Teaching Media in Composing Simple Affirmative Sentence:
Magic Round
Tri Agustini Solihati
, Dedi Heryadi
, Gea Aristi
, Asep Rizki Mukti
Department of English Education, Perjuangan University, Jl Pembela Tanah Air No. 177, Tasikmalaya - Jawa Barat,
Department of Indoesian Language, Siliwangi University, Jl Siliwangi No. 24,Tasikmalaya - Jawa Barat, Indonesia
Department of English Education, Perjuangan University, Jl Pembela Tanah Air No. 177, Tasikmalaya - Jawa Barat,
Keywords: Research and Development, Magic Round, Simple Affirmative Sentence.
Abstract: This is a research-based media using Magic Round to help students compose affirmative sentence conducted
in MAN Cipasung, SMAN 1 Singaparna, and SMK Al-Falah Tanjungjaya, Tasikmalaya, West Java Province,
grade XI. It combines the kind of research and development model of Borg and Gall (1983) and Dick et al.
(2005) consisting of 6 stages, starting from stage (1) preliminary study; (2) research planning; (3) product
design; (4) product validation; (5) product trials carried out at three stages of the individual, small, and limited-
scaled and; (6) the final product. Each instrument will be based on product trials. The media validation result
by the technological learning expert obtained 86. 31% and by the material expert resulted 90. 48%. The
developed media was valid and did not need any revision. The level of implementation of learning, utilization,
and its effectiveness were evaluated in order through individual, small, and limited scale. It reached 82.95%,
75.54%, and 76.85% (Individual scale), 90.15%, 83.58%, and 81.57% (small scale), and 96.21%, 90.65%,
88.42% (limited scale). It was concluded that media is able to use for wide scale without revision. The average
pre-test score was 23.84 and the post-test average was 83.84. It showed that all of the students passed the
minimum learning mastery standard 70.67.
Most of English learners, especially in senior high
school, are facing the obstacles in arranging good
sentences. They usually create them incorrectly. They
are supposed to make, for example, simple present
tense but they actually wrote it in another form of
tense even it was not expressed grammatically. For
example: ‘saya selalu belajar Bahasa Inggris’, then
they translate it into ‘I am often study English’,
instead of ‘I often study English’. Using Smartwheel
as English teaching media in arranging simple
sentences, it had shown its effectiveness by
increasing of students’ learning outcome with the
average comparison of 54.12 over 80.39 (Solihati et
al., 2016). However, in reality, there are still many
weaknesses in the media. It cannot be used
independently since there are many verbs written
incorrectly and it has many materials discussed in
media. It will make the users confused without being
followed by the teacher. Thus, the Magic Round is
developed to be born as a better media of learning
English tense, especially in affirmative form.
English has officially become an international
language as a language of instruction in various
fields, including in the field of education. One of the
most important things in learning English is knowing
and mastering various types of English tenses, which
is 16 tenses related to oral communication and daily
writing. However, sometimes English learners found
difficulty to learn it because of the function and use
of each different tenses.
Tense states events based on time and sentence
based on the use of verbs or no verbs. In English there
are two types of verbs, they are Regular Verb and
Irreguler Verbs (Niece and Ulin, 2016). Word
changes depending on the tenses used. Regular verbs
are formed in the second verb and the three end with
-ed. Whereas Irregular verbs are verbs of the second
form and third form are changed or not all of them are
changed. Tense is a verb form in English to show the
time (present, future or past) the occurrence of an act
Solihati, T., Heryadi, D., Aristi, G. and Mukti, A.
Teaching Media in Composing Simple Affirmative Sentence: Magic Round.
DOI: 10.5220/0008218100002284
In Proceedings of the 1st Bandung English Language Teaching International Conference (BELTIC 2018) - Developing ELT in the 21st Centur y, pages 355-360
ISBN: 978-989-758-416-9
2022 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
or event. There are 16 kinds of tenses in English as
shown below:
Table 1: English Tense Forms.
While being observed, the students cannot write
the sentence appropriately to the tenses they mean.
They also cannot distinguish their functions. As
beginner, they are supposed to master the simple
sentences in any kind of tenses. Because most of them
are not really interested in discussing about them,
they need to have a good teaching media to attract
their attention.
Using media in teachng learning process is
anything that can be used to stimulate the mind,
feeling, attention and ability or skills of learners so it
can encourage the learning process. In particular,
media can trigger the mind and the willingness of the
audience (students) so it can encourage the learning
process to be more meaningful. There are various
types of instructional media and nine media groups,
among others: visual silent, film, television, three-
dimensional objects, recordings, programmed
lessons, demonstrations, printed textbooks and oral
presentation (Daryanto, 2016).
Learning media has a function in helping students
in learning process. Three advantages of media
capabilities are as follows (Rohani, 1994):
• Fixative capability, it means it can capture, store,
and re-display an object or event. With this ability,
objects or events can be drawn, photographed,
recorded, filmed, then can be stored and when needed
can be shown and re-observed as the original event.
• Manipulative capability, it means that the media
can re-display objects or events with various changes
(manipulation) as needed, such as resized, speed,
color, and can also be repeated presentation.
• Distributive capability, it means that the media
is capable of reaching a large audience in one
simultaneous presentation, such as a TV or radio
Based on the function of learning media above, it
can be concluded that the function of instructional
media is very helpful for teachers or teachers in
conveying various materials to the learners so that it
can serve as a bridge between teachers or teachers
with the learners.
Based on the series of ideas above, this research
focuses on applying Magic Round as media to help
students compose affirmative sentences. It is easily
identified by noticing the sentence pattern, provided
irregular verbs, and the meaning in Bahasa Indonesia
to facilitate the students in understanding the words.
This research uses the type of research and
development (R & D). Research (R & D) is a process
or steps to develop a new product or refine an existing
product, where the use of the product can be
accounted for (Sukmadinata, 2013). Research
development is a process for developing and
validating products of education. The steps of this
process are usually called cycles (R & D), consisting
of studying research finding related to the product
will be developed, developing products based on
these findings, the areas of testing and setting which
it will be used, and revising them to correct
deficiencies which was found in the stage of filing the
test. In a more rigorous program of R & D, this cycle
is repeated until the test data field indicates that the
product meets the behavioural objectives defined
(Borg and Gall, 1983).
The subjects used in this study are the students of
grade XI in MAN Cipasung, SMAN 1 Singaparna,
and SMK Al-Falah. Each school is amounted to 40
students with the details of 10 students for the initial
product test and 30 students for field trials. The
research object is Magic Round.
The research to be conducted refers to the research
and development model developed by Borg and Gall
(1983). The selection of this development model is
considered appropriate because the development of
the model is not only to test the feasibility of
developing the media, but also to develop the learning
media that the students need, so that learning process
becomes effective and it has high benefit. The steps
taken are (1) research and information collecting, (2)
planning, (3) developing preliminary form of the
product, (4) preliminary field testing (initial field
trial), (5) main product revision, (6) main field
testing, (7) operational product revision, (8)
operational field testing, (9) final product revision,
and (10) dissemination and distribution
(dissemination and distribution).
The modification model used in research
development consisting of 6 steps are:
BELTIC 2018 - 1st Bandung English Language Teaching International Conference
2.1 Introduction
a. Literature review
It was carried out by reading and finding the
related references toward the study.
b. Field survey
It was done by visiting the students in pointed
schools and making simple interview to both
students and teacher.
c. Identification of problem
Problems were taken from the previous step. Data
showed that teacher had no many choices for
using English teaching media, especially for
teaching English tense. Students were mostly hard
and not interested in learning English tense. It was
caused by the complex and exact pattern to use,
furthermore it was related to the teaching method
and teaching aids used by the teacher.
d. Identification of needs
It was clearly identified that they need an
enjoyable learning atmosphere and the attendance
of teaching aid to attract their interest.
2.2 Planning
This step had several activities. Those are identifying
common goals in the learning process, learning
analysis for product development, formulating
learning goals, developing learning strategies,
selecting suitable materials, composing test items,
determining learning outcomes, and arranging
product validation test instrument
2.3 Product Design
It was carried by creating the prototype of media,
compiling the hand book to use the media, and
arranging the lesson plan.
2.4 Product Validation
It was evaluated by the result of technology and
material expert, observer, and media users (teacher
and students). Technology expert evaluated the
development of media in accordance to the use of
technology. The material expert assessed the content
within the media. How good the material is to be
packaged in a media. While the observer and media
user had measured the implementation, utilization,
and effectiveness of the media.
2.5 Product Trial Test
a. Individual Trial
Media, hand book, and lesson plan which had
been evaluated and revised by the experts was
used in this phase. It is used to teach three students
chosen from each school to check its
effectiveness. Teacher and observer carried an
assessment on implementation and utility.
b. Product Revision Phase 1
Based on the previous phase, media was revised.
It was done to have it better. The
suggestion and
recommendation got from individual trial
phase were applied in revision.
c. Small Scale Trial
The revised media used to teach another six
students from each school. They had the same
responsibility as the students in trial phase. Either
the teacher or the observer was.
d. Product Revision Phase 2
The result of small scale trial was taken for the
revision. Media was getting better and better. It
was much closer to gain the objective of
producing the media.
e. Limited-Scale Trial
The revised media was used to teach the rest
number of students in the class from each school.
The teacher and the observer had the same role as
the previous trial session.
f. Product Revision Phase 3
This was the last phase of product revision. This
produced the best media based on the evaluation
of experts, teacher, observer, and students.
2.6 The Final Product
This phase produced the fixed media and its
handbook of the use magic round and lesson Plan.
After being validated, here is the criterion to interpret
research instrument.
Table 2: Qualification to grade the validity and
implementation of magic round.
No. Percentage Validity level
1. 86% - 100% Quiet valid, can be
used without any
2. 71% - 85% Valid enough, can be
used with a little
3. 56% - 70 % Less valid, need an
essential revision.
Teaching Media in Composing Simple Affirmative Sentence: Magic Round
4. 41% - 55% Not valid, cannot be
5. 26% - 40% Not valid at all, cannot
be used
Table 3: Qualification to grade the utility and effectiveness
of magic round.
No. Percentage Validity level
1. 86% - 100% Quiet practical, can be
used without any revision
2. 71% - 85% Practical enough can be
used with a little revision.
3. 56% - 70 % Less practical, need an
essential revision.
4. 41% - 55% Not practical, cannot be
5. 26% - 40% Not practical at all, cannot
be used
Magic Round shapes round. It has two sides, which
are the front and the back. In the front, it has 3 tables
consisting of sentence patterns. The first tells the
pattern of simple present, simple past, simple future,
and simple past continuous. The second tells the
pattern of present continuous, past continuous, future
continuous, past future continuous, present perfect
continuous, past perfect continuous, future perfect
continuous, and past future perfect continuous. The
third tells the pattern of present perfect, past perfect,
future perfect, and past future perfect.
It can be moved 360
to find the correct irregular
verbs. It has 98 irregular verbs, separated in 6 layers.
The first provides –ing form, the second provides –s/-
es form, the third provides participle form, the forth
provides past form, the fifth provides
infinitive/simple form, and the last provides the
meaning in Bahasa Indonesia.
In the back side, it provides 4 tables about the
explanation of each tense. It delivers in Bahasa
Indonesia to facilitate the users in understanding it.
Based on the result of the analysis, the researchers
carried out some validity tests. One of them is media
product as done by technologist of learning and
material expert before the individual scale test is 126
and 132, and shows the percentage of the product's
categorize and 75% and 78.57%. From the percentage
obtained, the results that quantitatively the level of
validity and Magic Round learning media that has
been developed are quite valid. It can be used with a
small revision. The next is the result of validation
done after a trial of individual scale and validation of
experts who have been done before. At this step, the
total score obtained is 131 and 139 with a percentage
of validity of 77.98% and 82.74%. Thus, from the
percentage, it is obtained the level of validity and
Magic Round learning media that has been developed
is quite valid, it can be used with a small revision. In
the next stage, the revisions made and prior to the trial
of a limited-scale product, the results of expert
validation showed total scores of 145 and 152 with a
percentage of 86.31% and 90.48% of the prevalence.
With the percentage obtained, the magic round media
has been developed with very valid criteria, and it can
be used without revision.
Student learning outcomes are obtained from
learning activities that result in value of the learning
process. The test of learning outcomes is obtained
from the evaluation and assessment of student
learning activities. Below is the data of learning
outcomes on a limited-scale trial of each school.
Eighteen students who took part on a limited-scale
trial all got a complete predicate with a value of more
than the written KKM (minimum learning mastery
standard) that is 70.67. Based on the results of
individual learning test of three schools with the
selection of students based on the criteria of high,
medium, and low ability, the results are obtained with
a complete predicate with a value of more than KKM
written around 70.67
The next is a product trial conducted after expert
validation activities. Trials are conducted through
three different stages with the number of samples
from each stage. Implementation of the first trial
conducted with individuals, then small scale, and
limited scale (class). In doing this research, it cannot
be separated from schools consisting of SMA N I
Singaparna, MAN Cipasung, and SMK Al-Falah.
Implementation of individual trials was conducted in
three schools with the number of students in each
designated school as many as three students. Three
students are selected based on students with good
ability, medium ability, and low ability. Presented
individual test results from each questionnaire data
and observation sheet in each school. Based on the
questionnaire of the usefulness of the Magic Round
and the teacher’s handbook developed in the
individual trial, it shows that the total score obtained
from the teacher response is 107, with a percentage of
81.06%. From the percentage obtained, it got the
result that the usefulness of Magic Round learning
media that has been developed with the criteria is
quite valid, and it can be used with small revision.
In addition, based on the results obtained from the
observer response in individual trials, it showed that
BELTIC 2018 - 1st Bandung English Language Teaching International Conference
the total score obtained from the observer response
that is equal to 72, with a percentage of 81.82%. From
the percentage obtained, it got the result that the level
of implementation from Magic Round learning media
that has been developed with the criterion is quite
valid, and it can be used with a small revision.
Then, it is known that the questionnaire of the
usefulness of the learning media (Magic Round) and
teacher’s handbook developed in the individual test,
shows that the total score obtained from the teacher
response is 103, with the percentage of 78.03%. From
the percentage obtained the result that the usefulness
of magic round learning media that has been
developed criteria is quite valid and it can be used in
small revision
In addition, based on the results obtained from the
observer response in individual trials, it showed that
the total score obtained from the observer response
that is 73, with a percentage of 82.95%. From the
percentage obtained, it got the result that the level of
Magic Round learning media implementation that has
been developed was categorized into quite valid
criteria, and it can be used with a small revision.
The product test results consist of individual test
that the percentage of implementation is 82.95%,
benefit is 75.54%, and the effectiveness is 76.85%.
Small-scale trial is 90.15%, the benefit is 83.58%
benefit, and the effectiveness is 81.57%, in addition
to limited-scale trials of percentage in
implementation is 96.21%, benefit is 90.65%, and the
effectiveness is 88.42%. From these results, it can be
concluded that the developed product is ready to use
for large-scale testing without improvement
Based on the results of research that has been done
by researchers in developing Magic Round learning
media in the arrangement of affirmative sentences of
16 tenses which students from three schools became
the subject of research and through the validation of
experts and observers (subject teachers) as assessors
have passed through various revisions and trials, then
obtained the result that the use of Magic Round media
is valid and it can be used as a tool/media for students
in arranging affirmative sentences of 16 tenses.
From the series of ideas above, it can be concluded
that Magic Round media is a tool that can help
students in learning 16 tenses, especially in making
affirmative verbal sentence. Learning media can help
students so that the learning process becomes easier,
the media is a message that is able to stimulate the
mind and willingness of the audience (students) so as
to encourage the learning process on him/her (Usman
and Asnawir, 2002).
The result of the use of Magic Round media can
be known from the data of the presentation result of
the implementation of media developed from the
results of individual testing which the result of the
percentage of the implementation is 82.95%, benefit
75.54%, and the effectiveness is 76.85%, small scale
that the percentage of implementation is 90.15%,
benefit 83.58%, and the effectiveness is 81.57%. and
limited the percentage of implementation is 96.21%,
benefit is 90.65%, and the effectiveness is 88.42%.
This finding is similar to the opinion of Daryanto
(2016) who said that in general the use of the media,
which enables the child to learn independently in
accordance with his/her talent and visual, auditory,
and kinesthetic ability, gives the same stimulation,
equates experience and creates the same perception,
the learning process contains five communication
components; teachers (communicators), learning
materials, learning media, students (communicant),
and learning objectives.
Based on the results of trials in terms of validity,
effectiveness, usefulness, and effectiveness obtained,
the suggestions are:
Suggestion of Utilization that using the magic
round learning media which is expected to help
implement effective and efficient learning activities
for students.
Next is dissemination advice which the product
developed in the form of Magic Round in Learning
Tenses of Affirmative sentences arrangement In
Class XII can be disseminated to other schools when
the time is available. It is based on the level of validity
and effectiveness achieved by this product, so that the
book developed is feasible to be used on a wider
The result obtained can be followed up with
further product development suggestions. It consists
of seeking and determining the material other than
affirmative sentences to support the student's learning
process to enrich the insights about the material being
studied. Increasing the variety of learning activities
tailored to the needs of students listed in the activities
of the lesson plan and packaging developed products
can be more easily with the form of soft files with e-
learning to be more effective and efficient.
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BELTIC 2018 - 1st Bandung English Language Teaching International Conference