Students’ Higher-Order Thinking Ability in Electrolytic Cell
Cucu Zenab Subarkah
, Ai Sri Rahayu
, Citra Deliana Dewi Sundari
and Muhammad Minan
Department of Chemistry Education, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, Jl. A.H. Nasution No. 105, Bandung, Indonesia
Department of Physics Education, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, Jl. A.H. Nasution No. 105, Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: Higher-Order Thinking Skills, Electrolytic Cell, N-Gain, Cognitive Dimension, Analyze, Evaluate, Create
Abstract: One of the chemistry concepts that require the development of higher-order thinking ability is the
electrolytic cell, the concept is widely applied in dailylife, related to technology and is a continuation
course. This study aimed to analyze the students ability of higher-order thinking in electrolytic cell concept.
The method used was pre-experiment with one group pretest-posttest which is applied to 41 first-year
chemistry students in undergraduate level as research subject. Data were obtained from the answers to the
higher-order thinking ability essay test. The students’ higher-order thinking ability in the dimension of
analysis was deficient, their ability in the dimension of evaluation was adequate, and their ability in the
dimension of creation was decent. The cognitive dimension of analysis requires the ability to build
relationships between information provided, in this case most of the students have not be able to reach that
stage. In general, the results of this study informed that students higher-order thinking ability on the
concept of electrolytic cell was categorized adequate. Thus, for the improvement, problem solving exercises
require complex thinking are necessary.
The rapid development of science and technology
makes education a challenging demand
(Danumiharja, 2014). To compensate for the
necessary qualified human resources, one of the
demands is to have higher-order thinking ability.
Higher-order thinking ability is the ability to
connect, manipulate, and transform the knowledge
and experience they already have to think critically
and creatively in deciding and solving a problem
(Rofiah et al., 2013). Higher-order thinking ability
allows a person to solve the problems faced in his
life (Pantiwati, 2014). Therefore, higher-order
thinking ability is important to be embedded and
developed during learning process as it could impact
the learners' learning outcomes, including
undergraduate students.
Higher-order thinking ability is the highest level
cognitive process hierarchy based on Bloom's
Taxonomy which includes the ability to analyze,
evaluate, and create (Yee et al., 2015; Gunawan,
2012). Indicators of higher-level cognitive
dimension still often escape the attention of
educators, and the majority of the given test
questions is on the basic or lower cognitive
dimension. The previous research result (Syahida,
2012) stated that the high schools’ national
chemistry exam questions of 2012/2013 academic
year involve only 15% of the problems that require
higher-order thinking ability in the cognitive
dimension of analysis, while the rest of the problems
require only the ability to think in lower-level
cognitive dimensions. This shows that the cognitive
dimension that is developed in general is still in the
lower-level cognitive dimension. Preliminary study
results for the first-year undergraduate students
showed that the students' higher-order thinking
ability is still untrained because the students still
cannot reason with the various questions given. In
addition, the student's analytical skills in answering
the various problems was deficient. Research
conducted by Gani, (2011) stated that the
mastery of declarative knowledge of students was
categorized quite well, but the ability of higher-level
thinking of students in solving the problem was still
relatively low.
Subarkah, C., Rahayu, A., Sundari, C. and Chusni, M.
Students’ Higher-Order Thinking Ability in Electrolytic Cell.
DOI: 10.5220/0008220300002284
In Proceedings of the 1st Bandung English Language Teaching International Conference (BELTIC 2018) - Developing ELT in the 21st Century, pages 521-525
ISBN: 978-989-758-416-9
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Therefore, it is very important to develop higher-
order thinking skills in learning. One of the
chemistry concepts that require higher-order
thinking is the electrolytic cell. This concept is
related to daily life and its application is widely used
in line with the development of science and
technology. Thus, the development of higher-level
cognitive dimension in learning of this concept is
needed. In addition, this concept deals with
advanced chemistry courses such as inorganic
chemistry and physical chemistry, therefore it is
important to be learned and able to build students
skill through completing the course. The results of
Najwa's research (2016) concluded that the students’
ability of higher-level thinking on the concept of
signs of global warming is categorized as good by
providing open ended questions; Stone's research
(2012) concluded that the flipped classroom learning
model can achieve learning outcomes in higher-level
cognitive dimensions and deepen the understanding
of the concepts.
Based on the background that has been presented
and supported by previous research, the authors are
interested to take the research about higher-order
thinking ability of students on electrolytic cell. The
novelty aspect in this research was in terms of giving
the higher-order thinking skill test with different
pretest and posttest but with the same problem
indicator through the flipped classroom learning
model to measure the students’ higher-order
thinking ability.
The method used in this research was pre-
experiment with one-group pretest-posttest research
design that is conducted to one group only without
any comparison group (Fraenkel, 2012). The plot of
this research design was: 1) the researcher gave
pretest problems to the group that will be given
treatment to investigate the students’ cognitive
dimension of the higher level in the beginning of the
research, and then 2) the researcher gave the
treatment of the application of the flipped classroom
learning model to the group. After completion of
treatment, 3) the researcher gave posttest problems
to investigate the improvement of students' higher
cognitive dimension. The extent of treatment effect
was measured by comparing pretest results with
posttest results (Sukmadinata, 2007).
The subject of this research was 41 chemistry
students in their first year of undergraduate study. In
this research, the data retrieval technique was carried
out through the students’ answer to the higher-order
thinking ability test before and after treatment. The
obtained data were in the form of higher-order
thinking ability before and after the application of
flipped classroom learning model on the cognitive
dimension of analysis, evaluation, and creation. The
data processed through the following stages: (1) raw
scores on each student's answer for pretest and
posttest based on the assessment criteria were
summed up and then converted into the final score
by dividing the sum of raw score by maximum score
and multiply it by factor 100. The achieved final
scores were categorized according to score
achievement predicate in table 1; and (2) higher-
order thinking ability improvement was analyzed via
Normal Gain (d) value which is obtained according
to equation 1. Normal gain (d) value was interpreted
based on table 2.In addition, to determine whether or
not there is an increase in higher-order thinking
skills, hypothesis testing was performed.
d =
(equation 1)
Table 1:Score achievement predicate (Syah, 2008).
Final Score
Very good
Table2: N-Gain index criteria (Herlanti, 2012).
N-Gain (d)
d < 0.3
0.3 ≤ d ≤ 0.7
d ≥ 0.7
In this study, the content of the tests was used as the
dependent variable, which is the electrolytic cell
concept in the form of its application in life, such as
in metal purification and metal coating. The results
of the analysis of higher-order thinking ability is
presented in table 3.The posttest analysis results of
higher-order thinking ability based on revised
Bloom's taxonomy on the cognitive dimension of
analyze, evaluate, and create can be seen in figure 1
and 2.
BELTIC 2018 - 1st Bandung English Language Teaching International Conference
Table3:N-gain value in each higher level cognitive
Total Score of 41 Students
(max score 100 per student)
Figure 1: Average posttest score in higher-order cognitive
Figure 2: Percentage of students by predicate of posttest
score in higher-order cognitive dimensions.
Based on table 3 and criteria in table 2, the
improvement of students’ higher-order thinking
skills had a moderate gain with average N-gain
value 0.55. The highest improvement of the skills
was in the cognitive dimension of create with N-gain
0.65, and the lowest improvement was in the
cognitive dimension of analyze with N-gain 0.47. In
addition, figure 1 shows that the highest cognitive
dimension that reaches the highest average post test
score was the cognitive dimension of create that is
78.9, while the lowest average post test score was on
the cognitive dimension of analyze, that is 56.3. This
was caused by the number of students that was able
to answer well at the cognitive level of analyze was
only 22% from total 41 students (figure 2, 9.8%
could answer very well and 12.2% well).
In the question for measuring the cognitive
dimension of analysis, students were required to
discover and describe the concept of electrolytic
cells in metal purification and coating, such as
describing the process of metal purification by
mentioning the reaction possibilities that could
occurred in each salt metal solution when an electric
current is passed through and describing the type of
metal coating used in the given text. As Anderson &
Krathwohl (2010) described, the cognitive
dimension of analysis involves the ability to
crack/divide a problem into its units/small
components of the problem and determines the
interrelationships between the units to form a clear
linkage. In addition, according to Kuswana (2012),
the ability to analyze requires student to be able to
decipher a case problem into major parts and
describes how the parts are connected to each other
and become a whole structure.
The cognitive dimension of analyze has the
lowest increase compared to the cognitive dimension
of create and evaluate. This is indicated by the
absence of students who achieve maximum scores in
the pretest and posttest. Most students described the
processes that occur in metal purification not
thoroughly and does not cover all the criteria, as
there are students who do not involve the electrical
current that encourages the oxidation reduction
reaction in electrolytic cell. In addition, based on the
posttest result, the highest percentage of students
who have a very low score is in the dimension of
analyze with a percentage of 36.6% (figure 2). This
is due to many students who have not been able to
decipher the process of electrolysis of metal
purification to explain the possibilities that occur in
each metal in the anode. Most students simply
answer by elaborating on the occurrence of metal
purification because of the electrolysis process that
causes Sn metal to settle at the cathode undergoing a
reduction reaction when the electrode is immersed in
the solution. There are also those who answer up to
the possibilities that occur on any metal, but do not
fit the criteria that the metal impurity in the anode
having a more positive standard reduction potential
than the metal to be purified (Pt, Au, etc.) will not
dissolve in the anode, but the metal impurity will
form precipitate at the base of the cell, while the
Analyze Evaluate Create
Average Score
Cognitive Dimension
Analyze Evaluate Create
Percent of Student (%)
Very Good Good
Adequate Deficient
Very Deficient
Students’ Higher-Order Thinking Ability in Electrolytic Cell
metal which has a more negative standard reduction
potential will dissolve and accumulate in an
electrolyte solution (Ettel & Tilak, 1981: 328).
On the problem that requires students to analyze
the type of coating used, most students only mention
one type of coating that occurs, whereas the
expected answer was more than one type of coating.
Thus, most students do not get the maximum score.
In thinking skills that measure the cognitive
dimension of analysis, some students were able to
identify the most important and relevant elements of
the problem, but some students have not yet reached
the stage of establishing appropriate relationships of
the provided information (Gunawan, 2012: 28).
Thus, this cognitive dimension reaches the lowest
average posttest score and N-gain.
To measure students’ skill in the cognitive
dimension of evaluation, students were given several
questions which require them to assess a conclusion.
Students have to make a consideration based on
existing criteria and standards to show their skill in
evaluating (Widodo, 2005).N-gain value for evaluate
cognitive dimension was lower than create due to
some students failed to state the conclusion o the
problems in pretest and posttest. The highest number
of students (36.6%) was giving adequate answers to
the problems (figure 2). Only six students almost
achieved the maximum score. This was due to many
students were mistaken with the concept, so that no
one reaches the maximum score. Many students
assumed the amount of charge is same as the number
of electrons involved, and most students mistakenly
convert units.
In measuring the ability of higher-level thinking
for cognitive dimension of evaluation, the students
have been directed to the conclusion assessment
stage based on the existing criteria with good
problem solving planning stage, i.e. solving the
problem by applying the concept of Faraday law
calculation first, but still incomplete in proving the
conclusion . Evaluating leads to the testing or
assessment activities of a product that can be linked
to the process of thinking, planning and
implementing so that it can lead to the determination
of the extent to which a plan is going well and a
criteria is produced (Gunawan, 2012).
Cognitive dimension of creation was measured
by a set of problems that require the students to
design simple procedures and series of electrolytic
purification or electrolytic coating appropriately
based on the given text in the worksheet. From
students’ answers, it was found that some students
still believed that the current source is the same as
the voltmeter. This error is caused by some students
were not be able to understand in detail the
difference of Voltaic cell and electrolytic cell, and
also caused by the students' knowledge about the
name of the instruments commonly used as the
current source in the electrolysis is lacking. In
addition, some students had inappropriately
designed the procedures and circuits of electrolysis
components, including wrong choice of electrodes.
This means there were still some students who are
less able to generalize an idea or perspective towards
something and devise a way to solve the problem
(Krathwohl, 2010).
Based on the N-gain analysis, the cognitive
dimension of creation has a higher improvement
than the cognitive dimension of evaluation and
analysis. In addition, posttest results on the question
of measuring cognitive dimensions of create, the
highest percentage of students has a very good
predicate with a 51.2% percentage (figure 2). This
shows that most of the students think very well. In
this cognitive dimension of create, the way of
thinking of the majority of students has led to the
organization of parts to form a functional unity and
to produce a new product by organizing some
elements into a different form or pattern than before
(Gunawan, 2012).
The improvement of students’ higher-order thinking
skills in electrolytic cell concept measured from the
pretest and posttest score with flipped classroom
treatment was resulting in the medium category with
N-gain 0.55. The improvement of students’ higher-
order thinking ability on the cognitive dimension of
analyzing was smaller than the improvement of the
cognitive dimensions of evaluating and creating.
Meanwhile the improvement on cognitive dimension
of create was the highest. Overall, the high-level
thinking ability of the undergraduate students was
sufficient, so for the improvement, exercises to solve
problems that require higher-order thinking is
necessary. In addition, educators should familiarize
themselves to recheck the students' conceptual
understanding of the prerequisite concept in order to
avoid mistakes in concepts by providing retention
tests on a previously learned material.
BELTIC 2018 - 1st Bandung English Language Teaching International Conference
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