argumentation activity between two or more parties,
either individually or in groups, in discussing and
deciding issues and differences (Sudrajat, 2008).
Proficiency in speaking in English does not stop
at the debate only. There is also a method used to train
language proficiency. The method is biantara.
Biantara is a Sunda term that is devoted to public
speaking activities or known as speech. The elements
contained in the biosphere are similar to speeches,
speakers, materials, objects or listeners, as well as
themes. Biantara and debate have similarities in
influencing English proficiency because both of them
expect good speech and persuasive. In this study the
method of debate and biantara will be combined as
one method for English language teaching.
The advantage of applying these two learning
models is the fast learning of English for students.
This learning method is expected to provide
convenience both for teachers and students in
achieving the target of English proficiency. This
study will analyze how the learning system using the
method of debate and biantara can give a good
influence for the students as well as the response of
the students who have practiced debate and biantara
to the method of learning English itself.
A debate study was conducted in Aceh, the study tries
to explain the benefits and the attainment of the
debate in the article entitled "The Landscape of
Competitive Debate in Aceh: Benefit, Achievement,
and Challenges". This research has succeeded in
explaining the benefits of competitive debate for
students and varsity students in Aceh. As for this
research, the study will discuss the related model of
debate and biantara that could help to increase
English proficiency quickly and effectively.
Debate is an oral communication process declared
with language to defend opinions. Any debating party
will argue, give a reason in a certain way so that the
opposing party argues or the other party who hears
the debate becomes convinced and side with it
(Dipodjojo, 1982).
The style of debate used in most schools
throughout Australia and in many other countries, at
the Australian National Schools Debating
Championships and at the World Schools Debating
Championships. In this style, there are two teams in
every debate. One team is required to argue that the
topic is true. This team is called the ‘affirmative’, or
sometimes the ‘proposition’. The other team is
required to argue that the topic is not true. This team
is called the ‘negative’, or sometimes the
‘opposition’. Each team uses two basic types of
argument to support for its side of the topic. First,
there are substantive arguments. These are prepared
arguments in favour of a team’s side of the topic.
Second, there is rebuttal. Rebuttal is your attack on
your opposition’s arguments. The difference between
substantive arguments and rebuttal is the distinction
between showing why your team is right and showing
why your opposition is wrong. It is impossible to say
whether substantive arguments or rebuttal are more
important – each is just as important as the other, and
each is vital for successful debating. There are three
speakers on each team. Speakers are usually
identified by their speaking number and their team
side (Quinn, 2005).
However, for biantara or known as public
speaking is an elementary course in study and
practice of the basic principles of speech and
interpersonal communication with emphasis on
critical thinking, the creative and intelligent selection
of material, organization, and oral presentation
(Beebe, Beebe, & Ivy, 2009). Biantara is a local
wisdom of Sundanese. Local wisdom is human effort
to use the cognition and to process the culture
learning (inculturation) to act towards something,
object, or phenomenon happened in certain spaces
(Nugraha, 2016).
The first step in teaching biantara or public
speaking is to have a clear vision of what the course
is designed to accomplish. At most schools, public
speaking is regarded as a skills course. Its purpose is
to teach students how to prepare and present effective
public speeches (Nugraha, 2016).
This research used descriptive analysis method. This
method aims to create a description with the intention
to create a picture, painting systematically, factually
and accurately about the data studied, the properties
and the relationship phenomena studied
(Djadjasudarma, 1993). As for the research phase
consists of three phases, namely: Data Provision
Phase, Data Analyst Phase, and Data Presentation
3.1 Data Provision Phase
At the stage of providing data, used data collection
methods through questionnaires (Nazir, 2011).
Questions contained in the questionnaire are
BELTIC 2018 - 1st Bandung English Language Teaching International Conference