In our previous study, we have proposed a novel
grouping technique that combines the ideas of the
random dynamic grouping and the learning dynamic
grouping. The approach is called the random
adaptive grouping (RAG). In our implementations,
the RAG is combined with cooperative coevolution
(CC) of the Self-adaptive Differential Evolution
(DE) with Neighborhood Search (SaNSDE) (the
whole search algorithm is called DECC-RAG). The
RAG starts with random subcomponents of an equal
predefined size. After some generations of the
DECC (so-called adaptation period), we estimate the
performance of each subcomponent. A portion of the
best subcomponents is saved for the next adaptation
period and for the rest of subcomponents we apply
the random grouping again. Such a feedback forms
different groups of variables and adaptively changes
them during the search.
In this study, we have performed an experimental
analysis of parameter tuning in the RAG. We have
estimated how the performance of the DECC-RAG
depends on the number of subcomponents. And, we
have implemented and investigated a modification
of the RAG with changing number of
subcomponents. In this paper, we will present the
experimental results for the LSGO CEC’10
benchmark only, because of great amount of time-
and resource-costly fitness evaluations.
Nevertheless, we will present and discuss the results
for the LSGO CEC’13 benchmark in our further
works and our presentation of the study.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows.
Section 2 describes related work. Section 3 describes
the proposed approach and experimental setups. In
Section 4 the results of numerical experiments are
discussed. In the Conclusion the results and further
research are discussed.
There exist a great variety of different LSGO
techniques that can be combined in two main
groups: non-decomposition methods and cooperative
coevolution (CC) algorithms. The first group of
methods are mostly based on improving standard
evolutionary and genetic operations. But the best
results and the majority of approaches are presented
by the second group. The CC methods decompose
LSGO problems into low dimensional sub-problems
by grouping the problem subcomponents. There are
many subcomponent grouping methods, including:
static grouping (Potter and Jong, 2000), random
dynamic grouping (Yang et al., 2008c) and learning
dynamic grouping (Omidvar et al., 2014, Liu and
Tang, 2013).
The first attempt to divide solution vectors into
several subcomponents using the static grouping was
proposed by (Potter and Jong, 1994). The approach
proposed by Potter and Jong decomposes a n-
dimensional optimization problem into n one-
dimensional problems (one subcomponent for each
variable). The CCGA employs CC framework and
the standard genetic algorithm (GA). Potter and Jong
had investigated two different modification of the
CCGA: CCGA-1 and CCGA-2. The CCGA-1
evolves each variable of objective in a round-robin
fashion using the current best values from the other
variables of function. The CCGA-2 algorithm
employs the method of random collaboration for
calculating the fitness of an individual by integrating
it with the randomly chosen members of other
subcomponents. Potter and Jong had shown that
CCGA-1 and CCGA-2 outperforms the standard
GA. Unfortunately, search techniques based on the
static grouping are inefficient for many non-
separable LSGO problems.
One of the most popular and well-studied random
grouping method had been proposed by Yang et al.
(Yang et al., 2007, Yang et al., 2008c) and uses a
DE-based CC method. The approach is called
DECC-G and it is used as a core conception for
many advanced techniques.
The learning dynamic grouping seems to be the
most perspective approach as it collects and uses
feedback information for improving the
decomposition stage. There were proposed a CC
algorithm based on the correlation matrix (Ray and
Yao, 2009), a CC with Variable Interaction Learning
(CCVIL) (Chen et al, 2010), an automated
decomposition approach (DECC-DG) with
differential grouping (Omidvar et al., 2014) and
many others. In our previous studies, we have
proposed the adaptive variable-size random
grouping algorithm (AVS-RG CC) based on the
Population-Level Dynamic Probabilities adaptation
model (Sopov, E., 2018). A good survey on LSGO
and methods is proposed in (Mahdavi et al., 2015).
The DECC-RAG algorithm (Vakhnin and
Sopov, 2018), which is investigated in this study,
combines the RAG approach with CC of the
SaNSDE. The SaNSDE algorithm have been
proposed by (Yang et al, 2008b). We have chosen
this algorithm because of its self-adaptive tuning of
parameters during optimization process. After each
regrouping of variable in the CC stage of the DECC-
RAG, we will deal with new optimization problems,
thus we need to choose a new efficient search