Towards an Ontological Representation of Condition Monitoring
Knowledge in the Manufacturing Domain
Qiushi Cao
, Cecilia Zanni-Merk
and Christoph Reich
Normandie Universit
e, INSA Rouen, LITIS, 76000 Saint-
Etienne-du-Rouvray, France
Hochschule Furtwangen University, 78120 Furtwangen, Germany
Industry 4.0, Condition Monitoring, Preventive Maintenance, Ontology, Intelligent System.
In the manufacturing domain, machinery faults cause a company high costs. To avoid faulty conditions, the
discipline of condition monitoring contributes significantly. The objective of condition monitoring is to de-
termine the correctness of a machine, process or system. This is crucial for improving the productivity and
availability of production systems. In most situations, when the tendency of a fault emerges, highly experien-
ced and skilled professionals are capable of providing appropriate decisions about fault alarm launching and
maintenance plans. However, production systems are becoming more complicated, and it is more likely that
the professionals fail to respond to the faulty conditions timely and accurately.
In this paper, we present an ontological framework, that is used for developing an intelligent system, which
can provide decisions about alarm launching and maintenance plans in an intelligent and optimal manner. This
framework is based on an ontological representation of condition monitoring knowledge in the manufacturing
domain. The framework consists of an ontology structure which includes a core reference ontology for repre-
senting general condition monitoring concepts and relations, and several domain ontologies for formalizing
manufacturing domain-specific knowledge.
Following the trend of Industry 4.0, managing in-
dustrial production systems become more and more
challenging. The competitive nature of today’s ma-
nufacturing industry forces manufacturers to respond
to the market timely and accurately. Increasing glo-
bal competition, fast technology evolution and custo-
mers’ perceptions of product quality trigger the de-
mand for future strategical plans and advanced manu-
facturing techniques (Rao, 1996). These challenges
have brought the issue to manufactures about how to
increase manufacturing productivity. In this context,
condition monitoring techniques have been accepted
as a significant solution to it.
By collecting sensor data from heterogeneous en-
vironments, the objective of condition monitoring is
to determine whether the condition of a machine, pro-
cess or system is correct or not. Performing condition
monitoring and its associated tasks such as fault pre-
diction and preventive maintenance have shown great
success in different subdomains in industry, such as
electrical motors (Nandi et al., 2005), wind turbines
(Papadopoulos and Cipcigan, 2009) and railway en-
gineering (Schwarzenbach et al., 2010). In the con-
text of Industry 4.0, condition monitoring tasks are
facilitated by the vision of cyber-physical systems
(CPS), within which information from various envi-
ronments are closely monitored and synchronized be-
tween the physical assets and the cyber-physical space
(Lee et al., 2015). As the data generated by sensors
and networked machines gets higher in volume, CPSs
are required to be more intelligent to handle a variety
of complicated situations (Lee et al., 2015). Thus, in-
telligent CPSs which can automatically perform con-
dition monitoring and related tasks are needed.
The development of such a system requires dom-
ain knowledge about system operation and mainte-
nance to be represented in a formal way, thus ma-
king this knowledge usable by the intelligent CPS. To
achieve this goal, ontologies have shown promising
results when formalizing knowledge about condition
monitoring tasks in various domains (Papadopoulos
and Cipcigan, 2009) (Schwarzenbach et al., 2010).
An ontology is a formal knowledge representation of
a domain, which captures domain knowledge and pro-
vides reusable conceptual resources about concepts
and relations. The existence of an ontology provides
Cao, Q., Zanni-Merk, C. and Reich, C.
Towards an Ontological Representation of Condition Monitoring Knowledge in the Manufacturing Domain.
DOI: 10.5220/0006957903120318
In Proceedings of the 10th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2018) - Volume 2: KEOD, pages 312-318
ISBN: 978-989-758-330-8
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
a common and controlled vocabulary of the domain,
which enables different actors and professionals share
the same understanding of domain knowledge, thus
ease the construction of an intelligent system.
This paper presents an ontology-based framework
used for the development of an intelligent condi-
tion monitoring system, which aims to perform con-
dition monitoring and its associated tasks on pro-
duction systems in the manufacturing industry. The
framework is proposed based on an ontological re-
presentation of condition monitoring knowledge in
the manufacturing domain. We present the frame-
work by introducing an ontological structure which
includes a core reference ontology for representing
general condition monitoring concepts and relations,
and a set of domain ontologies for formalizing manu-
facturing and condition monitoring domain-specific
knowledge. The core reference ontology is aligned
with the UFO ontology (Unified Foundational Onto-
logy), which is an upper-level ontology providing ge-
neral concepts and relations at a high abstraction le-
vel (Guizzardi and Wagner, 2010). The domain on-
tologies specialize the core reference ontology into
the manufacturing and condition monitoring domains,
with representing domain-specific knowledge from
different aspects such as context, product, process,
and resources.
The rest of the paper is structured as follows. In
Section 2, we introduce the related work about exis-
ting ontologies that were developed for both condition
monitoring and manufacturing domains. In Section
3, we present the ontological framework with its de-
sign methodologies. Section 4 concludes the paper
and give future perspectives.
There exist several ontologies focusing on the ma-
nufacturing domain, but only a few of them capture
domain knowledge about condition monitoring and
maintenance. In this section, we introduce most re-
levant existing ontologies and discuss the suitability
of these ontologies for being reused for our purpose.
The PSL (Process Specification Language) onto-
logy was designed to facilitate the sharing and
exchange of process information among manu-
facturing systems (Gruninger and Menzel, 2003).
These ontology models process-related know-
ledge such as process planning, process mo-
deling, production planning and project manage-
ment. The PSL ontology provides rich seman-
tics for process-related information in a general
point of view. However, it does not describe speci-
fic manufacturing processes, such as milling, dril-
ling, and cutting. Thus, to satisfy our needs, this
ontology needs to be specialized for having smal-
ler domain coverage.
The Manufacturing Service Description Lan-
guage (MSDL) ontology was designed to provide
a common semantic model for describing manu-
facturing services (Ameri and Dutta, 2006). The
ontology formally represents key concepts that are
essential for describing manufacturing services,
such as Supplier, ManufacturingService, Manu-
facturingCapability and Process. This ontology
is suitable to be reused in our case since it provi-
des a rigorous conceptualization of manufacturing
The P-PSO ontology (Politecnico di MilanoPro-
duction Systems Ontology) (Garetti and Fuma-
galli, 2012) address the manufacturing domain ac-
cording to four aspects: Product, Physical Aspect,
Technological Aspect and Control Aspect. The
ontology provides a comprehensive definition of
important concepts for describing the structure of
a manufacturing system.
Most of the ontologies listed above focus on the
manufacturing domain and provide representations of
manufacturing domain knowledge in a general point
of view. However, under the context of condition mo-
nitoring in manufacturing, they all lack some expres-
siveness concerning the representation of knowledge
about monitoring and maintenance activities.
There are only a few works address the deve-
lopment of ontologies for condition monitoring and
maintenance in manufacturing. Here we discuss two
notable examples.
The ontology for Prognostics and Health Mana-
gement of Machines (Nu
nez and Borsato, 2017)
was developed based on a set of international stan-
dards. The goal of this ontology is to provide stan-
dardization of concepts and terms that are relevant
to failure analysis in mechanical components. Ho-
wever, the ontology lacks representation of tem-
poral information. When the machinery faults and
failures propagate according to time, this ontology
is not capable of supporting temporal reasoning
about the propagation of them.
The sensing system ontology (Maleki et al., ) aims
to define the embedded sensing system for smart
Product-Service System. The ontology was deve-
loped based on the SSN ontology (Semantic Sen-
sor Network ontology) (Compton et al., 2012),
and it formally describes sensor knowledge that
is related to machine health monitoring service.
Towards an Ontological Representation of Condition Monitoring Knowledge in the Manufacturing Domain
This ontology was one of the modules that were
used to build the PSS-specific ontology.
However, after reviewing the existing ontologies
that are relevant to condition monitoring tasks, the
main conclusion is that most of them were only desig-
ned to represent a specific portion of knowledge about
condition monitoring in the manufacturing domain.
Thus, their coverage and scope are limited. In this
context, there is a need for an ontology which provi-
des a comprehensive representation of knowledge in
both condition monitoring and manufacturing dom-
ains. To this end, we introduce in the next section
a three-layer ontological framework which captures
condition monitoring and manufacturing domain kno-
wledge from different abstraction levels. The ontolo-
gical framework provides the formalization of kno-
wledge which is essential for the development of an
manufacturing condition monitoring ontology.
Formalizing knowledge is an essential phase for the
development of an intelligent system. The use of for-
mal models such as ontologies is a crucial step in the
development work. In this section, we present the on-
tological framework that will be used for constructing
an intelligent condition monitoring system. The fra-
mework is demonstrated with an ontological structure
which includes a core reference ontology for repre-
senting general condition monitoring concepts and re-
lations, and a set of domain ontologies for formalizing
domain-specific knowledge.
3.1 The Classification of Ontologies
The development of the ontological framework starts
with considering the choice of upper level ontologies.
According to (Roussey et al., 2011), ontologies can
be classified into four abstraction levels, depending
their domain coverage and scope. We modified this
classification methodology into a three-layer ontology
hierarchy, shown in Figure 1.
In Figure 1, the abstraction level of ontologies be-
comes more specific from top to bottom. The top level
or foundational ontologies define general and basic
notions across a wide range of domains. These no-
tions are widely applicable to various environments.
Figure 1: The ontology hierarchy according to domain co-
verage and scope, adapted from (El Ghosh et al., 2017).
Core reference ontologies are built within the scope
of a domain, and they integrate knowledge from dif-
ferent groups of actors and participants in the dom-
ain. Normally, a core reference ontology catches cen-
tral concepts and relations of a domain and is consi-
dered as an integration of several domain ontologies.
Domain ontologies and task ontologies only focus on
a specific domain. When the domain of interest chan-
ges, these two types of ontologies are not able to pro-
vide sufficient knowledge.
3.2 The Ontological Framework
This section introduces the ontological framework
we proposed. We developed our ontological frame-
work based on the ontology hierarchy in the prece-
ding section. Figure 2 shows all layers, that will be
desribed in the following sections.
3.2.1 Layer 1: The Foundational Ontology
The development work starts with the choice of a
foundational ontology which can enable the integra-
tion of core reference and domain ontologies. For our
work, we adopted the UFO ontology, since it provi-
des rich descriptions of general concepts and relations
which form the foundation for conceptual modeling.
The UFO ontology adopts the Endurant/Perdurant di-
chotomy, in which an Endurant represents an entity
comprising spatial components that is not dependent
on any time frame of occurrence, while a Perdurant
stands for an entity containing temporal components,
and it presents only part of its temporal components
at different time points.
3.2.2 Layer 2: The Core Reference Ontology for
Condition Monitoring
After determining the foundational ontology, we de-
veloped our core reference ontology for condition
KEOD 2018 - 10th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
monitoring, named CM-core. The CM-core ontology
was developed with using the Middle-Out approach
for concept taxonomy construction (Roussey et al.,
2011). The idea of this approach is to construct an on-
tology through the combination of the Top-Down and
Bottom-Up approaches. To do this, we first identified
central concepts in the condition monitoring domain.
The central concepts were extracted from three sour-
ces: (i) ISO standards 13372 (ISO, 2012), 9000 (ISO,
2005) and 9001 (ISO, 2000); (ii) the domain ontolo-
gies relevant to condition monitoring; and (iii) rele-
vant research papers and textbooks, such as (Schrei-
ber, 2000) and (Kaposi and Myers, 2001). These cen-
tral concepts were then generalized to the upper level,
and the core reference ontology was aligned to the
UFO ontology. On the other hand, these central con-
cepts were specialized into different subdomains, for
building domain ontologies. In this step, the upper-
level concepts were specialized into lower-level ones.
The CM-core ontology contains taxonomies of
core condition monitoring concepts such as system,
function, behavior, structure, process, state, failure
and fault, with their interrelationships. For clarity, we
only show a part of the whole ontology that is rele-
vant to our study. Figure 2 presents an excerpt of the
CM-core ontology. In the Figure, round boxes are on-
tology classes, dashed lines stand for object properties
among classes, and solid lines represent is-a or sub-
sumption relationships.
Figure 2: An excerpt of the CM-core ontology.
With the aim of representing conceptual modeling
knowledge in a general point of view, the foundatio-
nal ontology UFO provides a formal structure for the
core reference CM-core ontology. Thus it is natural
to consider the alignment to the UFO ontology, which
can ensure the formalism of the CM-core ontology.
We give the descriptions of the ontology classes in
Figure 2, and their alignments to the UFO ontology:
System: Set of interrelated elements that achieve a
given objective through the performance of a spe-
cified function (Stevens, 2016). The definition of
this class was adapted from OntoProg: System,
with slight alteration (Nu
nez and Borsato, 2017).
The alignment of this class to the upper-level class
in the UFO ontology is
CM core : System v UFO A : Ob ject, (1)
in which the Object class (Endurant) in UFO
ontology represents entities that possess spatial-
temporal qualities, such as a person, a building, a
tree or a river. The System class in CM-core co-
vers different types of physical systems, and they
all own spatial-temporal qualities. Therefore, the
above alignment was proposed.
Parameter: Variable representing some signifi-
cant measurable system characteristic. The value
of a Parameter is measured by sensors that are lo-
cated at different components of the System. The
definition and description of this class was adop-
ted from OntoProg: Parameter, with alteration.
This class was aligned with the Moment class in
UFO through the alignment
CM core : Parameter v UFO A : Moment,
in which the the Moment class (Endurant) is a set
of instances that are existentially dependent on the
instances of the Object class in UFO. The Para-
meter class in CM-core determines interesting Pa-
rameters whose values are relevant to abnormal
status of a System, and a Parameter can not exist
without the presence of a System. For this reason,
the alignment between these two classes was con-
State: The condition of a System at a specific time.
The condition of a System is determined by the
values of a set of Parameters. The State class was
aligned to the UFO class Moment, by the align-
CM core : State v UFO A : Moment. (3)
A State is also existentially dependent on an Ob-
ject such as a System, thus the State class is also
aligned with the UFO class Moment.
ValidTime: This class represents the valid time en-
tities. It has two subclasses, named ValidInstant
and ValidInterval. The difination of this class was
adapted from the SWRL Temporal Ontology, with
slight adjustment (OConnor and Das, 2010). The
proposed alignment for this class is
CM core : ValidTime v UFO B : Time Point,
in which the Time Point class (Perdurant) is re-
presented as real numbers that provide temporal
information (Guizzardi and Wagner, 2010).
Towards an Ontological Representation of Condition Monitoring Knowledge in the Manufacturing Domain
Behavior : The Behavior of a System is represen-
ted as a sequence of States and transitions among
them. The States together with transitions spe-
cify the evolution in the values of the Parame-
ters. For defining this class, we used the definition
introduced in (Goel et al., 2009), under the fra-
mework of the Structure, Behavior and Function
(SBF) model. In the SBF model, a complex Sy-
stem could be described by its Structure, Behavior
and Function, and the Behavior of a System is re-
flected by the States and States transitions. Based
on the definition, the alignment
CM core : Behavior v UFOB : Complex Event
was proposed, in which Complex Event in UFO is
a subclass of Event (Perdurant). An Event repre-
sents possible transformations from a portion of
reality to another, and it is categorized into Atomic
Event and Complex Event, where a Atomic Event
has no integral parts, and a Complex Event is com-
posed of at least two events. In CM-core, the Be-
havior of a System stands for a complex compo-
sition of events which happen at different times
points, and within different contexts. Thus, the
above alignment was proposed.
3.2.3 Layer 3: Domain Ontologies for Condition
Monitoring in Manufacturing
A domain ontology represents specific domain know-
ledge and is only applicable to a certain domain. In
this study, the CM-core ontology will be specialized
into domain ontologies using the Top-Down appro-
ach. Figure 3 shows the whole ontological frame-
work, in which the domain ontologies are presented
at the bottom level. In the figure, rectangles are diffe-
rent ontologies or conceptual models, solid lines are
subsumption relations, and rectangles with dashed li-
nes indicate different levels of domain scope.
In the ontological framework, the Manufacturing
Condition Monitoring Ontology plays the central role
among all the domain ontologies. This ontology ma-
kes use of elements from other domain ontologies and
represents knowledge from both manufacturing and
condition monitoring domains. The other domain on-
tologies are included in the framework development
phase, but we do not introduce them in details in this
paper. We shortly discuss their main usage here: the
Product Ontology aims to provide a comprehensive
representation of manufacturing products and product
components. The Manufacturing Process Ontology
gives a formal representation of manufacturing pro-
cesses, such as cutting, drilling, milling, and casting.
The Manufacturing Resource Ontology provides kno-
wledge about manufacturing resources which are phy-
sical objects used for executing a range of operations
during different manufacturing processes. The Sensor
Ontology structures knowledge about sensors. This
ontology is specialized from the core reference on-
tology SSN. The Context Ontology contains the re-
presentations of contextual knowledge, including the
formal definitions of context entities such as person,
activity, location and time.
The CM-core ontology consists of 42 classes and
15 object properties. In the context of smart fac-
tories, the ontological framework was evaluated by
domain experts for its expressiveness and quality. It
paves the way for the development of an intelligent
system, which aims to perform condition monitoring
and maintenance tasks automatically.
This paper presents an ontological framework which
is the basis for the development of an intelligent con-
dition monitoring system in manufacturing. The onto-
logical framework was developed using a Middle-Out
approach. It includes the CM-core ontology, which
is a core reference ontology for representing gene-
ral condition monitoring concepts and relations, and a
set of domain ontologies for gathering and structuring
knowledge in both condition monitoring and manu-
facturing domains. The CM-core ontology was alig-
ned with the foundational ontology UFO, for obtai-
ning a rigorous conceptualization. Also, the CM-core
ontology will be specialized into domain ontologies,
for integrating and representing domain-specific kno-
Currently, we are in the process of developing the
domain ontologies that are at the bottom level of the
ontological framework. These domain ontologies can
be categorized into two types: (i) the ontologies for
structuring knowledge in the manufacturing domain;
and (ii) the ontologies for structuring knowledge in
the condition monitoring domain. The first category
of ontologies will provide the formalization of key
concepts in manufacturing, such as Product, Process,
Manufacturing Resource and Context. The second ca-
tegory of ontologies will focus on the representation
of concepts that are relevant to machinery prognos-
tics and health management (PHM), especially on the
conceptualization of Fault, Error and Failure. Future
perspectives include the integration of these domain
ontologies with the CM-core ontology, to provide se-
mantic capabilities for an intelligent condition moni-
toring system. On the other hand, a rule base will be
KEOD 2018 - 10th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
Figure 3: The ontological framework.
constructed to enable reasoning about future fault and
failure occurrences. The rule base consists of logical
rules that are extracted from the mining of sensor data
and from experts’ knowledge, and it will be integra-
ted with the ontological framework for developing the
intelligent condition monitoring system.
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the Grand Est French Region in the framework of the
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KEOD 2018 - 10th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development