ans of sub-graphs with the maximum number of or igi-
nal terms. The application of this methodology to ap-
proxim ately one hundr e d Reuters documents has de-
monstrated that if a pre dominant topic for the analy-
sed do cument exists, a recurring pattern turns out, i.e.,
there exist a connected sub-graph with the maximum
number of original terms extracted fr om the analysed
docume nt. Thus, it is possible to recognize the to-
pic not in relation to the frequency of occurrence of
terms, but in relation to topological characteristics of
the graph, m ainly the connectivity of th e sub-graphs
and their dimension. This strategy goes beyond the
mere word-centric approach used in the most spread
docume nt representation model like the Space Vector
Model because leaves aside the statistic of the docu-
ment and suggests fu rther researches in the topic de-
tection field, which will be the subject of further stu-
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