Developing Material for Basic Competence of English Syllabus of
2013 Curriculum for the Seventh Grade Students
Raidah Mahirah and Umie Kalsum Salpidata
English Education Department, Faculty of Education and Teaching Training, UIN Alauddin Makassar.
South-Sulawesi, Indonesia
Keywords: Research and Development, ADDIE Model, Basic Competence, 2013 Curriculum (K13).
Abstract: The underprepardness of teacher to implement the 2013 curriculum made the teachers face problems in
teaching. They were limited by resources and facilities in learning and teaching process. As a fact, the
materials are not appropriate with the new curriculum effectively. To solve the problem, the researcher is
representing the research about developing English material. The research design used in this study was
Research and Development. The researcher used ADDIE model in developing materials. The product was
tried out to the seventh-grade students at State Islamic School (MTsN), Balang-Balang. The instruments used
in this study were questionnaire and rubrics for the expert judgment to validate the product. The result of this
study concluded in three main points. The first, the systematic organization of developing Descriptive
Materials dealing with 2013 Curriculum was developed based on the result of the need analysis in preliminary
study. The second, the systematic English Teaching is appropriate with the learning activities based on the
result of the analyst and observer when the implementation done. The third, the systematic content of materials
was already checked by the expert in order to validate the whole of materials in a Module and he claimed that
it was valid to use.
On July 2013, the education system in Indonesia
establishes a new curriculum that is 2013 Curriculum
(K13). The 2013 curriculum itself is a curriculum that
promotes the understanding, skill, and character
education, in which students are required to
understand the material, active in the process of
discussions and presentations as well as having good
manners and high discipline (Pendidikan and
Indonesia, 2013). The 2013 curriculum is a develop
curriculum with competence base from the previous
curriculum in 2004 and KTSP 2006 which has
attitude base, knowledge, and skill.
Based on the case above, the 2013 Curriculum
was supposed to be implementing by the teachers in
every schools in Indonesia. But the fact, there are still
some teachers especially English teachers in south
Sulawesi who still do not understand the procedures
for the implementation of the curriculum in 2013 and
still uses the principle KTSP of teaching the
curriculum when they have set a standard school 2013
To ensure that issue the researchers had conducted
a preliminary study in May 2015 by interviewing one
of the English teachers of MTsN Balang-Balang
Gowa to analyze the implementation of 2013
curriculum especially in the Seventh Grade Junior
High School. Researchers have chosen MTsN
Balang-Balang Gowa as the place of her research
because it easier for the researchers to develop the
teaching materials because the teacher in this school
really cooperative. It was also one of a few schools in
south Sulawesi that has been already implementing
2013 curriculum. After doing an interview,
researchers found that there were still many obstacles
faced by teachers on implementing the 2013
curriculum in this school such as the unpreparedness
of teachers in implementing the 2013 curriculum
relating to the competence and creativity of teachers,
the lack of specialized training of Religious
Ministries related to the implementation of 2013
curriculum, facilities and learning resources
(handbook) were inadequate and not enough to be
applied. Consequently, teachers were still used the
book-based curriculum KTSP and the teacher need
Mahirah, R. and Salpidata, U.
Developing Material for Basic Competence of English Syllabus of 2013 Curriculum for the Seventh Grade Students.
DOI: 10.5220/0008218000002284
In Proceedings of the 1st Bandung English Language Teaching International Conference (BELTIC 2018) - Developing ELT in the 21st Century, pages 347-354
ISBN: 978-989-758-416-9
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
additional sources of teaching materials to vary the
learning activities in the class based on 2013
curriculum effectively.
After identifying the problems and analyzing the
factors, the researchers have a view that the existing
problems above should be overcome. One way to
overcome is to develop good material based on 2013
curriculum. The researchers along with her six friends
who have related researches conduct projects to
resolve the problems concerning the learning
material, particularly in the seventh-grade curriculum
is based on the syllabus of 2013, which has 11 basic
competencies and the researchers conducted basic
competence 3.7, 3.8 competences on syllabus.
2.1 Some Previous Finding
Some researchers have conducted researches related
to research and development, and what they have
found are shown such as Prihatiningsih (2011)
conducted a study on developing materials for
teaching descriptive text through Facebook for year
seven students of junior high school. She found that
the content standard as the center on the process of
learning is syllabus. It compiled the standard of
competence and basic competence that consist of
Instructional materials, lesson plans, learning
activities, evaluation, time allotment, sources and so
forth. It meant that syllabus covered all of the process
of learning to fulfill the goals and objective of the
course. Syllabus also helps the teachers to know
what is the target that they want to achieve as long
as the process of learning. It runs a well or not. In her
study also found that developing materials of
Descriptive text in Facebook were suitable with the
students’ environment. It indicated that the student
can improve their writing ability especially in writing
descriptive text with utilizing the social media as a
media in learning.
On the other side, Ganjarsari (2015) conducted on
her result of survey on students of 7B class of SMP
Wahid Hasyim Malang that the newest curriculum,
2013 curriculum, has much material and complicated
in every chapter. It indicated that the materials make
the student to get bored. In the other hand, the teacher
was limited by references of materials, because the
teacher just used the module of 2013 curriculum from
the government. Therefore, the teacher should
provide interesting media and material to the
students. On her study also reveal that to support the
learning activity to improve students’ listening skill,
he need to developing English material about song to
teach language components such as in listening,
pronunciation ability, mastery in vocabulary and
grammar through the song.
Another research comes from Tegeh (2014) with
the study about developing materials of problems that
faced on seminar of technology in education using
ADDIE Model. His study showed about theoretical in
designing and developing material. It is the system in
developing material systematically and available to
design and develop material. The system is ADDIE
Model. Where ADDIE model is one of the popular
model to design and develop material that
structurally. On his research, he explained every stage
in ADDIE Model completely. In addition, ADDIE
model is one of model in Research and Development
method that appropriate for conduct this research.
Based on finding above, the researchers
concluded that research and develop materials are
need for students and teachers and developing
materials for seventh grade student based on 2013
Curriculum are still possible to be develop.
Researchers will remake and redesign book because
the teachers need some sources that will use in
teaching and learning process dealing with 2013
2.2 Some Pertinent Ideas
2.2.1 Definition of Materials Development
Tomlinson (2011) defines materials development is
both a field of study and a practical undertaking. As a
field it studies the principle and procedures of the
design, implementation, and evaluation of language
teaching materials.
Moreover, Richards (2001) states language
curriculum development refers to the field of applied
linguistic. It describes an interrelated set of processes
that focuses on designing, revising, implementing,
and evaluating language.
Yaumi (2012) concludes that developing material
is instruction or not only as learner but also the
deliverer who stand every day in front of the class.
They also together with the expert of content,
designer, and instructor implementation of education
develop new concept in teaching and learning
BELTIC 2018 - 1st Bandung English Language Teaching International Conference
2.2.2 The Kinds of Material Development
Researchers adopted ADDIE Model. ADDIE is
acronym of Analysis, Design, Development,
Implementation, and Evaluation.
The first is an Analysis. In analysis phase, the
researchers identify of learners’ needs, skill, exiting
knowledge, and learning style. Then, researchers
consider time line and budget needed in this research.
This phase is the most essential because it is the
foundation or stepping stone for all other phase of this
model. These outputs will be the inputs for the next
phase. Design phase.
The second phase is Design. In this phase, the
researchers will design English materials based on
curriculum 2013. In this phase, researchers will
formulate learning objectives, define learning
strategies, looking for the source for developing
material which is relevant with basic competence 3.7
and 3.8 and arranged in a blue print or material
The third is Development. This phase the
framework or blueprint designed in the design phase
will be developed in this stage. There are some steps
in doing this phase. First, the researchers list what
activities which can assist the learners learn the
materials. Second, researchers select the best way
which is appropriate with learners’ styles. Third,
researchers develop and produce material for basic
competence 3.7 and 3.8 dealing with curriculum 2013
objectives of the course. Then, researchers organize
the materials. After that, researchers validate the
materials to experts to make sure whether the material
is appropriate to the students’ needs as well as the
goals and objectivities of the course or not. Finally,
the final product is ready to be implemented.
The fourth phase is Implementation. This phase
deals with trying-out the product. In this case, the
product is going to be implemented in the real
The fifth phase as the last phase is Evaluation.
This phase is designed to measure the rate of quality
of the materials as being implemented. It will measure
the appropriateness of the developing materials.
This study is Research and Development (R&D). The
researchers apply ADDIE model that was more
applicable because the model has more than one
revision in the R&D cycle. It makes the product more
valid, Research and Development Model.
The research design used by researchers in this
study was Research and Development (R&D). R&D
is a name of research designs involving the set of
curriculum, the learning device such as syllabi,
teaching materials, student worksheets, learning
media, tests to measure learning outcomes (Latief,
The researchers will adopt ADDIE Model.
ADDIE model is one of the models that can be
applied in research and development to guide the
researcher developing materials. It can be also an
acronym of Analysis, Design, Development,
Implementation, and Evaluation that refers to five
stages on ADDIE cycle.
The ADDIE Model is designed to ensure that the
learners will achieve the goals and objectives of the
learning purposes. It also allows the evaluation of
students’ needs and provides simple procedure to
design and develop materials. Not only designing
material, but also it can be used in designing test
(Mahirah et al., 2016).
Figure 1: ADDIE Model, Diagram by: Steven J. McGriff.
The result of the research finished based on ADDIE
model which had been done on the development.
Furthermore, this section presented some results in
the developing English Materials for adjective and
verb that describing about adjective and verb of
people, adjective and verb of animal and things. They
included the result of needs analysis, the result of
product design by utilizing the qualitative method,
and the results of validation by analyzing the
correction and suggestion by answer of the three
Research Focus of this research.
Developing Material for Basic Competence of English Syllabus of 2013 Curriculum for the Seventh Grade Students
4.1 The Result of Needs Analysis
(Analyzing Phase)
This part shows the result of need analysis, where the
first stage in ADDIE model. The result show that
some information about the learners’ need, learners’
skill, learners’ style in learning and other base
information about the process of learning. The result
is the first step that was a reference to develop
4.2 The Results of Need Analysis of
Materials Based on the Syllabus
The result of needs analysis based on the materials in
the syllabus of 2013 Curriculum covering the 3.7, 3.8,
4.8, and 4.19 competencies were expected to the
students to be able to recognize the characteristic of
people, things and animals, where the topic covered a
short and simple text structure, and language
elements of human, animals, and things Attitude.
First, the core topics had been designed into
twelve subtopics which were appropriate with the
amount of meeting learning. In other words, materials
of adjective and verb where developed in several
subtopics. They were people and things around
school, Animals in the zoo, and people and things
around us, things that really useful.
Second, every meeting had a core skill and it was
integrated one another in flows of skill that the writer
arranged systematically. Again, learning activities
dealt with scientific approach included observing,
questioning, collecting information, associating, and
Last, the researchers developed learning
instruction referring to the type of activities which
was consisted of individual, pair, and group activity,
the amount of activities, and text structure. These
materials were developed in order to provide suitable
materials for the Seventh-grade students of MTsN.
Balang-Balang, Gowa.
After analyze the three steps above, it showed the
results of need analysis of developing learning
materials based on the student’s questionnaires. The
questionnaires consisted of three parts. The first was
systematic organization of integrated English
materials. The second was systematic English
teaching which was appropriate with the learning
activities and the third was systematic content of
English materials covered the syllabus of the 2013
curriculum. After distributing the questionnaires, in
systematic organization of integrated English
materials part, the researchers then concluded all the
findings as shown below;
In part A consisted of six questions. For the first
question do you like if the teacher gives apperception
before the class start? All students were chosen yes
that means they really want if the teacher gave
The second question what kind of opening
formation do you like most? There were five options
for that question. They were ice breaker, warming up,
only pray, motivation story, and small games. There
were 24 students who chosen only pray, three
students were chosen motivation story and only one
student was chosen small games. As result shown,
researchers conclude that they liked pray and
motivation story.
The third question What kind of activities do you
like? the researchers found that there were 30 students
who have chosen that they wanted listen to the
teacher’s explanation directly and no one students
chosen for direct to practice and reading the
instruction from the book.
The question for the forth What kind of learning
material do you like most, the researchers found some
variety on students’ answer. There were 5 students
who chosen for text, 15 students for drawing, 2
students for dialogue, and 8 students for presentation.
As result shown, researchers conclude that they like
if the materials served with the drawing content.
For the fifth question what kind of book design do
you wish for? There were 14 students who chosen for
drawing, 14 students also who chosen with color, and
2 students who chosen for black and white. After
identified, researchers conclude that the students
wanted if the book was design with drawing and full
The last question what kind of drawing do you
wish for? There were 7 students who chosen
caricature, 5 students chosen for cartoon, and 17
students chosen for real picture. After obtain the
result, the researchers conclude that the students like
if the design model with real picture.
4.3 The Design of the Content
Materials (Designing Phase)
In this phase, the researchers made a design of blue
print. This blue print filled with six components. The
components were the topic of each meeting, content
of materials, primary skill, the flow of skills,
scientific approaches that consist of five approaches
(observing, questioning, collecting information,
associating, and communicating), and the last was
learning instructions that consist of three parts (type
of activity, amount of the activity in meeting, and text
structure used).
BELTIC 2018 - 1st Bandung English Language Teaching International Conference
4.4 The Result of the Product Design
Based on Module (Development
This section presented some aspects on how to
develop Descriptive about the characteristic of
people, things and animals. They included the
systematic organization of materials, systematic of
English teaching, and systematic content of English.
4.5 The Result of Implementation
(Implementing Phase)
There are two results of implementation. The first, the
results of materials based on the observation learning
instrument. In this phase, there were three main stages
of the implementation of the preliminary study, the
core and the cover. At a preliminary stage, there were
several aspects that needed to be considered.
Therefore, all of the results were discussed on the
following weighted achievement by an observer with
1 until 4 grading scale, where 4 (very good) 3 (good)
2 (less good) 1 (not good).
The results of the observer ratings, the first was a
form motivation of students that include; associate
learning materials were now with the experience of
learners (score 4). Asking challenging questions
(score 3). Delivering the benefits of learning
materials (score 3). Demonstrating something related
to the subject materials or topic (score 4) and
checking the behavior of the initial (entry behavior)
(score 3).
The second was the delivering of competency and
plan activities that include; delivering the capability
to be achieved by learners (interaction KI 3 and KI 4
which have implications for the development of KI 1
and KI 2) (score 4) and submitting an action plan
(score 3).
Furthermore, the core learning phase to consider
several aspects including; mastering of the material
which cover; the ability to adapt material to the
learning objectives (score 4). The ability to link the
materials with other relevant knowledge, science, and
technology development in the real-life situation
(score 3), managing the discussion of learning
materials with learning experiences appropriately
(score 4). Presenting material in a systematic (easy to
difficult and concrete to the abstract) (score 4).
Moreover, the core activities of observer also
concluded the implementation of learning
achievement. These were the observations; aspects of
the application of learning strategies, including; the
learning activities in accordance with the competence
to be achieved (score 4). The learning activities
included preliminary component, the core and the
cover (score 4). Learning activities coherently (score
4). Discipline and good classroom atmosphere (score
3), contextual learning (score 4). Developing spiritual
attitude activity learning and social attitudes of
learners (score 4) as well as learning according to the
planned time allocation planned.
In other hand, analysis also formulated the score
due respect to the application of scientific approach
(observing, questioning, collecting information,
associating and communicating), among others;
facilitating learners to observe and to determine the
problem that we wanted to know (score 4).
Facilitating learners to formulate questions (score 4).
Facilitating learners to gather information /data
relevant to the questions that have been formulated
(score 4). Facilitating learners to process/analyze
information to make conclusions (score 4).
Facilitating learners to communicate knowledge
In addition, observer also concluded an
assessment of teachers based on the utilization of
learning resources/media in learning. The analyst
Viewed aspects included; demonstrating skills in the
use of learning resources (score 4). Demonstrating
skills in the use of learning media as varied as the use
of audio/song, cartoons and play games (score 4).
Producing a compelling message through the use of
instructional media (score 3). Involving the students
in utilization learning resources (score 4). Engaging
learners in the use of media (score 4).
Therewith, fostering active participation of
learners (mental, physical, and social) through the
interaction of teachers, learners, learning resources
(score 4). Respond positively the participation of
learners (score 4). Demonstrating interpersonal
relationships conducive (score 3). Cultivating
cheerfulness or enthusiastic learners in learning
(score 4). At least, that aspect also could not separate
from the observer ratings of the students that used
language correctly that covered in the process of
learning and teaching. Therefore, to conclude the
results of such assessment, the teachers used spoken
language clearly and fluently (score 4), Used written
language which is good and right structurally (score
4), Conducted a reflection or a summary to engage
learners (score 4), provided oral and written tests
(score 4), ccollected a work as portfolio materials
(score 4), conducted a follow-up to provide direction
following activities and tasks enrichment or remedial
(score 4).
The second is Expert judgment suggestion.
Finally, the expert pointed out that the teaching
Developing Material for Basic Competence of English Syllabus of 2013 Curriculum for the Seventh Grade Students
materials that the author developed previously were
clear, understandable, and applicable.
4.6 The Result of Evaluation
(Evaluating Phase)
In this phase, it showed the result of evaluation of
Analysis of Students Teaching Materials and the
result of evaluation of expert judgment suggestion.
The first result is the result of evaluation of
analysis of students teaching materials was covering
five components. First, the suitability of the contents
of the book with the basic competencies consist six
contents. They are; 1) Contents instructional
materials described conformity with coverage KD of
KI-1 and KI-2. 2) Contents of teaching materials
described conformity with coverage KD of KI-3. 3)
Fill instructional materials describe the conformity
with coverage KD of KI-4. 4) Contents of teaching
materials describe the adequacy growth development
KD of KI-1 and KI-2. 5) Fill each instructional
material describe the adequacy Achievement
Indicators KD of KI-3, and 6) Content of teaching
materials describe conformity with the adequacy
Achievement Indicators KD of KI-4.
Second, the breadth, the depth, the present, and the
accuracy of the learning material in each chapter
guide students included 1) contents of teaching
materials describe the suitability, breadth, and depth
of the material with coverage KD of KI-1, KI-2, KI-
3, and KI -4, 2) fill instructional materials describe the
suitability of the material in the context of the current
(present), and 3) fill instructional materials describe
the accuracy/ truth concept.
Third, shows an example of teaching materials
(factual knowledge, conceptual and procedural) in
each chapter guide students. Which includes 1)
Contents of teaching materials to illustrate examples
of material factual knowledge, 2) Fill material
teaching materials to illustrate examples of
conceptual knowledge, and 3) The contents of
teaching materials describe examples of the material
exposure procedural knowledge.
Fourth, the feasibility of the learning activities in
each chapter guide students. Which includes 1)
Contents of teaching materials describe the steps KD
achievement of KI-3 and KI-4, and 2) Fill
instructional materials describe the use of one of the
activities step learning model discovery learning,
project-based learning, problem-based learning,
inquiry learning, genre-based learning.
Fifth, feasibility assessment in each chapter
guided the students in 1) Fill each instructional
material describe aspects growth development
attitude, 2) The contents of teaching materials
describe their assessment knowledge aspect, and 3)
The contents of teaching materials describe the
aspects of skill growth development.
For the second result is about the result of
evaluation of expert judgment suggestions. The result
showed the components of the teaching materials in
3.7, 3.8, 4.8, and 4.9 competences that developed as a
module already shown and checked by the expert and
again to validate the learning materials (module),
expert used the instrument of learning Materials
Analysis. The Learning Materials Analysis used was
the standard one, where there approximately four
items marked then the module validated.
Moreover, the first item was the suitability of the
materials with the Standard Competence. Then, the
expert his self-marked that the learning materials in
the module already suitable with the standard
competence (KI 1-4). The second item was the
breadth, depth, up to date, and accuracy of the
teaching materials in every single meeting. The
expert claimed that all the materials in were accurate
and up to date since the source were strong and
accurate. Further, the third item that marked was the
sample of the learning materials should showed the
factual knowledge, conceptual knowledge, as well as
its procedure. The expert claimed that the learning
materials already showed what this item was strived
for. The last item was the properness of the learning
activity in every single meeting. Since the activities
in the module were cleared and explained the step of
the activity by using the scientific approaches, then
the expert convinced that all the learning activities
were proper. Finally, after all the items marked and
resulted goods mark, the learning materials (module)
then claimed as valid.
Figure 2: The cover of module as a product.
BELTIC 2018 - 1st Bandung English Language Teaching International Conference
Based on the research focus presented in the previous
chapter, there was a research question by covering 3
subtopics questions that had answered. They were
systematic organization of materials, systematic
content of materials and systematic learning materials
according student needs and base on 2013 curriculum
by using ADDIE Model.
Furthermore, for the research question about need
analysis the researchers found in systematic
organization of materials that the students wanted
materials from conversation and observation, and
material with real example.
Moreover, in systematic organization of students’
needs of questionnaire, the researchers indicated that
in learning English, particularly in learning adjective
and verb materials was well-organized,
understandable, full color, and real picture.
In addition, the result of evaluation of student’s
book analysis instrument by the expert, were well-
defined goals. For instance, practice the useful
expression, discussions, pairs, small group,
presentation and individual. The result from
validation of teaching materials showed that the goals
of product were clear and understandable.
Based on the findings and discussions of the research,
and are associated with the formulation of the
research focuses, it can be concluded some points
related to the development of descriptive Materials as
Firstly, the systematic organization of developing
Descriptive Materials dealing with 2013 Curriculum
was developed based on the result of the analysis of
the questionnaire that distributed to the students in
Seventh Grade students at MTsN. Balang-balang,
Gowa, where the questionnaire aimed to know the
students’ need in learning about descriptive.
(Describe the characteristics of people around school,
people around us, things and animals).
Secondly, The systematic English Teaching which
is appropriate with the learning activities based on the
2013 Curriculum already appropriate based on the
analysis of the analyst and the observer when the
implementation done.
Thirdly, The systematic content of Describing the
characteristics of people, things and animals covered
the syllabus of the 2013 Curriculum already checked
by the expert in order to validate the whole materials
in a Module and claimed that it was validated by the
This product is developed for Seventh Grade
students. It can be used in English Language
Teaching Department. Therefore, it is strongly
recommended for the teachers who teach English
subject to use this product as their primary reference.
Many ways can be done to disseminate this
product. First, publishing for a commercial purpose
can be the best way to disseminate it because the
publisher will work hard to sell it as much as possible.
Second, calling a seminar or workshop can also be
away to disseminate it. It means that it was promoted
to the public who attend to the seminar.
Finally, the internet is also one of the best
alternatives to disseminate it. It can be uploaded
either for commercial or free, and then we share its
link to our friends, community, and groups using
Facebook, Twitter, E-mail, and other social media.
Ganjarsari, R.D., 2015. Developing the Song to Teach
Language Components for the Seventh Graders of SMP
Wahid Hasyim Malang. Brawijaya University, Malang.
Latief, M.A., 2012. Research Methods on Language
Learning (An Intriduction). UM Press, Malang.
Mahirah, R., Ahmad, D., Sukirman, 2016. Designing
Multiple Choice Test of Vocabulary for the First
Semester Student at English Education Department of
Alauddin State Islamic University of Makassar.
ETRNAL Engl. Teach. Learn. Res. J. 02, 194208.
Pendidikan, K., Indonesia, K.R., 2013. Modul Pelatihan
Implementasi Kurikulum 2013. Jkt. Badan Pengemb.
Sumber Daya Mns. Pendidik. Dan Kebud. Dan
Penjaminan Mutu Pendidik.
Prihatiningsih, A., 2011. Developing materials for teaching
descriptive texts through Facebook for year seven
students of junior high school. Engl. Educ. J. 1.
Richards, J.C., 2001. Curriculum Development in
Language Teaching. Cambridge University Press, New
Tegeh, I.M., Jampel, I.N., Pudjawan, K., 2014. Model
Penilitian Pengmbangan. Graha Ilmu, Singaraja.
Tomlinson, B., 2011. Materials Development in Language
Teaching. Cambridge University Press, United
Developing Material for Basic Competence of English Syllabus of 2013 Curriculum for the Seventh Grade Students
Yaumi, Muhammad, 2012. Desain Pembelajaran Efektif.
Yaumi, M, 2012. Desain Pembelajaran Efektif. Makassar.
Alauddin Press, Makassar.
BELTIC 2018 - 1st Bandung English Language Teaching International Conference