DR: I personally love the way you taught.
Regarding about the assignment to interview,
honestly I felt challenged, but I really like that
method because you gave us first experience to
carry out a formal interview with someone.
AS: The most impressed was when you gave us
an assignment to interview someone.
As can be seen, positive responses were given by
the students. They considered the teaching learning
process was fun, not boring because they had to go
outside to find data to interview someone. That was
challenging and fostering their socialization skills. It
was the first experience for them. In addition that
they had to do presentation in front of the classroom
using English was also considered positive since
they could practice their speaking ability and this
activity had fostered their self-confidence. Due to
these advantages, the students recommended that
other lecturers implement the same learning model.
3.2 Discussion
Overall, we find that both the observer and students
give positive feedback about the model. Of the 25
items that became the focus of attention, none of
them are in the category of "enough" let alone
"poor". Of 25, only five items they agreed on as the
"good" category, namely no. 9 (The Model eases me
to master English language), 11 (The Model hardens
me in mastering English language), 12 (Learning
English language using the Model has made me in
depression), 13 (In my opinion, my competence in
English will not increase by using the Model) dan 22
(The time given for finishing the assignments is
adequate). There are seven items, namely no. 7
(Learning English by using the Model makes English
language learning become more interesting), 10
(For me, the Model is interesting), 16 (I feel the
benefit of learning English by using the Model), 18
(The reading materials provided are suitable with
my competence), 19 (The assignments given are
suitable with my competence), 21 (The assignments
given will make me interested in learning more), dan
23 (The teaching materials provided are interesting
to discuss), that were in dispute between the
observer and students. On the seven items, there was
a difference of opinion in which what was "good"
according to the observer, "very good" for the
student and vice versa what was considered only
"good", "very good" according to the observer.
Meanwhile, for the remaining 13 items (viz. no. 1, 2,
3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 14, 15, 17, 20, 24, and 25), both the
observer and the students agreed that all those 13
items were "very good". As can be seen, although
there are some disagreements, we can conclude that
both the observer and students were satisfied with
the Model since most the items were indicated "very
good” by them.
Beside having positive responses from the close-
ended qustionnaire, we also have another positive
responses from the open-questionnaire about the
Model. From the answers, it revealed that they liked
the learning model. They considered that the
teaching learning process was fun, not boring.
Usually they had to write the topic assigned by their
lecture and present in. However, this present
learning model made them to go outside of the class
they were accustomed to be to find data, to interview
someone. And it was challenging because it was the
first time for them to do so. To find data through
interview, they had be able to speak politely and
clearly and this indirectly had fostered their
socialization skills. In addition, they were very
positive about the learning model because they
benefitted a lot from the presentations in front of the
classroom using English. These activities had
developed their languange skills and fostered their
self-confidence at the same time because they had to
use their working language; they had to speak and to
do such they had to be brave too.
The positive results of this study further confirm
the list of the advantages put forward by Boothe et
al. (2011) and Pagander dan J (2014) and this would
be great because then the language teachers need not
to hesitate in trying to apply this learning model
considering its effectiveness.
The findings of the study showed the feasibility and
applicability of PBL as a Character-Based English
Language Teaching Model to increase students’
gender awareness in the English Course II class for
the topic of gender. Both the observer and the
students as pre-service English teachers who were
exposed to the Model for five meetings responded
positively toward the application of the Model in the
English class. This suggests that the Model can be
used in English language learning to transfer both
English related skills and knowledge and values,
particularly, for this context, gender awareness.
Generally students considered that learning English
by using the Model made English language learning
become more challenging, especially having to do
an interview. The Model widened their’ knowledge,
especially about gender. No wonder then they
indicated that they gained double benefits from this