Problem Solving using Recurrent Neural Network based on the Effects of
Sanghun Bang and Charles Tijus
Laboratoire Cognitions Humaine et Artificielle (CHArt), University Paris 8, 2 rue de la Libert´e, 93526 Saint-Denis, France
Problem Solving, Neural Network, Recurrent Neural Network, Reinforcement Learning, Cognition, Embod-
ied Cognition, Tower of Hanoi.
Models of puzzle problem solving, such as Tower of Hanoi, are based on moves analysis. In a grounded
and embodied based approach of cognition, we thought that gestures made to take the discs to one place
and place them in another place could be beneficial to the learning process, as well as to the modeling and
simulation. Gestures comprise moves, but in addition they are also prerequisites of moves when the free hand
goes in one location to take a disc. Our hypothesis is that we can model the solving of the Tower of Hanoi
through observing the actions of the hand with and without objects. We collected sequential data of moves
and gestures of participants solving the Tower of Hanoi with four dicks and, then, train a Recurrent Neural
Network model of Tower of Hanoi based on these data in order to find the shortest solution path. In this paper,
we propose an approach for change of state sequences training, which combines Recurrent Neural Network
and Reinforcement Learning methods.
The theory of embodied cognition (Varela and
Thompson, 1991; Barsalou, 2010) suggests that our
body influences our thinking. Even an approximate
and imprecise body motion can affect the way that
we think about. Embodied cognition approaches
made contributions to our understanding of the na-
ture of gestures and how they influence learning.
Frequently in the literature on embodied cognition
(Nathan, 2008), gestures are used as grounding for
a mapping between thinking and real objects in the
world, in order for the easy catching of meanings.
To analyze the effect of gestures on problem solv-
ing cognitive processes (learning, memorizing, plan-
ning, and decision-making), participants were asked
to solve the puzzle of Tower of Hanoi (TOH). Clas-
sical puzzle-like problem, such as Tower of Hanoi
puzzle and missionaries-cannibals received some at-
tention because they do not involve domain-specific
knowledge and can, therefore, be used to investi-
gate basic cognitive mechanisms such as search and
decision-making mechanisms (Richard et al., 1993).
Our hypothesis is that we can model the solving
processes of the Tower of Hanoi, not simply through
the description of the disks’ moves according to the
rules, but through observing the movements of the
solver’s hand with or without the disks. In order to
test this hypothesis, we carry out an experiment for
which participants were given two successive tasks:
to solve the three-disk Tower of Hanoi task, then to
solve this problem with four disks.
We investigated how gestures ground the meaning
of abstract representations used in this experiment.
The gestures added action information to their mental
representation. The deictic gesture used in this exper-
iment forces the participants to remember what they
have done in previous attempt. The purpose of our
research through this experiment is to infer the prob-
lem solving or the rules of game through modeling of
human behavior.
We collected all of the sequential gestures data
that bring reaching the goal. These data were used
to model and simulate how to solve the problem of
TOH with Recurrent Neural Network (RNN). State-
of-the-art have recently demonstrated performance’
RNN models across a variety of tasks in domains such
as text (Sutskever et al., 2011), motion capture data
(Sutskever et al., 2009), and music (Eck and Di Studi
Sull Intelligenza, 2002). In particular, RNNs can be
trained for sequence activation while processing real
data sequences. Therefore, we modeled the Tower
of Hanoi solving processes with the help of RNN