The Analysis of Under Graduate Students’ Translation Work of News
Text from English to Indonesia
Eva Fauziah
, Erni Haryanti
, Muhammad Muttaqin
, and Rendi Aridhayandi
State Islamic University of Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, Jl. A.H Nasution No.105, Bandung, Indonesia
Universitas Suryakancana, Jl. Pasir Gede Raya, Cianjur, Indonesia
Keywords: Translation work, quality of translation, the method used of translating news text
Abstract: News as a part of formal text almost translated in a different language. It needs the different translation
method to build the best quality of translation work. The purposes of this study are to find the quality of the
students‟ translation work of English news text to Indonesia and to describe the English education
department students‟ method of translating English news text to Indonesia. This study was conducted at one
of a university in Indonesia. The study uses the qualitative method; the samples are 12 under graduate
students of English education department. The quality of students‟ translation work gathered from the
document analysis and the assessment adopted from Larsons‟ criterion. Meanwhile, the students‟ translation
method that compiled by Newmark was analysed from the interview. After doing the analysis, the English
Education Department students‟ translation work quality is dominated by the fair level for the accuracy,
clarity and naturalness. Then, the methods that were used by the students are word for word method, free
translation method, faithful translation method, adaptation translation method, and literal translation.
Translation is one of the demanding tasks. It is used
to exchange the information, and transfer the
knowledge to different languages. Translation
changes the meaning of a word or sentence in an
original language into a target language and need to
consider many things to identify the equal meaning,
such as linguistic, and cultural contexts. If the
translator cannot translate appropriately, the result
may not be able to understand especially the
information and the messages. So, a translator has to
consider which the precise meaning that fit the
meaning in the source language to be translated into
the target language.
One of the major translation processes is in
translation method that used by the translator.
According to (Munday, 2013), the concept of a
translator in general is about product and the
translation process. The process of translating
engages a translator who delivers the language of
source text into another language of a target text.
According to (Catford, 1965) translation is a
process to substitute a text in one language for a text
in other languages. The statement tells that
translation is transferring the meaning of a text from
source text into target text and many kinds of text
usually translated by translator such as news text.
News text is part of report text that always uses in
educational language. In Indonesia, the translator
commonly comes from those who graduated from
English major, and the specific one is English
Education Department that have translation subject.
That is a crucial issue if the translator steers the
process of translating text especially news text, it
will affect the readers' perspectives. (Darwish, 2006)
stated that news is about what someone says has
happened and will happen. The statements explain
indirectly about how important the writer who writes
news and also the translator who translate news.
Translating narrative text as the common sample
text of informal text for the students of English
Education department, they need to improve their
skills of translating a formal text such a news text.
Also, the process such method that has the possible
effect of translating text should have attention.
Whereas, the students only have the assessment of
their translation work after translating some text
there is no discussion about the students method in
Fauziah, E., haryanti, E., Muttaqin, M. and Aridhayandi, R.
The Analysis of Under Graduate Students’ Translation Work of News Text from English to Indonesia.
DOI: 10.5220/0008220200002284
In Proceedings of the 1st Bandung English Language Teaching International Conference (BELTIC 2018) - Developing ELT in the 21st Century, pages 97-106
ISBN: 978-989-758-416-9
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
the class. Moreover, to know how important news
text as one of source text to be translated, the
researcher found the previous research that analysed
translating news text.
The first previous research was The English
Students' Difficulties in Translating English News
Headlines” (Hendar, 2011). The research analysed
the problems faced by English students of
Widiyatama University in understanding and
translating the specific kind of English news text
that is news headlines. Meanwhile, translating
process deals with some approaches to translation,
such a method that should be analysed. Moreover,
the recent research found is “An Analysis of
Translation Method and Quality of Passive Voice in
I Am Number Four Novel” (Prasmawati, 2016). The
research analysed method and quality of translation
work of a novel that the kind of the text is narrative
However, the previous researchers that are
mentioned have the differences with this research.
The majority, there is no specific research analyses
method and quality of translation work of news text
especially made from the English Education students
who learn translation. Therefore, this research
analyses translation made by the under graduate
students in translating English news text to
Indonesia seen from how he/she uses the method
and the quality of the translation made by the
News is the information about something that has
just happened or will happen soon. News text is a
factual text that enables to help people to get
information from national up to worlds events.
According to (McLelland, 1995) news was the
circulation of reports of events within a community,
which process could have specific social
consequences. News represented in a writing text
such as newspaper and spoken text such, television,
radio or internet.
Besides, Reading news is a social habit in the
structure of many societies. It is a habit that people
of different cultures acquire on their daily basis
routines to get knowledge and be aware of what is
happening in their own countries and worldwide”
(Schmitt, 2000). It is interesting to analyse because
people use a news as the information‟s sources.
In educational writing text, News text is almost
same with report text. Both of them deliver factual
messages. The reason for choosing English News
text as the text to be translated is language learner
can learn about what is going on in the real”
English language. Besides, writing news is often
needs to sound professional and well thought out.
Because of that, a thorough translation is needed
when the translator translate English news text into
According to (Nord, 2005), the translator is a
text-producer in the target culture to make a
communicative instrument for the target culture. In
translating text especially news text, the translator
cannot reduce or increase the message. Translator
temptation is tested to get the high quality of
translation work.
House (2001) stated that translation only gives
readers access to a message which already exists. It
means that translator should take the best way to
escape the alteration meaning or the original sense
of the source text (news text). It could be seen from
the translation quality. Translation work should
assess to know how the quality of the translated text
Translation is part of language learning and it is
about translating source language text into other
target languages. (Newmark, 1993) stated that
translation is able to transfer written message from a
language into a written message of other language.
Moreover, (Catford, 1965) said that translation is
language dissection of substituting a text in one
language for a text in another. The message from a
source language should be translated by representing
the message with the closest natural equivalent
meaning which can be accepted in a target language.
The point in translation is a translator may not
change the significance of the message of the source
text to exchange the language information, and the
meaning should be equivalent to maintain the high
quality of the translation. To make the high quality
in translation, the translator should comprehend the
translation process through knowing the method to
translate. (Catford, 1965) also defined translation as
one of the most important mediators between
societies and cultures. It means that translation is the
best way in mediating communication process.
Furthermore, the purposes of translation according
to (Newmark, 1993) translation is to facilitate
foreign language learning.
From the translation purposes above, translating
in translation is used in language learning especially
a skill that should achieve in language learning even
BELTIC 2018 - 1st Bandung English Language Teaching International Conference
though it is not a part of the four skills of a language
they are reading, speaking, listening and writing.
3.1 Translation Process
The process of translation can define as the
translation activities. The process of translation is
used by a translator as the guide in translating a text.
The process needs to be understood by the translator
because they can choose good ways in the
translating a text in the aims to get a good quality of
the translation.
In translating, the translator passes reading the
source text, matching the closest meaning and does
the whole of analysing, transferring meaning, and
restructuring the text. (Larson, 1998) stated that
translation consists of studying the grammatical
structure, lexicon, communication situation and
cultural context of the source text, analysing it to
decide its meaning, and then reconstruct the
meaning which is appropriate in the receptor
language and its cultural context.
As the same process of translation, (Nida, 2003))
explained a simple procedure of translating
process.they are analysis that is about the surface
structure of the text then transfer that is the analysed
materials are redesign in the mind of the translator
from a language to another language, and
restructuring that is the transferred material is
restructured to produce the message fully acceptable
in the receptor language.
Newmark (1993) explained in detail about the
course of translating that translating begins with
choosing a method of approach, secondly translating
with four levels more or less conscious in mind; they
are the SL level, the referential level, the cohesive
level and the level of naturalness. The statement
focused on the degree of naturalness as the main
process because it binds the translation theory to
translate theory and to translate theory to practice. In
fact, translator plays the operation of translating as
remote to produce an excellent translation work.
All the process that has been explained may be
adapted to the method that translator use. Methods
are needed to produce a good translation quality, so,
in the next sub-topic; the researcher discusses the
prime matter of the methods that can be used in
3.2 First Section
The goal of translating is to transfer the
messages from the SL into another language that
has a good quality. To achieve the target, a
translator needs a method that uses in the process of
translating a text. Method of translation plays to
choose the steps to translate; it could be word-level
up or the textual level before translating the text
depends on the translator needed and decide the
suitable one for certain text and target readers.
In fact, the method influences the result of the
translation work quality. It means that methods are
very influential to the translated text that is used by
translators in a way to rich the purpose and intention
of the translator.
Newmarks theory helps the researcher to
analyse the data in the way how to analyse the
translation method in translating a text. This theory
more easy to be understood and one of the materials
teaching translation learning in Translation 1 subject
in English Education Department of the State
Islamic University of Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung.
There are the definition and the example of
translation methods that can be used in translating
3.2.1 Word for Word Translation Method
This method is usually drawn as interlinear
translation. The SL word-order is selected and the
words translated one by one by their most common
meanings, far from contextual meaning. Example:
SL : I have lunch
TL : aku punya makan siang
3.2.2 Literal Translation Method
The SL grammatical models converted to their
nearest TL equivalents, but the lexical words are
translated one by one, out of context. Example:
SL : by the way
TL : dengan jalanan
3.2.3 Faithful Translation Method
A faithful translation fitted to reproduce the nearest
contextual meaning of the source language within
the constraints of the TL grammatical structures.
SL : she knows well about the accident
TL : dia tahu sekali kejadian itu
3.2.4 Semantic Translation
Semantic translation differs from „faithful
translation only in as far as it must take more
account of the real value (that is, the beautiful and
natural sound) of the SL text. Example:
SL : he is an airhead
The Analysis of Under Graduate Students’ Translation Work of News Text from English to Indonesia
TL : dia adalah orang yang bodoh
3.2.5 Adaptation Translation
This method is the free form of translation. It is used
mainly for plays (comedies) and poetry. The SL
culture changed to the TL culture, and the text
rewritten. Example:
SL : the walking dead
TL : mayat hidup
3.2.6 Free Translation
Free translation imitates the matter without the
manner or the content without the source form; it is
usually a paraphrase much longer than the source
and not the translation at all. Example:
SL : I am with you
TL : kamu tidak sendiri
3.2.7 Idiomatic Translation
Idiomatic translation reproduces the original
message but tends to change nuances of meaning
by preferring idioms where these do not present in
the source language. Example:
SL : I am on the ball
TL : aku mengerti
3.2.8 Communicative Translation
Communicative translation tries to render the precise
contextual meaning of the original like a way that
the content and the language are comprehensible to
the readership and readily acceptable. Example:
SL : watch your step
TL : hati-hati
Besides, (Larson, 1998) made two categories for
translation method. They are form-based or literal
translation and meaning based or idiomatic
translation. By literal translations, the translation has
compiled the form of the SL. On the other hand, the
idiomatic translation attempts to distribute the
meaning intended by the SL writer in a natural form
of the target language.
Moreover, technical methods and organizational
methods are mentioned by (Nida, 2003) as the
translation methods. The translation methods in
Technical methods such as Analysis of the source
and target languages, the translator does to analyze
SL before translating it and make some decision of
the semantic and syntactic approximations. The
translation methods in organizational methods such
as Constant reevaluation of the experiment made,
adopting it with the presenting available translations
of the same text.
3.3 Quality of Translation
Meaning is essential in translation, and it must be
held constant for maintaining the quality of the
translation. In this case, the quality of translation
cannot judge by the translators point of view.
According to (House, 2001), translation quality is a
problematical concept if it is taken to involve
individual and externally motivated value judgment
alone. Moreover, (Marnez Melis and Hurtado
Albir, 2001) said that translation is assessed using
translations. To know about translation mastery, the
translator needs to evaluate their translation quality
by translation quality assessment. According to
Cambridge dictionary, assessment is the act of
deciding the amount, quality, or importance of
something, or the judgment that is made. It attempts
to classify the work concerning its service. As
(Shiyab, 2013) said that Assessment is a concept that
involves evaluating a persons performance, be it
academic or non-academic.
By doing the assessment, the researcher can find
the quality of the translation work. According to
House (2001), a theory of translation is not possible
without a reflection on the role of one of its core
concepts: equivalence in translation; and look for
equivalence leads directly into a discussion of how
one would go about evaluating the quality of the
translation. So, while translation competence is
graded through performance, translation
performance is judged through criteria of the
Definition of translation quality assessment is
assessing and analyzing the quality of translation
work in line with the category of the quality of
translation work. According to(Benhaddou, 1991), a
translation quality assessment model is text oriented;
it takes the text as the core unit of analysis.
Moreover, (Angelelli and Jacobson, 2009) said that
the notion of quality is central to the translation
The conclusion that can take is the higher the
quality of the translation work, the more likely the
skill of a translator. In the next session, the
researcher explains the form of translation quality
assessment to grading the translation work of news
text English to Indonesia.
BELTIC 2018 - 1st Bandung English Language Teaching International Conference
3.3.1 The Form of Quality Assessment
The function of translation quality assessment is to
assess the quality of translated text whether it is
good or bad. In the assessment, the researcher
should have criteria or parameters reference to know
what the high or the low quality of translation work
is. As (Neves, 2002)said that the function of
assessment parameters as a quality standard to be
House (2001) stated that source text and target
text must be analysed from various dimensions
(semantically, pragmatically, textually, and so on.)
to assess the translation quality. However, it does
not mean that researcher should analyse the news
text before analyse the translation work of news text.
According to (Medadian & Mahabadi, 2015), the
model of House is objective but did not suitable for
educational purposes. Moreover, also it will take a
long procedure to assess the quality of the
Afterwards, (Nababan et al., 2012) described the
function of translation quality assessment are
accuracy to transfer message, clarity to express
message into the target language, and the language
naturalness of the translation. Therefore, quality of
translation can be assessed from the degree of
accuracy, acceptability, and readability. Those three
concepts are similar with (Larson, 1998), he
proposed three concepts to evaluate a good
translation namely; accuracy, clarity, and
naturalness. When the translator fills out the three
concepts to translate the text, the quality translation
work would be of high quality. So, we can see how
far the individual translator, his/her competence can
be taken into account.
As many experts classify the criteria of
translation quality assessment, the researcher chose
only Larsons criterion as a standard of grading the
translation work of News text English to Indonesia.
The following is a further elaboration of those three
According to (Larson, 1998)), accuracy means
capable of or successful in reaching the intended
target and correct in all parts. It means the
translation is identical to the source language text
and can answer does the translation communicate
in the same meaning as the language of origin?.
(Agusman, 2011) stated that accuracy means that the
messenger of the original language was transfer or
render into the target language correctly.
According to (Pinto, 2001), one important
measure of quality should be the clarity and
readability of the final product. Therefore, (Larson,
1998) stated that clarity means the state of being
clear, distinct and easily perceived and understood.
Clarity deals with the appropriate message delivered
and can answer does the reader for whom the
translator is intended understand it?
Naturalness measures the source language text
dynamics. It can answer is the form of the
translation easy to read and natural receptor
language grammar style? According to (Larson,
1998), naturalness refers to the effort done by the
translator in making the translation product sound
natural. Also, (Nababan et al., 2012) stated that the
translated text is accepted if it is read as an original
written in the target language and sounded natural
for the target readers.
3.3.2 Method of Translation Quality
Besides the criterion of translation quality, the
researcher should have a method to assess the
quality of translation work. (Nerudová, 2012)
mentioned two kinds of the major method
approaches in evaluating translation work: formal
Equivalence, subjective and mentalist and
functionalist approaches and skopos theory. In the
specific method, (Larson, 1998) stated six ways to
test the translation. They are comparison with the
source text, back-translation into the language of
origin, comprehension checks, naturalness tests,
readability tests, and consistency checks. Moreover,
(Nababan et al., 2012) stated that there are various
methods for assessing the quality of the translation,
the methods such as cloze technique, reading-aloud
technique, knowledge test, performance test, back
translation, and equivalence-based approach.
Out of the methods that have been mentioned,
the methods such as consistency check, naturalness
check, and equivalence-based approach are used to
assess the quality of translation work of news text.
By using those methods, the researcher can be easy
to assess translation quality in translating news text
and finding some translation problems.
4.1 Research Design
Qualitative method is used in this research.
According to (Creswell, 2012) qualitative research
does an inquiry approach useful for exploring and
understands a central phenomenon.” This method in
The Analysis of Under Graduate Students’ Translation Work of News Text from English to Indonesia
depth is used for describing, finding and knowing
the problem that the researcher mentioned in the
research questions.
The specific method of this research is case
study. The purposes is to find the quality of
translation work of English news text to Indonesia
and describe the method of translating English news
text to Indonesia at the under graduate students of
English Education Department of State Islamic
4.2 Research Site
This research conducted in State Islamic University,
located in Jl. A.H Nasution no 105 Bandung. The
researcher chose this university because it has
English Education Department students who learn
translation especially translation of English to
4.3 Participant
The participants of this research are related to
English Education students who learn translation
English to Indonesia. Furthermore, the researcher
took 12 students related to their score and accessible
using purposive sampling to support this research
close on completely. The researcher divided the
participants into three students for excellent, three
students for good, three students for fair and three
students for bad.
4.4 Data Collection Technique
Collecting data, according to (Creswell, 2012),
means individuals are identified and selected for a
study, their permission is obtained to study them,
and the information is gathered by asking people
questions or observing their behaviors.” Moreover,
(Yin, 2011) argued that collecting data for
qualitative research usually implies interacting with
real-world situations and the people in them.” From
the consideration of the statements above, the
researcher uses the instrument of Document
Analysis and interview and also a validation of the
source text.
The document analysis was obtained in this
analysis. The students of English Education
Department were given English news text that has
proven by the lecture. The researcher also checked
the score and did permission to the lecturer of
translation. Moreover, the researcher chose
interview to get information on how the students
translate the English news text. The researcher
arranged the questions based on the problem.
In this part consists of two sections based on the
research questions. The first section presents the
quality of the studentstranslation work of English
news text to Indonesia, and the second section
presents the method that students used in translating
English news text to Indonesia.
5.1 The Quality of the Students’
Translation Work of English News
Text to Indonesia
In order to assess respondentstranslation quality in
translating news text, the document analysis has
been done by the researcher by giving the English
news text to the respondents to be translated. The
respondent should translate 6 parts of news text
there are P1 until P6. Then, the researcher analysed
every part of the translation work and marked it with
scoring 1 until 4 in the rubric of translation quality
5.1.1 Accuracy
In terms of accuracy, the transmission between ST
and TT is correctly translated. On this stage, the
quality of English news text is re-contextualized
correctly in Indonesia language. Furthermore, this
part tries to describe the accuracy quality of the
students translation work of news text form English
to Indonesia.
First, there is no excellent accuracy of the
translation work. Second, there are three translation
works from R2, R4, and R9 that is good accuracy.
Third, there is five translation works from R3, R5,
R6, R7 and R11 that are fair accuracy. The last,
there are four translation works from R1, R8, R10,
and R12 that are bad accuracy.
According to (Larson, 1998), accuracy means
correct in all details and capable of or successful in
reaching the intended target. This translation work
changed the original meaning of the source language
and it makes this meaning inaccurate. According to
Nababan et al. (2012) in general context, omission
and addition will create the serious effect to the
translated text of a law, medicine, technic, a religion
that people used. . As (House, 2001) stated that
translation only gives readers access to a message
BELTIC 2018 - 1st Bandung English Language Teaching International Conference
which already exists. It cannot translate with any
omission and addition.
The conclusion that can be taken from the data
findings of students accuracy translation work
above is the dominant respondents almost fair in
translating news text. It is caused by the difficulty in
transferring the source text with context to the target
language and the equivalence in meaning. Most of
the respondents translation work is still put addition
or omission, redundancy and grammatical errors of
5.1.2 Clarity
Clarity means readable, clear and easy to
understand. According to (Nababan et al., 2012)
clarity directs to the appropriate expression fit in
language feature, norm, and culture of the TL. If the
translation work is accurately in the aspect of
meaning, it will dishonor if the act of expression is
contradicted. Therefore, this part has discussed the
findings of the translation works quality in clarity
The data finding of clarity is no excellent clarity
level found. But, there are found two good clarity
levels of translation work from R2 and R4, eight fair
levels of translation work from R1, R3, R5, R6, R7,
R9, R11 and R12, two bad clarity levels of
translation work from R8 and R10.
The translation work is not only accurate but also
clear and readable. The explanation above brings the
messages become unclear and the reader may not
understand it whereas (Larson, 1998) stated that
clarity means the state of being clear, distinct and
easily perceived and understood. Then, the two bad
clarity levels that have been mention could be seen
as the bad one while the translation work is
5.1.3 Naturalness
According to House ( 2001), that translation is a
mediator of language culture. Two languages may
have the similar structure but for cultural it will
differ from each other. Naturalness means that the
meaning TT could be read as the meaning in ST.
Moreover, (Larson, 1998) stated naturalness refers
to the effort done by the translator in making the
translation product sound natural.
Therefore, the data finding of naturalness is no
excellent clarity level found. But, there are found
two good naturalness levels of translation work from
R2 and R4, seven fair levels of translation work
from R1, R3, R5, R6, R7, R9, and R11, and three
bad naturalness levels of translation work from R8,
R10 and 12.
Summarized from the data findings of the
naturalness translation work quality above, it can be
said that most of the respondents were fair
naturalness that is seven translation works from
twelve respondents. Meanwhile, some respondents
produced stylistically bad naturalness in translating
news text. It can be proved that the most of
respondents translate by translating the source
language text in source language text in unnatural
form, with strange language, linguistically unnatural
and unusual. Based on the research findings of
second research question about the students of
English Education quality in translation work of
English news text to Indonesia that was presented in
the chart, it can be concluded that most of the
respondents translated the source language text fair
in accuracy, fair in clarity, and bad in naturalness.
5.2 The students’ method of translating
English news text to Indonesia
This part describes the kinds of the method that the
students of English Education Department use to
translate the English news text to Indonesia. The
researcher investigated translation methods from the
interview session.
This research is conducted with
(Newmark, 1993) criterions of translation method.
From 12 respondents that have been translating the
English news text; the researcher finds five
methods that applied by them. Those methods are:
word by word translation, free translation, faithful
translation, adaptation and literal translation. But,
several of respondent mention others method.
Two of them (R4 and R5) said sentence by
sentence translation as the method to translate the
English News text. The explanation of the methods
is discussed in the next section, to discern the
respondents method in translating news text from
English to Indonesia.
5.2.1 Word for word translation method
When the researcher gave the question what is the
method that you use in translate English news text?
There are 10 respondents from 12 respondents
answered that they used word for word translation
method as the method in translating English texts.
They are R1, R3, R5, R6, R7, R8, R9, R10, R11 and
The respondents used this method to translate the
word lonely. Even though they mention the method
The Analysis of Under Graduate Students’ Translation Work of News Text from English to Indonesia
they were used, some of them like R6 is not really
known about the translation method that makes the
uncertain answers. Different with R9 that give the
clear answer that the word for words translation
method is actually used. The statements from the
respondents also reinforced the reason why they use
word for words translation as their method to
translate English news text. The reasons for using
the Word for word translation method are to correct
the error or miswords.
It could be concluded that the word for word
method is used for several important parts or words
such the difficult word in translating the news text
that is not used for translating the whole text.
5.2.2 Free Translation Method
When the researcher gave the question what is the
method that you use in translate English news text?
there are respondents answered explicitly that used
free translation method as the method for translating
English text and answered implicitly used free
translation method in translating the text. So, three
respondents from 12 respondents those are R2, R11
and R12 were used free translation.
Free translation is used by them when translating
news text clearly but there is no explanation of the
reason for using the free translation method.
According to (Catford, 1965) free translation
belongs to unbounded translation which is unlimited
to a particular rank. In the other hand, there is a
respondent used free translation method in
translating the news text but did not aware of his
statements. It could be seen when the researcher
gave the question can you explain the process of
translating news text? In the first time the R9
statement is not used any method but actually R9
used free translation which is redesign the matter
without the manner or the content without the form
of the source ((Newmark, 1993). It means, R9
translated the text freely and unbounded.
5.2.3 Faithful Translation Method
When the researcher gave the question what is the
method that you use in translate English news text?
There are nine from twelve respondents (R2, R3, R4,
R5, R6, R7, R8, R11, and R12) belong to faithful
translation. Some of the respondents answered
explicitly that used faithful translation method as the
method for translating English text and the other
respondents answered implicitly used free
translation method in translating the text.
The respondents pay attention of the intentions
of the text as (Newmark, 1993) stated that tralation
attempts to be completely faithful to the intentions.
Implicitly, there is several respondents statement
that turn to faithful translation method. It could be
seen from the answer when the researcher gave the
question can you explain the process of translating
news text?
Indirectly, the respondent tried to distribute the
meaning intended by the ST writer in a natural form
of the target text by checking and understanding the
5.2.4 Adaptation Method
When the researcher gave the question what is the
method that you use in translate English news text?
There are five from twelve respondents using
adaptation method. Only one respondent answered
that used adaptation method as the choice in
translating English texts and three respondents that
implicitly used the method.
The other respondent use adaptation method that
could be seen from the answer when the researcher
gave the question can you explain the process of
translating news text? The respondentsstatements
showed the analysis of the structure of the SL that
was translated into the structure of the TL. As
(Newmark, 1993) stated that the SL culture
converted to the TL culture and the text rewritten.
5.2.5 Literal Translation
When the researcher gave the question what is the
method that you use in translate English news text?
There are three (R4, R6, R7) from twelve
respondents using adaptation method. The three of
respondents answered that they used Literal
translation method as the choice in translating
English news texts and three respondents that
implicitly used the method.
Whereas another respondent mentioned the
method in a different way that could be seen from
the answer when the researcher gave the question
can you explain the process of translating news
text? the respondent seems to conceptualize the
structure of the ST to be translated to TT with the
appropriate structure.
From the respondent statement, the respondent
aims to reproduce the linguistic feature of the source
text. The method is directed to literal translation
method as (Larson, 1998) said that form-based
translation is an attempt to follow the form of the
source language and is known as literal translation.
Moreover, (Newmark, 1993) stated that in literal
translation method, the SL grammatical structure are
converted to their precise TL equivalents but the
BELTIC 2018 - 1st Bandung English Language Teaching International Conference
lexical words are again translated singly, out of
5.2.6 Another Method
In the interview session, the researcher found
method that was not present in (Newmark, 1993)
criterions of translation method. It was sentence by
sentence. So, to find what method they mean, the
researcher analysed the categories related to the
types of translation and translation process.
From the entire questions that researcher gave,
there were several answers from three respondents
that used sentence by sentence method. There were 2
(R4 and R5) from 12 respondents using sentence by
sentence method.
The respondent were look for the clause of the
text. Is the proportion can decrease or replaced by
the first. They also re-read and analyse which is the
right register, what kind of the right structure and is
the culture or the richness of the text already
delivered in the right way?
In case of analysing the statement from R4 that
connected to the types of translation from (Catford,
1965), the respondent used total translation. The SL
was replaced by TL especially in grammar and lexis.
Then, R4 used faithful translation in translating the
English news text. Similar to R4, the method that
seems R5 used was a faithful translation. It has been
explained in faithful method analysing. From the R4
and R5 statements, it can be concluded that the
method (sentence by sentence) which they
mentioned was a process of translating news text.
Moreover, to find the sense of the method that is
used, the researcher analyses the connection between
the method that is used by twelve respondents and
the quality of their translation works from the table
Table 1: The analysis of the sense of the method that
respondent use.
Free and
Word for
Faithful and
Word for
on and
Word for
and literal
free and
Word for
The data table 1 showed different translation
method produce different quality. From the table, it
could be seen that: first, the methods that affect the
bad quality of the three stages of quality are word
for word and faithful translation method. Second, the
methods that affect the fair quality of the three
stages of quality are word for word, free, faithful,
adaptation and literal translation method. The last,
the methods that affect the good quality of the three
stages of quality are free, faithful and adaptation
translation method.
The Analysis of Under Graduate Students’ Translation Work of News Text from English to Indonesia
The researcher findings of the method that
suitable for translating English news text are free,
faithful and adaptation translation method. The three
methods that mentioned are the method that
produces the good quality in accuracy, clarity and
naturalness stages and it found in R2 and R4
translation work.
Based on the data collection from the research. First,
the quality of the translation work of news text from
English to Indonesia can be known by using data
analysis (translation quality assessment) in the form
of translation test distributed to the respondents.
Second, after analysing the data from the interview,
the researcher concludes that the respondents used
five methods that exist in Newmarks translator
methods criterion. Then, the method that suitable for
translating English news text are free, faithful and
adaptation translation method.
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BELTIC 2018 - 1st Bandung English Language Teaching International Conference