Using Google Books Ngram in Detecting Linguistic Shifts over Time
Alaa El-Ebshihy, Nagwa El-Makky and Khaled Nagi
Dept. of Computer and Systems Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University, Egypt
Linguistic Shift, Semantic Change, Google Books Ngram, FastText, Time Series Analysis, Computational
The availability of large historical corpora, such as Google Books Ngram, makes it possible to extract vari-
ous meta information about the evolution of human languages. Together with advances in machine learning
techniques, researchers recently use the huge corpora to track cultural and linguistic shifts in words and terms
over time. In this paper, we develop a new approach to quantitatively recognize semantic changes of words
during the period between 1800 and 1990. We use the state-of-the-art FastText approach to construct word
embedding for Google Books Ngram corpus for the decades within the time period 1800-1990. We use a time
series analysis to identify words that have a statistically significant change in the period between 1900 and
1990. We conduct a performance evaluation study to compare our approach against related work, we show
that our system is more robust against morphological language variations.
With the evolution of natural languages over time,
some words gain new meanings, some are being
newly developed, while others disappear. This grad-
ually affects the way the words are being used. As
a result, the idea of automatic detection of semantic
change of words gained considerable interest in re-
cent research (Hamilton et al., 2016).
Semantic change of a word is defined as change of
one or more meanings of the word in time (Lehmann,
2013). Developing automatic techniques for identi-
fying changes to word meanings over time is bene-
ficial to various natural language processing opera-
tions. For instance, it helps in information retrieval
and question answering systems, since time-related
information would increase the precision of query dis-
ambiguation and document retrieval.
The presence of large historical corpora, such as
Google Books Ngram (Lin et al., 2012), makes it pos-
sible to track such linguistic shifts. Together with the
advances in machine learning techniques, the inter-
ests of researchers to develop computational strate-
gies for identifying and quantifying changes in lan-
guages raised significantly (Kim et al., 2014). In-
teresting work investigate changes by the analysis of
word frequencies (Gulordava and Baroni, 2011; Mi-
halcea and Nastase, 2012; Sang, 2016). Others use
distributional and Neural Language models (Gulor-
dava and Baroni, 2011; Kim et al., 2014; Hamilton
et al., 2016; Frermann and Lapata, 2016; Liao and
Cheng, 2016).
In our work, we develop an approach for mea-
suring semantic change using word embeddings and
time series analysis. Word embedding is a representa-
tion of a word to a low dimensional real-valued vec-
tor (Levy et al., 2015). Whereas, the science of time
series analysis includes the usage of statistical tech-
niques to extract meaningful information from time
series under investigation (Chatfield, 2016).
In our work, we utilize an enhanced word embed-
ding approach, namely, FastText (Bojanowski et al.,
2017), to train vector models for Google Books
Ngram for decades between 1800 and 1990. The
trained word vectors are inputed to construct and an-
alyze a time series using a technique mentioned in
(Kulkarni et al., 2015), for the time period between
1900 and 1990, to identify statistically significant
changed words. Finally, we evaluate our models by
comparing our approach against the Skip-Gram with
Negative Sampling (SGNS) model of Word2Vec used
in (Hamilton et al., 2016) using multiple evaluation
techniques and show that we propose an approach
that is robust to morphological language variation and
presence of noisy data.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In
Section 2, we discuss some of previous work in lin-
guistic change. An overview of the proposed ap-
El-Ebshihy, A., El-Makky, N. and Nagi, K.
Using Google Books Ngram in Detecting Linguistic Shifts over Time.
DOI: 10.5220/0007188703320339
In Proceedings of the 10th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2018) - Volume 1: KDIR, pages 332-339
ISBN: 978-989-758-330-8
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
proach is given in Section 3. In Section 4, we describe
the details of the experimental setup. A quantitative
evaluation of the proposed approach is presented in
Section 5. A discussion on the results is given in Sec-
tion 6. Finally, we conclude the paper and present
direction of possible future work in Section 7.
Various studies are made to quantitatively measure
the diachronic change in language.(Kim et al., 2014)
use word2vec to obtain vector representation for
Google Books Ngram fiction corpus and find the
words that significantly changed between 1900 and
2009. A similar approach is used by (Kulkarni et al.,
2015) to model the meaning shift of words over the
last century. They present three different approaches
known as; Frequency, Syntactic and Distributional
approaches, to construct time series for words. In
the Frequency approach, they use the log probability
of the word at specified time t to construct the time
series. In order to construct the time series for the
Syntactic approach, they make use of the probability
distribution for POS (Part Of Speech) tags of words at
each time snapshot. Whereas in the Distributional ap-
proach, they train Word2Vec embeddings with Skip-
Gram model and use the trained vectors in time series
construction. Using time series constructed from each
approach, they are able to detect statistically signifi-
cant change of word semantics.
The authors of (Gulordava and Baroni, 2011)
utilize the Local Mutual Information (LMI) (Evert,
2008) method to construct co-occurrence matrix of
words and detect semantic change of words from
1960s and 1990s. (Hamilton et al., 2016) introduce
a procedure to measure semantic change using three
different word embedding approaches PPMI (Posi-
tive Point-wise Mutual Information), SVD (Singu-
lar Value Decomposition), Skip-Gram with Negative
Sampling (SGNS) model of Word2vec on six histor-
ical corpora of four languages; English, French, Ger-
man and Chinese. They use Google Books Ngram as
source for each of English, French and German lan-
guages and the COHA (Corpus of Historical Ameri-
can English) (Mark, 2010) corpus as another source
for English language. As a result of the analysis, they
present two novel laws of semantic change known as;
the law of conformity (the rate of semantic change is
inversely proportional with word frequency) and the
law of innovation (polysemous words have are more
subjected to semantic changes).
Some other approaches based on distributional
methods to calculate semantic shifts are described in
(Sagi et al., 2011; Xu and Kemp, 2015).
(Wijaya and Yeniterzi, 2011) apply K-means clus-
tering and Topics-Over-Time (TOT) model (Wang
and McCallum, 2006) to detect the evolution of words
by determining the movement of word from one clus-
ter to another. Additionally, (Lau et al., 2012) apply
topic modeling in word sense induction using a given
target word. Novel senses are identified based on the
inconsistency between two given time periods. (Liao
and Cheng, 2016) present another approach for de-
termining linguistic shift using word embedding and
DBSCAN (Ester et al., 1996) with an approximate
nearest neighbor method to cluster vector of words
and analyze polysemy.
Other approaches use Bayesian models to develop
tasks in lexical semantics and diachronic word change
(Brody and Lapata, 2009; S
eaghdha, 2010; Ritter
et al., 2010; Frermann and Lapata, 2016). Others (Mi-
halcea and Nastase, 2012) use supervised learning ap-
proach and word context to examine the word change
usage in three different epochs (1800, 1900, 2000).
Several researchers study the evolution of words
in different languages. (Takamura et al., 2017) use
Skip-Gram to build a word vector model for semantic
shift in Japanese loanwords by mapping the Japanese
loanwords vectors to the corresponding English vec-
tors and measure the cosine similarity between the
Japanese word and English word. (Sang, 2016)
present two approaches based on relative frequency of
words to discover neologisms and archaisms in Ger-
man Corpus. (Kulkarni et al., 2016) extend the work
in (Kulkarni et al., 2015) by proposing approach to
identify regional variation of word usage.
As shown, much of work is done to formulate lin-
guistic shift detection task using distributional mod-
els. However, the existence of new word embedding
techniques (e.g. FastText), poses an interesting direc-
tion of research to develop new approaches that are
robust to morphological language variation and rare
senses of words.
Figure 1 shows an overall view of the processes of
the proposed approach. We construct a distributional
time series to detect semantic changes of words. We
follow the approach in (Kulkarni et al., 2015), but
we use FastText as a word embedding method. We
learn word embeddings vectors for the Google Books
Ngram corpus, align the embedding spaces to a joint
semantic space, and then use words’ displacement in
this semantic space to construct a distributional time
Using Google Books Ngram in Detecting Linguistic Shifts over Time
Figure 1: Overview of proposed approach.
3.1 Word Embedding
Word embeddings techniques are used to map each
word to a low dimensional vector (Levy et al., 2015).
The word vectors provide good representation for
words semantics. Since, most of the existing ap-
proaches learn word vectors by collecting information
about word context.
In order to train the embedding model, we utilize
the state-of-the art FastText (Bojanowski et al., 2017)
word embedding with Skip-Gram model. FastText
is a word embedding method that enriches word2vec
by taking into account word morphology. Morphol-
ogy is modeled by considering sub-word information.
This approach allows for reliable representation of
rare words.
Word2vec with Skip-Gram is introduced by
(Mikolov et al., 2013). It is built on the assumption
that words appearing in similar context have similar
meaning (Harris, 1954). In Skip-Gram model, each
word in the corpus is used to predict a window of sur-
rounding words. To optimize the trained word embed-
dings, stochastic gradient descent and back propaga-
tion are used. The hidden layer represents the words
embedding model. Assuming, we have a training cor-
pus given by a sequence of words w
, w
, ...., w
that T is the number of words, the objective of the
Skip-Gram model is to maximize the following log-
log p(w
) (1)
where C
is the set of indices of context words sur-
rounding w
FastText is similar to word2vec except that Fast-
Text makes use of character N-grams of variable
length to enrich word vectors with sub-word informa-
tion. Each word is represented by the sum of the vec-
tor representation of its N-grams. Thus, we obtain the
following scoring function:
s(w, c) =
where G
is the set of N-grams that appear in the word
w and z
is the vector representation of N-gram g (Bo-
janowski et al., 2017).
There are several advantages of this structure that
are demonstrated by the authors of FastText (Bo-
janowski et al., 2017):
Using sub-word information makes the words rep-
resentation robust to morphological variations in
language. Unlike other models that take the to-
kens as words and ignore the internal structure of
the words.
Its ability to handle rare words by generating reli-
able embeddings for unseen words in the training
data from the sum of the vectors of the word char-
acter N-grams.
It is proved that it is superior in syntactic tasks.
Thus, the syntactic structure can be identified by
the bag of N-grams without depending on using
words in similar context.
3.2 Time Series Construction and
Change Point Detection
Using the trained word vectors, we construct time
series for words using the approach mentioned in
(Kulkarni et al., 2015). The process for constructing
and analysis time series is summarized in the follow-
ing steps:
Aligning Embedding.
Time Series Construction.
Change of Point Detection.
3.2.1 Aligning Embedding
First, word vectors are aligned with respect to the fi-
nal snapshot (last year) in order to map vectors to
the same space. Using a piecewise linear regression
model, a linear transformation is learned to map a
word from the embedding space φ
to φ
, through
minimizing the following function.
(w) =
)W φ
where k NN(φ
(w)) is the set of k nearest words of
the word w in the embedding space φ
(w), φ
(w) and
(w) is the embedding space of word w at time t and
the final snapshot respectively (Kulkarni et al., 2015).
KDIR 2018 - 10th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
3.2.2 Time Series Construction
An assumption is set that a word may be subjected to
linguistic shift, if the alignment model failed to align
a word. Then, the displacement can be calculated be-
tween the initial time point and each point to construct
the distributional time series, as follows:
(w) = 1
where φ
(w), φ
(w) and φ
(w) are the embedding
space of a word w for the initial time, the final
snapshot and at time t respectively. W
(w) and
(w) are the linear transformation that maps a
word w from φ
(w) to φ
(w) and from φ
(w) to φ
3.2.3 Change Point Detection
By normalizing the time series, the Mean Shift al-
gorithm (Taylor, 2000) and bootstrapping (Efron and
Tibshirani, 1994) are used to estimate the change
point, in case the word is determined to have a sta-
tistically significant change compared to other words
in the corpus. The procedure to analyze and esti-
mate the statistically significant changed points is de-
scribed below.
First the time series T (w) is normalized to gener-
ate the Z-score time series using:
(w) =
(w) µ
where, at time snapshot i, Z
(w) is the Z-score time
series for the word w, µ
and Var
are the mean and
variance across all words respectively.
Then, a mean shift series K (Z(w)) is computed
using mean shift transformation on Z(w). Bootstrap-
ping is, then, applied on the normalized time series
Z(w) to permute it with B bootstrap samples. Means
shift is applied again to produce K (P ) for each boot-
strap sample P .
By setting the null hypothesis, that there is no
change in the mean, the p-value at time point i is
calculated by comparing the mean shift K
(P ) and
(Z(w)). And, the change point is set to the time
point j with the minimum p-value score.
Finally, the words that have significantly changed
with respect to other words, are determined by ob-
serving the magnitude of the difference in the Z-score
that exceeds a pre-defined user threshold.
For more information about the algorithm for de-
tecting statistically significant change point, please
refer to (Kulkarni et al., 2015).
4.1 Dataset
We use Google Books Ngrams (Lin et al., 2012) En-
glish corpus to train FastText models. The Google
Books Ngrams corpus is a huge dataset formed of N-
grams that are extracted from about 8 million books
over ve centuries. The N-grams differ in size (1-5)
grams. We use 5-grams from the English dataset.
4.2 Pre-processing
For building the model, we follow the same pre-
processing procedure used in (Hamilton et al., 2016).
We lower-case words and remove punctuation. We
restrict the vocabulary to words that occur at least
500 times spanning the time period 1800-2000. Also,
we downsample the larger years (i.e. starting from
1870) to have at most 10
tokens as recommended by
(Hamilton et al., 2016).
4.3 Parameter Setting
4.3.1 Word Embedding Hyperparameters
We construct the vector representation for the decades
from 1800 to 1990 using FastText
. For the sake of
fair comparison, we use a symmetric context window
of size 4 and dimensionality of 300 for the word vec-
tors (the same as (Hamilton et al., 2016)). In order to
set other hyperparameters, we use grid search to get
the best set of parameters to train FastText vectors.
We set the character n-gram minimum and maxi-
mum values to 2 and 6 respectively, the learning rate
to 0.1, the epoch size to 3 and negative sampling (ns)
loss. The rest of the hyperparameters are set to their
default values.
4.3.2 Parameters of the Time Series
Construction Module
The input to the time series construction module is
The word vector models for each time snapshot.
The set of words of interest that should be tracked.
We choose the set of words as the top-10000
words ordered by their average frequency over the
entire time period, excluding stop words and proper
. We use the same parameters as in (Kulkarni
et al., 2015). We set the bootstrap value B = 1000 and
Z-Score threshold γ to 1.75.
For the sake of fair comparison, we choose the same
set words of interest as (Hamilton et al., 2016)
Using Google Books Ngram in Detecting Linguistic Shifts over Time
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 2: Time series and p-value of two examples that
are detected to be statistically significant changed by using
FastText word vectors and by the distributional method in
(Kulkarni et al., 2015): (a) and (b) time series and p-value
for the word gay and, (c) and (d) similar plots for the word
4.3.3 Time Series Analysis
We analyze the performance of the time series that
is constructed from FastText word vectors using the
words that are detected to be statistically significant
changed in (Kulkarni et al., 2015) by their Distribu-
tional method.
Figure 2, shows time series constructed for two
examples of these words gay and plastic, using Fast-
Text word vectors and their corresponding p-value. A
dip in the p-value represents an indication of a sta-
tistically significant change in the word usage. Fig-
ure 2 ((a), (b)) shows that the word gay underwent
a statistically significant semantic change. It began
to move away from the words: happy, cheerful and
showy around 1920, similar to the results in (Hamil-
ton et al., 2016). On the contrary, it starts to be similar
to the words: homosexual, bisexual and lesbian since
1960. Similar results can be obtained with the word
plastic, where it starts to gain shift in meaning with
the introduction of Polystyrene around 1950 (Kulka-
rni et al., 2015). Before that time, plastic was used to
give the meaning of the flexibility physical property.
The lack of gold standard data poses challenges on the
evaluation of our approach. Therefore, we use some
quantitative approaches in (Kulkarni et al., 2015;
Hamilton et al., 2016), to compare the performance
of our approach to the SGNS approach in (Hamilton
et al., 2016). we compare the two approaches by eval-
uating their synchronic accuracy (i.e., ability to cap-
ture word similarity within individual time-periods)
and their diachronic validity (i.e., ability to quantify
semantic changes over time). We also use the refer-
ence data set in (Kulkarni et al., 2015) to evaluate the
performance of time series constructed for FastText
and SGNS approaches.
5.1 Synchronic Accuracy
To asses the synchronic accuracy, we use the standard
modern benchmark MEN (Bruni et al., 2012) and the
1990s word vectors. We compute the Spearman cor-
relation coefficient (Spearman, 1904) between human
judgment of word similarity and cosine similarity be-
tween pairs of words.
As shown in Table 1, FastText models outperform
the SGNS model, even if we don’t generate vectors
for out-of-vocabulary (OOV) words (i.e words that
appear in the testing set but not the vocabulary that
is used to train the embedding model). Since FastText
exploits sub-word information, it can generate vectors
for these words, which leads to further improvement
in performance. This demonstrate the claim of the au-
thors (Bojanowski et al., 2017), that adding sub-word
information, improves the ability to capture word sim-
Table 1: Synchronic accuracy results of SGNS (Hamilton
et al., 2016) against results of using FastText without gen-
erating vectors for OOV words (FastText OOV) and after
generating vectors for OOV words (FastText).
Approach Correlation (ρ) OOV
SGNS Results
(Hamilton et al., 2016) 0.649 54
FastText OOV 0.73 54
FastText 0.741 0
5.2 Diachronic Validity
In order to measure the diachronic validity of our
model, we detect known shifts using the method pro-
posed in (Hamilton et al., 2016). In this task, we want
to detect whether the approach can identify if a pair
of words move closer or apart from each other in se-
mantic space during a pre-determined time-period.
Using the set of examples (28 known historical
shifts) shown in Table 2, we check if the pairwise sim-
ilarity series have the correct sign on their Spearman
correlation with time. Then we determine whether the
shift is statistically significant at p < 0.05 level. From
the results in Table 3, FastText is able to detect the
KDIR 2018 - 10th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Table 2: Set of known historical shifts used to evaluate the diachronic validity (Hamilton et al., 2016).
Word Moving towards Moving away Shift start Source
gay homosexual, lesbian happy, showy ca 1920 (Kulkarni et al., 2015)
fatal illness, lethal fate, inevitable < 1800 (Jatowt and Duh, 2014)
awful disgusting, mess impressive, majestic < 1800 (Simpson and Weiner, 1989)
nice pleasant, lovely refined, dainty ca 1900 (Wijaya and Yeniterzi, 2011)
broadcast transmit, radio scatter, seed ca 1920 (Jeffers and Lehiste, 1979)
monitor display, screen ca 1930 (Simpson and Weiner, 1989)
record tape, album ca 1920 (Kulkarni et al., 2015)
guy fellow, man ca 1850 (Wijaya and Yeniterzi, 2011)
call phone, message ca 1890 (Simpson and Weiner, 1989)
correct direction of shifts in all cases except for one
case (awful, majestic), while its performance was the
same as SGNS (Hamilton et al., 2016) for measuring
the significance level of shift.
Table 3: Diachronic validity performance, detecting at-
tested shifts from Table 2, of SGNS (Hamilton et al., 2016)
against results of our approach using FastText.
Approach % Correct % Sig.
SGNS Results
(Hamilton et al., 2016) 100.0 93.8
FastText 96.4 93.8
5.3 Evaluation on a Reference Dataset
Figure 3: Performance of FastText vs SGNS on a reference
Using this method, we attempt to quantify the per-
formance of the FastText and SGNS approaches on a
reference dataset. We use the evaluation method il-
lustrated in (Kulkarni et al., 2015). We use a data set
D of 20 words, that are known as having undergone
linguistic shift, collected by (Kulkarni et al., 2015)
from various sources (Gulordava and Baroni, 2011;
Jatowt and Duh, 2014; Kim et al., 2014; Wijaya and
Yeniterzi, 2011). Then for each approach, we make
a list L of words ordered by the significance score of
change. After that, we calculate Precision@k (Man-
ning et al., 2008) between L and D as follows:
Precision@k(L, D) =
|L[1 : k] D|
Figure 4: Method agreement of changed words between
FastText and SGNS.
Figure 3 shows the performance of both ap-
proaches against the reference dataset. We can notice
that as k increases, the number of relevant retrieved
words increases. It is clear that FastText outperforms
5.4 Method Agreement
To explore the agreement between FastText and
SGNS approaches, we use the method suggested by
(Kulkarni et al., 2015). We consider the top k words
that each approach claims to be subject to linguistic
shift ordered by their significance scores. Consider
that we have two lists M
(k) and M
(k), we compute
the agreement between the two lists, using Jaccard
Similarity, as follows:
(k), M
(k)) =
(k) M
(k) M
where M
(k) and M
(k) represent the top k word lists
generated from FastText and SGNS (Hamilton et al.,
2016) respectively.
Figure 4 depicts the agreement scores between
both approaches for different k values. We observe
that the agreement between FastText and SGNS is rel-
atively low, which means that each approach captures
different linguistic aspects. This implies that if we
use a combination of both approaches, it may yield to
improved results.
Using Google Books Ngram in Detecting Linguistic Shifts over Time
In this section, we discuss the evaluation results in
Section 5. FastText outperforms SGNS in most of the
cases. This is due to the following:
Optimizing the size of N-grams, in FastText pa-
rameters, improves the semantic tasks. This
agrees with the claim of (Bojanowski et al., 2017).
As shown in the evaluation results in Section 5.1,
the robustness of FastText in the presence of rare
words is due to the usage of sub-word informa-
tion, especially in the presence of noisy text, un-
like SGNS and other embedding approaches that
deal with the word as a whole entity. This agrees
with the findings in (Bojanowski et al., 2017) that
FastText performed similarly to SGNS in seman-
tic tasks when using test sets with common words
in English. It outperforms SGNS when using sets
with some less frequent words or unseen words,
which is the case with the standard modern bench-
mark MEN (Bruni et al., 2012) used in synchronic
accuracy evaluation.
From the findings of (Hamilton et al., 2016), one
can infer that rare words semantically change at a
faster rate. The ability of FastText to capture rare
words helps in detecting their semantic changes.
Exploiting sub-word information helps in over-
coming the presence of messy text in large
datasets such as the Google Books Ngram dataset.
It is also observed, in Section 5.4, that the agree-
ment between FastText and SGNS is low. This can be
discussed as follows:
While the semantic information can be encoded in
SGNS embedding, FastText incorporates morpho-
logical information. As a result, FastText models
can extract syntactic variation as well. It has been
shown by the results in (Bojanowski et al., 2017)
that FastText is superior in syntactic tasks.
The usage of character N-grams, makes FastText
able to capture semantic relation between words
that share common N-grams (e.g. the words
behavior and behavioral) (Tissier et al., 2017).
7.1 Conclusion
In this paper, we propose an approach to computa-
tionally detect word meaning shift across time. We
build our system based on the work done by (Hamil-
ton et al., 2016) and (Kulkarni et al., 2015). We use
the state-of-the-art word embedding approach, Fast-
Text, to build word representation. We then use the
trained word vectors to construct and analyze time se-
ries in order to identify words that undergone statisti-
cally significant change of meaning in addition to the
detection of the point of change.
We apply our proposed approach on a large histor-
ical corpus, Google Books Ngram. We use different
evaluation strategies to compare the performance of
our approach against its counterpart (Hamilton et al.,
7.2 Future Work
As a future work, we will focus on using more quan-
titative evaluation methods to analyze the system per-
formance in linguistic change task. We will also work
on the creation of an improved approach to capture
syntactic shifts beside semantic changes as suggested
by (Kulkarni et al., 2015).
One interesting direction of research, is to detect
whether the same words evolve similarly in different
We can apply our approach on morphological
rich languages (e.g., Arabic, Czech and German lan-
guages). This is due to the robustness of FastText to
such types of languages.
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