Another use of server logs and route analysis work
is to capture tips on usability and improve the system
by obtaining information about whether a process
consisting of several steps is performed by following
the route expected by the users, the most time-
consuming process steps and the steps in which the
process is left most. In the Hacettepe EDMS program,
the process of "preparing correspondence" is a
process consisting of inputting general information,
writing text input, adding text input, and signing. But
all the steps are done by one-page URL. For this
reason, information such as the user's movement
between steps, the amount of time spent in each step,
and the step at which he left the process is not
obtained from the access logs.
To be effective in a knowledge and information-based
society, individuals need tools that allow them to
collect, manipulate and distribute the information
about their products. The problem for authors and
maintainers of such distributed resources is that to
measure the utility of information in such a process
and the question is: How do you analyse that the
information you have placed on the web is being
accessed in a significant way?
Organizations seeking to use server logs to
measure usability can reach more accurate data by
adding the following information to the log records:
1. Giving a unique number to each user will ensure
that sessions are distinguished precisely.
2. Specifying different URLs for each step of
processes like creating a legal document or
making a payment will enable analyzers to obtain
the detailed path of the users.
3. Saving details about the clicks made by the user
(scroll bar movements, time, etc.) will enable
effective analysis of usage data.
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