the formation of attitudes are the personal
experience, culture, other important people, mass
media, institutions or educational institutions and
religious institutions, as well as emotional factors
within the individual (Azwar, 2007).
In general, the researchers have successfully
conducted research on enhancing understanding
concept and scientific attitudes of students through
phenomenon-based learning model. The results
showed enhancing of students' understanding of the
concept of students after applied phenomena-based
learning model on the concept of the atmosphere
obtained an average value of N-gain of 0.61 overall,
including enough category.
The students' scientific
attitude has improved in a positive direction.
Therefore, the application of this phenomenon-based
learning model should be considered using to
improving the conceptual understanding of other
The researcher would like to thank the Research
Institutions and Community Service of UIN Sunan
Gunung Djati Bandung who supports the study.
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