Word Ladder Game in Teaching Vocabulary:
An Experimental Study in Indonesia
Reski Ramadhani
, Siti Nuraeni Muhtar
, Anugrah Imani
, Yayan Carlian
State Islamic University of Sunan Gunung Djati Indonesia, Jl. A.H. Nasution No. 105, Indonesia
Western Sidney University, Australia
Keywords: Teaching Vocabulary, Word Ladder Game, Experimental Study.
Abstract: This study is intended to know how Word Ladder game improves students’ vocabulary mastery. This study
was conducted at Junior High School in Indonesia. This experimental study employed a quantitative method
with one experimental group and one control group. Then, the samples in both groups were tested by pre-
test and post-test items. In the first meeting, it was administered 20 multiple-choices of vocabulary items as
a pre-test. In the following four meetings, the samples in the experimental group received Word Ladder
game as treatment, while the samples in the control group received conventional vocabulary practice. At the
end of the treatment, the same vocabulary test was administered to the samples of both groups as the post-
test to know the influence of the treatment. Then, the t-test was used to compare the means score of two
groups. The result indicated that there was the statistically significant difference between vocabulary which
was taught by using Word Ladder and by using the conventional method. It was concluded that the subjects
who received Word Ladder game on vocabulary significantly improved their vocabulary mastery.
Vocabulary is the main aspect of a language.
Students can easily develop their idea if they have
enough vocabularies. Alqahtani (2015) states that
vocabulary is fundamental to a language.
Furthermore, Hornby (1995) mentions that
vocabulary is the word that people know to help
them in learning a new language and use in
conversation. It shows that vocabulary becomes the
part of the language that cannot be separated from
each other. In addition, vocabulary also determines
the success of communication.
Based on the explanation above, it shows that
many experts explained the importance of
vocabulary for the language learner. It means that if
students want to master a language, they have to
master the vocabulary. In fact, English as a Foreign
Language (EFL) students sometimes are less
interested to learn English because they think it is
difficult to understand. Besides, this importance of
vocabulary does not make them aware and less of
motivation to learn it. This problem occurs because
they actually lack vocabularies. Achmad (2013) says
that the phenomenon of insufficient English mastery
occurred, because of the lack English vocabularies
owned by the students, and it does not make them
understand either the oral or written English texts.
This problem happened in one of the schools in
Indonesia as the preliminary research where students
have difficulties in comprehending a text in English.
They sometimes seemed puzzled when the teacher
gave them a text in English. They tended to ask the
teacher what the meaning of the words based on the
text. It happened because they did not have enough
vocabularies. Consequently, it needed more time to
discuss because they deeply needed to understand
what they read. This problem appeared because the
teacher used to apply the traditional strategy in
teaching vocabulary to students. Students only asked
to memorize the vocabularies so that students were
bored in learning English. In addition, it can be seen
from the resulting score of students. Most of the
students only got score 60, which is less than
enough. It means that this problem needs the
solution by finding the appropriate strategies in
teaching vocabulary so that students are actively
engaged in learning English and they can
comprehend what they learn.
There are some strategies that can be used in
teaching vocabulary. One of them is a game. The
Ramadhani, R., Muhtar, S., Imani, A. and Carlian, Y.
Word Ladder Game in Teaching Vocabulary: An Experimental Study in Indonesia.
DOI: 10.5220/0008216600002284
In Proceedings of the 1st Bandung English Language Teaching International Conference (BELTIC 2018) - Developing ELT in the 21st Century, pages 257-264
ISBN: 978-989-758-416-9
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
game is able to encourage students to learn the
language quickly. Rohani & Pourgharib (2013) say
that students learn new vocabulary more quickly if
the process of learning is relaxed and comfortable
such as playing games. Furthermore, the game helps
students in learning the language more easily
(Derakhshan & Khatir, 2015). It means that the
game is one of the strategies that can be used to
make students more joyful and fun in learning a
language, especially the vocabularies.
One of a research by Kestha & Al-Faleet (2013)
show that the game is one of the effective strategies
for teaching vocabulary because students
vocabulary mastery increased after the strategy has
been implemented. It means games can encourage
students to learn English and increase their
motivation. However, the writer tries to find another
strategy in teaching vocabulary by using Word
Ladder game. As Amalia (2015) investigated that
Word Ladder can improve students’ vocabulary. But
in this research, the writer applied the different
design and method of the research. Besides, it used
the different samples to know how Word Ladder can
influence a student’s ability in a different level of
students in improving their vocabulary. Rasinski
(2008a) said that Word Ladder game can motivate
students in learning English because this game
guides them how to remember the words easily.
Therefore, It is expected that the research can be
implemented in Indonesia to help students learning
English well especially in increasing their
The game is an engaging way that can be used to
teach English in the class. The game is also used to
address student’s needs. As Rohani & Pourgharib
(2013) state that games are a great way to encourage
students in learning English in the class and it helps
them to remember and absorb some information than
if they learn with the simply studying that is usually
used in the class. It showed that games can stimulate
the students and attract them to participate in
teaching learning process and also aid the teacher to
create a context in order to make the language more
useful and meaningful. On the other hand, learning
English especially for EFL students by using
traditional technique might be provided less priority
since the process does not interest them. But, it
should be considered some factors before
implementing the game in the class in order to gain
the outcome based on students’ need, such as
choosing the game based on the number of students,
ages, abilities, durations and contents, and level of
difficulties. However, teaching English especially
vocabulary by using game is considered to aid
learners develop and use the different context of
words to make the process enjoyable. In summary,
games are useful and great ways that may be
implemented in the classroom.
2.1 The Advantages of Using Game
The game becomes one of the ways that can be
implemented to help students to learn a language
more joyful. In addition, games play the important
role in students’ development and language learning.
In addition, implementing game is a great way to
create a comfortable process of learning, increase
students’ motivation in learning, and encourage
group work in order to make teaching-learning
process more effective (Derakhshan & Khatir,
2015). Furthermore, According to Yiltanlilar (2015),
using games in the classroom is the easiest way for
the students to build their creativity, to imagine and
to contact with the object around them and they can
learn with their environment so whenever games are
used in language classes, it encourages students’
motivation. This means all the students have the
same opportunity to be active in the learning process
and encourage them to follow all the instructions
from the teachers. Besides, it also helps the teacher
to transfer the knowledge more effective.
The impact of the games is students can be
easy to learn a language because they feel
comfortable and think that learning a language is
fun. In addition, it does not need much time to
implement it because the teacher can use it in the
beginning even at the end of the meeting to make
children more relax while studying. Therefore, using
games as a strategy in teaching a language can
encourage many learners to learn target language
easily and quickly.
2.2 The Disadvantages of Using Game
There are many advantages of games that can make
teaching-learning more effective in order to help
students easier in studying language, especially
English. However, teachers have to be aware
because games have a few potential pitfalls. There
are some disadvantages of the game that have to be
considered by the teachers, Lee (2014) explains the
BELTIC 2018 - 1st Bandung English Language Teaching International Conference
2.2.1 Planning and organization time
The purpose of games is to make teaching-learning
process more relax and comfortable. But, it doesn’t
mean that all games have the pedagogical purposes.
There are some variety of games that available to be
implemented in the class. However, it is more time-
consuming if the teacher wants to choose and design
the appropriate games that can be applied in the
class. Therefore, teachers need extra workload in
preparing the games that support the materials.
2.2.2 Complexity of games can be
Games can divert students’ attention from the
pedagogical goal. It is because games are
structurally complex, they could have a dependence
on games and their focus is not on the materials but
in the games. It means the pedagogical purpose is
not achieved.
2.2.3 Games can be viewed as busywork
Using game in teaching vocabulary demands
students to do some activity that relates to informal
interactions between them and teachers. In addition,
some teachers think that it is unproductive busywork
because most of the time the students do activities
but sometimes they only focus on the games but not
on the lessons.
2.2.4 Games require resources to develop
Teachers have to find many varieties of games
which can be applied in the class. But, students can
be bored if the teachers use the same games at every
meeting. For some teachers, the availability of
resources is one of the factors that can be a
challenge. Teachers have to find many varieties of
games that relate to the materials so that students are
relaxed and they do not get bored and the
pedagogical purpose are achieved.
The essential component of a language is words. It is
known as “vocabulary”, it is the material to create a
language. Learning vocabulary is considered as the
first step in learning a language because it aids
students to reach the language proficiency. Kasim
(2011) states that vocabulary is the essence of
language that aid students in learning and it keeps all
the information. It can be said that to know the
information from a language, vocabulary connects it
to the brain and create the understanding of the
information. Every learner needs a hard work to
learn a new language because learning a new
language needs a long process. Vocabulary becomes
the essential part of it because it is central to
language. If the learners want to be able to connect a
language to other languages, their vocabulary must
be rich. Vocabulary supports them to comprehend
every message in a language. In the other way, the
success of learning a language depends on the
strategy or technique which is applied to help
learners learn the target language easily.
In fact, learning vocabulary is considered as one
the common obstacle for EFL students since
students may not use the word properly based on its
context. It means limited knowledge of words is
viewed as the main problem. Vocabulary consists of
the entire numbers of words in a language and their
meanings (Hornby, 1995). Learners without a strong
base of vocabulary may not be able to comprehend
and use a language properly. Furthermore, they do
not only know the words and their meaning but they
also know how to recognize words effectively, use it
in different contexts, and pronounce it correctly. It
can be summarized that vocabulary is the first step
that students must be recognized and comprehended
in order to aid them to understand to kind of
information from a language and also help them
reach the language proficiency.
3.1 The Importance of Vocabulary
Vocabulary is the central requirement that supports
students in studying the language. Language cannot
be separated from words because words link all
skills used by the students. The importance of
vocabulary can be shown from the need of
understanding all messages and information which
can only be accessed by words (Kasim, 2011). This
means that if a number of vocabularies that students
have are not adequate, they cannot comprehend all
the messages and information from a language.
As Ferreira (2007) states that students have the
ability to comprehend the message in listening,
speaking, reading even writing only if they know
the meaning of many words which are used in oral
or written texts. Furthermore, knowing the
knowledge of the words and having the ability to
comprehend many words are the essential factors
in language
learning and the keys to mastery a
language. However, having the adequate vocabulary
Word Ladder Game in Teaching Vocabulary: An Experimental Study in Indonesia
helps learners to learn a foreign language
properly and effectively.
3.2 Vocabulary Mastery
Vocabulary and mastery are the elements of learning
a language especially words. The term mastery can
be defined as the ability of students in
comprehending knowledge. So, vocabulary mastery
is the ability of students in comprehending the
words and their meaning and use them in a different
context. In addition, vocabulary mastery is the
fundamental knowledge of learning English.
Nihayah, Yukesty, & Pujiati (2013) investigate that
the learners can master a language if they master all
the words. This is because words determine their
success in understanding all the information from a
Willis (2008) also argued that students can be
easier in developing their ability to express their
idea, knowledge, and speech effectively if they try to
build their vocabulary mastery. It means that
vocabulary mastery helps students to show their
ideas or thoughts in order to be able to understand
the message or information from others.
Learning a language cannot be done successfully
without the ability in learning the words so that the
role of vocabulary mastery is to build students’
ability in using the words that can be applied to
communicate in oral even written text. Furthermore,
after learning the vocabulary, it may result in the
vocabulary mastery.
Meierding (2005) showed some levels of
vocabulary mastery and it can be analyzed that there
are two levels of vocabulary mastery where the first
one is full mastery which provides the learners to
have the ability to use the vocabulary especially in
speaking and writing ability. The second is the
second level where learners provide the ability to
comprehend kinds of texts in reading the passage in
order to improve their reading ability. The last level
is called as the simple ability or mastery; it means
they only use the words to understand the text that
they want to read. Thus, vocabulary mastery is
considered as the ability to use the kinds of words in
different context in order to comprehend four skills
in English; those are listening, speaking, reading and
writing skills.
Word Ladder is one of the vocabulary games that
helps engage all the learners in the learning process.
According to Rasinski (2008), Word Ladder is one
of the great games that teacher can use in building
student’s decoding, phonics, spelling, and
vocabulary skills. From that definition, it showed
that Word Ladder does not only improve a number
of words of students but also provide the
understanding of the words such as how to spell the
words and how they use the phonetic symbols. This
game is very useful for the students in order to
increase their vocabulary. As Rasinski & Zutell
(2010) say that Word Ladder is a game that focuses
on word building for students which are guided by
the teacher or on their own, begin with one word and
build the new words by changing one or more
letters. It means this game builds students’
understanding of the words and not only their
meaning but also the concept of the words.
The focus of this game is how students improve
their vocabulary effectively. This game helps the
student to learn new words and they are unnecessary
to memorize it. Besides learning the new words,
students also learn how to cooperate with each other
in finishing the games. Word Ladder can be used by
the students of any age and it also can be done
independently by the students.
According to Rasinski & Zutell (2010)
, there
are some procedures for implementing this game in
the classroom:
Divide students into some groups by playing
the game.
Start with choosing the words that can be
used that consist of 5-7 words.
Draw a ladder on the board that is used for
the game.
List all the answers for the ladder that is
the words for each rung in random order on
the board.
Start with the first word and make some
clues that relate to the next words. The aim is
to help students to change the words.
At each new word, students get two clues:
the kinds of changes they need to make to the
previous word (change the first letter,
“change the vowel,” and so on) and a
definition of or clue to the meaning of the
In helping the students, add your own clues
to give students extra help in working the
BELTIC 2018 - 1st Bandung English Language Teaching International Conference
If students are stuck on the particular rung,
you can say the word aloud and see if the
student get it or can spell it correctly by
making appropriate changes in the previous
Challenge students to come up with
alternative definitions for the same words.
Make sure that all students work together
in finishing the game.
5.1 Design
The quasi-experimental design was used in this
study, where the sample of second-grade students in
Junior High School was assigned to the experimental
and control groups with random sampling. There
were two groups that were taken for this study. First,
it was the experimental group which was teaching
vocabulary by using Word Ladder game, and the
second was the control group in which was teaching
by using the translation method.
5.2 Participants
The population of this research was the eighth-
grade students of Junior High School in Indonesia.
The selection population was narrowed by a sample.
This sample only took two classes from the four
existing classes, one as the experimental group and
one class as a control group. The classes were
chosen by using a random sampling technique in
which choosing the classes had the opportunity as
the sample with the same level of proficiency of
English consideration. The participants consisted of
seventy-six students and one class consisted of
thirty-eight students.
5.3 Instrments
5.3.1 Validity of Test
The validity of the test is guaranteed by the
validity test to know the appropriateness of the
instruments before disseminating to the real sample.
Furthermore, to know the validity of the test, it is
used the Anatest. The research instrument was
given to the same grade but different classes which
had the same level of proficiency of English
5.3.2 Pre-test and Post-test
To make sure the validity of the tests, a validity test
is conducted. Both experimental and control
groups were administered to the pre-test and post-
test. The pre- test was conducted in both
experimental and control groups to show students’
basic of knowledge and vocabulary which was
aimed to show the uniformity in the results. In
addition, the implementation of pre- test is
conducted in class as a standardized test which
has the requirement of validity and reliability test.
Then, post-test is used to know the significant
improvement of teaching vocabulary mastery by
using Word Ladder. Besides, it determines whether
the independent variable influences the outcome or
not. This post-test is given to both of experimental
and group classes.
5.4 Research Procedure
Before conducting the research, the instrument has
been prepared. In the research, the class was divided
into two classes, experimental and control classes.
Before giving the pre-test, the writers conducted the
validity test to know the appropriateness of
instrument which is given to the real sample to
know the students’ ability and the problem that
might be faced in the real research
. The research was
conducted in three weeks where the treatment was
held in four meetings.
In the first meeting, experimental and control
classes were given pre-test with the same
instruments. There are twenty questions in a
multiple-choice item about vocabulary mastery that
must be answered by the students in the available
sheet. Then, students had thirty minutes to finish the
test. Then, after given the pre-test, the games were
implemented in teaching vocabulary for both of
classes. Meanwhile, the experimental class was
taught using a Word Ladder game while the control
class was taught by using the translation method.
The treatments are implemented for four meetings
and both of classes had the same ability before doing
the treatments.
In the last meeting, both of classes were given
the post-test. The post-test was held after four
treatments with different questions with the pre-test,
it aimed to know the differences between students
was taught by using Word Ladder game and them
who taught by using the translation method.
Word Ladder Game in Teaching Vocabulary: An Experimental Study in Indonesia
After conducting the research, it can be shown as a
result finding:
6.1 The Result of Pre-test in
Experimental Class
In the first meeting, the writer gave the students a
pre-test in order to know their ability before
conducted the treatments. The result of pre-test
showed that 9 students (24%) got good criteria, 10
students (26%) got fair criteria and 19 students
(50%) got poor criteria. The result showed that most
of the students got the poor score and only nine
students who got the good score. It means that most
of them had limited knowledge of vocabularies so
that they could not answer the questions properly.
They seemed puzzled when answered the questions.
6.2 The Result of Post-test in
Experimental Class
After giving the pre-test, the writer conducted the
treatment by using the Word Ladder game for four
meetings. They were the different topics of
vocabularies in every meeting. The writer explained
how to play the Word Ladder game correctly and
students try to implement the game by working with
groups. Based on the post-test result, 12 students
(32%) got very good criteria, 21 students (56%) got
good criteria, 3 students (7%) got fair criteria and 2
students (5%) got poor criteria. Based on the result,
it showed that most of the students got good criteria
after the implementation of Word Ladder game in
the class. It means Word Ladder influenced their
vocabulary mastery. It can be seen from the figure
Figure 1: The Result of Pre-test and Post-test
From the figure, it showed that the score of students
in pre-test only fifty and after implementing the
treatment by using the Word Ladder game, their
score significantly improved.
6.3 The Result of Pre-test in Control
Similar to the experimental class, students in the first
meeting were also given the pre-test in control class
with similar questions. The result of pre-test showed
that 8 students (21%) got good criteria, 12 students
(32%) got fair criteria and 18 students (47%) got
poor criteria. The result showed that most of the
students got the poor score and only eight students
who got the good score. It means that most of them
also had limited knowledge of vocabularies so that
they could not answer the questions properly. It
means the ability of students in the experimental and
control classes were equal.
6.4 The Result of Post-test in Control
After giving the pre-test, the writer conducted the
treatment by translation method for also four
meetings. They were the different topics of
vocabularies in every meeting. The teacher asked
them to write the new vocabularies and find their
meaning. Then, they were asked to memorize it.
Based on the post-test result, 15 students (40%) got
good criteria, 21 students (55%) got fair criteria and
2 students (5%) got poor criteria. Based on the
result, it showed that most of the students got fair
criteria and only fifteen students who got the good
criteria after implementing the translation method in
the class. It can be seen from the figure below:
Figure 2: The Result of Pre-test and Post-test
BELTIC 2018 - 1st Bandung English Language Teaching International Conference
From the figure, it showed that the score of
students in pre-test only fifty-five and after
implementing the treatment by using the translation
method, their score improved but not significant.
6.5 The Result of Hypothesis
Table 1: The Result of Hypothesis
No As
ect Pre-test Post-test
In determining the score of hypothesis, according to
Subana (2005), the hypothesis: H
Hypothesis) is accepted if t
< t
> t
, in
term H
(Null Hypothesis) is rejected. Based on the
result above, it is known that T
in pre-test is
smaller than T
It means there are no significant
differences of mean in both of pre-test. In other
words, the hypothesis of pre-test is rejected and both
of groups have equal ability in mastering the
vocabulary before the treatment was conducted. On
the other hand, the score of T
in post-test is
higher than T
. In other words, there were
differences of mean between two groups and the
differences were significant. It means the result is
significant, the hypothesis is accepted. It can be
concluded that there is a significant difference
between students’ vocabulary mastery in
experimental and control classes. Students who are
taught vocabulary by using Word Ladder get better
scores significantly than those who are taught by
using the translation method.
6.6 The Result of Gain Score
Table 2: The Result of Gain Score
No As
ect Result
ental G
ol G
From the result above, it is obtained that the gain
score of the experimental class is 0.5 and it is
considered the medium degree. It means that
students improved their vocabulary significantly. On
the other hand, it is obtained that the gain score of
control class is 0.15 and it is considered as the low
degree. It can be concluded that students improved
their vocabulary but not significant (Subana, 2005).
In summary, teaching vocabulary by using Word
Ladder is better than teaching vocabulary by using
the translation method. Students were interested to
follow the process of learning because it demanded
them to be active and creative so that they were able
to reach the learning goal.
After implementing the experiment, it showed that
Word Ladder game in teaching vocabulary can
improve students’ vocabulary mastery. It can be
seen from the difference between students’ pre-test
and post-test score. There is a significant
improvement in students’ vocabulary after
implementing the Word Ladder games. Also, in the
post-test score, students significantly increase their
score. There is a significant difference in teaching
vocabulary by using Word Ladder game and by
using the translation method. It can be seen from the
result above. In the experimental class, students who
got good score were nine students. After
implementing the Word Ladder for four meeting, a
number of students who got very good score
increased. There are twelve students who got ninety
scores and is considered as very good criteria.
While in control class, there are only eight
students who got a good score. After implementing
the translation method for four meetings, no one
who got very good criteria. Then, the students who
got good criteria of only fifteen students. It means,
by using the translation method, students did not
significantly improve their vocabulary mastery.
From the gain score, it is known that the score
in experimental class get the medium degree (0.5)
and the score in control class get the low degree
(0.15). It means that students have the significant
improvement of their vocabulary mastery after
learning by using Word Ladder games than students
who learn by using the conventional technique. In
addition, for the result of the hypothesis, there are
significant difference results.
It can be concluded that most of the students in
the class are more comfortable and motivated in
learning vocabulary by using Word Ladder game
rather than by using the translation method. This
result supports theory from Rasinski, (2008a) who
says that Word Ladder game can motivate students
in learning English because this game guides them
how to remember the words easily. It means Word
Ladder games a good way of teaching vocabulary
that can be implemented by the teacher in the
classroom and also students can independently do it
in their free time.
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BELTIC 2018 - 1st Bandung English Language Teaching International Conference