Investigating the Use of Semantic Relatedness at Document and Passage
Level for Query Augmentation
Ghulam Sarwar
and Stephen Bradshaw
Department of Information Technology, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland
IR Theory and Practice, Query Expansion, Content Representation and Processing, Passage Level Retrieval
and Evidence.
This paper documents an approach that i) uses graphs to capture the semantic relatedness between terms in text
and ii) augmenting queries with those terms deemed to be semantically related to the query terms. In building
the graphs we use a relatively straightforward approach based on term locations; we investigate approaches
that aid query improvement by capturing the semantic relatedness that is extracted at passage level as well as
the complete document level. Semantic relatedness between is represented on a graph, where the terms are
stored as nodes and the strength of their connection is recorded as an edge weight. In this fashion, we recorded
the degree of connection between terms and use this to suggest possible additional words for improving the
precision of a query. We compare the results of both approaches to a traditional approach and present a number
of experiments at passage and document level. Our findings are that the approaches investigated achieve a
competitive standard against a well known baseline.
In natural language, the same word will often be used
to confer different meanings, and when presented in
different contexts can embody different concepts. In
many information retrieval systems, queries tend to
be short and comprise a few indicative terms. Em-
ploying additional processes can improve results but
at a computational cost. Standard approaches involve
assigning a value to each term and returning docu-
ments that score highly in relation to the query terms
submitted. The most informative terms are typically
those that feature highly in a document, but not across
the corpus (Salton and Buckley, 1988). Many IR sys-
tems consider the frequency of terms and adopt a term
independence assumption. In doing so, many potenti-
ally useful indicators in the text are often overlooked.
Approaches that do attempt to incorporate additio-
nal inputs include, among others: part of speech tag-
ging (POS) (Brill, 2000) probabilistic frequency (Blei
et al., 2003) and semantic dependencies (Lund and
Burgess, 1996). Capitalising on additional indicators
found in the text can offset the adverse effect of poly-
semy in IR systems.
Different query expansion approaches have been
used in the past. One state of the art approach is to
Both authors contributed equally to this paper
move the query towards the terms that are most re-
lated to it while keeping it away from the terms that
could result in decreasing the performance of the sy-
stem. This approach was first introduced by Rocchio
(Rocchio, 1971). However, in Rocchio’s method, one
major concern is the problem of query drift. The ex-
panded query might contain terms that could appear
frequently in the documents but it does not accurately
capture the search topic; hence an improperly expan-
ded query is formed, that leads toward the poor per-
formance. Similarly, If a query contains a word that
has many different usages in the corpus, identifying
the instance that relates to their information need can
be difficult. In this paper, we propose the use of a
graph approach to capture the semantic dependencies
of terms and use those findings to reformulate the
query. With the graph approach, while considering
the relevant documents, we can pick the number of
words that we find are the most suitable to expand the
query. This is very beneficial in terms of understan-
ding the behavior of the system whilst the selection of
expanded terms in the query. In section 4 we discuss
this issue in more detail.
We investigate the use of semantic dependencies to
see if appropriate additional terms can be identified
and used in augmenting the queries. To ensure that
our approach is robust, we will investigate varying
Sarwar, G. and Bradshaw, S.
Investigating the Use of Semantic Relatedness at Document and Passage Level for Query Augmentation.
DOI: 10.5220/0006935902370244
In Proceedings of the 10th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2018) - Volume 1: KDIR, pages 237-244
ISBN: 978-989-758-330-8
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
a number of parameters to our model; as well as
by exploring different document preprocessing steps.
Another important feature we employed in this pa-
per is the usages of passages over that of entire docu-
ments. The motivation behind the adoption of passa-
ges for query expansion was to hopefully reduce noise
that could occur lead to the topic drift in the resulting
query. Moreover, retrieving the indexed passages over
documents from the IR engine shortened the amount
of text to be processed in our graph approach.
The paper outline is as follows: section 2 presents
an overview of the previous work in query expansion
with the use of different language modeling approa-
ches and also highlights how passage-level evidence
is used to extract the semantic relatedness and query
expansion to improve the effectiveness of an IR sy-
stem. Section 3 gives an overview of the methodo-
logy used, that outlines the details of the graph-based
approach and its application with the document and
passage level retrieval. It also highlights the different
similarity functions employed to extract the top passa-
ges for query augmentation with the brief overview of
the test collection used for the experiments. Section 5
reports the experimental results obtained while com-
parison of query augmentation approaches at docu-
ment and passage level. Lastly, we provide the brief
overview of the main conclusion and outline future
Many approaches have been explored in previous
research to augment user queries to better reflect
the user’s intended information needed, thereby
improving the accuracy of the system. One of the
original approaches was proposed by Rocchio (Roc-
chio, 1971) which attempts to augment a query to
better distinguish between relevant and non-relevant
documents. An ideal query is one that returns all
of the relevant documents while avoiding all of the
irrelevant ones. To estimate this ideal query, Rocchio
suggests an iterative feedback process whereby the
positive feedback and negative feedback provided by
a user is used to guide the query modification. To
achieve this, the author suggests giving each word a
weight relative to its presence in either the relevant or
irrelevant document set.
Zhang et al (Zhang et al., 2005) attempt to improve
upon search results using metadata found within
the corpus. They designated two features found
within the documents as indicators of how to rank
the documents; information richness and diversity.
Information richness is the extent to which a docu-
ment relates to a particular topic, and diversity is the
number of topics found within the corpus. In addition
to determining these scores for the documents,
they assign each document to a graph where the
node represents the document and the surrounding
nodes are determined by the inter similarity of the
documents. Using this approach they improved the
overall ranking of information gain and diversity by
12% and 31% respectively.
Hyperspace Analogue to Language (HAL) was pro-
posed by Lund and Burgess in a theoretical analysis
on the concept of capturing interdependencies in
terms (Lund and Burgess, 1996). In this work, they
applied a window of 10 to their document corpus
and measured the co-occurrence of terms. Yun et al
(Yan et al., 2010) use an approach that is relatable
to HAL and apply it to three TREC datasets for
query augmentation. They identify the drawbacks to
a standard bag of word approaches and apply HAL
to capture the semantic relationship between terms.
Additionally, they model the syntactic elements of
terms around a target event to better inform which
words to use in augmenting a query.
Similarly, Kotov and Zhai (Kotov and Zhai, 2011)
propose to use HAL to provide alternative senses
for words. His dataset comprised of three TREC
collections: AP88-89, ROBUST04 and ACQUAINT.
He applied a mutual information measure and HAL
to the dataset to ascertain the semantic strength
between terms. He used these values and selected the
strongest alternative candidate terms. Six participants
were asked to input the queries as found in the
respective datasets and were offered the option of
using the alternative terms if they felt the search
results were not sufficient. By combining these two
methodologies he was able to improve the overall
performance of the system. His conclusion was that
20 was the ideal window size when computing the
HAL score.
Passage level retrieval has been used in the past
for multiple purposes. Callan (Callan, 1994) has
used passage level evidence to improve the document
level ranking. Similarly Jong and Buckley (Jong
et al., 2015), and Sarwar et al (Sarwar et al., 2017)
followed the same concept and considered some
alternative passage evidence i.e. passage score,
the summation of passage score, inverse rank, and
evaluation functions score etc. to retrieve the do-
cuments more effectively. Moreover, to choose the
best passage boundaries several techniques have been
used. Callan (Callan, 1994) proposed the bounded
passages and overlapping window based approach.
Similarly text-titling, usage of arbitrary passages and
KDIR 2018 - 10th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
language modeling approach was also considered
(Hearst, 1997; Kaszkiel and Zobel, 2001; Liu and
Croft, 2002).
In addition to that, blind relevance feedback(Mitra
et al., 1998a) has been used before for automatic
query expansion at the document and at passage level.
Previously, it is shown that taking passages from the
relevant documents for query expansion can be more
effective than the document itself (Gu and Luo, 2004;
Mitra et al., 1998b; Liu and Croft, 2002). Different
query expansion approaches have been used in the
past where the information extracted from passages
was employed. Ferhat et al (Aydın et al., 2017)
used two different methods to expand their queries
for passage retrieval in the biomedical domain that
can help to identify the protein interaction (PPI). At
first, they used a supervised approach which uses the
combination of term frequency-relevance frequency
to identify the added terms. They subsequently used
an unsupervised approach where they used a medical
ontology to get the expanded terms. Similarly, for
passage level retrieval, Wei Zhou et al (Zhou et al.,
2007) used the domain-specific knowledge (Syno-
nyms, Hypernyms, and Hyponyms) in the biomedical
literature (information about concepts and their
relationships in a certain domain) to improve the
effectiveness of an IR system. Additionally, they
used a variation of pseudo-feedback approach to
add new terms in the query. The results show that
utilizing the information from the domain knowledge
leads to significant improvements.
In classical IR, the documents are usually taken as
single entities. However, an alternative approach has
been proposed by Callan (Callan, 1994), which in-
volves splitting the documents into several passages.
This is done because a document may contain a highly
relevant passage amongst large tracts of irrelevant text
resulting in an overall poor relevance score. We con-
sider passages as pseudo-documents where in general
a passage could be defined as a sentence, number of
sentences or a paragraph. Several identifiers, such as
paragraph markings (< p >), new line tags(/n) etc.
can be used in the text to split the document into pas-
In this paper, we report our results using different
query expansion approaches at both the document and
pseudo-document level. Using evidence from rele-
vance judgments present in the document collection is
known as simulated feedback. To measure the retrie-
val performance and the quality of our query augmen-
tation approach, Mean Average Precision (MAP) was
used. We generated results using both the document
and passage level evidence derived from different re-
presentation functions (discussed in section 3.3).
We use the Ohsumed collection as the test collection
in our experiments. The dataset consists of a set of
queries and an associated set of documents labeled as
relevant for that document. The relevant documents
for a query (limited to a fixed number) were conver-
ted to a vector space model representation (VSM) and
stop words were removed. We then placed the VSM
representations into a graph (described in more detail
in this section). Using this graph we augmented the
original query with additional terms as found there.
We applied both our graph method and Song’s vari-
ant on the HAL approach for query augmentation to
each representation of the corpus and documented the
A directed graph was used to capture the seman-
tic relatedness inherent in the text. Each word in the
text was assigned a node in the graph. A sliding
window of varying length was run over the text and
co-occurrences were observed by incrementing the
strength of the edge weight between the target term
node and every proceeding term node within the range
of the window size. The window size varied from one
to ten. So when the window size was set to four the
proceeding four terms edge weights from the target
node were incremented by one. In this paper, We used
the term ‘graph approach’ to refer to this process. Fi-
gure 1 is a graphical representation of the graph ap-
proach with the window size of 2, whereas every node
(i.e term) in the graph is connected to 2 following and
preceding terms. In addition to experimenting with
the size of the window used, we varied the number
of terms used to augment the query. Again we used
values between one and ten to determine the number
of additional terms to add for each term in query aug-
Figure 1: Recording the connection between terms.
3.1 Creating Passage Level
In this work we divided each document into num-
ber of passages with an overlapping window based
passage boundary approach (Callan, 1994) and con-
sidered each passage as a pseudo-document i.e d
, p
,.. . p
}. To augment the queries, we only used
the relevant passages from the top 2000 results that
Investigating the Use of Semantic Relatedness at Document and Passage Level for Query Augmentation
were returned from the original queries of the Ohsu-
med collection. The number of relevant documents
(and passages) for each query varies in number. We
augmented the queries starting from level 1 to level
10. The level reflects the size of the co-occurring term
window used on the returned passages. Depending on
the approach used, a single term is selected and used
to augment each word of the query. We explored dif-
ferent levels to determine what the optimal size in the
sliding window should be. Figure 2 illustrates the ba-
sic flow of the complete system.
Figure 2: Basic flow diagram.
To consider documents at passage level, different pas-
sage representation functions can be used to re-rank
the results as well as to filter the returned text for
query augmentation. It is worth noting that the simi-
larity between the passage or the document with the
given query is interpreted here as the Lucene score.
In Lucene, a vector space model is adopted with a
weighting scheme based on the variation of tf-idf and
Boolean model (BM) (Lashkari et al., 2009) to me-
asure the similarity between the query and the in-
dex documents. We used that score to re-rank the
documents based on the following passage similarity
Max Passage (SF1): In this approach, the passage
that has the highest similarity score from each
document is chosen and then the results are re-
ranked accordingly.
,q) = max(sim(p
Sum of passages (SF2): This approach differs
from the SF1 approach because instead of just ta-
king one passage with the highest score, top k pas-
sages are considered and then the similarity scores
and the text is summed up and concatenated.
,q) =
We performed the experiments for k = 1,2,3, 4,5
and in this paper, we reported results for k = 2 due
to the better performance as compared to other va-
3.2 Rocchio Algorithm
We implemented the Rocchio formula is as follows.
~qm = a~q +
Where a~q represents the initial query,
represents the value of the word
as determined in the related document set, and
are the values for each word from the
non related results. The query will expand to a length
equal to the number of all unique words present. The
parameters α β and λ can be tuned before the process
begins; we used 16, 8 and 0 respectively. Lambda
was set to 0 as query syntax for Solr in Lucene does
not support negative weights, and the assigned alpha
and beta values were shown to produce the best
3.3 Test Collection and Experiment
The Ohsumed collection was used in the experiments
as it is substantial in size and initially performed
poorly in terms of Mean Average Precision at docu-
ment and passage level. The collection comprises a
list of abstracts and titles from 270 Medline journal
articles. It has 348,566 articles along with 106
queries in total. Of the 106 queries, 97 of them
had relevant documents identified in the relevance
judgment file. Therefore, we only used these queries
to report the augmentation results in this paper.
Furthermore, not all the articles in the collection
contain the abstract. Thus, for the retrieval task,
we indexed only the 233,445 documents to which
abstract text was available.
To index all the documents and passages Solr
was used. Solr is a lucene
based IR system
that uses a vector space model with the variation
of TF-IDF and Boolean model for its weighting
scheme. We used an overlapping window of 30
terms to divide the documents into passages which
generated 1.4 million pseudo-documents. In this
paper, the ‘document’ collection is referred to as
collection 1 and the ‘passage’ collection is referred to
1 2 1/index.html
KDIR 2018 - 10th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
as collection 2.
We used different passage selection functions to
choose passages to augment the queries. We applied
it to the returned passages and generated the related
document text i.e. for max passage, by taking the
highest scoring passage text from each document and
for the sum of passages approached, by taking the
two highest scoring passages from each document.
And then later we used the score of these functions to
re-rank our results to do the evaluation.
In this section, we present the results of two query
expansion algorithms and compare them against the
baseline approach. Scenarios using documents as the
basic unit and scenarios using passage level evidence
are considered. We will explain how the performance
is changed when we perform query augmentation.
Four different representations of the data were used in
the query expansion process:
1. Document Level (DL): Here we used the original
document text that is retrieved from the relevant
documents. In this one, we sent the queries to col-
lection 1.
2. Passage Level (PL): Normal passages are used to
expand queries without any further processing on
3. Max Passage Level (MPL): Once the passages are
retrieved (just like in PL) we processed them and
applied the SF1 to filter out the text for the expan-
4. Sum of Passages Level (SOPL): It is similar to
the MPL, but we use the other function i.e. SF2 in
this scenario. Since we used k = 2 as a parameter,
therefore each relevant document had a combined
text of two top passages.
4.1 Varying Sized Windows
For the baseline, without using any expansion appro-
ach the recorded performance for a normal document
level MAP was 13.50 and for the Max passage appro-
ach the MAP achieved was 13.09. We used the Max
passage similarity function to report our passage level
results as was giving overall the best results after we
applied the query expansion in comparison to docu-
ment level results.
All the results discussed with the query expansion
are compared by these baseline results. The results
are also compared to classic Rocchio expansion. The
MAP value recorded for Rocchio at passage level was
Moreover, as shown in Table 1, the DL results give
slightly better MAP as compared to the passage level.
However, for the top results, passage level evidence
was giving a better performance during our analysis
(shown in figure 3(a) and 3(b)) when compared with
the document level results, which reflects the signifi-
cance of passages over the documents. In addition to
that, by considering the variation of results at different
levels, we took the best value in each query expan-
sion approach i.e for the graph approach (i.e. EC) it is
18.16 and for Song’s NEC it is 18.74. We compared
the results at this position with baseline at different
MAP levels to check the significance of the improved
results. To do that, we performed the paired student’s
T-test for the MAP at 5 to 50 with the difference of 5
in each iteration and calculated the p-value. Both p-
values are less than 0.05, therefore, for the Ohsumed
collection, both graph-based algorithms significantly
outperformed the baseline.
4.2 Increased Number of Terms
In Table 2, we show the results for the graph approach
for all four representations of the document sets.
There is a marked difference between the results for
including terms to augment the query over the incre-
ase in the sliding window. The results improve and
continue to improve in a linear fashion as the number
of augmented terms is increased. This indicates that
every newly added term had a positive influence on
the overall results. Table 3 contains the results for
Song’s normalized HAL approach. Interestingly the
graph approach makes noticeable improvements for
the first three iterations, before increasing at a much
slower rate. Song’s approach only does so on the first
two iterations.
The normal document length shows the stron-
gest results for both approaches. Presumably,
because there is more evidence from which to
capture the semantic relatedness in the terms. MPL,
SOPL, and PL all show results that are very near
one another for both approaches. This indicates that
both algorithms perform similarly when applied to
smaller bodies of text. However, SOPL outperformed
MPL and PL nearly at all levels, which supports our
intuition behind using the passage representation
function to isolate significant tracts of text. Song’s
approach, however, does not show the same level
of improvement as graph approach on the larger
datasets, suggesting that it does not capitalize on the
extra information. We believe that the reason for this
is that the normalization smooths out some of the
Investigating the Use of Semantic Relatedness at Document and Passage Level for Query Augmentation
Table 1: MAP(%) of SF1 for the Ohsumed Collection at Different Query Expansion Approaches Using the Varying Sized
Windows Approach.
Window Size PL Edge Count PL Normalised Edge Count PL Rochio DL Rochio DL Edge Count DL Normalised Edge count
Level 0 N/A N/A 31.45 31.54 N/A N/A
Level 1 17.01 17.15 N/A N/A 17.12 17.62
Level 2 18.13 17.10 N/A N/A 17.00 18.17
Level 3 17.85 16.98 N/A N/A 17.50 18.44
Level 4 17.50 16.64 N/A N/A 18.27 17.44
Level 5 18.16 17.12 N/A N/A 18.71 18.74
Level 6 18.07 17.33 N/A N/A 18.48 17.47
Level 7 17.42 17.55 N/A N/A 18.47 17.33
Level 8 17.32 17.36 N/A N/A 17.27 17.24
Level 9 18.00 17.07 N/A N/A 17.49 17.28
Level 10 17.22 17.10 N/A N/A 17.46 17.53
Table 2: MAP(%) of SF1 for Graph Approach at Different
Query Expansion Approaches Using the Increased Num-
ber of Terms Approach Per Query Word.
Additional terms DL MPL SOPL PL
Level 1 17.17 18.41 17.36 18.85
Level 2 21.22 20.62 21.06 21.03
Level 3 24.23 21.92 22.49 21.13
Level 4 25.64 22.56 23.58 21.80
Level 5 26.56 22.90 24.36 21.77
Level 6 26.51 23.20 24.86 22.85
Level 7 27.25 23.59 25.18 23.12
Level 8 27.27 23.90 25.33 22.95
Level 9 27.59 23.92 25.80 22.96
Level 10 27.97 24.25 25.86 23.22
Table 3: MAP(%) of SF1 for Song’s Normalised HAL ap-
proach at Different Query Expansion Approaches Using
The Increased Number of Terms Approach Per Query
Additional Terms DL MPL SOPL PL
Level 1 18.80 18.03 18.00 18.02
Level 2 21.14 20.76 20.59 20.59
Level 3 22.61 21.48 22.29 22.05
Level 4 23.54 22.30 23.65 22.29
Level 5 24.72 22.55 24.08 22.34
Level 6 25.00 22.97 24.22 22.83
Level 7 25.26 23.43 24.93 23.09
Level 8 25.17 23.50 25.16 23.26
Level 9 25.46 23.97 25.42 23.22
Level 10 25.80 24.27 25.58 23.45
distinctions between terms. While this is a positive
characteristic when grouping documents, it shows
to return poor results when determining the highest
distinguishing associative term. In future work, we
aim to confirm this hypothesis by applying the same
procedures to group documents and seeing if this
maxim holds true.
In this paper, we have undertaken an analysis of ap-
proaches to capturing semantic relatedness between
terms in the text. While the approach fell short of
the baseline used (Rocchio), we did make significant
improvements over the basic retrieval performance.
With regards to setting the window size, our results
are closest to Song’s setting of six; we found that
five provided better results. The difference might
be explained by using different datasets. These
figures differ from Burgess’s and Kotov’s assertions
that 8 and 20 respectively were optimal window sizes.
Secondly, we found that increasing the terms
added to the query produces better results. It is
important to note that the number of additional terms
used was only 10 per query term. This is dramatically
less than used in the Rocchio approach which uses
every term in documents for which feedback was
given . Moreover, we are taking evidence from
relevant documents only; the Rocchio method also
takes evidence from unrelated documents which can
help generate a very suitable query.
A third feature of note was the use of passages
as pseudo-documents over entire documents. Our
intuition was that the use of passages would aid
the graphing of concepts because it would remove
elements of noise found in a text document which
contains a number of topics. To a degree, this
intuition proved feasible as the results at passage
level were quite competitive. The advantage here is
that by applying this preprocessing step it reduces
the amount of text needing to be processed. Future
work will focus on this pre-processing step. We feel
that we can aid the graphing of terms by improving
the relatedness of the text to the target term. To
achieve this we propose applying Latent Dirichlet
Allocation to the corpus and using the results to
KDIR 2018 - 10th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
(a) Graph Approach - Edge Count (EC) (b) Song’s Normalised Edge Count (NEC)
Figure 3: Precision at K for Document and Max passage level.
inform on where best to segment the documents into
passages. Secondly, we aim to use the other datasets
that contain larger size documents, to see what effect
the document size in the collection had on the final
The first author is supported in his research by the
Irish Research Council. The second author is suppor-
ted by Irelands Higher Education Authority through
the IT Investment Fund and ComputerDISC in the
National University of Ireland, Galway
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KDIR 2018 - 10th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval