The following are examples of
imperative sentences:
Let them natural charm
of people...
See, feel, listen to the wonders
beauty like in a home.
Experience the real Indonesia
3.1.2 Sentence Structure
Garuda Indonesia Airlines advertisement uses
parallelism sentence structure. Parallelism can be
defined as repeated use of similar grammatical
structures. The following are the examples of
parallelism used in the advertisements analyzed in
this study:
A new experience, allows you
to enjoy the richness of nature
across Indonesia, breath-taking
natural beauty, the excruciate
harmony of traditional music,
savors the variety of
traditional cuisine as a worth and
reaches your soul.
Each clause has the same idea and structure
beginning with verb in imperative following by a
direct object. The function is to heightening the
emotional tone of the message.
Meanwhile, the second part of analysis focuses
on lexical and morphological aspect. Causal
conjunctive adjunct is used in Garuda Indonesia
Airlines’ advertisement. Halliday & Mathiessen
(2004) divides the Conjunctive Adjuncts into three
groups: elaboration (I), extension (II), and
enhancement (III). Causal conjunctive adjunct
belongs to Conjunctive adjunct group III. It can be
seen from this discourse:
A new experience, allows you to
enjoy the richness of nature across
Indonesia, ... and reaches your
The use of pronouns in advertisements creates a
friendly atmosphere to persuade or influence the
audiences. The following are examples of pronouns
used in Garuda Indonesia Airlines’ advertisement:
... allows you to enjoy
the richness of nature
across Indonesia...(second
person pronoun)
... and as a worth and
your soul. (possessive
Let them natural charm
of people, ... (third oerson
plural pronoun)
... touch your heart (possesive
Pronouns ‘you’, ‘your’, and ‘them’ refer to the
audiences of the advertisement, especially the
passengers of Garuda Indonesia Airlines. These
pronouns are used to address the audience directly.
The third part of analysis focuses on semantic
aspect. Each linguistic expression has its literal
meaning and its figurative meaning. One of
figurative meaning used in this study is a trope. A
trope can be defined as “a word or phrase that is
used in a way that is different from its usual
meaning in order to create a particular mental image
or effect.”(Hornby et al., 2001).
In relation to semantic aspect, Garuda Indonesia
Airlines’ advertisement uses personification and
hyperbole trope. Personification involves directly
speaking of an inanimate object, or an abstract
concept, as if it were a living entity, often one with
specifically human attributes (Kumari, 2014). It
includes sensations, emotions, desires, physical
gestures and expressions, and powers of speech,
among others. The personification trope can be seen
from these discourses:
Savors the variety of
traditional cuisine as a worth
and reaches your soul.
Let them the natural charm
of people, touch your heart.
The second trope used in this advertisement is
hyperbole. A hyperbole refers to the deliberate use
of overstatement or exaggeration to achieve
emphasis (Kumari, 2014). The following are
examples of hyperbole trope:
A new experience, allows you to
enjoy the richness of nature across
Indonesia, breath-taking natural
beauty, the excruciate harmony of
traditional music, savors the
variety of traditional cuisine as a
worth and reaches your soul.
3.2 Discursive Practice Analysis
This level of analysis involves studying the text’s
production and consumption. Several discourse
strategies are used in order to attract or influence the
audiences. In this study, there are two discourse
strategies used. First, this advertisement use emotive
BELTIC 2018 - 1st Bandung English Language Teaching International Conference