community. The policy indicates that schools are
required to facilitate learning process based the local
wisdom in each region of Indonesia especially in
Central Java.
at al., (2014) is important for
teacher to facilitate learners interact with local
wisdom in their area. Therefore, student can
participate to conservation the local knowledge of
them self.
Teacher and student mention that they need
teaching material in form of text book based the local
wisdom. Figure two shows that 100% of student need
text book in learning process. The advantage of using
text book for students are text book provide a syllabus
which representing the aim of curriculum, text book
provide security for students to stay learning on the
right path, text book provides a set of readings,
visuals, and visual activity which might motivate
students to read, text book provides an evaluation
tools (Basturkmen, 2010; Graves, 2000). Other than
that, students love to read a color full text book which
has a lot of picture in it. One of strategy to for getting
students to read is give student text book filled with
picture. Students also need three dimensions and
movable text book. Crupi (2016) presented movable
book as a handcrafted book made for various
purposes such as playing, teaching, and storytelling
which encourages reader interaction. There are
several benefits in using movable book such as
creating an effective learning, creating
able to motivate students. Three dimensions graphic
of images on movable book might help students
visualize the material content. Through the actives
pulling tabs and turning the wheel will create more
meaning full learning for student (Abrahamson &
Stewart, 1982). Therefore, there are need the
development of movable books to support students
learning process.
A natural learning environment can provide by
teacher as teaching material in form of local wisdom-
based textbook especially for primary students. It is
not only important to encourage young people like
primary students to take pride and recognize in their
local wisdom, but also to make the students
participate in the conservation of local knowledge to
strengthen their nationalism.
This study of Indonesian primary school
teachers and students needs of teaching materials
found that there were several teaching materials used
in learning process, most of teaching materials used
is text book, but then teaching materials based the
local wisdom which can develop primary student
nationalism were not found yet. This is turn impacted
negatively about the lack of primary student
nationalism and the lack of their understanding about
local wisdom in their area. Teachers showed that they
need an additional teaching material in form of text
book based the local wisdom which can deliver
learning material very well and help them to develop
student nationalism. The students shows that they
need an interactive text book which motivate them to
read such as color full and three dimensions book
(e.g. movable book). Finding suggest that
government, schools and teacher need to provide and
develop three dimensions movable book based the
local wisdom which can be used by primary student
to increase their nationalism in learning process.
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