“Do It Yourself Video”:
Equipping Indonesian EFL Teachers with DIY Video Creation Skill
Sajidin, Nia Kurniawati, Dian Ekawati, R. Nadia R. P. Dalimunthe, Aan Hasanah
UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, Jl. A.H Nasution No. 105 Cipadung, Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: Teacher professional development, DIY Video
Abstract: The research is aimed at equipping in-service English teachers a DIY video creation skill through a
workshop and exploring their perception of ICT integrating into English teaching. DIY Video is useful to
help students learn independently. To achieve them, an exploratory case study was employed. The research
involved eight in-service teachers of Islamic Junior High Schools. To understand the teachers’ prior
perception and experience of ICT, a questionnaire is distributed before the workshop. To support the
questionnaire data, class observations are done. In addition, during the workshop, the observation was
conducted to see the implementation. The workshop is also followed by a reflection section. Based on the
collected data, this research concludes that 1) DIY instructional videos were successfully constructed after
the training; with different levels of complexity among the participants: a) older participants were more
struggling to construct the video; b) young participants could construct the video independently; and, (c) a
half of participants could construct it with some assistance from the instructors (the trainer and facilitators);
2) some problems were encountered during the construction, however; the collaboration among the
instructors could cope with all the problems; 3) all participants positively responded to the use of DIY Video
for promoting independent learning among students of Junior Secondary Schools. The research recommends
a further accompaniment to strengthen the teachers’ skill.
The demand of 21st century requires all elements
including teachers to have the Information
Communication Technology (ICT) ability since it
provides more student-centered activities and
emphasizes the learning from content to the
development of competence and performance (Noor-
Ul-Amin, 2013). Therefore, the focus of this research
was to equip in-service language teachers’ with DIY
video creation skills through a workshop and to
explore their perception of ICT-integrated learning
before and after the workshop. The process of the
research does not only involve the training but also an
understanding of teachers’ before-and-after
perception and experience of ICT use in language
teaching and learning.
2.1 ICT for 21
Century Teaching of
The development of teacher’s competence in terms of
the use of ICT for learning is important for several
reasons. First, ICT skills are skills that are required to
be absolutely possessed by students to survive in the
21st century. The skill of using technology in the
classroom by teachers is believed to help improve the
learning process (Voogt et al., 2011) and provide
direction for problem solving. Second, the teachers’
ICT ability becomes one of the indicators of the
competent teachers. Good teaching makes a different
learning (Walter and Briggs, 2012). How teaching is
carried out will greatly affect the learning process
experienced by students. Third, the implementation of
ICT provides a different atmosphere to students and
teachers where classes become more flexible — the
time for teaching and learning becomes longer — and
Sajidin, ., Kurniawati, N., Ekawati, D., Dalimunthe, R. and Hasanah, A.
“Do It Yourself Video”: Equipping Indonesian EFL Teachers with DIY Video Creation Skill.
DOI: 10.5220/0008221700002284
In Proceedings of the 1st Bandung English Language Teaching International Conference (BELTIC 2018) - Developing ELT in the 21st Century, pages 556-560
ISBN: 978-989-758-416-9
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
more unlimited interactions (Sánchez et al., 2012).
Fourth, the teacher's skill in using technology needs to
be a priority because the more skilful the teacher in
using technology, the better the quality of the class:
"both teacher and age affect the quality of teaching
(Sánchez et al., 2012). The integration of technology,
multimedia, and ICT makes the learning process more
increasing and improving (Bilyalova, 2017; Umar and
Yusoff, 2014).
Although the use of technology and ICT is a
necessity in many countries such as Malaysia and
Spain (Gil-Flores et al., 2017a; Sánchez et al., 2012;
Umar and Yusoff, 2014) to meet the demands of the
21st century, some research shows that the real ability
of teachers in ICT is still relatively weak or "low"
(Umar & Yusoff, 2014). Whereas teachers with the
ability to teach by using technology effectively in the
classroom make the classroom an attractive space
during the learning process (Fitriyadi, 2015).
Furthermore, Barber and Mourshed (2007)
reveal three factors that can help the students produce
good outcomes (a) they get the right people to
become teachers, (b) they develop these people into
effective teachers, (c) they put in place systems and
targeted support to ensure that students were able to
benefit from excellent instruction. The results of the
learning process are strongly influenced by teacher
qualifications and competencies, because qualified
and competent teachers can present effective and
efficient learning.
2.2 Video for Learning
Lanfrord (2014) identifies six reasons why English
teachers must use videos in their classes. First, video
is the most suitable medium for the younger
generation. This opinion takes into account the rapid
growth of social media and video and live video-
based technology globally, such as Skype, iPad,
YouTube, Snapchat, and Instagram, whose users are
majorly young people. Video is not a form of passive
entertainment, but an interactive mode of
communication and information that is very likely to
be accessed every day.
Second, the video is able to bring the outside
world into the classroom. This video is authentic
learning material - real-world portraits - that can be
adapted for education.
Third, videos involve students in the learning
process. Some teachers think video is an
entertainment not an education. However, the fact
that video has text - a source of information - and we
make learning related to videos embedded will help
students improve their language skills.
Fourth, video is a very good source of
information. Learners of English - especially English
for academic purposes - are often required to carry out
research projects. Movies and videos can be excellent
sources of information. Visual input on video
supports audio input (language), and even this
effectively supports the understanding of students at
low levels.
Fifth, videos offer stimuli for class activities.
Video can be a reference point for students' critical
thinking skills; for example, in evaluating an
advertisement, in considering whether supporting
details are valid or not.
Sixth, video is a good model for student language
output. In addition to being a good input and source
of material in teaching and learning activities, video
becomes a model that is subsequently produced by
students in their language.
Video, in broader scope, can provide various
benefits whether the video is used as a learning
material or a form of activity in the classroom. The
activities in this study will only focus on the role of
video as learning material made by teachers because
the program aims to develop teacher competencies,
which will then improve the quality of their students.
Videos used in teaching and learning activities
can actually be obtained by downloading from other
sources on the internet or made by teachers or
students for various purposes in teaching and learning
activities. Videos obtained from other sources are
easy to obtain, but it is not easy to get videos that fit
the context and needs of the class. Many videos need
to be adapted in order to be able to accept those
contexts and needs.
Videos that are made by the teacher or students
do require special time to produce them. However,
the video departs from the context and needs of the
class. so that the benefits are more maximal. Videos
can be made simply by recording yourself using a
camera, or by using applications such as Articulate
StoryLine, Active Presenter, Icecream Screen
Recorder, or Screencasitfy to make videos more
interactive and interesting.
Making and implementing the right one will
make the video motivate students to learn strongly
(Whatley & Ahmad, 2007). Videos can involve
students in active learning because video shows
various forms of multiple literacy. Videos use several
modes for sending content and emotional appeal to
viewers (in this context students or learners).
According to multiple literacy theory, an individual
has, with various strengths and preferences, at least
eight discrete intelligences: linguistic language,
mathematical logic, spatial, musical, kinesthetic,
“Do It Yourself Video”: Equipping Indonesian EFL Teachers with DIY Video Creation Skill
interpersonal, intrapersonal and naturalistic (Gardner,
2006). This intelligence is then stimulated by video.
3.1 Research Design
This study is an effort to provide services to the
community based on in-depth investigation. This
study is a case study because this study portrays
phenomena that occur in a group of individuals
(Merriam, 1998; Starman, 2013). This study explores
the phenomenon of strengthening the making of
learning videos in a group of Islamic Junior High
School teachers in one school in West Java Province.
This study also provides a "comprehensive
description of individual case and its analysis"
(Starman, 2013) in the form of descriptions of teacher
achievements and their responses after the training
process for preparing learning videos and their
mentoring process.
3.2 Reserach Site and Participants
The research site is an Islamic Junior High School in
in Garut Regency, West Java Province. This location
was chosen for several reasons. First, the results of
preliminary observations indicate that most teachers
in this location who teach at the age of 23-25 years
are classified as young teachers who belong to the
"Digital Natives." Regarding this, previous research
shows that skills in using information technology are
closely related to age factors (Umar and Yusoff,
2014). Six out of 8 English teachers who become the
participants of the research are young teachers with
0-5 years of teaching experience. Second, the results
of the initial survey show that young teachers,
especially young language teachers, are at the level of
(a) "beginners" (6 out of 8 persons) who are able to
perform basic functions in a limited number of
computer applications, (b) new comer” (1 out of 8
persons) has tried to use computer technology, but
still needs regular assistance, and (c) "on average" (1
out of 8 persons) shows general competence in using
a number of applications. The survey was conducted
using a questionnaire adapted from a questionnaire
developed by Tinmaz (n.d).
Meanwhile the participants in this study are
grouped according to the needs and focus of the
study. First, for video-making workshop as learning
media, all teachers who teach diverse subjects are
required to attend workshops. This is intended to
introduce the making and use of video as a learning
medium to them so that in the end it is expected that
there will be a change in the teachers’ mind set who
tend to consider that "technology is difficult." The
teachers are given inspiration and skills to create
interesting classrooms through technology. For this
workshop session, 40 teachers from all fields of study
attended the workshop. Second, to explore the
benefits of using technology more
comprehensively—specifically for language
teachers—10 language teachers of English,
Indonesian, and Arabic were explored with the
experience of using learning videos before the PKM
and their response to the process of making this
learning video. Third, for monitoring the DIY Video
implementation in the classroom by teachers, the
focus is directed at monitoring 4 English teachers.
3.3 Data Analysis
As a case study, this study combines analysis of data
qualitatively and quantitatively in the form of simple
statistics such as the use of percentages (Starman,
2013) especially for presenting data taken from
questionnaire results. Qualitative data is processed
and presented with reference to the processing and
analysis of data: prepare and organize the data for
analysis, explore and code the data, code to build
descriptions and themes, represent and report
qualitative findings, interpret the findings, validate
the accuracy of the findings (Creswell, 2012).
This workshop involves includes a questionnaire
distribution and class observation to know the
teachers’ prior perception and experience in the
integration of ICT in teaching. The training is also
followed by a reflection section. This section is
important to understand the trained participants’
during and after the training. The complete
activates of the training phase are illustrated in Figure
Figure 1: Training Phase
BELTIC 2018 - 1st Bandung English Language Teaching International Conference
4.1 Questionnaire and Class
The questionnaire is distributed to 8 English
teachers. However, only 11 teachers submitted their
feedbacks. Table 1 presents the teacher’s perception
on the (possible) use of technology in the classroom.
Table 1: Teachers’ Perception
No Items
Improving students’
academic achievement
Quite agree:
Less disagree:
Quite agree:
Less agree:
Quite agree:
Less agree:
Less disagree:
Quite disagree:
Promoting students’
communication skills
Quite agree:
ICT-based teaching media
as valuable instructional
Quite agree:
Less disagree:
Integration of ICT
Quite agree:
Less agree:
Less disagree:
Integration of ICT
to the
class better
Quite agree:
media as
Quite agree:
Less agree:
students’ stress
Quite agree:
Less agree:
Less disagree:
Table 1 shows that the teacher believes that the
use of technology in the classroom will (a) improve
students’ academic achievement, (b) increase
students’ ability to work in team, (c) enhance
students’ communication skill, (d) improve students’
engagement. This indicates that the teacher has a
positive belief of ICT-integrated teaching.
However, the teachers point out that the use of
technology in the classroom will cause some
problems, especially related to (a) preparation time,
(b) energy and money consuming. Nevertheless, they
still believe that the implementation of technology
(video) in learning is beneficial. It will not cause
students’ stress and anxiety.
From the observation, the teachers’ experiences
of ICT-integrated teaching are very low. The teachers
have limited experiences in using simple technology
to communicate ideas or simply send emails to others.
They argue that emailing is not a necessary. Most of
the teachers never use projector or slides for teaching.
The rest (the young teachers) claim that they use
projector or slides quite often.
4.2 Workshop: Developing DIY
Instructional Videos
The workshop is carried out through several stages.
First, this training begins with a socialisation of ICT
importance in teaching and learning process. It
prepares the teachers to have a “positive attitude”
towards the use of technology for their learning
(Sánchez et al., 2012). Their positive attitude will
construct their belief to compile and develop video as
learning media (Gil-Flores et al., 2017b).
The next section is a confirmation phase. This is
the initial dialogue session before entering into the
video compilation. This session began with the
question (a) “Do you know Active Presenter [the used
software to compile video]?” (B) “Have you ever
used Active Presenter?” All of the participants stated
that they did not know and had never used Active
Presenter before. This is in line with the findings of
the questionnaire and observation that the teachers
generally have never used simple technology in their
Third, the trainer begins to explain the features
of Active Presenter. The teachers looked enthusiastic
even though they seemed still confused at first. The
young teachers – digital natives – were easier to
follow the guidelines. However, the older teachers –
digital immigrants experienced difficulties from the
start. Through the facilitators’ help, the older teachers
successfully followed all the materials.
Fourth, the trainer explained and also made an
instructional video together with all of the
participants. Until the final stage, various obstacles
were faced by teachers. They required more personal
assistances directly from the facilitators.
In general, from the workshop observation, the
teachers could follow the trainer’s directions well.
Moreover, there are several other factors that caused
the workshop running more smoothly than expected.
First, the use of grouping – 3 teachers for 1 laptop –
“Do It Yourself Video”: Equipping Indonesian EFL Teachers with DIY Video Creation Skill
is proven to be more effective and also reduced the
pressure on the mentality of the teachers who had
never used a laptop before. Secondly, the instructions
delivered more slowly make the teachers’ better
4.3 Reflection
In general, the teachers respond positively to the
workshop process. The teachers stated that it was the
first time they had been given a workshop. It was not
easy but, in the end, they could make their own video.
From the facilitatorsperspective, they stated that the
workshop would be more effective if it was carried
out in small groups. Grouping also needs to focus on
the composition of digital natives and immigrants.
This present research is actually promising to be
implemented in other parts in Indonesia since the
findings show that the training of DIY Video can
enhance the teachers’ ability in using ICT and change
their paradigm of ICT-integrated teaching. This
research can greatly contribute to the work of
teacherstraining in ICT program and the finding
suggest that training or workshop is better
accompanied by mentoring to the classroom in order
to have significant impact to the program.
This study is fully funded by The Institute of
Research and Community Service of UIN Sunan
Gunung Djati Bandung.
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