Learning Management System LMS). It is in
Multimedia-based Content (interactive multimedia
content) or Text- based Content (as a common
printed books or references. These should be
put in storage system in LMS. The content is
easily operated by the user in anytime and in
An important component of infrastructure is
software of e-learning. One of the e-learning
software which plays the important role is Learning
Management System (LMS). LMS is a set of
solution designed to deliver, track, report and
manage the learning materials, monitor the progress
and interaction of the learners as well. LMS is a
software application for teaching and learning
process, such as running administration, filing
documents, creating report of learning process via
online connected to internet. The content or learning
materials are provided online web-based and
accessed through internet. In other words, LMS is
an application to make the learning process deliver
automatic and virtual electronically (Wahono,
2007). It provides features to meet the needs of
users in learning process. Currently, there are many
types of LMS embedded with the specific
features as required application.
LMS consists of materials in multimedia (texts,
animation, video, and sound) version serving as a
supplement and enrichment for learners’ aptitude.
LMS offers innovative learning system covering
information technology particularly virtual-based
through online learning web, multimedia, and video
conference. LMS web-based learning enables to
be developed dynamically or commonly known
as a dynamic e-learning (Munir, 2010). In general,
LMS is able to (Setiyo, 2013):
a. Upload and share the materials: LMS
provides the features to make the learning
materials easier to share. Course tutors will
upload learning materials as designed syllabus.
The materials could be in the form of main
topic of the materials, notes, articles, quizzes,
assessment, etc.;
b. Carry out forum and chat: Forum and
online chatting are a dialogue or conversation
between tutors and their students synchronously
or asynchronously (forum and emails). The
forum and chat allow the learners to write their
comments and discuss them with their classmates.
c. Create Quizzes and surveys: Online quizzes and
surveys let the learners present a quick score. This
instant grading is very good to get the learners’
direct responses to their achievement and
understanding of the learning materials;
d. Gather and review assignment: The result of
evaluation on learning achievement provides the
score to the learners automatically and online.
e. Record grades: LMS enables to monitor and record
the learners’ achievement automatically.
In the design of e-learning system conducted in this
research refers to the concept of LMS as above.
2.2 Academic Writing
Academic writing is a part of writing skill that
follows particular rules and format referring to
academic circumstances. The certain rules
and format differ the academic writing to
personal writing, such as writing on Blogs, writing
on walls of Facebook walls or articles in
newspapers and magazines. Swales & Christian
(2017) outline that academic writing is one of
writing products that should pay attention much to
readers, goal, organization, style, plot, and layout.
Besides, academic writing must present strong
argumentation as the state of the art unifying the
whole passage. Academic writing is classified into
several types (Phil, 2010):
a. a. Summary
Occasionally, reading summary lets readers’ choice
catch the main idea of the whole passage. The
summary is a typical brief text taken from written-
scientific works such as books, articles, journals,
research, etc. The goal of writing summary is to
convey the most prominent idea from a text to
readers and to present the concise explanation
providing by the robust argumentation to support
the main idea (Friedman, 1989). A summary
consists of the main idea of the background,
point of view, argumentation supported with the
details of justifications, methods (if it is a research),
and conclusion linked back to the conceptual
background without providing analysis,
interpretation, and evaluation (Friedman and
Steinberg, 1989). In general, a summary is 750-
BELTIC 2018 - 1st Bandung English Language Teaching International Conference