enough for assessing the digital and multimodal
Multimodal has been a buzzword in English language
education for the last few decades and has been
regarded as a current textual and
practice. The
fact that English language learners nowadays are
frequently engaged with digital technologies and
multimodal texts in their social and school lives and
the information that they receive are highly complex
combinations of multiple modes has called English
practitioners attention to integrate multimodal
approach in their teaching practice. The aim this
paper has been to highlight the possibilities and
constraints of implementing the multimodal practices
in the English classrooms. An analytical review of
several research articles is conducted to gain the
reliable data. The findings suggest that multimodal-
based instruction has potential impacts on students’
language skill development, motivation, engagement,
and critical awareness capacity. The results also
indicate that teachers implemented this pedagogy
face several challenges among others related to the
instructional aspects and their practical knowledge
and understanding of the multimodal pedagogy and
assessment issue. The assessment for multimodal
products has been one of the salient barriers for
teachers to implement this approach. Teachers voiced
concern over this issue due to their difficulties in
assessing student multimodal skills.
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