The RICHFIELDS Framework for Semantic Interoperability of Food
Information Across Heterogenous Information Systems
Tome Eftimov
, Gordana Ispirova
1, 2
, Peter Koro
1, 3
and Barbara Korou
c Seljak
Computer Systems Department, Jo
zef Stefan Institute, Jamova cesta 39, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
zef Stefan International Postgraduate School, Jamova cesta 39, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies, Glagolja
ska ulica 8, 6000 Koper, Slovenia
Semantic Interoperability, RICHFIELDS Ontology, Food Information, Ontology Population, Semantic
In an EU-funded project RICHFIELDS, a data platform was designed with the aim to collect, link and harmo-
nize, analyze, store, and deliver food- and nutrition-related data and information to various stakeholders. To
integrate heterogenous food data sets, we propose a RICHFIELDS framework for semantic interoperability
of food information, which is a combination of already developed NLP approaches for the food domain. The
framework includes i) a food ontology to which foods are linked, ii) a part that explains how the relevant foods
can be extracted and represented in a structured way, and iii) a similarity measure that is used to link the foods
to the ontology. To evaluate the RICHFIELDS framework, we selected two distinct data sets from different
food information systems. The experimental results provided promising results,i.e., 81.5% and 87.5% of the
foods from the first and the second data set, respectively, obtained a tag from the ontology (i.e., semantic
annotation was performed). The annotations provided by the framework allow automatic integration of food
information provided in both data sets.
Creating a healthy diet requires a lot of informa-
tion and knowledge from food science. Nowa-
days, there are many information systems that pro-
vide food- and nutrition- related data. These sys-
tems can be either: a scientific cloud (e.g., European
Open Science Cloud (EOSC, 2018), Zenodo (Zenodo,
2018), and FigShare (FigShare, 2018)), a server (e.g.,
Quisper (QuaLiFY, 2018), EuroFIR (EuroFIR, 2018),
and GS1 GDSN (Global Data Synchronisation Net-
work) (GDSN, 2018)), or application (e.g., PRECI-
OUS (PRECIOUS, 2018), FitBit, Twitter, and Face-
book). Each system uses its own way of describing
information. In order to exchange data with unambi-
guous, shared meaning, semantic interoperability is a
requirement to enable machine computable logic, in-
ferencing, knowledge discovery, and data federation
between information systems. This is made by ad-
ding metadata about the data, linking each data ele-
ment to an ontology (i.e., semantic data model). For
this reason, in autumn 2015, the H2020 project RI-
CHFIELDS started with the aim is to collect, link
and harmonize, analyze, store and deliver food- and
nutrition-related data and information to various sta-
keholders. Data may be of any type, i.e., structured,
semi-structured or unstructured; small or big; open
or linked, raw or aggregated. To make this possi-
ble, semantic enrichment should be applied to solve
some of the most common problems, allowing for:
effective search in databases, integration of hetero-
geneous data sets, faster information retrieval, regu-
larly updated domain knowledge, etc. Since seman-
tic enrichment involves adding metadata to the data,
or linking specific data to an ontology, in the case of
RICHFIELDS, a domain ontology that covers food-
and nutrition-related domain should be specified. Ha-
ving such a representation of the domain, there are
several questions that must be addressed: what type
of data (e.g., structured, semi-structured, or unstruc-
tured) needs to be harmonized; if the data is unstruc-
tured, how we can extract the relevant data that should
be linked to the domain ontology; what is the simila-
rity measure that will be used for linking data to the
ontology; etc. To address such questions in the case of
RICHFIELDS, we propose a framework for semantic
interoperability of food information across heteroge-
nous information systems.
Eftimov, T., Ispirova, G., Korošec, P. and Seljak, B.
The RICHFIELDS Framework for Semantic Interoperability of Food Information Across Heterogenous Information Systems.
DOI: 10.5220/0006951703150322
In Proceedings of the 10th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2018) - Volume 1: KDIR, pages 315-322
ISBN: 978-989-758-330-8
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
The paper is organized as follows: Section 2 gives
an overview of the related work. Section 3 introdu-
ces the RICHFIELDS framework for semantic inter-
operability of food information. Section 4 presents a
RICHFIELDS case study, in which discussion of re-
sults is presented. The conclusions are presented in
Section 5.
To make ambiguous and heterogenous content inter-
linked, semantic interoperability plays an important
role. It involves two steps: selecting or developing
an ontology that describes the domain, and enriching
relevant data with metadata, which are machine-
processable data pieces (i.e., tags from the ontology).
However there are subquestions related to each step
that need to be answered.
Having a domain-ontology that describes the
domain in general is a challenging task because each
ontology is developed for a specific application sce-
nario. In the domain of food, several food ontolo-
gies already exist, such as: FoodWiki, AGROVOC,
Open Food Facts, Food Product Ontology, Foods, and
FoodOn. A detailed review of the aforementioned
food ontologies is provided in (Boulos et al., 2015).
The problem of generating a general food domain on-
tology has been partly solved by the QuaLiFY Euro-
pean project (, where existing food
information systems were explored by scientific bo-
dies like EuroFIR (European Food Information Re-
source Network) and NuGO (
After a domain ontology is selected, the relevant
data should be linked to the ontology. The questi-
ons that appear here are: how can we extract the rele-
vant data (e.g., especially if the data is unstructured),
and how the extracted data can be linked to the onto-
logy in an automatic way. If the data is represented
as structured or semi-structured, different rule-based
approaches could be applied in order to extract the
relevant data that further will be linked to the onto-
logy. On the other hand, when the data is unstructu-
red (i.e., represented as text), a more complex scena-
rio is presented, in which information extraction (IE)
methods should be applied in order to extract the re-
levant data. Nowadays, the IE from the biomedical
literature is a very important task in order to improve
public health. IE is a task of automatically extracting
information from unstructured data and in most cases
concerns processing of human language texts by me-
ans of natural language processing (NLP) (Aggarwal
and Zhai, 2012; Piskorski and Yangarber, 2013). The
information to be extracted is predefined by users, and
consists of predefined concepts of interest (entities),
relationships between them and events. One of the
classic IE tasks is named-entity recognition (NER),
which addresses the problem of the identification and
classification of predefined concepts (entities). Va-
rious NER methods exist: terminology-driven NER
methods (Miller et al., 1992; Aronson, 2001; Zhou
et al., 2006), rule-based NER methods (Farmakiotou
et al., 2000; Petasis et al., 2001; Hanisch et al., 2005),
corpus-based NER methods (Rindflesch et al., 2000;
aschel et al., 2012; Alnazzawi et al., 2015; Le-
aman et al., 2015), NERs based on active learning
(Settles, 2010), and NERs that use deep neural net-
works (Collobert and Weston, 2008; Collobert et al.,
2011; Chiu and Nichols, 2015; Huang et al., 2015;
Santos and Guimaraes, 2015; Lample et al., 2016;
Habibi et al., 2017; Lopez and Kalita, 2017). Be-
cause NER methods with best performances are usu-
ally corpus-based NER methods, there is a need for
annotated corpus from biomedical literature that will
include the entities of interest. For this purpose, diffe-
rent annotated corpora are produced by shared tasks,
where the main aim is to challenge and encourage re-
search teams on NLP problems.
To allow automatic integration of extracted infor-
mation from a NER task, the information needs to be
further processed. The problem that appears is that
the same entity can be mentioned in different ways
in the same or different documents, using different
phrases regarding the text variability. To collect the
information for a given entity or even more to com-
bine the information for the entity from different do-
cuments, it is crucial to map the entity to a concept
that exists in a terminological resource (i.e., an onto-
logy). By mapping it to a concept from a terminolo-
gical resource, the extracted entity receives a unique
identifier which is the identifier for that entity in the
terminological resource. Having unique identifiers
helps the process of collecting and combing the in-
formation for some entity, even if it has different tex-
tual representations. The process of automatic map-
ping between an entity in text and a concept in a ter-
minological resource is known as text normalization.
Many normalization methods are based on string si-
milarity measures. String similarity measures give us
a metric for similarity (or dissimilarity) between two
text strings (Metzler et al., 2007; Gomaa and Fahmy,
2013). They can be performed on a character, term
level, or a mix of both. Also, there are methods that
use post-processing rules applied after the concept is
extracted or regular expressions to find some matches
for which a specific form may not occur in the ter-
minological resource (Ramanan et al., 2013). Some
normalization methods are based on ranking techni-
KDIR 2018 - 10th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
que in order to rank the candidate matches and then
to find the most relevant one (Collier et al., 2015). An
example of automatic normalization method focussed
on phenotypic information, which integrates a num-
ber of different similarity measures, is presented in
(Alnazzawi et al., 2016). Normalization methods can
also use ML algorithms to improve results, which was
shown in the gene normalization task as part of Bio-
Creative II (Morgan et al., 2008) and BioCreative III
(Lu et al., 2011). To the best of our knowledge, no
previously reported automatic normalization method
has focussed on the food domain.
Let us assume that food information systems share
data sets that should be integrated. To make them
understandable in machine-readable format, the RI-
CHFIELDS framework for semantic interoperability
is proposed. The framework is presented in Figure 1
and consists of four steps:
1. Select the domain ontology;
2. Apply pre-processing of the data with regard to its
type to obtain structured data;
3. Link the structured data to concepts that exist in
the ontology using a similarity measure;
4. Perform semantic annotation or ontology popula-
Food Information Systems
Is the information
. . .
to select only
food information
No Yes
Food Information
(i.e. NERs)
. . .
Figure 1: The RICHFIELDS framework for semantic inter-
The first step is to select the domain ontology that
is a model to which the data will be linked and from
which the metadata will be used to make the data un-
derstandable in machine readable format.
Next, the type of the data should be defined i.e.
structured, semi-structured, or unstructured. If we are
dealing with structured or semi-structured data, pre-
processing can be made by applying some heuristics
(e.g., rules based on regular expressions) in order to
select the data that will be linked. If the data is un-
structured, first information extraction methods (i.e.
named-entity recognition methods, NERs) should be
applied to extract and structure the relevant informa-
tion that will be linked to the ontology.
The third step defines a similarity measure used
for linking the data to concepts that already exist in
the ontology. Since most of the data is presented as
text, different text normalization methods that involve
text similarity measures can be applied.
Finally, according to the value of the similarity
measures, semantic annotation or ontology popula-
tion should be performed. A threshold value for the
similarity measure needs to be defined. If the value
of the similarity measure is greater or equal than the
selected threshold, a semantic annotation should be
performed. This means that this matching is a good
one, the concept of searching already exists in the on-
tology, so it should be annotated with the metadata.
In this case, the data set is changed by including tags
from the ontology. In the other case, when the value
of the similarity measure is lower than the selected
threshold, the data cannot be linked to the ontology
because such concept does not exist in the ontology,
so ontology population should be performed. This in-
volves adding an instance for such concept in the on-
In general, the above mentioned steps are familiar
for each framework used for semantic interoperabi-
lity, the questions that appear are related to informa-
tion extraction methods and the definition of the simi-
larity measure used for linking, since each domain is
specific and it follows that if some methods are good
for a specific domain it does not follow that they will
also be good for other domains.
We continue by explaining in detail each part of the
RICHFIELDS framework for semantic interoperabi-
lity. First, the food ontology is explained, followed by
the methods that can be used for food information ex-
traction from unstructured data. Then, the similarity
measure used for linking foods to the RICHFIELDS
The RICHFIELDS Framework for Semantic Interoperability of Food Information Across Heterogenous Information Systems
ontology is reintroduced. Finally, the results of lin-
king two food-related data to ontology are explained
and discussed.
4.1 The RICHFIELDS Ontology
The development of the ontology that is used by RI-
CHFIELDS started from the Quisper ontology, which
was previously developed by JSI as part of the EU-
funded project QuaLiFY (QuaLiFY, 2018). The onto-
logy consists of six super classes: Component, Food,
FoodGroup, Personal, Single Nucleotide Polymor-
phism, and Unit, which were further described with
data and object properties. RICHFIELDS covers a
wider domain than the QuaLiFY project and for this
reason, the Unit concept was replaced with a concept
with the same name from a widely-used ontology, cal-
led Units of Measurements Ontology (UO) (Gkoutos
et al., 2012), which is currently being used in many
scientific resources for the standardized description
of measurements units. Also, a new concept, Ma-
trixUnit, was added with the corresponding subcon-
cepts for matrix units that can be found in the Euro-
FIR Thesauri. Because this study was focused on se-
mantic interoperability of food-related data sets, the
RICHFIELDS ontology was updated by populating
the Food concept with 5,416 food individuals from
FoodEx2 data (EFSA, 2017), which were also descri-
bed with two data properties FoodName and FoodEx2
code that are specific for the FoodEx2 representation.
4.2 drNER
If we are working with unstructured data (i.e., repre-
sented as text) the first step is to extract the relevant
food data that should be linked to the ontology. For
this reason, NERs should be applied. From an over-
view of the existing IE methods from the biomedi-
cal literature, a lot of NER methods that exist in the
domain of biomedical literature are focused on diffe-
rent biomedical domains. The commonly used NER
methods are the corpus-based NER methods that rely
on annotated corpus for the domain of interest, which
is produced by the domain experts. Several studies
are conducted in the dietary domain, but with dif-
ferent goals. For example, Xia et al. (Xia et al.,
2013) presented an approach to identify rice protein
resistant to Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae, which is
an approach to enhance gene prioritization by combi-
ning text mining technologies with a sequence-based
approach. Co-occurrence methods were also used
to identify ingredients mentioned in food labels and
extracting food-chemical and food-disease relations-
hip (M
uller et al., 2004; do Nascimento et al., 2013;
Jensen et al., 2014). We did not find any research
that focuses on extracting dietary information from
evidence-based dietary recommendations and for this
reason we recently proposed a rule-based NER met-
hod, known as drNER (Eftimov et al., 2016; Eftimov
et al., 2017c). It is a combination of a terminological-
driven NER and rule-based NER. The difference with
purely terminological-driven NERs is that we do not
only use dictionaries with concepts and synonyms (as
terminological resources), but we allow the reuse of
some corpus-based NERs that exist for some entities.
If corpus-based NERs exist for some entities we are
interested in, we use them to annotate text data and
then to see if some tokens have labels that correspond
to entities of interest. We also combine corpus-based
NERs that exist for some entities in which we are in-
terested, following the idea of ensemble learning in
order to achieve better performance than the perfor-
mance obtained from any corpus-based NER alone.
The difference with the rule-based NERs is that we do
not use rules associated with the characteristics of the
entities. This is because having rules for each of the
entities we are interested in requires too much time
and effort to produce them. We only used a small
number of Boolean algebra rules that are not related
to the characteristics of the entities, but help us define
the phrases that are the entities mentions. Evaluation
of the method showed that the method gives promi-
sing results and can be used for information extraction
of evidence-based dietary recommendations.
4.3 StandFood
When the foods are represented in structured way, the
next step is to link each of them to a concept that has
already existed in the ontology. To do this, text nor-
malization methods that are based on string simila-
rity measures should be applied. In (Eftimov et al.,
2017a; Eftimov et al., 2017b), we presented a met-
hod, known as StandFood, which is used for stan-
dardization of foods according to FoodEx2 that is a
comprehensive food classification and description sy-
stem for exposure assessment introduced by EFSA
(EFSA, 2017). StandFood is a semi-automatic system
for classifying and describing foods and consists of
three parts: the first classifies the food concept into
one from four FoodEx2 categories (i.e., raw, deriva-
tives, simple composite, and aggregated composite)
using ensemble of classifiers, the second describes the
food concept using the FoodEx2 code using natural
language processing approach, and the third combi-
nes the results from the first and the second part to
improve the result for the classification part by defi-
ning post-processing rules. As a similarity measure in
KDIR 2018 - 10th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
the RICHFIELDS framework, we use the description
part of StandFood. For this reason, we are going to
reintroduce this part that uses the POS-tagging proba-
bility weighted method (Eftimov and Korou
c Seljak,
For the similarity measure, let D
and D
are the
names of two foods that are linked. Let us define
= {nouns extracted f rom D
= {ad jectives extracted f rom D
= {verbs extracted f rom D
}, (1)
where i = 1, 2. To find the similarity between these
two food names, an event is defined as a product of
two other events
X = N(A +V), (2)
where N is the similarity between the nouns found
in N
and N
, and A + V is the similarity between
the two sets of adjectives and verbs handled toget-
her as A
and A
. The adjectives and verbs
are handled together to avoid different forms with the
same meaning. For example, if adjectives and verbs
are handled separately, the match ”apple dry” and
”dried apples” will not be a perfect match. To avoid
this, lemmatization is applied for each extracted noun,
verb and adjective, and the similarity event uses their
lemmas. Because these two events are independent,
the probability of the event X can be calculated as
P(X) = P(N)P(A +V ). (3)
For this, the probabilities of each of the two events
need to be defined. Because the problem looks for the
similarity between the two sets, it is logical to use the
Jaccard index, J, which is used in statistics for com-
paring similarity and diversity of sample sets (Real
and J.M.Vargas, 1996). For the similarity between
the nouns, the Jaccard index is used, while for the si-
milarity between the adjectives and verbs the Jaccard
index is used in combination with Laplace probabi-
lity estimate (Cestnik et al., 1990), this is because in
some food names the additional information provided
by the adjectives or verbs can be missed, but the re-
levant match can be found, so there will be no zero
probabilities. The probabilities are calculated as
P(N) =
P(A +V) =
) (A
)| + 1
) (A
)| + 2
. (4)
By substituting Equation 4 into Equation 3, we obtain
a weight for each matching pair. Finally, the pair
with the highest weight is the most relevant found ma-
tch. More details about the POS-tagging probability
weighted method can be found in (Eftimov and Ko-
c Seljak, 2015).
In the case of RICHFIELDS, each preproces-
sed data set that contains foods is linked to the RI-
CHFIELDS ontology in a way that each food con-
cept is linked to food individuals that exist in RI-
CHFIELDS ontology using the POS-tagging proba-
bility weighted method. At the end the pair with the
highest value of the similarity measure is selected as
the real one. However, it can happen that non returned
match is true. One reason for this could be that such
food concept does not exist as a food individual in the
RICHFIELDS ontology. For this reason the simila-
rity measure value that is returned as a match is furt-
her checked with a threshold value given as a priori
information, which in the case of RICHFIELDS is set
at 0.125 and it comes from experimental evaluations
performed on food matching problem. If the value is
greater or equal than 0.125 then the food concept in
the data set is annotated using the tag for the food in-
dividual from the ontology, otherwise we cannot find
a match, the concept does not exist as individual in
the ontology, so the RCIHFIELDS ontology must be
populated with this concept.
4.4 Food Information Systems
To show how the RICHFIELDS framework for se-
mantic interoperability works, we used two food-
related data sets that are provided from two food in-
formation systems (i.e., PRECIOUS and GS1 GDSN)
that rely on different standards, which are related to
the same concepts but use different terminology and
classification. PRECIOUS and GS1 GDSN provide
data in semi-structured form (i.e., JSON format and
GS1 XML format, respectively).
PRECIOUS is a mobile app for preventive health and
wellbeing care that was developed in the FP7 project
PREventive Care Infrastructure based On Ubiquitous
Sensing (PRECIOUS, 2018). It was decided to col-
lect different kinds of biometric data (e.g. nutrition,
physical activity, sleep, etc.). Our PRECIOUS data
set consists of 437 foods, some of them are described
in English and some in Spanish. An example of one
food concept from the PRECIOUS data set is given in
Figure 2.
4.4.2 GS1 GDSN
The GS1 Global Data Synchronisation Network is a
network of interoperable data pools enabling colla-
borating users to securely synchronise master data
The RICHFIELDS Framework for Semantic Interoperability of Food Information Across Heterogenous Information Systems
Figure 2: An example of food concept from the PRECIOUS
data set.
based on GS1 standards. GDSN supports accu-
rate, real-time data sharing and trade item updates
among subscribed trading partners. Currently avai-
lable GDSN standards for nutrition and health are
available at The
data provided by GS1 consists of 25 foods provided
by the GS1 Slovenia. All foods are available with
their Slovenian and English names.
4.5 Results
Since the data from PRECIOUS data set is semi-
structured, first, by using regular expressions we par-
sed the document to structure it. Then, we split the
data set into two parts: Spanish names and English
names. The Spanish names are translated in English
using a simulation that involves scraping with Sele-
nium and Google Translate web site. After that, the
translated Spanish food names are merged with the
existing English food names, which results in one data
set that will be linked to the RICHFIELDS ontology.
For the GS1 GDSN data we used the English names
that are provided when we linked it to the ontology.
In the process of linking 81.5% of the foods from
the PRECIOUS data set obtained tags from the RI-
CHFIELDS ontology, while we need to populated the
ontology for the other 18.5% when the match does not
exist. In the case of GS1 GDSN, 87.5% of the foods
obtained their tags from the ontology, while 12.5%
were included as new food individuals.
An annotated example from the PRECIOUS data
set is presented in Figure 3, in which the food concept
is described by an additional RICHFIELDS tag that
is the tag for the same food concept that exists in the
Annotated examples from the GS1 GDSN are pre-
sented in Table 1. The Global Trade Item Number
(GTIN) can be used by a company to uniquely iden-
tify all of its trade items. In our study, we presented
it as a string (e.g., GTIN1), in order not to invade the
privacy of the real data.
Figure 3: An example of annotated food concept from the
PRECIOUS data set.
Though each food individual is described with a
FoodName and a FoodEx2 code, in the case of onto-
logy population we cannot provide the FoodEx2 code
for the new individual. Ontology population hap-
pens when the food individual does not exist in the
ontology, which means that it does not exist in the
FoodEx2 data set since the ontology is populated with
all existing foods from the FoodEx2 data set. From
here, a new problem arises, which is how to generate
a FoodEx2 code for new food individual. This is also
one direction for our future work.
To allow integration of heterogenous food data sets,
faster information retrieval, and regularly updated
food knowledge, we propose a RICHFIEDLS frame-
work for semantic interoperability of food informa-
tion. The framework includes a food ontology that is
the resource to which data sets, which used different
standards to describe foods, are linked. Depending
on the data type (i.e., structured, semi-structured, or
unstructured), pre-processing should be applied to se-
lect and represent only food information in a structure
way. Then, each food concept is linked to the onto-
logy using a similarity measure. Depending on the
similarity measure value, semantic annotation or on-
tology population should be applied.
To show how the proposed framework works, we
used two food-related data sets that are provided from
two different food information systems, PRECIOUS
and GS1 GDSN. The experiment results provided
promising results, where 81.5% and 87.5% of the
foods from PRECIOUS and GS1 GDSN obtained a
tag from the ontology (i.e., semantic annotation was
performed), respectively. Further, the RICHFIELDS
ontology annotations allow automatic integration of
food information provided in these two data sets.
Food items, for which the linking does not give
good results (i.e., the food item does not exist in the
KDIR 2018 - 10th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Table 1: Annotated examples of foods from the GS1 data set.
GTIN Food name (in Slovenian) English food name RICHFIELDS tag
GTIN1 Liker z limono Liqueur with lemonn
GTIN2 Kefir z borovnicami Kefir with blueberries
GTIN3 Sirup z malinami Juice with raspberries
ontology), were used for ontology population. Howe-
ver, there is an additional challenge that arises while
performing this process, which is also one direction of
our future work. The problem is how to generate the
FoodEx2 code for a food that does not exist in the on-
tology, which can often happen when we are working
with composite foods (i.e., recipes).
This work was supported by the project from the
Slovenian Research Agency (research core funding
No. P2-0098), from the European Union’s Horizon
2020 research and innovation program under grant
agreement No. 654280 (RICHFIELDS), and from the
European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme
for research, technological development and demon-
stration under grant agreement No. 621329 (ISO-
FOOD). We would also like to thank the PRECIOUS
team from Aalto University and GS1 Slovenia for pro-
viding the data sets that are used in this case study.
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KDIR 2018 - 10th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval