Using TED Talks for EFL Learners to Boost Their Speaking Skill
Aulia Hanifah Qomar
Department of English Education, Muhammadiyah University of Metro, Jl. K.H. Dewantara, Metro, Indonesia
Keywords: Speaking Skill, EFL Learners, TED Talks
Abstract: We are as an English lecturer needs to bring technology in our EFL classroom. A technology is a good
solution to improve students’ English skill. One of the technologies that can be used in EFL classroom is a
TED talks. A TED talks is one of the solution to overcome the students’ problems especially in their
speaking skill. In this study, the researcher focused on implementing TED talks in her speaking class in
order to improve the students’ speaking skill. Besides, she wants to know the classroom situation when TED
talks is implemented in speaking class. This study is Classroom Action Research which is divided into 2
cycles. Based on the result of the study, there is improvement in students’ speaking skill through the use of
TED talks. It can be seen from the students’ score in cycle 1 (72) from pre-test (60). Then 78 in cycle 2
from 72 in cycle 1. The classroom situation can be described as follows: 1) the students were more
interested in speaking class; 2) the students were more active in giving feedback to other students; 3) the
students have many ideas to speaking in front of the class.
Speaking is speech production that become a part
of daily life (Thornbury, 2005). Speaking is one of
the skills that should be mastered by the EFL
learners in the university. In fact, the EFL learners
got some difficulties in learning speaking. These
problems came from internal and external factors
(Dimyati, 1989). The internal factors came from
the students attitude, skill and motivation.
Meanwhile, external factors were from family,
environment and university. The problems faced
by the EFL learners related to the media used by
the lecturer. The media used was still monotonous
which is handbook of speaking subject. According
to Dudeney and Hockly (2007), there are ten
reasons to bring internet and technology into
classroom, some of them are:
1. Internet access is becoming increasingly
available to learners.
2. Young learners are growing up with
technologies, and it is natural and
integrated part of their lives- it is a way of
bringing the outside world into the classroom.
3. English as an international language is
being used in technologically mediated
4. Technology, especially the internet,
presents new opportunities for authentic task
and materials, as well as access to a
wealth of ready-made ELT materials.
5. The internet offers excellent opportunities
for collaboration and communication among
learners who are geographically dispersed.
6. Technology is offered with published
materials such as course book and
resources book for teachers.
7. Learners increasingly expect language
schools to integrate technology into teaching.
8. Technology offers new ways for practicing
language and assessing performance.
9. Technology can not only be used in
the classroom, but also at home and even
public area.
10. Using a range of ICT tools can give
learners exposure to and practice in all of the
four main languages skills-listening,
speaking, reading, and writing.
Qomar, A.
Using TED Talks for EFL Learners to Boost Their Speaking Skill.
DOI: 10.5220/0008219500002284
In Proceedings of the 1st Bandung English Language Teaching International Conference (BELTIC 2018) - Developing ELT in the 21st Century, pages 430-433
ISBN: 978-989-758-416-9
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Based on the statements above, the researcher
chooses one of the new media that can help the EFL
learners to solve the problems in learning speaking.
It was TED talks. TED is an acronym for
Technology, Entertainment and Design. TED Talks,
although typically fewer than 18 minutes long, pack
a punch: unique ideas presented with passion
(Windingland, 2014). TED talks is a series of public
speeches made by both notable and not so famous
people. The wide range of topics TED speeches
offer help stimulate the students inspirations and
innovative ideas (Li et al., 2016). The distinction
between this research and previous research is on
the implementing of TED talks to boost speaking
skill of EFL learners.
This research is trying to solve the problems
regarding the use of TED talks to boost the
students speaking skill and finding out the
improvement, and the students activities when
TED talks implemented in learning speaking.
The research was administered to one class of the
fifth semester of English Education Study Program
in Muhammadiyah University of Metro. A
Classroom Action Research conducted consists of
four stages. Those are planning, acting, observing
and reflecting.
Kemmis and Tggart (as cited in Hopkins, 1993)
mention the procedure in action research:
a) Problem identification and planning activity
(pre-observation, prepare for the materials,
lesson plan, steps of the research, students
attendance list, teaching tools, observation
sheet and test);
b) Implementation of the research (the lecturer
applies learning process using TED talks as
a media. In this step, the lecturer does all
designs of the lesson plan);
c) Observation (observation is the instrument
used to collect the data. The researcher
observes the students activity in learning
process. The observation results are recorded
in the observation sheet. The speaking
lecturers also participate in observing and
giving the suggestions);
d) Reflecting (after doing the teaching and
learning process using TED talk, the
researcher evaluates the learning process and
the learning result. The cycle will be stopped
when 75% students meet the English
In collecting the data, the researcher used test,
observation, diary, questionnaire and interview.
1) Test
Test is used to know the students speaking skill.
Brown (2003) explains that the test is a method to
measure the ability, knowledge. The purpose of the
test is to measure students' speaking skill. The test
consists of two tests: pre-test and post-test. Pre-test
will be given to students before learning using TED
talk. Post-tests will be given to students after
learning by using TED talk applied. After both of
these tests have done, researchers can see whether
there is an improvement of speaking skills after
learning using TED talk is given.
2) Observation
Burns (1999) explains that observation is the
main core of action research. Observation is the
activity of living things in terms of interpret
everything that happens using the senses or record
things using a scientific instrument. Researcher will
observe all student activities and situations that
occur during the learning process using TED talk as
a media.
3) Diary
According to Wallace et al. (2004), the diary is a
personal document, so there are no rules in writing
of the diary. Because of that, the researcher can
express all thoughts and feelings related to the
research. Diaries are appropriately used to extract
affective data. Diary is usually used in everyday
research, the result of the data can vary from day to
day. In this study, the researcher writes all the things
that happen in the classroom in the note starting
from the opening, the main activity and closing.
4) Questionnaire
Researcher will provide questionnaires before
and after using TED talk to EFL learners to get
information about their activities, opinions,
expectations, behaviour, and perceptions.
Researcher will ask students to fill the
questionnaire. Questionnaire has advantages that is
easier to implement, less time required than
interviews, and information that can be gathered
with more informants.
5) Interview
Interviews are personal meetings between
people because there are questions to ask and to
answer. Researcher will interview students about
their personal perceptions, experiences, opinions,
and ideas relating to action research in their
Using TED Talks for EFL Learners to Boost Their Speaking Skill
classroom. Burns (1999) states that interviews are
very popular and widely used as a tool for
collecting qualitative data. The researcher will
interview several students in the early and late
stages to analyse their point of view about the
learning process.
The data analysis techniques were used:
descriptive statistic and constant comparative
method. Hasan (2004) explains that descriptive
statistics are part of statistics that studies how data
collection and data presentation are so easy to
understand. Descriptive analysis only relates to the
matter of describing or providing information about
a data or circumstance. Descriptive statistics serves
to explain the state, symptoms, or problems. The
conclusions in descriptive statistics are only directed
to the existing data. In addition, the researcher also
used the verification technique. The technique of
verification is an essential step in the research
process. This conclusion is based on organizing the
information obtained in data analysis. The
conclusion of this research using inductive
technique, which is the technique of drawing
conclusions from the data that is specific to the
general conclusion.
This study describes the results of the research that
conducted on students of Muhammadiyah University
Metro. The purpose of this study is to identify
whether the use of TED talk as a media can boost
the EFL learners skill in speaking and to describe the
classroom activities when TED talk implemented in
speaking class. The research results will be
described in four sub stages: pre-research situation,
research, implementation, research results, and
discussion. Everything will be explained separately
and summarized in table form.
Based on Kemmis and Taggart (as cited in
Qomar, 2016), the procedure of action research
can be explained as follows:
a. Identifying problems and planning the
activities are:
1) Pre-observation toward the teaching
speaking class in Muhammadiyah
University of
2) Preparing the material, making lesson plan,
and designing the steps in doing the action
3) Preparing list of students’ name and scoring
4) Preparing teaching aids
5) Preparing sheets for classroom observation
6) Preparing test
b. Implementation the Action
The lecturer applies the action of the teaching
speaking by using TED talks. In this step, the
researcher implements the activities written in the
lesson plan.
c. Observing
Observation is one of the instruments which are
used in collecting the data. The writer as the
researcher observes the students activities while
teaching and learning process occur. The result of
the observation is recorded on observation sheets as
the data.
d. Reflecting
After carrying out the teaching process, the
researcher recites the occurrence in classroom as the
reflection of the action. The researcher evaluates the
process and the result of the implementation of TED
talks in teaching English.
3.1 The Improvement of Students’
Speaking Performance
The use of TED talk had improved the students
speaking. Referring to the result of the pre-test and
post-test, the students mean score was improved
4%. However, not all aspects of speaking were
constantly improved. The complete mean score was
presented in the table below.
Table 1: The Improvement of Students’ Speaking
Based on Table 1, it can be concluded that the
students had a good achievement at the end of the
research. Their score was increasing from cycle 1 to
cycle 2. Furthermore, the number of the students
who passed the test increased up to 100% in the
post-test 2. It was indicated for each elements of
3.2 The Classroom Activities
The result of observation showed that the students
were more active in speaking class when TED talks
was implemented. In addition, the result of
interview showed that the students were more
interested in following speaking class. The applying
of TED talk in students speaking skill had some
classroom activities. Those are some strengths and
weaknesses of TED talk.
BELTIC 2018 - 1st Bandung English Language Teaching International Conference
1. The strengths of TED talk
a) class situation is more life and fun;
b) there were interaction between student
student and lecturerstudent;
c) the students are more active and enjoy
the lesson;
d) students confidence are increased, they
are not shy again when performing forward
in the class;
e) students speaking proficiency were
2. The weaknesses of TED talk
a) The students were not controlled when
they used TED talk;
b) The students frequently opened another
sites for teaching and learning process;
c) The time management related to
the classroom situation;
d) Teaching and learning process became
The final discussion in the previous chapter can be
drawn into two conclusions. Firstly, the use of TED
talk to teach speaking can boost students speaking
ideas. It is taken into account that the students had
positive progress in speaking skill as mentioned in
the research findings. 1) Students had right
intonation and stress in pronouncing sentences. 2)
Students used accurate structure in grammatical
accuracy. 3) Students used effective and appropriate
word choice. 4) Students were able to keep the
conversation going without hesitation, or
inappropriate pause, or repeating words. 5) Students
were well organized and clear ideas in interactive
Supporting the statement, the students had higher
mean score in the final post-test (post-test 2), which
was 78.00. This score was above the passing grade
which was settled at 65.00. The mean score had
gradually improved since the second and the first
post test. The students got 72.00 in post-test 1. The
result of pre-test was 60.00.
The second conclusion is the classroom
activities. It was related to the strengths and the
weaknesses of TED talk during the teaching and
learning process. Referring to the research findings,
the strengths of TED talk were: a) the class situation
more life and fun; b) there were interaction between
studentstudent and lecturer student; c) the students
more active and enjoy the lesson; d) students
confidence increase, they not shy again when
perform forward in the class; e) students speaking
proficiency improved.
Meanwhile, the weaknesses of TED talk during
the teaching and learning process were: The students
were not controlled when they used TED talk. The
students frequently opened another sites for teaching
and learning process. The time management related
to the classroom situation. Teaching and learning
process became crowded.
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Using TED Talks for EFL Learners to Boost Their Speaking Skill