated in the FNC-1
2 fact-
the state of automated factchecking aug 2016.pdf
Masood R. and Aker A.
The Fake News Challenge: Stance Detection using Traditional Machine Learning Approaches.
DOI: 10.5220/0006898801280135
In Proceedings of the 10th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (KMIS 2018), pages 128-135
ISBN: 978-989-758-330-8
2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
including the winner team used deep learning appro-
aches to solve the task. Although deep learning is a
powerful technique and it has shown a great success in
various tasks, the deep architectures is said to be short
on providing more understandable results in terms of
features extracted by the deep architecture and their
performances. This drawback is the motivation in our
work. Thus, instead of deep learning we use traditi-
onal machine learning approaches along with the ap-
propriate feature selection/engineering and show that
we can beat the deep learning approaches in an at-
tempt to provide useful information about engaged fe-
atures and their performances.
Thus our contributions are as follows:
We provide a solution for the FNC-1 task using
traditional machine learning algorithms.
We extract a range of different features that are
useful for the stance detection task.
We perform feature analysis and discuss different
experimental training and testing settings which
were important to obtain state-of-the-art results.
We achieve a score of 82.1%
which is currently
the best score achieved for the fake news stance
detection task.
We first discuss related work, and then in Section
3 we describe the data and the scoring system. In
Section 4 we introduce our method including the fe-
atures and the machine learning approaches used to
learn the models. Then, in Section 5, we discuss ex-
perimental settings followed by the results discussion
in Section 6 and conclusion in Section 7.
The problem that is introduced in this paper was pu-
blished first as a pure stance detection tool within a
plan to employ it in a wider fake news detection plat-
form. Many researches proposed methods which em-
ploy stance in disinformation detection. The veracity
of claims were also predicted using the stance of arti-
cles and the reliability of their sources (Popat et al.,
2017). Stance features were also employed in de-
tecting the credibility of rumours, which are also de-
fined to be unverified claims (Enayet and El-Beltagy,
2017). Moreover, Using Tweets publishing time and
stances as the only features to model the veracity of
tweets using Hidden Markov Models achieved high
accuracy (Dungs et al., 2018). Some other cases that
This score is calculated using the FNC-1 scoring sy-
targeted rumours used also stance features to identify
their veracity (Zubiaga et al., 2018).
Detecting stance of news articles is the most rela-
ted work to our task. On this line the work of Fer-
reira & Vlachos addresses rumor debunking based on
stance. The aim is to estimate the stance of a news he-
adline towards its paired claim as Observing, For or
Against. Linguistic features are extracted from each
claim and headline pair (Ferreira and Vlachos, 2016).
The FNC-1 task extends the work of Ferreira &
Vlachos to predict the stance of a complete news arti-
cle (body of an article) towards a title or headline pai-
red with that article. For this task results of first three
top systems have been announced. The first ranked
approach is based on a 50/50 weighted average
ensemble combining a gradient-boosted decision tree
model fed with text based features from the headline
and the body pair, and a deep learning model based
on one dimensional Convolutional Neural Network
(CNN) with Google News pre-trained vectors.
Unlike most of the approaches used by the parti-
cipating teams described above we employ traditional
machine learning techniques along with feature en-
gineering. We investigate several features and deter-
mine their contribution towards the task. We also ex-
periment with different training settings. Overall we
show that our approach leads to slightly better results
than those reported by deep learning strategies.
The fake news challenge (FNC-1) is a machine lear-
ning task which is a contribution between AI commu-
nity, journalists and fact-checkers. It forms a basis for
fighting fake news and aims to develop tools towards
fake news detection. One of the tools is a stance de-
tection tool which is the first interest of the challenge.
The challenge is about predicting the stance of a news
article (body of the article) towards its paired title or
headline. In the following sections we describe the
data and the scoring mechanism of FNC-1.
3.1 Data
The data used in the competition was extracted from
Craig Silverman’s Emergent dataset
which is part of
a research project that employs rumor tracking in de-
tecting misinformation. The dataset consists of 2595
articles that relates to 300 claims (headline) so that for
each claim there are between 5 to 20 articles. These
The Fake News Challenge: Stance Detection using Traditional Machine Learning Approaches
articles are labeled manually by journalists as agree,
disagree or discuss the claims they are paired with.
The FNC-1 organizers mixed and matched the ar-
ticle bodies and their headlines, and used the labels
relative to the claims. They got 75,119 labeled pairs
as the following:
Unrelated: The topic of the headline is different
from the topic of the article body.
Discuss: The body observes the headline’s claim
neutrally without taking a position.
Agree: The body confirms the headline’s claim.
Disagree: The body refutes the headline’s claim.
The resulted pairs were divided by FNC-1 orga-
nizers into 49,972 pairs as training data and 25,147
pairs for testing. The training dataset was a match be-
tween 1648 unique headlines and 1683 unique article
bodies, whereas the test dataset is a match between
880 unique headlines and 904 unique article bodies
with no overlaps between the splits. In addition, the
test data used to finally evaluate the competitors was
supplied with an additional 266 pairs that the organi-
zers derived and labeled using Google News articles.
The headline’s length ranged between 1 - 40 words
with an average of 11 words. While the article body
length ranged between 3 - 4800 words with an average
of 350 words. The training dataset is highly unbalan-
ced with class distribution as the following: 73.13%
unrelated, 17.83% discuss, 7.36% agree and 1.68%
3.2 FNC-1 Scoring System and Baseline
FNC-1 scoring system adds 0.25% score for each pair
classified correctly as Unrelated. The score is incre-
ased by 0.25% if the pair was related and was classi-
fied as any of Discuss, Agree or Disagree classes. If
the pair was correctly classified as Discuss, Agree or
Disagree, the score is increased to 0.75%. We consi-
der the approach that won the FNC-1 as our baseline
system. This system scored 82.02% according to the
FNC-1 scoring system.
In our methodology we apply traditional machine le-
arning approaches, specifically, L1-Regularized Lo-
gistic Regression provided by LibLINEAR (Fan et al.,
2008) using WEKA (Hall et al., 2009) and Random
Forest classifier from the same WEKA toolkit. Both
approaches rely on feature engineering. Our feature
engineering focuses on the article content and tries to
find parts of it that would best describe the stance the
article has towards the headline.
The data provided for the FNC-1 stance detection
task is limited to articles’ text with no reference to
sources, writers or any explicit meta data. Given this,
the features we relied on are only linguistic features.
In the following sections we describe our features in
4.1 Headline Features
Headline Length (H-Len). This is equal to the
number of words in the headline.
Headline Contains Question Mark (H-Q). A
feature indicating whether a headline contains a
question mark or not (0 or 1).
4.2 Article Content Features
We split each article content into a heading, middle,
and tail parts based on the sentences
. The motiva-
tion behind this splitting is that most news articles are
written in a specific style in which the article begin-
ning (heading) introduces the main argument(s) that
the entire article wants to convey to the users, the
body part (middle) provides more detailed informa-
tion about the argument(s) made earlier and a conclu-
sion towards the end (tail) summarizing what is de-
tailed in the body. We have experimented with diffe-
rent splitting strategies however, dividing the entire
article into first 5 sentences (heading), 4 sentences
from the tail and 10% of the middle sentences (min.
2 sentences)
gave us best performance. In the fol-
lowing we explain the features extracted from these
Bag of Words (BoW): We extract uni-grams and
bi-grams from the heading and tail parts of the ar-
ticle. However, we retain only the 500 most occur-
ring n-grams and delete all the remaining ones.
Root Distance (Root-Dist): This feature is calcu-
lated similar to the study of (Ferreira and Vlachos,
2016). However, for our case we compute 3 dif-
ferent features (feature vectors), i.e. one for the
heading part, one for the middle and one for the
tail part. For each sentence in each part we parse
it using Standard CoreNLP parser and compute its
root distance to pre-collected words list obtained
from related work (Discuss or Refute words).
Sentence splitting has been performed using The Stan-
ford CoreNLP tools (Manning et al., 2014)
We start taking from the median, then left and right of
it until we have reached our threshold.
KMIS 2018 - 10th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
Sentiments: For each sentence in each article part
we compute its sentiment score. The tool used is
Stanford Sentiment (Socher et al., 2013) which gi-
ves each sentence a score between 0 (high positi-
vity) to 4 (high negativity).
Sentence Length (Sentence-Len): This feature
indicates the maximum and the average length of
the sentences in the respective article parts.
Punctuation Count (Punct): We use several
punctuation such as dot, comma, etc. and for each
of them we compute how many times it appears in
the entire article (not only in the three parts).
Lemma Count: We remove all stop words from
the headline and lemmatize the remaining words.
For each sentence in each article part we count the
occurrences of each lemma that also appears in
the headline and take the sum of all lemma occur-
rence counts as a lemma count feature. We also
do this for the entire article regardless of the men-
tioned article split boundaries.
Character Grams (Ch-Grams): We build sets of
character sequences of lengths 4, 8 and 16 from
the headline. For each character sequence set we
count how many times the sequences appear in
each sentence of each article part. Each sentence
is assigned three count values each indicating how
many times the sentence includes any sequence
from the respective length category. We use lem-
matized text before building the character sequen-
ces and also remove all the stop words.
Word2Vec Similarity (W2Vec-Sim): For this fe-
ature, a vector space representation of both the
headline and each article part is computed using
word embedding (Mikolov et al., 2013). For
the embedding, we used Google’s Word2Vec pre-
trained words and phrases from Google News
. Once the embedding vectors are obtained we
compute the cosine similarity between the given
Word Grams (N-Grams): This is similar to the
Ch-Grams feature however, instead we take word
sequences of lengths 2, 4, 8 and 16.
Hypernyms Similarity (Hyp-Sim): We use
WordNet 3.1 (Miller, 1995) and collect hyper-
nyms from the first synset of nouns and verbs.
The nouns and verbs are taken from the headline,
article heading and article tail. For the collected
hypernyms we build word embedding vectors and
compute similarities between title-article heading
and title-article tail using cosine.
Cosine Similarity (Cos-Sim): This feature com-
putes the cosine similarity of the headline to each
sentence in each article part. The vector values are
word counts. Before computing we take lemmas
of the words and remove stop words.
Paraphrase Alignment (ppdb): This feature
captures an alignment score calculated between
two texts depending on the Paraphrase Database
(Pavlick et al., 2015) and the Kuhn-Munkres al-
gorithm (Kuhn, 1955; Munkres, 1957). It is com-
puted between words from the headline and words
from a sentence in each article part. This feature is
calculated similar to (Ferreira and Vlachos, 2016).
Subject, Verb and Object Triples Entailment
(SVO): This feature indicates the entailment re-
lations between the subject, verb and object tri-
ples of the headline and each sentence in each ar-
ticle part. The entailment is again found using the
paraphrase database (Pavlick et al., 2015). This
feature is computed as in (Ferreira and Vlachos,
2016) work but instead of indicating the entail-
ment with 0 or 1 we count how many sentence in
each article part have this entailment relationship.
Negation (Neg): We use the Hungarian algorithm
(Kuhn, 1955) to align words between the headline
and words from each sentence from the article.
Then we check for each aligned word pairs whet-
her one of them is the negation of the other accor-
ding to (Ferreira and Vlachos, 2016). Each sen-
tence is assigned a counter indicating how many
negated pairs it contains. We compute this feature
for each sentence in the entire article.
Word Overlap Score (W-overlap): For this fe-
ature we compute an overlap score between the
headline and the body’s heading as well as bet-
ween headline and tail. The method is based on
extracting all possible sub-strings from these parts
and then finding the longest matching sub-strings.
The score is calculated by summing up the square
lengths of these matches.
Bias Count (Bias): Based on a bias lexicon as in
(Recasens et al., 2013) and (Allen et al., 2014), we
compute how many bias lexicon entries appear in
the entire article as well as in the headline.
As noted in section 3.1, the data has four different
class labels: Unrelated, Discuss, Agree and Disagree.
We trained our classifiers so that they predict one of
these four labels. However, the performance of the
The Fake News Challenge: Stance Detection using Traditional Machine Learning Approaches
resulting models were below the baselines
. After
manual inspection of the data we realized that the ar-
ticles labeled differently were similar in tone towards
the headline and thus difficult for a multi-class labeler
to predict the right class. Furthermore, the data is un-
balanced and contains mostly Unrelated pairs and re-
latively few pairs from the other classes. To overcome
these issues we experimented with different training
strategies without modifying the training and testing
settings defined by FNC-1:
2-Steps Classifier: We first train the classifier to
distinguish only between Unrelated and Related
pairs, where Related represents all the categories
Discuss, Agree, Disagree. Next, we train a second
classifier on the pairs labeled with Discuss, Agree,
Disagree. For testing, we first run the first classi-
fier on the entire testing data. Any article-headline
pair classified as Related is further analyzed with
the second classifier to further classify it as Dis-
cuss, Agree or Disagree.
3-Steps Classifier, Setting 1: We further split
the classification of the Related classes and cre-
ate three classifiers. We keep the first step as it is
in the previous 2-step classifier setting (classifica-
tion for Unrelated and Related. Then we train a
classifier to predict the classes Discuss and Non-
Discuss, where Non-Discuss category stands for
the original categories Disagree, Agree. For the
third step we use a 2-way classification for the re-
maining categories Disagree, Agree.
For testing we again run first the first classifier to
split the data into Unrelated and Related catego-
ries. After, the Related data pairs are further clas-
sified to obtain Discuss and Non-Discuss article-
headline pairs. Finally, for the Non-Discuss pairs
we further detail their actual classes using the
third classifier and obtain the Disagree Agree clas-
3-Steps Classifier, Setting 2: We keep the first
step as it is, but we used a 2-way classification in
the second step for the categories Disagree, Non-
Disagree. The Non-Disagree category represents
the original categories Discuss, Agree. For the
third step we use a 2-way classification for the re-
maining categories Discuss, Agree.
In all settings for the first two steps we use an L1-
regularized logistic regression classifier (Fan et al.,
2008). For the third step we use a Random Forest
classifier with 100 trees (Breiman, 2001). In each step
we used different sets of features. Table 1 shows the
features used in each step.
Classifier predicting all classes led to 77.04% FNC-1
Table 1: Classifier steps and the features used in each step.
1st step 2nd step 3rd step
W-Overlap H-Q H-Q
Lemma Count BoW BoW
Ch-Grams Root-Dist Root-Dist
N-Grams Neg Neg
Hyp-Sim Sentiments Sentiments
W2Vec-Sim W2Vec-Sim Sentence-Len
Bias Bias
Our overall results are shown in Table 2. We report,
as in FNC-1 challenge, the results using the FNC-1
score. We also compute accuracy. From the table we
see that the best results are obtained with the 3-step
classifiers and setting 2. However, we found no diffe-
rence in terms of significance to our other settings.
From the table we also see that the performance of our
classifier (3-steps classifier setting 2) is better than the
one of the best system participated in the FNC-1 task.
Both FNC-1 as well as accuracy figures are better than
those of the best performing baseline.
Tables 3 and 4 show the confusion matrices of the
best baseline and our 3-steps classifier with setting 2.
According to the matrices, the 3-steps classifier in set-
ting 2 predicts more correct Discuss, Disagree, Unre-
lated pairs. The baseline, on the other hand, performs
better on the Agree class.
6.1 Features Analysis
As shown in Table 5 best results are obtained when all
features are used. We aimed to understand the con-
tribution of each feature to the overall results. Thus
we removed a feature at a time, trained the classifiers
with the remaining features and tested on the testing
data. The difference in results are captured using pai-
red t-test and a p-value of p < 0.0028
In the results
we see only a significance drop when we remove the
BoW feature, in all other settings the results are not
significantly different from when there is no feature
Significance test is performed using student t-test.
Again in the results we did not find any indication for
When conducting multiple analyses on the same depen-
dent variable, the chance of achieving a significant result by
pure chance increases. To correct for this we did a Bon-
ferroni correction on the p-value. Results are reported after
this correction.
KMIS 2018 - 10th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
Table 2: N-Steps classifiers and Baseline.
Winning Baseline 2-Step Classifier 3-Steps Classifier setting 1 3-Steps Classifier setting 2
Unrelated 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98
Discuss 0.76 0.76 0.75 0.76
Agree 0.54 0.52 0.49 0.52
Disagree 0.04 0.05 0.07 0.1
Accuracy 89.1 89.1 88.8 89.18
FNC- Score 82.02 82.0 81.53 82.10
Table 3: Best baseline Confusion Matrix. A, DA, DC and U
stands for Agree, Disagree, Discuss and Unrelated respecti-
A 1114 17 588 184
DA 275 13 294 115
DC 823 6 3401 234
U 35 0 203 18111
Table 4: 3-Steps Classifier with setting 2 Confusion Matrix.
A, DA, DC and U stands for Agree, Disagree, Discuss and
Unrelated respectively.
A 947 29 799 128
DA 181 39 343 134
DC 589 28 3558 289
U 10 2 219 18118
omission. However, in all removal cases there is a
moderate drop in the results indicating that every fea-
ture has some contribution to the final results.
We also removed combinations of features from
the entire set of features used in our final model to
show the effect of more than one feature removed at
once. The selection of different combinations is cho-
sen according to the relatedness of features. We list
them in groups:
Group A: Is a group of features used in the
first step for distinguishing Related and Unrela-
ted classes, namely Ch-grams, N-grams, Lemma
Count and W-overlap (see Table 1 for the set of
features used in the first step). When removing
Group A features, the number of correctly clas-
sified instances as Unrelated reduces the most
(from 18118 to 18034), hence reducing the cor-
rectly classified instances as Discuss. See confu-
sion matrices in Tables 6 and 4 for comparison.
Group B: This group holds features related to si-
milarity and entailment, namely PPDB, Hyp-Sim,
W2Vec-Sim and Cos-Sim. They have lower effect
on Related and Unrelated but greater effects on
the Agree (reduction from 947 to 913) and Dis-
agree (reduction from 39 to 26). See confusion
Table 5: Accuracy, and FNC-1 score when using all featu-
res compared to results when removing features one by one
Features Accuracy FNC-1 Score
All Features 0.891 82.1
- BoW* 0.870 78.53
- Lemma Count 0.888 82.07
- Ch-Grams 0.888 81.42
- N-Grams 0.890 82.00
- Hyp-Sim 0.891 81.93
- Cos-Sim 0.890 81.86
- W2Vec-Sim 0.891 82.01
- ppdb 0.890 81.70
- w-overlap 0.891 82.02
- H-Len 0.891 81.97
- Root-Dist 0.888 81.57
- SVO 0.889 81.59
- Neg 0.891 81.85
- Sentiments 0.887 81.37
- Bias 0.891 82.00
- Punct 0.889 81.66
- Sentence-Len 0.887 81.41
- Tittle-Q 0.891 81.86
- group A 0.885 81.19
- group B 0.886 80.87
- group C 0.888 81.38
- group D 0.890 81.89
Table 6: Group A: Features without Ch-grams, N-grams,
Lemma Count and W-overlap.
A 934 27 797 145
DA 180 42 342 133
DC 561 25 3493 385
U 16 1 298 18034
matrices 7 and 4.
Group C: This group contains SVO, Neg, Root-
Dist and PPDB features. Confusion matrix 8
shows that by removing these features, the cate-
gories Disagree and Discuss are mostly affected.
Group D: This group contains Punct, Bias,
Sentence-Len and T-Quest features. Removing
this combination has a greater effect on the Agree
category. See Table 9.
The Fake News Challenge: Stance Detection using Traditional Machine Learning Approaches
Table 7: Group B: Features without PPDB, Hyp-Sim,
W2Vec-Sim and Cos-Sim.
A 913 30 783 177
DA 165 26 328 178
DC 563 30 3485 386
U 9 1 243 18096
Table 8: Group C: Features without SVO, Neg, Root-Dist
and PPDB.
A 939 26 793 145
DA 212 29 310 146
DC 626 35 3486 317
U 24 1 212 18112
Figures for the accuracy and FNC-1 metrics after re-
moving these group features are shown in Table 5.
Overall the removal of all group features lead to de-
crease in performance. However, similar to the single
features cases the decreases are only moderate wit-
hout significance relevance.
6.2 Discussion
Overall we have seen that our 3-step classifier in set-
ting 2 outperforms the state-of-the-art system that par-
ticipated in the FNC-1 challenge. Although the diffe-
rences in the results are only moderate, nevertheless,
they show that it is possible to beat state-of-the-art
results with feature engineering as well as traditional
machine learning approaches. Furthermore, tackling
the problem in hand with such an approach has the
advantage that, unlike deep learning approaches, ena-
bles feature extraction and later feature analysis. In
our case, we carefully picked our features and investi-
gated settings including finding article parts and clas-
sification steps where they shine best.
Feature analysis shows that removing any single
feature leads to some drop in performance compared
to the results when all features are used. The signifi-
cant drop happens when we remove the BoW feature.
The BoW feature includes uni-grams and bi-grams ex-
tracted from the article heading as well as from the
article tail. Thus, it aims to capture what is in those
article parts in terms of vocabulary. Those areas of
the article introduce and summarize arguments. The
chance is very high that they capture the claim intro-
duced in the headline. Indeed the results confirm this
phenomenon with a significant drop when removing
this feature.
We also grouped features and removed them al-
together from the complete feature set. The overall
drop in terms of performance was moderate. Howe-
Table 9: Group D: Features without Punct, Bias, Sentence-
Len and T-Quest.
A 886 26 863 128
DA 173 34 356 134
DC 556 27 3592 289
U 14 2 215 18118
ver, in the confusion matrices we have seen that each
feature group has its strength in a specific category
or class. Group A features help in the relatedness
task (step one of the classification) whereas the ot-
her groups find their shining points at later steps and
address Agree, Disagree and Discuss classes.
Finally we performed error analysis on the final
classifier results. We observed the following points:
1. There is ambiguity in Disagree definition. Exam-
ple: pair: {headline: ”Justin Bieber Helps De-
fend Russian Fisherman...”, body ID: 2373}. This
pair’s correct class is ”Disagree”, but it is classi-
fied as Unrelated by our classifier. In this exam-
ple there is no mention of Justin Bieber. The ar-
ticle itself is about a Fisherman being attacked by
a bear. However, there is no disagreement about
the topic that is introduced in the headline. Thus
according to the definition for the category Dis-
agree, this pair should be classified as Unrelated.
2. Detecting disagreement is hard in some cases be-
cause it depends on the implicit meaning of the ar-
ticle. As an example, the pair:{Headline: ”People
Actually Believed Argentina’s President Adopted
A Jewish Boy...”, body ID: ”2382”,} This pairs
correct classification is Disagree, but it is classi-
fied as Discuss by our classifier. The article talks
about passing a law to stop some act of Argen-
tina’s people and it does not refute explicitly what
it is in the headline.
3. Detecting unrelated titles to their paired articles is
critical when the article uses most of the words
mentioned in the title.
4. In most cases there is no clear indications for dif-
ferentiating between the classes Agree and Dis-
cuss which makes them hard to judge by our clas-
sifier. Most of the classifier errors are due to this
phenomenon. See Table 4.
In this paper we re-investigated the Fake News first
challenge of stance detection using traditional ma-
chine learning and feature engineering approach.
KMIS 2018 - 10th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
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the first step (distinguishing between related and unre-
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agree, disagree and discuss classes.
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The Fake News Challenge: Stance Detection using Traditional Machine Learning Approaches