Fast Document Similarity Computations using GPGPU
Parijat Shukla
and Arun K. Somani
Xillinx, Inc., HITEC City, Hyderbad, India
Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, U.S.A.
Deduplication, Semi-structured Data, NoSQL, Big Data, Parallel Processing, GPGPU, Data Shaping.
Several Big Data problems involve computing similarities between entities, such as records, documents, etc.,
in timely manner. Recent studies point that similarit y-based deduplication techniques are efficient for do-
cument databases. Delta encoding-like techniques are commonly leveraged to compute similarities between
documents. Operational requirements dictate low latency constraints. The previous researches do not consider
parallel computing to deliver low latency delta encoding solutions. This paper makes two-fold contribution in
context of delta encoding problem occurring in document databases: (1) develop a parallel processing-based
technique to compute simil arities between documents, and (2) design a GPU-based document cache frame-
work to accelerate the performance of delta encoding pipeline. We experiment with real datasets. We achieve
throughput of more than 500 similarity computations per millisecond. And the similarity compuatation fra-
mework achieves a throughput in the range of 237-312 MB per second w hich is up to 10X higher throughput
when compared to the hashing-based approaches.
Semi-structured data is a prominent component of Big
Data and is becoming more important day-by-da y. In-
creasing impor ta nce of semi-structured data has ge-
nerated vast interest in document-oriented d a ta bases
(Apache Cassandra, ); ( MongoDB, ); ( A pache HBase,
). The document da ta bases store the semi-structur ed
data, w hich is h ierarchical in nature, in formats such
as JSON, Avro, XML, etc., see references (XML, ) ;
(YAML: YAML Ain’t Markup Language, ) ; (JSON, );
(Binary JSON, ). Semi-structured data is also a part of
scientific workflows. Scientific meta data associated
with experiments, measurements, etc. are ofte ntimes
in xml or other semi-structured format.
Oftentimes, the se document databases are plagued
with volume-born e challenges when dealing with
data storage and data movement requirem ents. The
scientific workflows require large scale data transfe rs
across geograph ic al locations. Deduplicatio n helps
in reducing the amount of d ata transferred and redu-
ces the bandwidth r equirement during transfers. De-
duplication techn iques such as similarity-based de-
duplication are deployed to overcome storage- and
bandwidth-related issues in the document databases.
Recent studies conclude that delta e ncoding (c om-
pression) based deduplication offers advantages when
compare d to other data deduplication approa c hes
such as (Xu et al., 2015) . This is due to the fact that
(1) regions of similarity are small, and (2) such simi-
lar regions are scattered in the deduplication stream.
The Research P roblem. We a ddress the following
research problem: How can we leverage General Pur-
pose Graphics Pro cessing Units(GPGPUs) effectively
to accelerate the the delta encoding pipeline? This
work has two components: (1) How can we tackle th e
volume-related challenges associated with processing
of Big Data workloa ds, and (2) How can we design
a GPGPU-based solutio n which alleviates the perfor-
mance bottlenecks of existing delta enco ding soluti-
Our Response. Our response to fir st component is:
(1) Design output aware techniques. For instance,
computations involving favorable set of inputs must
incur lesser time complexity when compared to com-
puting with unfavorable set of inputs. Our response to
second component is: (1) Design a parallel processing
based solution which circumvents the pathologies of
existing solutions? For example, trad e the compute
power of GPGPUs to avoid auxiliary data structures?
This work makes the following contributions:
Develop a novel tec hnique to compute degree of
similarity in tree-structu red data via identifying
the similarity patterns.
Shukla, P. and Somani, A.
Fast Document Similarity Computations using GPGPU.
DOI: 10.5220/0006960303230331
In Proceedings of the 10th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2018) - Volume 1: KDIR, pages 323-331
ISBN: 978-989-758-330-8
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Develop an novel technique to compute similarity
between two objects in context of delta encoding
Design a GPU-based document cache to accele-
rate the delta encod ing pipeline in context of do-
cument databases.
The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 co-
vers the background and related work. Section 3
describes our data shaping technique, and Section 4
describes our similarity computation tech nique.
Section 5 discu sses our GPU-based do cument cache
framework for delta compression. Section 6 describe
the experimental methodology and results obtained.
Section 7 concludes the paper.
GPGPU. G PGPUs are advancing the h igh perfor-
mance and high throug hput computing. GPGPUs are
basically Single Instruction Multiple Thread (SIMT)
machines. In a GPGPU, a large number of thre-
ads execute a single in struction concurrently. The
GPGPUs comprise hundreds of streaming pro cessor
(SP) cores, which operate in a parallel fashion. Stre-
aming processors (SPs) are arranged in groups and
each group of SPs is referred as Streaming Multipro-
cessor (SM). All the SPs within one SM execute in-
structions from the same memory block in lock-step
fashion. GPGPUs are equippe d with large number of
registers. Main memory in GPUs is referred as de-
vice global memory and incurs a high access latency.
Communica tion within SPs of one SM is through a
low latency shared me mory structure.
Unlike mainstream CPUs, the GPGPUs lack a ric h
memory hierarchy. Typically, only a single level limi-
ted size cache memory is available. A portion of avai-
lable cache memory is designated as read only cache,
which is used for caching a re ad-only portion of the
device global memory. In this paper, we refer G PG-
PUs and Single Instruction Multiple Thread (SIMT)
Related Work. A study proposes algorithms for delta
compression and remote file synchronization(Suel
and Memon, 2002). Mogul et al. studies be-
nefits of delta encoding and data c ompression for
HTTP(Mogul et al., 1997). File system support for
delta compression(MacDonald, 2000) .
Zdelta, a tool for delta compression (Trendafilov
et al., 2002a); (Trendafilov et al., 2002b). A cluster-
based delta compression of a collection of files is stu-
died in (Ouyang et al., 2002). A pre-cache similarity-
based delta compression for use in a data storage sy-
stem is studied in (Yang and Ren, 2012).
Recently, Shilane et al. focussed on p referential
selection of candidates for delta compression (Sh ilane
et al., 2016). Z hang et al. focussed on reducing solid -
state storage device write stress through opportunistic
in-place delta compression( Zhang e t al., 2016b).
Xia e t al. proposed DA RE which is a
dedup lica tion-aware resemblance detection and eli-
mination schem e for data red uction with low overhe-
ads(Xia et al., 2016).
Wen et al. proposed edelta which is a word-
enlarging based fast de lta compression approach( X ia
et al., 2015). Li et al. explored use of hardware
accelerator for similarity based data deduplication(Li
et al., 2015). Zhang et al. explored application of
delta compression for energy efficient STT-RAM re-
gister file on GPGPUs(Zhang et al., 2016a).
We consider semi-structured fo rm data represented in
XML, JSON, etc. Figure 1( a) depicts one such semi-
structured document represented in XML n otation.
The document is basically an excerpt of revision me-
tadata from Mediawiki dataset (Wikimedia, ). Prec i-
sely, this r evision document relates to one of the revi-
sions made by some wiki user RoseParks hose user id
is 99, as shown under the contributor. The document
contains several other information such as timestamp,
comment, model, format, text id, sha1 hash of that
A given document is organized as a sequence o f
objects, wherein an object is marked by the start of a
node label. For example, in Figure 1(a), XML label
revision shown a s < revision > marks the beginning
of object revision.
Figure 1(b) depicts the resulting encoding and its
memory representation. The object revision starts at
byte 384, shown a s B’38 4, in memory.
In this section, we descr ibe the application of our data
shaping technique (described above) to com pute do-
cument similarity metric in a parallel manner.
Specifically, we first describe the similarity com-
putation problem being considered in this paper in
Section 4. Next, we present an outline of the solu-
tion to similarity computation problem in Section 4.
Remaining parts of this sectio n covers details.
KDIR 2018 - 10th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
<revision>! <id>233192</id>!
<id>99</id> </contributor>!
<text id="233192" bytes="124" />!
<sha1>8kul9tlwjm9oxgvqzbwuegt9b2830vw</sha1> </revision>!
<text id="233192" bytes="124" />!
Figure 1: (a) Example of history metadata document. (b)
Memory representation of document.
The Similarity Computation Problem. We consi-
der the following problem: Given two rooted, ordered
tree objects O1, O2. Also given is a sim ilarity thres-
hold, θ. Compute difference between O1, O2.
We ma ke two key observations: (1) Closer are the
objects, lesser is the similarity (dissimilarity) compu-
tation time. (2) Contiguous dissimilarity is better than
disjoint dis-similarity.
Basic idea is that since the pattern of similarity
is directly related to the final overhead incurred after
delta encoding , it makes sense to track the patterns
of similarity b etween the objects being considered for
delta encoding. For example, if the two objects (to be
encoded) a re completely similar (identical) than the
delta encoding overhead in insignificant.
Similarity Computation: An Overview. Apply data
shaping technique describe d in Sec tion 3 to obtain T1
and T2 which are linearize d memory representation
of O1 and O2. Compare linearized tree objects in
parallel and record element-wise outcome. Perform
data compaction and record dissimilarity pattern P.
This is realized through the pseudocode as Listing 1.
Classify P as a positive or negative pattern by com-
paring it with a set of template patterns. Specifically,
P is classified as a positive pattern when P is closer
to pa ttern(s) favorable to attain the desired δ. If P is
classified as a positive pattern, then compute α
, the
similarity m etric corresponding to i
orientation pair.
Else, P is cla ssified as a negative pattern.
Similarity Patterns. Figure 2(a) depicts four patterns
of similarity distribution. A shaded box denotes cor-
respond ing entries in linearized version of trees are
dissimilar. First category of similarity pattern is when
both source and sink are unshaded, and no migration
is needed then.
Second category of similarity pattern denotes case
when source is shaded while sink is unshaded. In this
case, migration takes place from source to sink.
&*+,-." /01.,("2*3." 45.,"6'7,08*("
90:" 9;:"
Figure 2: (a) Similarity patterns. Dissimilarity migration
takes place from source to sink. A shaded box indicates
corresponding entries in linearized trees are not si mi lar. (b)
Pattern codes, and (c) Post-migration simi larity distribution.
Figure 3: (a) Similarity distribution after comparing O1 and
O2. (b) S teps to register similarity pattern. Number of steps
is log
(max(O1,O2)), which is 3 in this example. Simila-
rity pattern code is indicated along the curved arrows. (1)
In first step, cell size is 1. (2) In second step, size of cell
is 2. (3) In third and final step size of 4 cells is conside-
red. The similarity pattern is denoted as {(1, 0, 1, 0), (2, 2),
(3)}. [Comment: add O1 and O2 and show the differences
at index 1 and 5. And show how XORMatch is obtained.].
Third c ategory of similarity pattern denotes case
when source is unshaded while sink is shaded. No mi-
gration takes place in such cases. Fourth category of
similarity pattern re presents scenario of no similarity.
No migration can ha ppen in such cases. Figure 2(b)
depicts the pattern c ode associated with these four ca-
tegories of similarity d istribution patterns. Figure 2(c)
depicts the distribution after migration.
Registering Similarity Pattern. Figure 3(a) depicts
distribution of similarity obtained after com paring O1
and O2. Note that two entries are shaded. The shaded
entries signify the the corresp onding elements in O1
and O2 are dissimilar. Specifically, when O1 and O2
are compared element-wise, elements 1 and 5 a re dis-
Figure 3(b) depicts how we record similarity pat-
tern for O1 and O2. The similarity registration pro -
Fast Document Similarity Computations using GPGPU
cess operates in binary reduction fashion. Total num-
ber of steps involved in registration process are boun-
ded by log
(max(O1,O2)), where max(O1,O2) de-
notes the maximum of O1 and O2. In this case, num-
ber of steps in reduction pro cess are log
(8) = 3.
The figure depicts a thr ee step reduction operation.
In Step 1, four sets of operations o ccur in parallel (re-
fer Figure 3(b)). Specifically, entries 0 and 1 parti-
cipate in first set of comparison. Similarity pattern
correspo nds to type 1, which is marked on the arch
from source to sink.
Second set of operation comprises entries 2 and
3. Note that both of the entries are unshaded which
indicates a similarity pattern corresponds of type 0,
as marked on the arch from source to sin k. Third and
fourth set of operations comprises entries 4 and 5, and
6 and 7, resp ectively. And similarity pa tterns corr e-
sponds to type 1 and type 0, respectively. After Step
1, pattern table is updated with similarity pattern (1,
0, 1, 0).
In Step 2, two set of operations occur in para l-
lel. In first set of operation, entries 0-1 form the sink
and entries 2-3 form source. Similarity p a ttern corre-
sponds to type 2, as marked on the arch from source
to sink. In seco nd set, the participating entries are 4-7
wherein entries 4 -5 for m the sink a nd entries 6-7 form
source. The similarity pattern corresponds to type 2
as marked on the arch. After Step 2, pa ttern table is
updated with similarity pattern (2, 2).
In Step 3, one set of operation takes place wherein
all the entries participate. Entries 0-3 form the sink
and entries 4-7 form source. Similarity p a ttern corre-
sponds to type 3, which is ma rked on the arch from
source to sink. After Step 3, pattern table is upda-
ted with similarity pattern (3). With this step the fin a l
pattern table is as follows: {(1, 0, 1, 0), (2, 2), (3) }.
Listing 1 depicts the methodology to register the
similarity distribution pattern.
Classification of Similarity Patterns. Next, we dis-
cuss some of the common sim ilarity patterns from
delta encoding perspective.
Intuitively, if O1 and O2 are identical, then the
similarity pattern comprises of all 0s, and denoted as
{(0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0), (0 )}.
If O1 and O2 are co mpletely different, then the
similarity pattern comprises all 3’s, a nd denoted as
{(3, 3, 3, 3), (3, 3), (3 )}.
Consider another similarity pattern {(0, 0, X, X),
(0, X), (X) }, where X=(1, 2, 3). This is similarity
pattern represents a scenario where first half of O1 is
identical to the first half of O2. Note that this is based
on the observing similarity pattern emerging out of
the first step wh ich is {(0, 0, X, X) }.
Likewise, another similarity pattern {(X, X, 0, 0),
(X, 0) , (X)}, where X=(1, 2, 3), indicates that the
bottom halves of O1 and O2 are identical.
Such patterns indicate that there exist a signifi-
cant amount of contiguity in the similarity. Contigu-
ous similar ity pattern represent scenarios which are
highly favorable for delta encod ing. Reason being
that the overhead resulting from delta encoding would
be limited due to the contiguous nature of the simila-
rity (or dissimilarity) in the objects being considered.
Such favorable patterns are also referred as positive
Listing 1: Register-Pattern-GPU.
1 { i n t s t e p ;
2 i n t m a x Steps = l o g ( max ( O1 , O2 ) ) ;
3 i n t maxThreads = max ( O1 , O2 ) / 2 ;
4 i n t i ; i n t S t a r t ;
5 i f ( b lo c k I d x . x < num
6 { i f ( t h r e a d I d x . x < maxThreads )
7 { f or ( i = 0 ; i < m ax S tep s ; i ++)
8 { i f ( t h r e a d I d x . x<maxT hr eads )
9 { TID = t h r e a d I d x . x ;
10 i f ( XORMatch [ TID + 1] == 0 )
11 { i f ( XORM atch [ TID ] == 0 )
12 { S i m
P a t t e r n [ i ] [ TID ] = 0 ; }
13 e l s e S i m
P a t t e r n [ i ] [ TID ] = 2 ;}
14 e l s e { S t a r t = 0 ;
15 i f ( XORMatch [ TID ] == 0)
16 { S i m
P a t t e r n [ i ] [ TID ] = 1 ;
17 S t a r t = 0 ;}
18 e l s e { S i m
P a t t e r n [ i ] [ TID ] = 3 ;
19 S t a r t = si ze A T [ TID ] ;
20 fo r ( j = 0 ; j <siz eA T [ TID + 1 ] ; j ++)
21 {XORMatch [ TID+ j ] =
22 XORMatch [ ( TID +1)+ j ] ; }
23 siz eA T [ TID ]+= s i ze A T [ TID + 1 ] ;
24 }}} m axT hr eads = maxT hr eads / 2 ;
t h r e a d f e n c e s y s t e m ( ) ;
26 } } } } r e t ur n ;
27 }
Consider a pattern such as {(Y, Y, Y, Y) , (3, 3) ,
(3)}, w here Y=(1, 2) indicates that similarity is non-
contiguous. Such patterns represent worst case sce-
narios and are u nfavorable for delta encoding from
overhead aspect. Such u nfavorable patterns are also
referred as n egative p a tterns.
We argue th at negative patterns or unfavorable
patterns are not likely to b e nefit the cause of delta
encodin g. This is due to th e diverging nature of the
overhead accruing. The task of finding d elta enco-
ding for objects, which exhibit such negative pattern
similarity, should be abandoned in favor of othe r m ore
meaningful comp utations.
KDIR 2018 - 10th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Algorithm 1: ClassifySImilarityPattern( ).
1: while (Level < Thresh) do
2: Check all the nodes at this level:
3: if ( NodeValue == 0 )) then
4: case = BestCase, Exit
5: end if
6: if ( NodeValue == 1 )) then
7: case = HalfIdentical
8: end if
9: if ( NodeValue == 2 )) then
10: case = HalfIdentical
11: end if
12: if ( NodeValue == 3 )) then
13: case = Dissimilar
14: end if
15: end while
In this section, we describe our proposed GPU-based
In-mem ory Doc ument Cache for Fast Delta Encoding
delta encoding framework. The proposed delta enco-
ding fr amework comprises (1) similarity computation
substrate prop osed in previous section and (2) a delta
encodin g system.
We maintain the documents in their native form.
In other words, we do no t hash the documents instead
we represent them a s-they-are. This a pproach offers
several advantages: (1) Representing the documents
preserves the ir structural details whereas those cru-
cial structural details are lost after hashing. (2) Repr e -
senting documents in their native form also facilitates
obtaining their similar segments or the similarity pat-
tern. Note tha t this similarity pattern information is
very critical for determining if the similarity is good
enoug h to produce effective delta compression.
Figure 4(a) depicts our GPGPU-based document
cache and delta encoding framework. T he framework
depicts the a set of documents as input, GPU-b a sed
docume nt ca c he, a delta enco der, and output. We con-
sider a First-In-First-Out (FIFO).
Now, w e descr ibe operational aspects of the fra-
mework. The framework operates in batch mode.
Input dataset is parsed an d documents are organize d
their id-wise. A set of k input documents are presen-
ted to the d ocument cache to obtain their correspon-
ding similar documents. We refer to this set of k do-
cuments as qu e ry documents. The query documents
are search e d in document cache concurrently. If th e
docume nt cache contains document(s) similar to the
query document, the identifiers of the similar docu-
Figure 4: Block diagram of the framework comprising
GPU-based document cache and delta encoder. The docu-
ment cache is shown in detail (TOP).
ment(s) are passed to the delta encoder. Th e identifier
comprises ID(s) of the similar document(s) and the
similarity pattern.
Mapping of Similarity Computations on GPU. Let
N be the total number of entries in the documen t ca-
che and let N
be the total number of entries in the
query set. Computations are organized into bloc ks in
a 3D manner as follows:
(a) blockIdx .x = N;
(b) blockIdx.y = max
ydim threadblocks;
(c) blockIdx .z = max
ydim threadblocks / N
, where
max ydim threadblocks is the maximum y- or z-
dimension of a grid of thread blocks.
Note that the value of max
xdim threadblocks,
the maximum x- dimension of a grid of thread blocks,
for Nvidia GPUs with compute capab ility hig her than
3.0 is (2
-1), which is a relatively very high nu mber
w.r.t. the size of document cache being considered in
this work.
Figure 4(TOP) describes the mapping of docu -
ment similarity computations on to the blocks of GPU
using a document cache comprising 10 entries and a
four query documents. The figur e shows the map-
ping process of only one query, q0, for the sake of
clarity. From the figure, we can see that each GPU
block numbered as B0, B1, ···, B9 is assigned a
copy of que ry document q0 and entries d0, d1, ···,
d9, respectively. This set of co mputation forms the
blockIdx.y=0. Similarly, blockIdx .y=1 handles the
set of ten computations corresponding to query do-
cument q1. And computations due to query docu-
ments q2 and q3 a re handled by blockIdx.y=2 a nd
blockIdx.y=3, respectively.
Fast Document Similarity Computations using GPGPU
We used Kepler K20 GPGPUs in our exper iments.
The K20 device comprises 2496 Cuda cores or stre-
aming processors (SPs) @706 MHz, and is equippe d
with 5 GB GDDR5 on-board memory. The compute
platform comes with CPU having following spec ifica-
tions: Intel (R) Xeon (R) CPU E5-2650 @ 2.0 0 GHz
machine running GNU/L inux. Algorithms proposed
in this paper are implemented in C/Cuda7.5.
We used dumps of Mediawiki revision metadata
for our exper iments. The data set is in XML format.
We consider each revision metadata as one document.
Each document is marked within < revision > and
< /revision > tags. Each revision document compri-
ses contributor which in turn is composed of id and
user name. Then, each revision document contains
several other information such as timestamp, com-
ment, model, format, text id, sha1 hash of the update
made under that revision.
Table 1 lists details of the datasets. Wiki-57MB
dataset is 57 MB in size and contains 127000 docu-
ments. Similarly, Wiki-107MB and Wiki-1.1GB data-
sets are 107 MB and 1.1 GB in size, respectively; and
each of them comprise 236,000 and 2,364,000 docu-
ments, respectively.
Table 1: Datasets.
Name Size Num. of documents
Wiki-57MB 57 MB 126,828
Wiki-107MB 107 MB 236,086
Wiki-1.1GB 1.1 GB 2,363,912
Wiki-11GB 11 GB 23,678,264
6.1 Data Shaping O verhead
Input dataset comprising documents is par sed on
CPU. Table 2 depicts the parsing overhead. From this
table we observe that wall-clock time elapsed in data
shaping of 107 MB input document is 1.927 seconds.
From this table we also o bserve that for a 10.2X in-
crease in input size, the corresponding increase in par-
sing time is 10.16X indicating a nearly linear relation
between input size and p arsing time. The overall d ata
shaping throughput is 55 MB per second.
Table 2: Data Shaping overhead (on CPU).
Name Parsing (on CPU)
Wiki-107MB 1.927 seconds
Wiki-1.1GB 19.596 seconds
Figure 5: Throughput performance of similarity pattern al-
gorithm on GPU.
6.2 Computation Throughput
To me asure raw compute throughput of our simila-
rity computation technique described in Section 4 on
K20 GPU, we compute the similarity of one docu-
ment from that d ataset with all other documents. All
of the resulting similarity computations run concur-
rently on GPU. Consider the 107 MB dataset Wiki-
107MB which has 236,000 documen ts. As result of
comparing one document against all other documents
in that dataset, a total of 236,000 concurrent com-
putations are generated.
Figure 5 plots the compute throu ghput of the simi-
larity pattern algorithm for three wiki d atasets. Note
that the performance reported in the figure is from
execution on K- 20 GPU having 2496 Cuda cores. X-
axis represents three Wik i datasets of 57 MB, 107
MB, an d 1.1 GB in sizes. For each dataset, we expe-
riments with GPU block sizes o f 256 a nd 512 threads.
Y-axis is log scale and re presents the execution time
elapsed on GPU as milliseconds.
From Figure 5, we observe that for block sizes of
256, time elapsed in Stage 1 fo r concur rent simila-
rity computation of 236,000 is 148 milliseconds.
And the time elapsed in Stage 1 and Stage 2 combi-
ned is 354 milliseconds. This results in a throug-
hput of 302 MB p er second. In terms of similarity
computations, this amounts to a n overall raw com-
pute throughput of 666 similarity computations per
millisecond. When using a GPU block of 512 thre-
ads, the time elapsed on Stage 1 is 2 57 milliseconds
and that elapsed in Stage 1 and Stage 2 combined is
450 milliseconds, resulting in a throughput of 237
MB per second. These execution times yield a raw
compute throughput of 524 similarity computations
per millisecond.
Similarly, for 1.1 GB dataset, the time elapsed on
Stage 1 and Stages 1, 2 c ombined is 1462 milli-
seconds and 3524 milliseconds, respectively when
using block of 256 threads. This results in throu g-
hput of 312 MB per second. This yields a raw com-
KDIR 2018 - 10th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Figure 6: Performance of small document cache on varying
size of query set.
pute throughput of 670 similarity computations per
millisecond. And when using block size of 512, time
elapsed on Stages 1 and 2 combined is 4478 millise-
conds yielding in a throughput of 245 MB per second.
And the raw compute throughput is 527 similarity
computations per millisecond.
6.3 Scalability
We determine the size of query documents an d docu-
ment cache empirically. To this end we conduct the
following three set of experiments: (1) Small docu-
ment cache having 1024 entries, (2) Me dium docu-
ment cache with 32K entries, and (3) La rge document
cache having 1M document entr ie s. For these set of
experiments we set the GPU block sizes as 512 thre-
Figure 6 plots perform ance of sma ll document c a-
che on varying query set size from 1 to 1 024 in steps
of 4X. X-a xis represents the configuration of simila-
rity computation. For example, 16*1024 denotes a
configuration when query set size is 16 and document
cache size is 1024. Note tha t the configur ation also in-
dicates the total num ber of documen t similarity com-
putations involved for the document cache and qu ery
set being considered. Y-axis is log scale and repre-
sents the execution time elapsed on GPU as millise-
From Figure 6, we observe that f or a document
cache of 1024 entries the time elapsed in Stage 1 va-
ries from 372 milliseconds to 1346 milliseconds
when the size of query set is varied from 1 to 1024.
From the figure, we also observe that for the same
docume nt cache the time elapsed in stages 1 an d 2
combined varies from 374 milliseconds to 2649
milliseconds. These execution tim e measurements re-
veal that fo r our small documen t cache, an increase in
query set size by 1024X results in 7X rise in exe-
cution time. This in dicates that medium docum ent
cache is highly scalable.
Figure 7: Performance of medium document cache on va-
rying size of query set.
Figure 8: Performance of large document cache on varying
size of query set.
Figure 7 plots pe rformance of medium document
cache on varying query set size from 1 to 16 *1024
in steps of 4X. X-axis represents the configuration of
similarity compu ta tion. Y-axis is log scale a nd repre-
sents the execution time elapsed on GPU in millise-
conds. From Figur e 7, we observe that for a do cument
cache of 32K entries, where K=1024, the time elap-
sed in Stage 1 varies from 391 milliseconds to 125
seconds when the size of query set is varied from 1
to 4K. From the figure, we also observe that for the
same documen t cach e the time elapsed in stages 1 and
2 combined varies from 430 m illiseconds to 293
seconds. These measurements reveal that for our me-
dium d ocument cache, an increase in que ry set size by
4096X resu lts in 682X rise in execution time. T his
indicates that medium document cache is scalable.
Similarly, Figure 8 plots performance of our large
docume nt cache. The query set of size 1 and 32 are
used. X-axis represents the configu ration of similarity
computation and log-scale Y-axis represents the time
in milliseconds. From this figure, we observe that for
our large document cache, the time e lapsed in execu-
tion is 2.6 seconds and 71.85 seconds for query
set of size 1 and 32, respectively.
Fast Document Similarity Computations using GPGPU
6.4 Comparison with Has hing
Now, we a nalyse the performance of hashing-b ased
approa c h. Fir st, we measure performance of hashing-
based approach. To this end , we use different values
of window size, average chunk size, minimum chunk
size, and ma ximum chunk size to understand the ef-
fect of these param eters on the performance. These
measurements are carried out Intel CPU. We use four
set of configurations whic h are as follows:
Config ID 1: Window size = 24 bytes; Average
chunk size = 32 bytes; Minimum chunk size = 16 by-
tes; Maximum chunk size = 48 bytes;
Config ID 2: Window size = 24 bytes; Average
chunk size = 64 bytes; Minimum chunk size = 32 by-
tes; Maximum chunk size = 96 bytes;
Config ID 3: Window size = 24 bytes; Average
chunk size = 128 bytes; Minimum chunk size = 64
bytes; Maximum chunk size = 192 bytes;
Config ID 4: Window size = 48 bytes; Average
chunk size = 32 bytes; Minimum chunk size = 16 by-
tes; Maximum chunk size = 48 bytes;
Table 3 depicts the performance outcome of the
hashing-based approach under these configu rations.
From this table, we n ote that the performance of
hashing-based approach is independent of the values
of window sizes, average chunk sizes, minimum and
maximum chunk sizes. This observation holds true
when size of the input is increased by 10X. The
throughput of the hashing-based approach is in the
range of 28-29 MB/sec. Specifically, when using
smaller dataset of 107 MB, the throughput observed is
28.1 MB/sec. And when the larger dataset of 1.1 GB
is used, the throughput of hashing -based approach is
29.4 MB/sec.
The similarity co mpuatation framework proposed
in this p aper achieves a throughput in the range of
237-312 MB per second (refer to 6.2). Alternatively,
our novel appr oach result in up to 10X higher throug-
Table 3: Chunking and Hashing Time ( on CPU).
Dataset ID Parsing Parsing
+ Chunking + Chunking
(Rabin) (Rabin)
+ Hashing
Wiki-107MB 1 3.768 sec 3.803 sec
Wiki-107MB 2 3.756 sec 3.808 sec
Wiki-107MB 3 3.764 sec 3.804 sec
Wiki-107MB 4 3.761 sec 3.804 sec
Wiki-1.1GB 1 36.951 sec 37.375 sec
Several Big Data problems involve computing si-
milarities b etween entities, such as records, docu-
ments, etc., in timely manner. Recent studies point
that similarity-based deduplication techniques are ef-
ficient for document databases. Delta encoding-like
techniques are commonly leveraged to compute si-
milarities between documents. Operational require-
ments dictate low latency constraints. The previous
researches do not consider pa rallel computing to deli-
ver low latency delta encoding so lutions.
Throu gh this paper, we made a two-fo ld contri-
bution in context of delta encoding problem occur-
ring in document databases: (1) developed a paral-
lel processing- based technique to compute similari-
ties between do c uments, an d (2) designed a GPU-
based document ca c he to accelera te the perfo rmance
of delta enc oding pipeline. We experiment with real
datasets. Our experiments demonstrate the effecti-
veness of GPUs in similarity computatio ns. Speci-
fically, we achieve throughput of more than 500 si-
milarity computations per millisecond. And the simi-
larity compuatation fram ework proposed in this paper
achieves a throug hput in the range of 2 37-31 2 MB per
second which is up to 10X higher throughput when
compare d to the ha shing-based approaches.
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Fast Document Similarity Computations using GPGPU