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Evaluations about the ‘best smooth dip’
This appendix presents the evaluations given by 11
persons who tried to reach a consensus about the best
smooth dip(s), among 3 potential dips, to pair with
banana chips. These evaluations have been graphi-
cally represented by means of IFS contrasting charts
(IFSCCs) (see Section 3.2).
Figure 12 shows the IFSCCs corresponding to the
evaluations given or computed during the first round
of the consensus reaching process: while Figure 12(a)
represents the collective evaluations computed for the
group, Figures 12(b)-12(l) represent the individual
evaluations given by these 11 persons respectively.
In a similar way, Figure 13 shows the IFSCCs corre-
sponding to the evaluations given or computed during
the second round.
Usability of Concordance Indices in FAST-GDM Problems