Mastery Learning Approach and Students Learning Motivation:
Case in Islamic Religious Learning
Andewi Suhartini
, Rahayu Kariadinata
, Oneng
UIN Sunan Gunung Djati, Jl. A.H. Nasution No.105 Bandung, Indonesia
SMP Negeri 51 Buah Batu Bandung, Indonesia,
Keywords: Mastery Learning and Learning Motivation
Abstract : This study aims to analyze and describe students' learning motivation in Islamic religious learning through
Mastery Learning approach. The present research adopted experiment design with mixed methods. This
sequential exploratory model which was implemented in SMP Negeri 51 Bandung in grade VII students. The
participants were selected by using random sampling from two classes. The experimental class was treated
with Mastery Learning Approach; meanwhile, the control class was taught with Expository method. . The
research instrument is a motivation questionnaire consisting of six aspects: 1) desire to succeed, 2)
encouragement and need to learn, 3) hope and future aspirations, 4) awards in learning, 5) interesting
activities in learning, and 6) the existence of a conducive learning environment. The data were quantitatively
and qualitatively analized; the first stage used quantitative methods and the second stage used qualitative
methods. Based on the results of data analysis obtained the result that the student's learning motivation in
Islamic Religious learning in class Mastery Learning is better than /superior to the students in the class
Expository. The percentage of student motivation in Mastery Learning class is 83,85% while in Expository
class is 78,80%. The Mastery Learning approach is very effective for developing students' learning
Learning motivation is one of individual’s
supporting factors in achieving successful learning .
Various efforts need to be done by teachers to
cultivate students' learning motivation in school
since high learning motivation positively correlates
with good learning outcomes. The phenomenon is
frequently found in the classroom; there are some
students who are less focused on the subjects, the
materials presented by the teacher are monotonous,
teacher centered learning, and the students are given
less opportunity to express their opinions.
Every student needs to have a high motivation in
learning, because it allows him to obtain high
learning results as well, meaning that the higher the
motivation is, the more intense their effort are made,
and the higher learning achievements are obtained.
Basically motivation is a conscious effort to move,
direct and maintain one’s behavior so that he is
encouraged to achieve certain results or goals
(Winkel, 2004), while learning motivation is the
studentsefforts to learn. It ensures the continuity of
the learning activities and gives a direction for
students’ learning so that the goals desired by the
students can be achieved (Sardiman, 2014).
Based on the results of preliminary study from
the observations conducted at SMP Negeri 51
Bandung, it was found that teachers tended to use
conventional teaching methods (such as: lectures,
note taking, and problem solving) that caused the
students to get esily bored. This has an impact on
students' learning motivation, indicated with a
number of students who did not do their tasks
optimally, late coming to school, and having no
focus on learning when the learning process takes
place. This low learning motivation must have an
impact on students' learning outcomes in both
cognitive and psychomotor aspects. In the cognitive
aspect, the result of mid-semester test (UTS) in
academic year 2015-2016 shows low learning result
or all students did not reach Minimum Achivement
Criteria (KKM) that is 76, only 40,88% have
reached KKM score. Meanwhile, at psychomotor
aspect, there are still many students who could not
perform prayer properly, especially when sitting
Suhartini, A., Kariadinata, R. and Oneng, .
Mastery Learning Approach and Students’ Learning Motivation: Case in Islamic Religious Learning.
DOI: 10.5220/0008214900002284
In Proceedings of the 1st Bandung English Language Teaching International Conference (BELTIC 2018) - Developing ELT in the 21st Century, pages 141-149
ISBN: 978-989-758-416-9
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
between two kneelings to the ground (iftirasy) and
reciting prayers during sitting (tasyahud).
Overcoming the above problems, it is necessary
to strive for a learning approach that attracts
students' attention and enables them to improve
their learning outcomes. A mastery learning
approach is one approach that can be applied in
schools to make students learn actively.
Based on the above description, the present
research was conducted to identify the impact of
two earning approaches (mastery learning approach
and using expository methods) on the students’
learning motivation in the classroom
Research on this issue has been done by many
researchers, among others: Effects of Mastery
Learning Approach on Students’ Achievement in
Physics (Adeyemo and Babajide, 2014), The Effect
of using Learning Strategy Mastery in the Collection
of the Ninth-Grade Students in the Study of Islamic
Education in Ma'an (AlKhateeb et al., 2015), The
Effect of Reciprocal-Teaching Strategy on Learning
Outcomes and Attitudes of Qassim-University
Students in “Islamic Culture” (Al-Harby, 2016),
Effect of Mastery Learning on Senior Secondary
School Students’ Cognitive Learning Outcome in
Quantitative Chemistry (Mitee and Obaitan, 2015),
The Influence Of Learning Model Guided Findings
Of Student Learning Outcomes (Bahri, 2015),
Increasing Student Mastery and Achievement in
Islamic Education Through Game Techniques,
Memory Aid ‘The Link’ and Mind Maps (Abdul
Nasir Zakaria et al., 2014), Application of Theory
and Practice of Educational Technology to the
Teaching and Learning of Islamic Studies (Ajani,
2012). From the previous research above, it can be
said that this research is relatively new, both in
terms of substance, theory, and scientific
methodology. The focus of this research is the
application of mastery learning approach to improve
the students learning motivation of Islamic religious
education (PAI) on the material of prayer class VII
of SMP Negeri 51 Bandung. This study aims to
describe the improvement and differences in
learning motivation of PAI students on prayer
materials before and after applying mastery learning
and student and teacher activity in the learning
process with mastery learning approach.
The present research is based on the theory of
mastery learning and student's learning
motivation.The grand theoretical idea in mastery
learning is based on an interesting perspective from
John B. Carroll based on his findings on the model
of learning". He stated that the student's aptitude for
particular subjects can be predicted from the time it
is provided to study it and/or the time it takes to
learn in reaching a certain level of mastery (Bloom,
1976). It means that high-talented students will be
able to master the material quickly while low-
talented students will master the material slowly. So
with the provision of adequate time in accordance
with the ability of students, the expected full mastery
in learning can be achieved.
By implementing a mastery learning system,
learning objectives can be optimally achieved so
that the learnng process is more effective and
efficient. Furthermore, the result of student
achievement is strongly influenced by intellectual
ability. To find out whether or not someone is
motivated in learning an evaluation is necessary to
do.. It is intended to know the achievements
obtained by the students after learning process.
Based on the philosophical point of view, all
learners can learn if they get some supports from the
right conditions. Complete learning is the
achievement of the minimum level of mastery set for
each unit of learning materials either individually or
in group, in other words, what learners learn can be
mastered completely (Usman and Setiawati, 1993).
A mastery learning strategy can be applied
thoroughly to improve the quality of education.
Banjamin. S. Bloom (1968) mentions three
strategies in complete learning: to identify
preconditions, to develop operational procedures and
learning outcomes, and to implement them in
classical learning by providing "space" to adapt to
individual abilities, including the following:
Corrective Technique - Remedial teaching,
which is done by giving instruction to the goals
that students fail to achieve, with procedures
and methods that are different from before.
Providng additional time to students in need
(not yet mastering the material thoroughly)
(Yamin, 2006).
The implementation of the mastery learning
approach consists of the following steps (Wena,
Orientation - Explanation of learning objectives,
learning tasks and student responsibilities
necessary to develop.
Presentation - Explanation of new concepts or
skills with examples. It is strongly
recommended that teachers use both visual and
audio visual media.
BELTIC 2018 - 1st Bandung English Language Teaching International Conference
Structured Exercises- Demonstration of problem
solving, in the form of gradually important steps
in solving a problem/task
Guided Exercises - Giving students an
opportunity to practice solving a problem,
through teachers’ guidance.
Self-training - It is conducted if the student has
achieved a performance score as much as 85-
90% in the guided training stage.
From the above steps, mastery learning approach
is more focused on the students so that learning will
be interesting and make students interested in the
presented materials. Learning motivation is
generting since intrinsic factors in the form of
desire to succeed and the impulse of learning needs,
as well as expectations of ideals. While extrinsic
factor is the appreciation, a conducive learning
environment, and interesting learning activities. So
if the teacher uses an interesting method of learning
it will foster high learning motivation. While
learning motivation means internal and external
encouragement to students who learn to make some
changes (B. Uno, 2013).
Motivation plays an important role in the
learning process. If teachers and parents can provide
good motivation to students or children, they will
arise the urge and desire to learn better. By
providing a good and appropriate motivation, a
child can be aware of the benefits of learning and
learning goals to be achieved. Learning motivation
is also expected to generate the spirit of learning on
the part of the students, especially fo those who are
lazy to learn as a result of negative influence from
the studentsexternal factors. Furthermore, learning
motivation can make students so happy to learn
something that learning achievement can increase.
The essence of learning motivation is the internal
and external encouragement of students learning to
change behavior, generally with some supportive
indicators or elements. It has a great role to achieve
successful learning. Learning motivation indicators
can be classified as follows:
The desires to succeed
Encouragement and need in learning
The existence of hope and ideals of the future
An appreciation in learning
The existence of interesting activities in
The existence of a conducive learning
environment, allowing a student can learn well
(B. Uno, 2013).
Based on the above opinion, it can be concluded
that there are two indicators of motivation that make
a student learn something, that is (1) internal drive;
the desire to succeed, the impulse and the need for
learning, the hope and future aspirations,
physiological factors and (2) external drive, that is
the existence of interesting activities in learning, and
the existence of a conducive learning environment.
Indicators of learning motivation, in addition to
seeing from the factors pusher can also be seen from
the process of learning activities itself, including:
Duration of activities (how long is the ability
to use their time to do activities);
The Frequency of activities (how often
activities are carried out over a period of time);
Persistence (attachment and attachment) to the
purpose of the activity;
Fortitude, tenacity, and ability to deal with
obstacles and difficulty in achieving goals;
Devotion and sacrifice (money, energy, mind,
even soul or soul) to achieve the goal;
The level of aspiration (intent, plan, goals,
goals or targets, and idols) to be achieved with
the activities undertaken;
The level of achievement or product or output
qualification achieved from its activities (how
much, whether or not, satisfactory or not);
The Direction of his attitude towards the target
of activities (like or dislike, positive or
Of course, it must be remembered that the factors
involved in the process of activity are not merely
motivations, but they include other elements present
in these indicators.
The above theories used as the foundation of the
theory in conducting research is to answer the
problem of this research.
The present research employed an experimental
study with mixed methods of sequential exploratory
mode: a research method was sequentlialy combine
quantitative and qualitative analysis.
The population in this study is all students of
class VII SMP Negeri 51 Bandung as many as 12
classes (428 students) while the determination of the
sample is done by random sampling, meaning the
sample taken at random. Random sampling result
obtained two classes that become sample that is
class VII-05 and VII-06. Class VII-05 as control
class that is using expository method and class VII-
06 as experiment class that use mastery learning
The research instrument used is non-test that is
motivation questionnaire. The type of questionnaire
Mastery Learning Approach and Students’ Learning Motivation: Case in Islamic Religious Learning
distributed to the respondent is a closed
questionnaire type (structured questionnaire) so that
in the presentation respondents just choose one
answer that suits their characteristics by crossing (X)
on one item in the form of strongly agree (SS), agree
(S ), hesitate (R), disagree (TS), and strongly
disagree (STS). Questionnaire Motivation consists
of aspects: 1) desire to succeed, 2) encouragement
and needs in learning, 3) hope and future goals, 4)
awards in learning, 5) interesting activities in
learning, and 6) the existence of learning
environment which is conducive. The number of
statements in this motivation questionnaire are 15
The analysis technique is done sequentially
starting from quantitative analysis, followed with
qualitative one. The process of quantitative analysis
was done by describing the data from the
questionnaires through percentage and qualitative
analysis to interpret the results of the quantitative
analysis. During the lesson (in the classroom with
mastery learning approach and expository method
class) the students’ activity to perform Jamakk -
qashar (shortened and simplified ) paryers was
observed. Simiarly, the teachers’ activity in
conveying and demonstrating the practice in both
classes was carefully observed.
4.1. Result
4.1.1 Test Validity and Reliability Motivation
Validity test is used to measure valid or not
motivation questionnaire. A questionnaire is said to
be valid if the questionnaire item/item is able to
reveal something to be measured. Result of validity
test of motivation questionnaire presented in Table
Table 1. Test Result Validity of Motivation Questionnaire.
Item 1
Item 2
Item 3
Item 4
Item 5
Item 6
Item 7
Item 8
Item 9
Based on Table 1, the test results validity of 15
items of motivation questionnaire statement, there
are 3 items of invalid questionnaire statement that is
item 1, 4 and 11. All three items are declared invalid
because it has a correlation coefficient less than
0.349. As for the other items are said to be valid
because it has a correlation coefficient of more than
0.349. Therefore, the questionnaire of learning
motivation used in research l as many as 12 items.
Furthermore, the reliability test was conducted
to determine the consistency of motivation
questionnaire, whether the questionnaire used was
reliable and consistent if the measurement of
learning motivation was repeated. The reliability
testing method used is Cronbach's Alpha. The results
of the test of motivation questionnaire reliability
presented in Table 2.
Tabel 2. Reliability Test Results Learning Motivation.
Cronbachs Alpha
N of Items
Based on Table 2, we get an Alpha value of
0.827 (very high category), then this value is
compared with r table value with value N = 32
sought on the distribution of r value table with
significance 5% obtained r table value of 0.349.
Because the value of Alpha is greater than r table
value (0.827> 0.349), it can be concluded that the
BELTIC 2018 - 1st Bandung English Language Teaching International Conference
questionnaire items of student learning motivation in
PAI subject can be said reliable as a data gathering
tool in the study.
4.1.2 Description Results of Students’
Motivation Questionnaires with Mastery
Learning Approach
Here is the description of learning motivation from
the questionnaire for the class with Mastery
Learning approach:
When facing difficulties in PAI subjects, I
always try to find an alternative solution, SS =
11 people, S = 19 people, R = 2 people TS = 0
and STS = 0
If I can not complete the PAI course
assignments at the first opportunity, I always
work on those tasks until they are successfully
done, SS = 15 people, S = 15 people, R = 2
people, TS = 0 and STS = 0
The mastery learning approach used in the PAI
subjects encouraged me to better understand the
material, SS = 20 people, S = 11 people, R = 1
person, and no one answered TS and STS.
I fill my spare time by repeating the school
subjects, SS = 5 people, S = 26 people, R = 1
person, TS = 0 and STS = 0
Although I know the risk of failure, I am not
afraid to fight for my ideals, SS = 20 people, S
= 9 people, R = 3 people, TS = 0 and STS = 0
For me, success in gaining achievement is the
main thing, SS = 21 people, S = 11 people, R =
0, TS = 0, and STS = 0
Using the mastery learning approach in PAI
subjects, I am sure I can complete all the
exercises given by the teacher, SS = 10 people,
S = 19 people, R = 3 people, TS = 0 and STS =
The feedback sentence after the exercise, or the
positive comments from the teacher made me
appreciated for my efforts, SS = 10 people, S =
20 people, R = 2 people, and TS = 0 and STS =
The mastery learning approach used by the PAI
teacher made me more interested in learning, SS
= 18 people, S = 12 people, R = 2 people, TS =
0 and STS = 0
The learning materials of PAI especially on
Friday prayer materials and Jamakk- qashar
prayer really attract my attention, SS = 11
people, S = 19 people, R = 2 people, TS = 0 and
STS = 0
When I am difficult to understand the PAI
subject materials, my friends try to help and
give solution, SS = 7 people, S = 23 people, R =
2 people, TS = 0 and STS = 0
At school I created a good relationship between
the school community and the surrounding
community, SS = 10 people, S = 21 people, R =
1 person, TS = 0 and STS = 0
The percentage of answers from the
questionnaire of learning motivation of PAI students
in the classroom with mastery learning approach to
each statement is summarized in Table 3.
Table 3. Percentage of Answer Questionnaire Motivation
Student Learning in Classroom with approach of Mastery
of SS and S
1. The desire to succeed
2. Impetus and need in
3. Future hopes and
4. Award in learning
5. Activities that are
interesting in learning
6. A conducive learning
Description: SS = Strongly Agree; S = Agree
Based on the percentage calculation of each
statement in Table 3 can be interpreted as follows:
1) As many as 81.9% of students stated that
when faced with difficulties in PAI
subjects, they always try to find an
alternative solution.
2) A total of 84.4% of students stated that if
they did not complete the PAI course
assignments at the first opportunity, they
always worked on those tasks until they
were successful.
Mastery Learning Approach and Students’ Learning Motivation: Case in Islamic Religious Learning
3) As many as 90% of students think that the
applied mastery learning approach
encourages them to better understand PAI
4) As many as 80.6% of students stated that
they are filling their spare time by repeating
the school subjects.
5) A total of 85.0% of students stated that
although they knew the risk of failure
existed, they were not afraid to fight for
their ideals.
6) As many as 93.1% of students think that
success in achievement is the main thing.
7) A total of 78.8% of students argue that
using a mastery learning approach they are
confident of completing all PAI exercises
provided by the teacher.
8) A total of 82.8% of students thought that
feedback sentences after practice, or
positive comments from teachers, made
them feel honored for their efforts.
9) As many as 85.0% of students argue that
the mastery learning approach used by
teachers makes them more interested in
learning PAI
10) As many as 80.9% of students argue that
PAI learning materials, especially on
Friday prayer materials and qashar Jamak
prayer is very interesting.
11) As many as 81.5% of students stated that
when they have difficulty in understanding
PAI lesson materials, their friends try to
help and provide solutions.
12) A total of 82.2% of students stated that in
their school there was a good relationship
between the school community and the
surrounding community.
From the data, it can be concluded that the
average learning motivation of PAI students in
mastery learning class has an average of 83.85%.
4.1.3 Description Results of Student Motivation
Question in Class with Expository Method
Here is the description of the learning motivation
questionnaire results for classes with expository
methods, namely for the statement:
1) When facing difficulties in PAI subjects, I
always try to find an alternative solution, SS = 6
people, S = 24 people, R = 2 people, TS = 0 and
STS = 0
2) If I can not complete the PAI course tasks at the
first opportunity, I always work on those tasks
until successful, SS = 9 people, S = 21 people,
R = 2 people, TS = 0 and STS = 0
3) The mastery learning approach used in the PAI
subjects encouraged me to better understand the
material, SS = 7 people, S = 19 people, R = 3
people, TS = 2 people, and STS = 1 person.
4) I fill my spare time by repeating the school
subjects, which answer SS = 7 people, S = 19
people, R = 4 people, TS = 2 people, and STS =
5) Although I know the risk of failure is there, I
am not afraid to fight for my ideals, which
answers SS = 22 people, S = 8 people, R = 1
person, TS = 1 person, and STS = 0
6) For me, success in achievement is the main
thing, which answers SS = 15 people, S = 14
people, R = 2 people, TS = 1 person, and STS =
7) Using the mastery learning approach in PAI
subjects, I am sure I can complete all the
exercises given by the teacher, SS = 6 people, S
= 21 people, R = 5 people, TS = 0 and STS = 0
8) The feedback sentence after the exercise, or
positive comments from the teacher, makes me
feel honored for my efforts, SS = 11 people, S =
18 people, R = 3 people, TS = 0 and STS = 0.
9) With the mastery learning approach used by
PAI teachers made me more interested in
learning, SS = 10 people, S = 21 people, R = 1
person, TS = 0 and STS = 0
10) The learning materials of PAI especially on
Friday prayer materials and qashar Jamak
prayer really attract my attention, S = 15 people,
S = 13 people, R = 4 people, TS = 0 and STS =
11) When I have difficulties in understanding the
PAI lesson material, my friends are trying to
help and provide solutions, SS = 7 oarng, S = 21
people, R = 2 people, TS = 2 people, TS = 0 and
STS = 0
12) At school I created a good relationship between
the school community and the surrounding
community, who answered SS = 14 people, S =
18 people, R = 0, TS = 0 and STS = 0
The percentage of answers from the
questionnaire of learning motivation of PAI students
in the classroom with expository methods against
each statement is summarized in Table 4.
Table 4. Percentage of Answer Questionnaire Motivation
Student Learning in Class with Expository method.
of SS and S
BELTIC 2018 - 1st Bandung English Language Teaching International Conference
1. desires to succeed
2. Impetus and need in
3. Future hopes and
4. Award for learning
5. Activities that are
interesting in learning
6. A conducive learning
Description: SS = Strongly Agree; S = Agree
Based on the calculation percentage of each
statement in Table 4 can be interpreted as follows:
1) A total of 78.8% of students stated that when
faced with difficulties in PAI subjects, they
always tried to find an alternative solution.
2) A total of 80.6% of students stated that if they
were unable to complete the PAI course
assignments at the first opportunity, they always
worked on those tasks until they were
3) A total of 69.4% of students thought that the
applied mastery learning approach encouraged
them to better understand PAI materials.
4) A total of 69.4% of students stated that they fill
their spare time by repeating the school
5) A total of 88.8% of students stated that although
they knew the risk of failure existed, they were
not afraid to fight for their ideals.
6) As many as 81.9% of students think that success
in achievement is the main thing.
7) A total of 71.3% of students think that by using
a mastery learning approach in PAI subjects,
they are confident of completing all the
exercises given by the teacher.
8) A total of 79.4% of students thought that
feedback sentences after practice, or positive
comments from teachers, made them feel
honored for their efforts.
9) A total of 83.8% of students thought the
mastery learning approach used by PAI teachers
made them more interested in learning.
10) A total of 79.4% of students thought that PAI
learning materials mainly on Friday prayers and
Jamak Qashar Prayers were very interesting.
11) As many as 74.3% of students stated that when
they had difficulties in understanding the PAI
lesson materials, his friends tried to help and
provide solutions.
12) A total of 88.8% of students stated that in their
school there was a good relationship between
the school community and the surrounding
From the data above, it can be concluded that the
average learning motivation of PAI students in class
with expository method is 78,80%. Based on Table 3
and Table 4 it can be concluded that the learning
motivation of PAI students in the classroom with
mastery learning approach is higher than the
learning motivation of PAI students in class with
expository method.
4.2. Discussion
Based on the results of questionnaire analysis,
learning achievement of PAI students in the
classroom with mastery learning approach is 83.85%
and class with expository method is 78.80%. The
average of learning motivation in the classroom with
mastery learning approach is higher than the
expository method class, whereas based on the
observation result, the students in the mastery
learning class are enthusiastic in following the
learning, even at the 1st and 2nd meeting the
students many silent and less active, but at the 3rd
and 4th meeting students are more actively inquiring
because they are motivated by the power point
impressions. In addition, students feel happy
because in the learning process with the material
Friday Prayers and Jamakk qashar prayers, students
are evenly guided ways of practicing Friday Prayers
and Jamakk qashar prayers, if students have not
mastered the students can still practice in self-
training. So when post test and practice assessment
of Jamak Qashar Prayer with mastery learning
approach get higher result compared with expository
method class, this is because students in class with
mastery learning approach have strong learning
motivation. This powerful motivation certainly has
an impact on learning outcomes. As Sadirman
argues that students who have strong motivation,
will have a lot of energy to do learning activities
(Sardiman, 2014)
Motivation to learn PAI students in the
classroom with mastery learning approach shown
through student activities in discussion groups,
Mastery Learning Approach and Students’ Learning Motivation: Case in Islamic Religious Learning
students diligently doing tasks, students care about
their group friends who have not managed to finish
the task, students help each other in the practice of
prayer. Student performance looks good while
practicing Friday prayers and Jamak Qashar
prayers. This mastery learning approach can provide
an atmosphere that can develop student
performance. As Joice and Weil (Wena, 2014)
argues that mastery learning presents an interesting
and concise way to improve student performance to
the level of attainment of a more satisfying subject.
Through high learning motivation students can
master the material PAI with complete or full
mastery, especially when given sufficient time in
accordance with that required by students, for
example for Friday prayers and Jamak Qashar
prayer takes a long time, so that students are correct
to master the practice of prayer in terms of
movement, reading and kekhusyuan. If each student
is given the time required to achieve a degree of
mastery and if he spends the necessary time, then the
likelihood of the student achieving the level of
competence. However, if students are not given
enough time or can not use the time required in full,
then the level of mastery of student competence is
not optimal (Zein, 2014).
From the result of research and discussion, it can be
concluded that the learning motivation of PAI
students on Friday prayer material and Jamak
Qashar prayer in class with mastery learning
approach is as musch as 83.85% while in class with
expository method of learning motivation of PAI is
78,80% . The percentage results in these two classes
indicate that aspects of learning motivation consist
of 6 aspects: 1) desire to succeed, 2) encouragement
and learning needs, 3) future expectations and
aspirations, 4) awards in learning, 5) interesting
activities in learning, and 6) the existence of a
conducive learning environment, achieved fairly
Stages of mastery learning approach consisting
of orientation, material presentation, structured
exercises, guided training and self-training, provide
opportunities for students to achieve the learning
objectives thoroughly. Thus, the mastery learning
approach is effective to develop students' learning
Acknowledgments researchers convey to the
Research Center UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung
who has facilitated this research
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