A Hybrid Approach to Question-answering for a Banking Chatbot on
Turkish: Extending Keywords with Embedding Vectors
Enes Burak D
undar, Tolga C¸ ekic¸, Onur Deniz and Sec¸il Arslan
R&D and Special Projects Department, Yapi Kredi Technology, Istanbul, Turkey
Question-answering, Chat Bot, Word Embeddings.
In this paper, we have proposed a hybrid keyword-word embedding based question answering method for a
Turkish chatbot in banking domain. This hyrid model is supported with the keywords that we have determi-
ned by clustering customer messages of Facebook Messenger bot of the bank. Word embedding models are
utilized in order to represent words in a better way such that similarity between words can be meaningful.
Keyword based similarity calculation between two questions enhanced our chatbot system. In order to eva-
luate performance of the proposed system, we have created a test data which contains questions with their
corresponding answers. Questions in the test are paraphrased versions of ones in our dataset.
Automated Q&A or troubleshooting systems have
been gaining increasing popularity in recent years.
These systems can be used as personal assistants or
domain based Q&A systems. This work proposes a
keyword-based Q&A system to complement our pre-
vious work in creating a banking domain chatbot for
Turkish language (So
glu et al., 2017). Gene-
ral architecture of our chatbot is given in Figure 1.
Each day, thousands of customers contact the bank to
convey their demands, complaints or ask general que-
stions about products or services. Customers utilize
different channels such as customer support phone or
chat, social media, etc. and a high amount of hu-
man resource is required to answer all these questi-
ons. Thus, developing a Q&A system that can reply a
wide range of customer queries is vital for a bank to
have an efficient customer support.
In order to create a banking Q&A system that can
help customers with their most common problems or
requests reliably, firstly most frequently asked questi-
ons are identified using two unlabeled datasets. Then
after answers for these most common questions are
determined by experts, a dataset consisting of ques-
tion and answer pairs is created. Then a retrieval ba-
sed question answer system is designed. The system
works by matching user queries with questions in the
dataset. The answer of the most similar question is
Initial experiments with sentence similarity mea-
sures such as Word Mover’s Distance (WMD), and
Q-gram similarity fell short of desired success rates.
In order to address this issue, question-answer pairs
are reviewed and it is seen that some words appear
frequently. Thus, a keyword based similarity scheme
is designed. Keywords are extracted from dataset via
clustering. However, since Turkish is an agglutinative
language every word can have arbitrary amount of va-
rious suffixes that can influence the meaning of the
words. In order to handle various inflections of our
keywords with different suffixes, word embeddings
are used to discern keywords with suffixes.
Experiments have been performed on an annota-
ted dataset of 138 questions. These questions are
paraphrases and alternative forms of question ans-
wer pairs dataset and they have specific answers from
the dataset. Our first set of experiments focused on
accurately finding correct answers for questions. Se-
condly, experiments were made to gauge the success
of system’s understanding of not being able to find
the correct answer since in a Q&A system it would
be preferable to ask for a clarification rather than re-
turning an unrelated answer. In this second set of ex-
periments answers that admit not understanding the
question are counted as positives while answers unre-
lated to question are counted as negatives. In expe-
riments, our keyword based method have performed
better than other sentence similarity methods.
Our contribution in this paper is the keyword ba-
sed question answer system that can deal with suffixes
intrinsically in mophologically rich languages such as
Dündar, E., Çekiç, T., Deniz, O. and Arslan, S.
A Hybrid Approach to Question-answering for a Banking Chatbot on Turkish: Extending Keywords with Embedding Vectors.
DOI: 10.5220/0006925701710177
In Proceedings of the 10th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2018) - Volume 1: KDIR, pages 171-177
ISBN: 978-989-758-330-8
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Banking Web Services
Module Dialog Manager
Credit card
Money transfer
Figure 1: Chatbot Architecture.
Turkish. The rest of the paper is organized as follows.
In Section 2, related works have been introduced. In
Section 3, we have proposed our question-answering
system on the banking domain. In Section 4, expe-
rimental results have been denoted. In Section 5, we
summarize the proposed method, and denote possible
future works.
This study is performed to enhance the Q&A aspect
of chatbot in our previous work in (So
glu et al.,
2017). This banking chatbot can perform tasks that
require back-and-forth conversations between custo-
mer and the agent, such as taking a credit card appli-
cation or money transfer while understanding the in-
tent with the methodology explained in (So
et al., 2016) and shown in 1. Chatbot also targets
to offer Q&A troubleshooting for customer questions
that doesn’t require in depth conversations, which is
treated as a retrieval task in this study. For Q&A sys-
tems, the state of the art model developed for SQuAD
dataset is (Yu et al., 2018). The SQuAD is the Stan-
ford question answering dataset which is a benchmark
in which a lot of studies are ranked.
Turkish Q&A Systems. There have been previous
work in Turkish Q&A systems. In one study, a que-
stion answer system is designed to be used in online
courses for students to easily get their queries answe-
red from course material (Yurekli et al., ). This system
works like a search engine treating course material
as pages and returns the most relevant section to the
user. Another Turkish question answer system propo-
sed uses name entity recognition and pattern matching
to choose an appropriate reply (C¸ elebi et al., 2011).
Patterns are used to categorize questions into one of
nine question types and then with the help of name
entity recognition the most likely answer is retrieved.
Word Embeddings. Word embeddings are represen-
tations of words in a high dimensional space. While
one of the most popular models is word2vec (Miko-
lov et al., 2013) which showed that words can be re-
presented in high dimension by keeping semantic and
syntactic relationships, (Rumelhart et al., 1986) and
(Bengio et al., 2003) are considered as earlier studies.
In Section 3.3, a detailed information of word embed-
dings is given.
Sentence Similarity Measures. Q-gram similarity is
the first text similarity measure reviewed for this work
(Ukkonen, 1992). Q-gram is a similarity metric based
on character-level string operations. At first, n 1
special characters are inserted at the beginning and
end of two words which we want to evaluate their si-
milarity. Then, they are divided into substrings with
length n. Then, the similarity between two strings is
denoted in Equation 1 in which A and B are set of
substrings. Experiments in a previous work also sho-
wed that this measure is good for morphologically
rich languages such as Turkish and noisy texts be-
cause of its character-level operations (So
et al., 2017).
Q gram similarity =
2 |AB|
Another text similarity measure this work is based
on is Word Mover’s Distance (WMD) (Kusner et al.,
2015). WMD makes use of word embeddings. In or-
der to calculate a distance between two texts, each
KDIR 2018 - 10th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
word is compared with each word from the other text.
Then the distance between most similar ones are ad-
ded to get the total distance.
3.1 Datasets
Two datasets obtained from two channels has been
used in this study. First is from Webchat, which is
a system our company offers customers to solve their
problems via contacting a human agent. Hence, We-
bchat dataset is the collection of dialogues with mes-
sages written between customers and human agents.
The webchat dataset includes dialogues from 2014 to
2016. This dataset contains more than a million dia-
logues and total number of sentences in all dialogues
is over 13 million.
The second dataset is obtained from Facebook
Messenger. This dataset is similar to Webchat, but
here customers interact with a primitive troubleshoot-
ing chatbot that can reply to basic customer que-
ries. This basic chatbot is previously developed as
a quickwin solution - a decision tree based on ke-
ywords. Facebook messenger dataset only contains
messages written by customers. Moreover, it is obser-
ved that average length of messages is shorter com-
pared to messages in Webchat dataset. One possi-
ble reason might be due to the fact that customers,
being aware that responses are given by an automa-
tized system instead of a real human, shorten their
queries. Therefore, messages in Facebook messenger
dataset represent the summary of problem that custo-
mers want to ask.
Both datasets includes free written text messa-
ges from users and they contain high amount of ty-
pos, misspellings and grammatically wrong senten-
ces. Therefore, since datasets consist of noisy texts,
preprocessing and using word vectors for calculating
similarity between words is very important.
3.2 Preprocessing
Messages in both datasets introduced in Section 3.1,
contain Turkish and English letters. Therefore, Tur-
kish letters are converted to their closest English
counterparts for consistency since most of the letters
belong to English.
g, c¸, s¸,
o, and ı are converted
to g, c, s, u, o, and i respectively. What is more,
spell checker is also utilized to find correct forms of
words. For this approach, Zemberek (Akın and Akın,
2007), a natural language processing tool for Turkish
language, has been utilized.
Before calculating similarity between two ques-
tions, they are preprocessed in following ways. At
first, all punctuation marks are removed. Then, each
letter is converted to lowercase. Finally, Turkish cha-
racters are converted to corresponding English words.
Latter process is mainly done to ensure consistency
because inspection of datasets show people can write
with either a Turkish keyboard or an English keyboard
and often Turkish characters are replaced with their
English counterparts.
3.3 Word Embeddings
In order to calculate semantic similarities among
words word embeddings are used. Word embeddings
are dense vector representations of words. Word em-
beddings are used to get semantic similarities between
synonymous words or same words with different suf-
fixes. While a bag-of-words approach would treat
inflectional forms and synonyms of words as enti-
rely irrelevant, a well trained word embedding should
capture similarity between such words. Furthermore,
word embeddings can calculate vectors for frequent
misspelling of words that are very similar to vector for
original words. Such the closest vector for the word
’kredi’ (credit in English) is ’kreid’ which is a com-
mon typo of that word in datasets. We used two algo-
rithms to train word vectors mainly due to their pro-
ven success in capturing semantic relations between
words: Word2Vec and Fasttext.
Word embeddings with both methods have been
trained on webchat dataset with all messages conca-
tenated as a whole document. Since webchat dataset
is domain specific, training word vectors on it provi-
ded meaningful semantic representations of banking
related terms. Dimensions of the trained vectors are
set as 300 since it is shown that 300 dimensional word
vectors performs better in (Sen and Erdogan, 2014).
3.3.1 Word2vec
Word2Vec is a method for training word em-
beddings using neural networks (Mikolov et al.,
2013). Word2Vec actually has two different ways
to train embeddings: skip-gram and continous-bag-
of-words(CBOW). Both versions of the method has
a sliding window through words. In CBOW model,
the words are projected by their previous and future
words along the window size. This model is called
bag-of-words because order of the words inside the
window are not taken into consideration and the con-
text is trained by neighboring information. Skip-gram
model works similar to CBOW model with a few key
differences. In skip-gram model words are used to
project their neighboring words within the window
A Hybrid Approach to Question-answering for a Banking Chatbot on Turkish: Extending Keywords with Embedding Vectors
Figure 2: Procedure to calculate similarity between Q
and Q
instead of the other way around. And not all words
within window are used but they are chosen randomly
and they are weighted according to their proximity to
the current word within the window.
Reviewing Word2Vec vectors trained with we-
bchat dataset we have found some semantic relations
between words, such as:
vec(yillik)+vec(ucret) = vec(aidat)
yillik means annual, ucret means fee in Turkish and
aidat is another word in Turkish meaning periodic fee.
3.3.2 FastText
FastText method is a derivation of Word2Vec method
but instead of focusing words as a whole it takes into
account character n-grams within words (Bojanowski
et al., 2016). Vectors are calculated for each character
n-gram that appear in corpus and words are represen-
ted as the sum of vectors of character n-grams within
the word. Authors argue that focusing on character
n-grams instead of words yield better results for mor-
phologically rich languages such as Turkish. Because
some rare inflections of words may not appear in trai-
ning corpus. However, since character n-grams are
used to calculate a word vector, embeddings for those
words can be used when they appear in other docu-
3.4 Extracting Keywords
Keywords play an important role for our question ans-
wering system since similarity between sentences is
calculated by sole keywords. In order to extract ke-
ywords, we have clustered messages from Facebook
messenger and Webchat datasets by using k-means
algorithm with k=100. Before clustering process,
messages are represented with 300 dimensional vec-
tors, then dimensionality reduction(Maaten and Hin-
ton, 2008) is applied into them. Each message is to-
kenized, then word vectors of tokens are averaged in
order to obtain a representation of the message. In
Equation 2, vector representation of j-th document is
denoted in which n is the number of words in the do-
cument, w is a list of words.
Clustering results obtained from Facebook mes-
senger have shown better performance since average
length of messages in the dataset is less than the mes-
sages in Webchat dataset. Length of messages plays
an important role in our clustering process, since
clustered instances are vectors representing messa-
ges. Thefore, keywords in a message are not domi-
nant for representing a vector of the message when the
message becomes longer.We have selected 30 clusters
with messages that are close to each cluster centroid.
We have chosen topics of these 30 clusters as the
scope of Q&A system. Then, for each of these impor-
tant tokens are extracted according to their proximity
to cluster centroid to be used as keywords. Moreo-
ver, keyword set is augmented by adding words with
similar word vectors to these keywords. This process
plays an important role since Turkish is a morpholo-
gically rich language. So, it becomes possible to co-
ver same word with different suffixes without parsing
words morphologically.
In Table 1, some sample questions from different
topics that are found by clustering are shown with
their English translations.
3.5 Question Answering
Given that Q
and Q
are two questions such that we
want to calculate how much Q
is similar to Q
. Thus,
we have developed a keyword based similarity metric
that is a combination of cosine and q-gram simila-
rity metrics. There are other studies that our appro-
ach shares some similarities, namely using keywords
in an information retrieval based question answer sy-
stem (Tirpude and Alvi, 2015; Kamdi and Agrawal,
KDIR 2018 - 10th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
2015). Our method mainly differs from these appro-
aches by using word embeddings to extend keywords
to include inlections and synonyms of keywords.
In Figure 2, the procedure utilized in our question
answering system has been shown where Q
and Q
are two questions which are tokenized. Also, tokens
which are keyword and non-keyword have been deno-
ted. Similarity between two keywords are calculated.
Each keyword in Q
is matched with only one in Q
such that both have the best similarity. The similarity
between two keywords are calculated by multiplying
their cosine and q-gram similarity values. Calculation
of the cosine similarity is denoted in Equation 3 in
which A and B are two n-dimensional vectors. Word
embeddings trained with FastText and Word2Vec are
used represantations of word for cosine similarity cal-
Cosine similarity =
A · B
||A|| ||B||
In order to find the similarity between Q
and Q
, si-
milarity values calculated for each token in Q
is ad-
ded up. Then, total similarity is multiplied by q-gram
value of two questions.
function GetSimilarity(Tokens1, Tokens2)
totalSimilarity = 0
for( token1 in Tokens1)
maxi = 0
for( token2 in Tokens2)
if(token1 in Model and token2 in Model)
similarity = Cosine(token1,token2)
similarity *= Qgram(token1,token2)
if(maxi < similarity)
maxi = similarity
totalSimilarity += maxi
return totalSimilarity
Question-answering in a banking domain is a dif-
ferent task when it is compared to a general domain.
Banking domain has its own vocabulary. Therefore,
a keyword based similarity metric shows a promising
In this section, we explain the experiments performed
to show success of our keyword-based similarity me-
asure. In order to perform tests, a set of 138 questions
created that are various rephrases of questions from
Q&A pair set. Experiments have been performed in
two ways. Firstly, accuracy of finding different ans-
wers have been evaluated. In second part of expe-
riments, accuracy for reliable answers is calculated.
A reliable answer is the Q&A system admitting not
being able to reply to the query instead of returning
an unrelated answer.
The similarity metrics that are being compa-
red are: Q-gram similarity, Word Mover’s Distance
(WMD), QA-wo-keyword is the proposed method
without utilizing keywords, QA is the proposed met-
hod with keywords used for both user queries data-
set questions, QA-q-keyword is a variant of QA algo-
rithm where it utilizes the keyword set for questions
obtained from Q&A pairs dataset. Also Word2Vec
and FastText word embeddings are evaluated for
each method separately except for Q-gram similarity
which doesn’t utilize word embeddings.
In the table, the best performing approach is QA-
q-keyword which is based on word2vec model. It is a
variant of the QA algorithm mentioned in Section 3.5.
It only considers keywords in questions since a que-
stion asked by a customer may contain some words
which are not in the keyword set. Yet, these words
can show similarity with keywords. Because of the
reason of that non-keywords are not ignored, more
questions can be covered. On the other hand, Word
Mover’s Distance method degrades the performance.
When word embedding models are compared with
each other, methods using FastText demonstrate slig-
htly better performances except the QA-q-keyword
method. Furthermore, we have also tested our ap-
proach for reliable answers since we do not want our
system to return wrong answers. Thus, if it does not
find a similar question, then it could not answer. In
Table 3, responses which QA algorithm does not fail
are considered as correct.
In this study, we have proposed a new way to com-
pute similarity between two sentences by considering
a set of keywords. This method has been mainly de-
signed to be used in a retrieval based Turkish Q&A
system. By utilizing keywords, the important words
of queries and dataset are matched and performance
has been increased significantly compared to methods
that doesn’t utilize keywords as our experiments have
shown. In order to deal with challenges of a morpho-
logically rich language such as Turkish word embed-
dings are used to expand keywords to include various
inflections of words and calculate semantic similarity
between words.
Experiments show that our hybrid keyword-
based performed better than other similarity metrics.
Mainly because this approach extends keywords by
using word embeddings so different word inflections
and misspelled words can be calculated as similar to
keywords. Also, Q-gram similarity, a character based
similarity is used to also increase scores even when
A Hybrid Approach to Question-answering for a Banking Chatbot on Turkish: Extending Keywords with Embedding Vectors
Table 1: Sample questions of selected topics.
Topic Questions
TR: IBAN numaram nedir?
EN: What is my IBAN number?
TR: IBAN numaramı
grenmek istiyorum.
EN: I want to learn my IBAN number.
TR: Hesabımda kac¸ tl var?
EN: How much TL are there in my account?
TR: Bakiyemi s
oyler misiniz?
EN: Would you tell my balance?
TR: Mobil uygulamaya giris¸ yapamıyorum.
EN: I cannot login to mobile application.
TR: Mobil cihazımdan bankacılık is¸lemlerini yapamıyorum.
EN: I cannot perform banking operations via my mobile device.
Table 2: Accuracy results for correct replies.
Method Word Embedding Accuracy(%)
Q-gram N/A 72.46
WMD word2vec 44.20
QA-wo-keyword word2vec 69.56
QA word2vec 86.23
QA-q-keyword word2vec 90.57
WMD fastText 62.31
QA-wo-keyword fastText 69.56
QA fastText 86.95
QA-q-keyword fastText 89.13
Table 3: Accuracy results for reliable replies.
Method Word Embedding Accuracy(%)
Q-gram N/A 81.88
WMD word2vec 87.68
QA-wo-keyword word2vec 69.56
QA word2vec 92.75
QA-q-keyword word2vec 92.75
WMD fastText 84.78
QA-wo-keyword fastText 69.56
QA fastText 92.75
QA-q-keyword fastText 89.85
words are not exact matches.
For a future work, the process of extracting ke-
ywords from a set of messages can be automatized
such that it becomes possible to import a new type
of questions which contain a new possible list of ke-
ywords. Furthermore, we have manually determined
the top 30 categories in question-answering system.
This can also be automatized for adding new catego-
ries without human interaction.
The authors would like to thank Nihan Karslıo
glu for
her invaluable contributions to the system and Ers¸ah
git Karademir for annotations. This work is sup-
ported by TUBITAK 3160116.
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A Hybrid Approach to Question-answering for a Banking Chatbot on Turkish: Extending Keywords with Embedding Vectors