
approach that well suits a niche of energy resources
where it outperformed the established SVD.
All in all, the XSD has several advantages regard-
ing performance in scenarios where a frequent train-
ing is necessary and it produces a set of schedules for
optimization that better resembles the original feasi-
ble region especially at the boundary. Thus the flex-
ibility of the energy unit is better harnessed. Nev-
ertheless, it has some problems capturing the opera-
tional interdependencies over time with some devices
like an electric vehicle charging station, where a set
of functionals has to be captured by the decoder that
all produce a given value for the integral over the
planning horizon. So, the χ-shape decoder may not
completely replace the support vector decoder but is
a good extension beside it with advantages for many
types of energy units.
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A Cascading Chi-shapes based Decoder for Constraint-handling in Distributed Energy Management