Comparative Study of Job Motivation Between Librarian and
Administration Staff in Library of Universitas Airlangga
Falih Suaedi
and Dimas Agung Trisliatanto
Lecturer of Public Administration Department, Faculty of Social Science and Political Science, Universitas Airlangga,
Campus B. Jl. Dharmawangsa Dalam, Surabaya, Indonesia
Doctor Program Study of Human Resource Development, Postgraduate School of Universitas Airlangga, Campus B. Jl.
Airlangga No. 4-6 Surabaya, Indonesia
Keywords: Job Motivation, Librarian, Administration Staff.
Abstract: Job motivation is main asset which need more attention and guidance of related-organization.
Hierarchically, in the implementation of job between librarian and administration staff in Universitas
Airlangga Library, as one of the institutions providing information services for students of Universitas
Airlangga, is divided into two namely operational and functional which of them both have components,
among others are run by librarians consisting of librarians still status as civil servants and librarians who are
not permanent status as a honorary staff functionally. The purpose of this study is to measure the differences
and to find the factors that distinguish the motivation of work between librarians and administration staff.
The method of this research was comparative quantitative. The sampling technique used was total sampling.
Data analysis techniques used were frequency table, classical assumption test, validity and reliability test,
comparation data analysis with Independent Sample T-Test to determine the hypothesis. Based on analysis,
the results were the difference between librarian and administration employee towards indicators, among
others are: 1) Company policy and administration; 2) Supervision; 3) Status; 4) Job Security; 5)
Achievement; 6) Recognition; and 7) the work itself, with the value of signicantion (α) < 0,05 for each
Library is a unit of work in the form of a collection
of library materials stored systematically in a certain
way to be used in a sustainable manner by the
wearer as a source of information. Library as an
organization must be able to create an atmosphere
conducively so that in carrying out its duties can run
well and to boost the performance of librarians and
administration staff then the library is required to
pay attention about matters relating to motivation
problems because with the expected motivation
every librarian and administration staff are willing to
work hard and enthusiastic to achieve maximum
results with high performance.
Job motivation is one of the important things that
can determine in the implementation of the library in
order to provide maximum service to library users.
Service friendly, fairly, optimally, efficiently and
effectively are desired by every users. Motivation is
a psychiatric condition and a mental attitude that
energizes human beings, encourages activities or
moves and directs or channel behavior toward
achieving needs that satisfy or reduce imbalance
(Istiyarini, 2004).
The employees who have high motivation will be
more focused in carrying out assignment as good as
possible because of job motivation related to how
the individual responds to the job assignment.
Conversely, if the individual has a low motivation of
work then the tendency of job responsibilities and
assignments are assessed less resulting in negligence
in running it. Operationally, in the availability of
human resources in an organization there are two
types of employees who focus on working in certain
areas (expert) and employees who can be employed
in all fields (auxiliary).
In this study, the functional experts in question is
the librarian and the auxiliary personnel is the
administration staff. Hierarchically, in the
implementation of job between librarian and
administration staff in Universitas Airlangga
Suaedi, F. and Agung Trisliatanto, D.
Comparative Study of Job Motivation Between Librarian and Administration Staff in Library of Universitas Airlangga.
DOI: 10.5220/0007550607400745
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference Postgraduate School (ICPS 2018), pages 740-745
ISBN: 978-989-758-348-3
2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Library, as one of the institutions providing
information services for students of Universitas
Airlangga on campus A, B, and C, is divided into
two namely operational and functional which of
them both have components, among others are run
by librarians consisting of librarians still status as
civil servants and librarians who are not permanent
status as a honorary staff functionally. While the
activity is operated by administration staff both
administration staff with the status as a civil servant
and honorary staff are shown in the following Table
Tabel 1: Employment data of Universitas Airlangga
Library per 2014 : HRD of Universitas Airlangga Library,
Status of employment Total
Functional librarian (civil servant) 27
Honorary librarian 18
Administration staff (civil servant) 25
Administration staff (honorary) 4
Given the differences in employment status, each
component has different performance mechanisms
according to ability. The ability of the library staff is
a manifestation of the willingness of every employee
to be trained and developed the expertise and
knowledge of his knowledge in accepting duties and
job responsibilities. The ability of each employee
cannot be separated from the number of potential or
individual excellence that existed and owned at that
time related to age, gender, level of intelligence,
level of education, background of skills and
expertise mastered, knowledge insight, and work
experience owned so that researchers assume that
between the librarian and the library administration
staff have different job motivation because it is
related to the employee’s potential as mentioned
Based on previous research conducted that in
essence the average value of external and internal
motivation of contract employees is larger than
permanent employees (Permanasari, 2009). The
magnitude of this average score is influenced by
high morale in the work and even they have hope to
get a better position (status) in the future, whereas
for permanent employees or long felt that their work
has become a habit and routine day-to-day.
Previous research conducted by Kusuma stated
that regarding job motivation has five kinds of
indicators that can be measured ie image
(impression), interest, positive attitude, cooperation,
and stimulation. The study used Independent Sample
T-Test Test, which in homogeneity test between
librarian sample and outsourced sample (contract)
sample were both homogeneous because it has
probability > α = 5% (0,05) (Kusuma, 2011).
However, the indicator of stimulation for job
motivation between librarian and outsourced
personnel is different because of the value of t
(2.5% .38), which in this indicator of
stimulation has sub indicators that need to be
considered, among others benefits and rewards for
achievements to optimize their performance. So the
assessment of the job employees of the Library and
Filing Department of East Java Province is needed
to identify what are the factors that hamper the
performance and cause employee morale decreased
as a solution to the problem (Kusuma, 2011).
From the above explanation, it is necessary to
conduct research at the Universitas Airlangga
Library associated with differences in job motivation
between librarians and administratition staff. It is
known that there is one of the some factors in
causing library performance that is job motivation.
When the employee's motivation is low, it reflects
the lack of enthusiasm in the individual in carrying
out his/her job duties.
Is there any difference in job motivation between the
librarian and the administration staff in the
Universitas Airlangga Library?
The purpose of this study is to measure the
differences and find the factors that distinguish the
motivation of work between librarians with
administration staff at the Universitas Airlangga
Library. The benefits of this research in order to
contribute thoughts for the development of human
resources related to motivation and can be a useful
contribution of information for the Head of Library
which after doing research and know the existence
of differences in job motivation between librarians
and administration staff.
Comparative Study of Job Motivation Between Librarian and Administration Staff in Library of Universitas Airlangga
4.1 Job Motivation
According to Uno, motivation is the driving force in
a person to perform certain activities in order to
achieve certain goals. This means that motivation is
the impetus in a person to try to make changes in
behavior better in meeting their needs (Uno, 2007).
According to Luthans (2005), motivation is a
process that starts with a physiological or
psychological deficiency or need that activates a
goal or incentive.
Robbins (2007) reveals that motivation is the
result of the interaction of individuals and situations,
which in the sense of motivation is a process that
produces an intensity, direction, and perseverance of
individuals in an attempt to achieve a goal (Robbins,
2007). Herzberg (2009) said that people in doing
their activities are influenced by two factors that
affect one's performance in an organization, namely
Hygiene Factor and Motivation Factor. Hygiene
factors include: Company policy and administration;
Supervisor; Benefits; Interpersonal relationship;
Status; Job security; Working condition. While
Motivation factor, among others: Achievement;
Recognition; Responsbility; Growth or possibility of
growth; The work itself.
4.2 Librarian
Librarian according to the decision of the Head of
National Library of Indonesia Number 10 Year 2004
regarding to technical guidance of functional
position of librarian is Civil Servant assigned,
responsibility, and authority to conduct librarian
activity in library units, documentation, and
information in government institution and other
certain unit. Based on the Decree of the Minister of
Empowerment and State Apparatus No.
132/M.PAN/12/2002 states that librarians are
functional officers domiciled as implementers of
librarian main tasks in libraries, documentation and
information units at government agencies
(Djuwarnik, 2006).
Librarians who perform the activities of the
library by providing services to the community in
accordance with the task of Its parent institution
based on the knowledge, documentation, and
information It has through education (Hermawan
and Zen, 2006). Librarian is someone who has a job
in several fields, among others: 1.) Organizing and
utilizing the collection of library materials or sources
of information; 2.) Socialization of librariy,
documentation, and information; 3.) Assessment and
development of library, documentation, and
information; 4.) Professional development
(Soetminah, 2000).
Based on the data contained in the staffing of
Universitas Airlangga Library has mentioned data
about the number of librarians and administration
staff. The librarian is a person who has competence
obtained through education and training to carry out
librarian management and has the duty and
responsibility to carry out the management and
service library (Law no. 43 of 2007). Therefore, the
researcher uses the data guidance to determine the
amount of sample that is the librarians and
administrative staff taken in this research spread in
Universitas Airlangga Library.
4.3 Administration Staff
A worker or an employee is any person who is
capable of doing work both within and outside the
employment relationship to produce goods or
services to meet the needs of the community (Article
1 of Law no. 14 of 1969). Library employees other
than librarians here interpreted as an administration
staff, which is a person working in the library
operationally that helps the librarian work actively in
providing optimal service to users in meeting their
needs in accordance with the capacity of tasks and
jobs provided.
Some tasks that are the responsibility of
administration staff, among others: 1.) Record the
entry of books and library collections; 2.) Sanction
penalties to users who are late or damaged; 3.)
Compile, organize, and re-group books or
collections of library that have been borrowed to the
bookshelves or place as before; 4.) Inventory of
books and collections, insert new book titles and
collections into inventory books and numbering of
collections; 5.) Report the number of books and
collections borrowed, returned, or lost and damaged
to the Head of the Library; 6.) Making financial
statements to Assistant Director of Finance known to
the Head of Library; 7.) Provide the best service to
the user (Djuwarnik, 2005).
The method of this research is comparative
quantitative. Comparative quantitative method is
used to explain a differentiation of one variable (job
motivation) and to test the hypothesis in research
used statistic technical analysis (Sugiyono, 2007).
ICPS 2018 - 2nd International Conference Postgraduate School
The sampling technique used is total sampling
because the amount of librarian and administration
staff in Universitas Airlangga Library are 74 people
and qualified to become the respondence. The
reseach hypothesis are following:
= There is no comparation of job motivation
between librarian and administration staff
= There is comparation of job motivation
between librarian and administration staff
The research instrument used in this research is
based on the Hezberg’s theory of job motivation as
variable. Data analysis techniques used are
frequency table, classical assumption test, validity
and reliability test, comparation data analysis with
Independent Sample T-Test to determining the
6.1 Comparison Test about Job
Motivation between Librarian and
Administration Staff
Based on the indicator of company policy and
administration that the probability value of 0.871 >
0.05 then the two samples of librarians and
administration staff on policy indicators are
homogeneous. A significance value of 0.000 < 0.05
indicates a difference between external policy
motivation perceived by librarians and
administration staff. Based on the indicator of
supervisor that the probability value of 0.430> 0.05
then the two samples of librarians and administration
staff on the monitoring indicator is homogeneous. A
significance value of 0.000 < 0.05 indicates a
difference between the external motivation of
supervision felt by librarians and administration
This test is conducted to answer the research
problem about whether there are differences in job
motivation between librarians and administration
staff in Universitas Airlangga Library. In the
Independent Sample T-Test there is a homogeneity
test of the sample toward librarian and
administration staff. Both samples are explained to
be homogeneous if they have probability value > α =
0.05 and vice versa are not homogeneous if have
probability value < α = 0.05. The value of t
> t
(2.5% .72 = 1.993) and significance value < 0.05
indicate if there is difference between the two
samples of study, otherwise if the t
< t
(2.5% .72
= 1.993) and significance value > 0.05 indicate if
there is no difference between the two samples of
study. In the following table 2 will explain each test
result difference between hygiene factors and
motivation factors:
Tabel 2: The independent sample T-Test based on indicators of hezberg’s theory : primary data, 2014.
Homogenity Asumption Independent Sample T-Test
Probability Decision t
Sig Decision
Company policy and
0.871 Homogeneous 4.578 1.993 0.000 H
Supervisor 0.430 Homogeneous 3.966 1.993 0.000 H
Benefits 0.301 Homogeneous -0.788 1.993 0.433 H
0.021 Dishomogeneous -1.020 1.993 0.313 H
Status 0.076 Homogeneous 3.693 1.993 0.000 H
Job security 0.252 Homogeneous -5.581 1.993 0.000 H
Working condition 0.004 Dishomogeneous 0.766 0.859 0.393 H
Achievement 0.006 Dishomogeneous 3.050 1.993 0.003 H
Recognition 0.955 Homogeneous 4.410 1.993 0.000 H
Responsbility 0.004 Dishomogeneous 0.065 1.993 0.949 H
Growth or possibility of
0.019 Dishomogeneous -1.004 1.993 0.319 H
The work Itself 0.042 Dishomogeneous 5.461 1.993 0.000 H
Comparative Study of Job Motivation Between Librarian and Administration Staff in Library of Universitas Airlangga
Based on the indicator of benefits that the
probability value of 0.301 > 0.05 then the two
samples of librarians and administration staff on
salary indicator is homogeneous. The significance
value of 0.433 > 0.05 indicates no difference
between the external motivation of the salary
perceived by librarian and administration staff.
Based on the indicator of interpersonal relationship
that the probability value of 0.021 < 0.05 then the
two samples of librarians and administration staff on
the indicator of interpersonal relationships is not
homogeneous. The significance value of 0.313> 0.05
indicates no difference between the external
motivation of interpersonal relations perceived by
librarians and administration staff.
Based on the indicator of status that the
probability value of 0.076 > 0.05 then the two
samples of librarians and administration staff on the
status indicator is homogeneous. A significance
value of 0.000 < 0.05 indicates a difference between
the external motivation of the status felt by librarians
and administration staff. Based on the indicator of
job security that the probability value of 0.252 >
0.05 then the two samples of librarians and
administration staff on the safety indicator is
homogeneous. The significance value of 0.000 <
0.05 indicates a difference between the external
motivation of job security perceived by the librarian
and administration staff.
Based on the indicator of working condition that
the probability value of 0.004 < 0.05 then the two
samples of librarians and administration staff on the
indicator of working conditions are not
homogeneous. The significance value of 0.393> 0.05
indicates no difference between the external
motivation of the working conditions felt by
librarian and administration staff. Based on the
indicator of achievement that the probability value
of 0.006 < 0.05 then the two samples of librarian and
administration staff of achievement are not
homogeneous. The significance value of 0.003 <
0.05 indicates a difference between achievement
motivation felt by the librarian and administration
Based on the indicator of recognition that the
probability value of 0.955 > 0.05 then the two
samples of librarian and administration staff on the
recognition indicator is homogeneous. The
significance value of 0.000 < 0.05 indicates a
difference between the recognition motivation felt
by librarian and administration staff. Based on the
indicator of responsbility that the probability value
of 0.004 < 0.05 then the two samples of librarian and
administration staff in the indicator of responsibility
are not homogeneous. The significance value of
0.949 > 0.05 indicates no difference between the
motivation of responsibility felt by librarian and
administration staff.
Based on the indicator of growth or possibility of
growth that the probability value of 0.019 < 0.05
then the two samples of librarian and administration
staff on growth indicators are not homogeneous. The
significance value of 0.319 > 0.05 shows no
difference between the growth motivation felt by
librarian and administration staff. Based on the
indicator of the work itself that the probability value
of 0.042 < 0.05 then the two samples of librarians
and administration staff on the job indicator is not
homogeneous. A significance value of 0.000 < 0.05
indicates a difference between job motivation
perceived by librarians and administration staff.
Herzberg (2009) said there are two factors that
affect one's performance in an organization, namely
Hygiene Factor and Motivation Factor. Hygiene
factors include: Company policy and administration;
Supervisor; Benefits; Interpersonal relationship;
Status; Job security; Working condition. While
Motivation factor, among others: Achievement;
Recognition; Responsbility; Growth or possibility of
growth; The work itself.
The kind of research is comparative explanative and
the method used is survey with total respondents of
74 peoples. The purpose of this research is to find
out the difference of job motivation between
librarian and administration employee in Library of
Universitas Airlangga. The analysis method used
Independent Sample T-Test.
Based on analysis, it is concluded that there are
the difference between librarian and administration
employee towards indicators are: 1) Company policy
and administration; 2) Supervision; 3) Status; 4) Job
Security; 5) Achievement; 6) Recognition; 7) the
work itself, with the value of signicantion (α) < 0,05
for each indicator.
The researchers grateful thanks to Allah SWT for
His bless and mercy. Because of It, we can finish
this reseach. Unforgetable, we have to say thanks
too for librarians and employees of administration in
Library of Universitas Airlangga because they
ICPS 2018 - 2nd International Conference Postgraduate School
always support, participate, and give some
contributions as our respondence.
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Comparative Study of Job Motivation Between Librarian and Administration Staff in Library of Universitas Airlangga