is 20.39. It means that count (20.39) > ttable
(1.99). It can be concluded that H0 is rejected
and Ha is accepted. In other words, there is a
statistically significant improvement in students'
score in speaking skills.
5.3 The Result of the Gain Score
Table 5: Result of Gain Score
No Aspect Score
1 Experimental Group 0.56
Based on the table, index gain score is 0.56. It
means that the score is between 0.30–0.70 (0.30<
056<0.70) with medium category. Therefore,
the improvement of the students’ speaking skill
using vlog is in the medium category.
There is significance difference improvement when
the students were given the treatment of using vlog
to improve their speaking skills. This session is
determined by the improvement of students'
speaking skills after treatment by testing the index
gain. Testing the index gain has been analyzed
before. Based on the analysis, index gain score is
0.36. It is located between 0.31 – 0.70 with the
medium category. So, the improvement of students'
speaking skills using vlog is medium.
In this conclusion, after conducting the
the observer concluded that vlog is an important
media to help students in teaching learning process,
especially in teaching speaking. It has proved by the
statistical data explained above that the vlog can
improve students' speaking skills with the medium
category in its improvement.
In addition, the use of vlog as a media is
effective to improve students speaking skills, by
using vlog students feel comfortable because they
saw the real activity that the vlogger exposed in their
personal journal. Besides the students as a viewer
can get benefits such as vocabularies, pronunciation,
expression, and else. Students can be able to imitate
how to say something in the foreign language
through exposed vlog. It made students more
interested than watch other videos because the
vloggers showed the real activity which the video
was edited by added emotions, made sequences part
of activities, music, so that students do not get bored
during vlog was playing. Another conclusion for the
future researcher is to make a vlog as a product that
can make students can be involved directly in
making the vlog and we can see in the students'
development of their speaking skills.
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