Predicting Violent Behavior using Language Agnostic Models
Yingjie Liu
, Gregory Wert
, Benjamin Greenawald
, Mohammad Al Boni
and Donald E. Brown
Data Science Institute, University of Virginia, U.S.A.
Department of Systems and Information Engineering, University of Virginia, U.S.A.
Text Analysis, Natural Language Processing, Convolutional Neural Networks, Bidirectional Recurrent Neural
Groups advocating violence have caused significant destruction to individuals and societies. To combat this,
governmental and non-governmental organizations must quickly identify violent groups and limit their expo-
sure. While some groups are well-known for their violence, smaller, less recognized groups are difficult to
classify. However, using texts from these groups, we may be able to identify them. This paper applies text anal-
ysis techniques to differentiate violent and non-violent groups using discourses from various value-motivated
groups. Significantly, the algorithms are constructed to be language-agnostic. The results show that deep
learning models outperform traditional models. Our models achieve high accuracy when fairly trained only
on data from other groups. Additionally, the results indicate that the models achieve better performance by
removing groups with a large amount of documents that can bias the classification. This study shows promise
in using scalable, language-independent techniques to effectively identify violent value-motivated groups.
Due to the often vast linguistic and cultural differ-
ences, as well as the ever-evolving nature of value-
motivated groups, it is challenging for governmental
and non-governmental organizations to correctly clas-
sify the tendencies of these groups towards violence.
As a result, a scalable and language agnostic solution
for the detection of violent groups becomes impera-
Based on the premise that the behavior of value-
motivated groups can be inferred from their use of
language, researchers in (Venuti et al., 2016) and
(Green et al., 2017) developed text-mining algorithms
that accurately evaluated important characteristics of
language usage by religious and non-religious value-
motivated groups. Greenawald et al. used these meth-
ods to predict violent groups from English text, and
showed that language-dependent bag-of-words mod-
els achieved a higher performance than language-
independent ones (Greenawald et al., 2018). How-
ever, this earlier work relied heavily on the semantics
of the English language and the availability of Natu-
ral Language Processing (NLP) tools (e.g., stemming,
part-of-speech tagging, sentiment analysis). Since
value-motivated groups can produce text in many lan-
guages including English and some languages might
have less developed NLP tools, language-dependent
models might perform poorly or be inapplicable for
the language of interest. In this work, we test bag-
of-words models from (Greenawald et al., 2018) on
a language with less mature NLP tools (i.e., Ara-
bic.) The main contributions of this work include:
1) collecting a corpus of Arabic documents from vi-
olent and non-violent value-motivated groups
; 2)
proposing two language independent deep learning
models for violence prediction; and 3) comparing
the proposed models to bag-of-words models from
(Greenawald et al., 2018).
For this study, a value-motivated group is a
group that operates under a common name, has a pri-
mary mission outside of making a profit and has a
publicly available statement or set of values that gen-
erally reflect a worldview and historical narrative. It
should be noted that under this definition, individuals
can qualify as value-motivated groups. Violence is
defined as the intentional use of physical force, threat-
ened or actual, that has a high likelihood of causing
human injury or death. A violent group is defined as
a group whose members perform acts that fall under
the above definition of violence, and the group must
claim responsibility for that action.
In this study, text related to violent and non-
Code and data can be accessed from: https://github.
Liu, Y., Wert, G., Greenawald, B., Boni, M. and Brown, D.
Predicting Violent Behavior using Language Agnostic Models.
DOI: 10.5220/0006933701020109
In Proceedings of the 10th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2018) - Volume 1: KDIR, pages 102-109
ISBN: 978-989-758-330-8
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
violent groups were collected from 20 groups with an
even split of 10 per category. These groups were se-
lected to contain a multitude of regional and ideolog-
ical diversity. Types of language dependent and inde-
pendent models in this study include 1) vector-space
models, 2) convolutional neural networks, 3) recur-
rent neural networks, and 4) ensemble models.
Prior work in text classification has sought to classify
intent and sentiment within language through com-
putational methods. This research has yielded pow-
erful tools and methods for NLP. For instance, tools
now exist to classify the intent of a document with-
out the creators explicitly stating its intent (Kr
oll and
Strohmaier, 2009). Researchers have also been able to
detect semantic change within publications and have
been able to examine which topics tend to have the
most change (Boussidan and Ploux, 2011). Venuti
et al. (2016) and Green et al. (2017) used text as
a medium to analyze ideological behaviors of value-
motivated groups. They proposed a set of semantic
and performative features to estimate the linguistic
rigidity of religious and non-religious groups. They
argued that linguistic rigidity can be used to infer the
flexibility of groups which would help in policy mak-
ing (i.e., initiating negotiations). These methods have
shown potentials in inferring the purpose of a docu-
The prior literature heavily concerns itself with
predicting specific instances of violence. This is a
problematic approach, however, because many inci-
dences of violence are caused by specific environ-
mental factors and are difficult to predict (Yang et al.,
2010). Trying to ascertain violent intent in commu-
nications has also struggled. Automated attempts at
detecting features such as anger have struggled be-
cause of the inability to classify unorthodox expres-
sions of anger such as insults; this negatively affects
prediction analysis done on traditional methods such
as linguistic inquiry and word count. Topic modeling
of violent communications, however, has managed to
yield logically identifiable categories which imply vi-
olence (Glasgow and Schouten, 2014). Recent work
has found some success using diachronic modeling
to semi-accurately predict future incidences on vio-
lence by groups based of past incidences of violence
(Kutuzov et al., 2017). In general, studies over time
or at more aggregate levels have shown greater suc-
cess. For instance, research has shown that longitudi-
nal analyses can be performed on individuals to exam-
ine changes in the level of aggressiveness within their
texts and thus over time (Hacker et al., 2013). Fur-
thermore, Greenawald et al. (2018) showed that text
can be predictive of violent groups. They compared
the performance of language dependent and indepen-
dent bag-of-words models. Their results suggested
that language independent models were comparable
alternatives although incorporating NLP tools yielded
a boost in the performance. However, Greenawald et
al. (2018) tested this hypothesis only on English text.
In this paper, we analyze the robustness of language
dependent models by testing them on Arabic text.
Also, we implement deep learning models, which are
language-independent in nature, and compare them to
bag-of-words approaches.
Text analysis techniques have been extended to
examine political discourse. Through techniques such
framing analysis, these computational methods have
been able to detect distinctions in the discourse of two
groups focused on the same issues (Landrum et al.,
2016). Other techniques such as latent semantic anal-
ysis have also proved useful, as they have been able
to examine framing within political discourse (Hacker
et al., 2013) Researchers have also been able to detect
semantic change within publications and have been
able to examine which topics tend to have the most
change (Boussidan and Ploux, 2011). These tech-
niques have shown limitations, however. Studies have
shown that latent semantic analysis can grasp con-
cepts but has difficulty with nuance; for example, it
struggles in distinguishing between the desire to com-
mit an action and the confession towards having com-
mitted said action (Cohen et al., 2005).
Much of today’s text is digital, and in order to re-
flect that, the primary data source for this project
is web-based content collected from the internet. If
possible, data was collected from the official web-
sites of each of these groups, but in some cases, dig-
ital archives of content published by the group were
used. The subject and format of the content varied
among the different groups and sources. The pub-
lished content included newsletters, magazines, re-
ports, profiles, speeches, and sermons among other
In this study, discourse related to 10 violent and
10 non-violent groups were collected and labeled as
such. For violent groups, documents were collected
from international groups including Al-Qaeda in the
Islamic Maghreb, Ansar Al-Sharia, Al-Shabaab, and
ISIL; domestic insurrection groups including Azawad
Predicting Violent Behavior using Language Agnostic Models
Table 1: Text corpus collected from 20 violent and non-violent value-motivated groups.
Group Type Group Name Number of Documents Number of Words
ISIS 55 676,615
Ansar Al-Sharia 45 781,268
Al-Shabaab 28 53,198
Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb 6 2,353
Hamas 2,181 2,632,273
Hezbollah 678 433,406
Houthis 285 147,577
Syrian Democratic Forces 172 43,656
Azawad Liberation Movement 6 2,741
Cross Group Al-Boraq forum 3,973 1,926,423
Total 7,429 6,699,510
Al Arabiya 3,896 2,465,732
Al Jazeera 31 34,327
CNN 24 5,398
GA on Islamic Affairs 2,224 1,311,662
Socialist Union of Popular Forces 312 213,136
Tunisian General Labor Union 68 26,915
Movement of Society for Peace 47 14,481
Salman Fahd Al-Ouda 663 538,051
Rabee Al-Madkhali 134 581,907
Mohamed Rateb Al-Nabusi 30 86,587
Total 7,429 5,278,196
Liberation Movement, Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthis,
and Syrian Democratic Forces; and a cross-group fo-
rum, Al-Boraq.
For non-violent groups, documents
were collected from the op-ed sections of news orga-
nizations including Al Arabiya, Al Jazeera, and CNN;
political organizations including General Assembly
on Islamic Affairs, Socialist Union of Popular Forces,
Tunisian General Labor Union, and Movement of
Society for Peace; and Islamic scholars including
Mohamed Rateb Al-Nabusi, Rabee al-Madkhali, and
Salman Fahd al-Ouda. The groups were selected to
reflect regional diversity with groups spanning across
the Middle East and North Africa, as well as ideologi-
cal diversity with religious, nationalist, economic and
political groups. As researchers strove to collect data
from an array of ideological backgrounds to reduce or
eliminate bias. Thus, to address the bias issue, groups
with more nationalist purposes were included along
with those with more religious ones. There also was
an effort to get groups with similar worldviews across
the two classes; for instance, Salafi rhetoric was cho-
sen for both the violent and nonviolent sources. Be-
yond that there was an effort at obtaining geographic
diversity with groups selected from Morocco to Iraq.
Figure 1 shows the geographical location of groups
Al-Boraq [web forum], January 8, 2006 - May 17,
2012. version. Accessed October, 2017.
or individuals included in our study. Both violent and
non-violent groups were obtained from countries such
as Syria, Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco.
In total, around 61,000 documents were collected.
However, the vast majority of these came from one
group, Al-Boraq, because the source for Al-Boraq
documents was a large forum, where each forum post
was counted as a document. Naturally, this led to a
large number of documents. Upon running prelimi-
nary models, it became clear that when Al-Boraq was
included in the training set, the model just learned
these documents. Thus, Al-Boraq was downsampled
to a random sample of approximately 4,000 docu-
ments, leaving us with a balanced split of violent
and non-violent documents. Table 1 shows the value-
motivated groups used in our analyses.
As for data preprocessing, we used two different
approaches. For language-independent models, data
preprocessing was kept to a minimum. A few basic
operations were performed (e.g., removing any non-
Arabic characters such as the noise generated from
scraping web pages or PDFs). Numbers were re-
placed with a single token (NUM), and punctuation
was removed. No stop words were removed. Note
that removing stop words does not necessarily vio-
late our goal of keeping the model language-agnostic.
Given a large enough set of documents (which the
model needs to work anyway) in most languages, a
simple frequency analysis will tell what words show
KDIR 2018 - 10th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Figure 1: The locations of violent and non-violent value-motivated groups that we collected text documents from.
up most often, so removing stop words is permissi-
ble. However, we chose not to remove stop words for
language independent models because the word fre-
quency assumption might be invalid from some lan-
guages, and we desire our models to work across all
languages. Finally, for the vector-space models, the
Stanford NLP library was used to tokenize words.
We developed four different types of models: 1)
vector-space models, 2) convolutional neural net-
works, 3) recurrent neural networks, and 4) ensemble
Vector-space models, also known as bag-of-words
(BOW) models, map text documents into a multi-
dimensional vector space such that each dimension
represents a different concept (e.g., sports, politics,
religion) and the weight for that dimension reflects
the extent to which the document cover that con-
cept. We chose to use unigrams and bigrams vec-
tor space with term-frequency inverse document fre-
quency (TF-IDF) weighting scheme. We created a
controlled vocabulary using two language-agnostic
feature selection techniques: Chi-square and informa-
tion gain (Yang and Pedersen, 1997). We used the
intersection of the top 10,000 selected features from
both methods as the final controlled vocabulary. Note,
both the controlled vocabulary and the inverse doc-
ument frequency were computed using only training
documents. Finally, we represented each document
using the controlled vocabulary and trained a binary
logistic regression classifier.
We primarily focused on two different deep learn-
ing methods. The first methodology, convolutional
neural networks (ConvNets), gained prominence in
the field of image recognition; however, it translates
quite naturally to the field of text classification, and
has subsequently shown impressive results (Mikolov
et al., 2013). The networks essentially involve slid-
ing a filter across the input to find the important fea-
tures. One can easily imagine sliding a window across
a sentence, capturing consecutive words, and attempt-
ing to derive meaning from them. In this way, Con-
vNets capture the local context of a given word. To
represent this idea as a numeric input that could be
understood by a neural network, we used word em-
beddings. At their core, word embeddings map tokens
from a vocabulary to a real-valued vector that can sub-
sequently be fed into a neural network. The vectors
try to numerically represent the context in which a
given word appears and uses that as a proxy for word
meaning. We chose a popular implementation devel-
oped at Google, word2vec, that uses a shallow neural
network to achieve this mapping (Kim, 2014a). There
are pre-trained word embeddings available but due to
the niche quality of our dataset and the fact that we
ultimately would like our pipeline to work on any rel-
evant dataset, we trained the word embeddings on our
data. Note, in our embedding encoding, we reserved
two vectors to account for padding and unseen tokens.
Our ConvNet architecture was heavily based on (Kim,
2014b), and consisted on the following layers: 1) in-
put layer; 2) embedding layer with 8 dimensions; 3)
dropout layer with 90% nodes kept; 4) two concurrent
convolution layers with 250 filters of sizes of 3 and 4
respectively. Each layer had a stride of 1, and fol-
lowed by a ReLU activation function (Nair and Hin-
ton, 2010) and a max pooling of size of 2 and stride
of 1; 5) the outputs of the two max pooling were con-
catenated and fed to a fully connected layer with 256
weights; a second dropout layer with 65% nodes kept;
and 6) a single output layer with a sigmoid activation
function. We trained the network on batches of size of
32, RMSProp optimizer (Tieleman and Hinton, 2012)
using binary cross-entropy loss function, and regular-
Predicting Violent Behavior using Language Agnostic Models
ized by the two dropout layers and an early stopping
(20 training epochs).
Despite the many advantages, ConvNets have a
major flaw. Namely, they attempt to learn the im-
portance of local features, not global ones. Humans
write in such a way that requires full context. Al-
though the thesis of a document may be expressed in
a sentence or two, the full bearing of a document ne-
cessitates understanding the document in its entirety.
Thus, we require a model that can do the same. For
this, we used long term-short memory (LSTM) ar-
chitectures. LSTM networks are a form of recur-
rent neural networks, which work by not only using
the word embedding for a given word but by also re-
membering features from earlier in a document, giv-
ing more context of a word. We chose to use a bidi-
rectional LSTM model (BLSTM) to prevent biasing
words at the end of a document and give words at
the beginning and end equal amounts of information.
Also, BLSTMs support building language indepen-
dent models as in some language, authors write from
right to left (e.g., Arabic), and therefore, regardless
of the direction of the text, BLSTMs would be able
to model the dependencies between sequences of to-
kens. Our BLSTM architecture consists of the follow-
ing layer: 1) input layer; 2) embedding layer with 8
dimensions; 3) dropout layer with 90% nodes kept; 4)
one BLSTM network with 128 output neurons; 5) one
dropout layer with 25% nodes kept; and 6) a single
output layer with a sigmoid activation function. We
trained the network on batches of size of 256, ADAM
optimizer (Kingma and Ba, 2014) using binary cross-
entropy loss function, and similar to ConvNet, regu-
larized by the dropout layer and an early stopping (20
training epochs).
Since the input layer is followed by an embedding
layer in both ConvNet and BLSTM models, we need
to fix the length of the input text. A common ap-
proach around this is to set the document length to
the maximum length and pad shorter documents with
a special token. However, if the distribution of docu-
ment length is skewed to the right (i.e., few long doc-
uments and many more shorter ones), then padding
to the maximum length would be impractical. To deal
with such cases, another option is to set the maximum
length to either the mean or median document length.
However, documents longer than the fixed threshold
will be cut and some informative content will be lost.
To address the limitation of both approaches and in-
crease the size of the data, we chose to perform data
augmentation. First, we set the maximum length to
the median document length, 300 in our dataset, then
for each training document, we generated text patches
of fixed length but with a random offset. The number
of generated patches is given by,
) =
where β is the fixed length threshold and α is an aug-
mentation factor. We selected β = 300 and α = 2. For
example, if a training document has a length of 650
words, this method would generate 4 random patches
with size of 300 words. At testing time, we generated
overlapping patches with an offset of
, and there-
fore, the number of generated patches is given by,
) =
= B
) if |d
|%β = 0
+ 1 = B
) + 1 otherwise
For example, for a testing document of length 620
words, β = 300 and α = 2, we generate 5 patches at
offsets 0, 150, 300, 450, and 600. Note, the last patch
in this case, as well as any training or testing docu-
ments of length less than β, will be padded. Next, we
averaged the probabilities of all batches for the final
Finally, we fused results from LR, ConvNet and
BLSTM models using an average model (Avg-EM),
where for each testing document, we took the average
probabilities from the included models.
We performed empirical evaluations of the proposed
language-agnostic models on a large collection of
documents. First, we performed an exploratory analy-
sis of our collected corpus. We trained document em-
beddings of 100 dimensions (Le and Mikolov, 2014)
using doc2vec from gensim
. Next, we visualized the
documents using T-SNE (Maaten and Hinton, 2008).
Figure 2 shows Arabic documents from violent (blue)
and non-violent (red) value-motivated groups. Al-
though there are no clear and linearly separable clus-
ters, we find that violent documents have a bi-modal
distribution intermixed with a uni-modal distribution
of non-violent ones. This supports our motivation
for predicting violence from text yet highlighting the
complexities of doing so. We used two experimen-
tal setups: 10-fold cross-validation (CV), and leave-
one-group-out cross-validation (LOGO-CV). In both
Gensim doc2vec models.
KDIR 2018 - 10th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Table 2: Unigram and bigram features with the largest shift in logistic regression weights.
Meaning in Classifier Weights
organization -0.2950 0.2050
- for Islamic affairs -0.4562 NA
and endowments -0.4154 NA
Caucasus NA 0.3268
highness -0.2560 0.02614
Non Violent Violent
Figure 2: T-SNE visualization of violent (blue) and non-
violent (red) documents.
setups, we computed classification accuracy and two
F1-measures (positive and negative) at the document
level. Using CV, LR and ConvNets classified almost
all documents correctly (accuracy of 0.9896 for LR
and 0.9882 for ConvNets.) We hypothesized that
the reason for the high performance was that docu-
ments from a given group were divided into train-
ing and testing, and as a result, the models learned
features that would distinguish groups and associated
that with the violence label. To validate this hypoth-
esis, we excluded training documents from a partic-
ular group and retrained the CV LR models. Then,
we compared the controlled vocabulary, the classifi-
cation performance, and the weights of the learned
models. For this experiment, we chose the General
Authority of Islamic Affairs and Endowments (GA-
IAE) as a test-bed. When removing documents from
this group, the 10-CV accuracy dropped from 0.9960
to 0.1347. After comparing the controlled vocab-
ulary for the different folds, we found that adding
documents from GAIAE to training promoted about
2,100 features on average to be included in the top
10,000 controlled vocabulary. The significant change
in performance was clearly caused by the big change
in the vocabulary. To further explore the type of
features that were included, we compared the coef-
ficients of the trained CV models with and without
GAIAE’s training documents. Table 2 shows features
with the biggest change after adding GAIAE’s docu-
ments from the training. Features newly included in
the controlled vocabulary such as “for Islamic affairs”
and “and endowments” are clear indicators of the GA-
IAE, and since all training documents from GAIAE
were labeled as non-violent, these features became in-
dicators of non-violence. Other features such as “or-
ganization”, which were included in the vocabulary in
both cases, switched from being violence indicators to
non-violence indicators.
Table 3: LOGO-CV performance of language agnostic
Model Accuracy Positive F1 Negative F1
LR 59.46% 0.9172* 0.4409
ConvNet 71.30%* 0.8633 0.7135*
BLSTM 71.99%* 0.9018 0.7032
Avg-EM 69.78% 0.9227* 0.6384
p-value< 0.05 with paired t-test
compared to remaining models.
It is clear that such superficial features are less
meaningful for prediction. Therefore, we ran deep
learning models that would capture the context rather
than individual key terms. Furthermore, the previ-
ous findings suggest that CV setup is not appropri-
ate for this prediction problem. A better setup is the
LOGO-CV where we exclude all documents from a
given group from the training and test the classifier
only on the held-out documents. LOGO-CV reflects
the actual use of such models in real-world appli-
cations in which we predict the behavior of a new
group whose violence is unknown. Table 3 shows the
LOGO-CV macro-classification performance. The
deep learning models have significantly outperformed
BOW approaches. This indicates that the context
is very important for predicting behavior from text.
Predicting Violent Behavior using Language Agnostic Models
Table 4: Groups with low accuracy.
Model Group Is Violent Accuracy
Mohamed Rateb Al-Nabusi No 0.4666
Al Jazeera No 0.4516
Socialist Union of Popular Forces No 0.4006
Al-Boraq Yes 0.3838
Movement of Society for Peace No 0.3829
Al Arabiya No 0.2120
Rabee Al-Madkhali No 0.1417
GA on Islamic Affairs No 0.1344
CNN No 0.1250
Salman Fahd Al-Ouda No 0.0437
Al-Boraq Yes 0.4375
GA on Islamic Affairs No 0.4290
Syrian Democratic Forces Yes 0.2733
Rabee Al-Madkhali No 0.2537
Alarabiya No 0.1450
GA on Islamic Affairs No 0.4245
Movement of Society for Peace No 0.3830
Rabee Al-Madkhali No 0.1642
Alarabiya No 0.1345
Table 5: Comparison of language dependent and independent logistic regression.
Language Dependency Accuracy Positive F1 Negative F1
Independent 59.46% 0.9172 0.4409
Dependent 60.58% 0.9163 0.4645*
p-value< 0.05 with paired t-test.
Also, ensembled models achieved the highest positive
F1 score which they produced significantly lower neg-
ative F1 scores than ConvNet and BLSTM. This in-
dicates that fusing models work well when classifiers
have relatively close performance scores, and they are
greatly affected by one weak classifier (e.g., LR on
non-violent prediction). We further compared the per-
formance at a group level and showed groups with
less than 50% accuracy (See Table 4). It is clear that
logistic regression models were biased by the large
number of Al-Boraq documents since its documents
were included in all models except the one where we
evaluated on Al-Boraq. Deep learning models signif-
icantly predicted more groups than BOW.
Finally, we wanted to measure the boost in per-
formance after using language dependent models. We
measured this on the bag-of-words LR. We applied
the same pre-processing steps as in Section 3, but we
removed stop words
, and applied Snowball stem-
. Table 5 shows the performance of two logis-
tic regression classifiers with and without language-
Arabic stop words list, mohataher/
Arabic stemmer,
specific NLP tools. Although the accuracy scores
are comparable, we observed a significant boost in
the negative F1 score. This supports the findings
from (Greenawald et al., 2018). However, even with
language-specific information, ConvNet and BLSTM
outperformed LR. This would suggest that either the
NLP tools for Arabic are of low quality or, and most
likely, the context, which unigram and bigram bag-
of-words LR models do not capture, is very important
for predicting violence from text.
We sought to create a model that could differenti-
ate between documents from violent and non-violent
groups in a language-agnostic manner. We tested a
variety of models using a leave one group out cross-
validation (LOGO-CV). As expected, deep learning
models generally outperformed traditional models in
this task. Although logistic regression was the top
performer in positive F1, these scores were close and
the neural networks performed much better in other
metrics. Also, incorporating language-specific NLP
tools such as stemming improved the performance of
KDIR 2018 - 10th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
bag-of-words logistic regression, yet it failed to out-
perform deep learning models.
Further, in the LOGO-CV setup, we observed
that removing groups with large numbers of docu-
ments such as Al-Boraq or Alarabiya significantly
boosted the predictive performance of the opposite
class. However, assuming that we will not know the
class label of the testing group, we cannot determine
which groups to exclude from the training. We plan
to extend this work to explore different ways to au-
tomatically select training data such as selecting the
top k similar documents for every testing document
or the top k groups with highest in-group similarity
variance. We would also like to implement different
data-driven ensemble models such as learning a new
Logistic regression that take the predicted probabili-
ties of the individual models as predictors.
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Predicting Violent Behavior using Language Agnostic Models