EFL Teachers’ Implementation on using Their Lesson Plans:
A Multiple Case Study at Secondary School Level in Indonesia
Meri Trisnawati, Sajidin, Dian Ekawati
English Education Department, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati, Jl. A. H. Nasution No. 105 Cipadung, Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: EFL Teachers, Implementation, Lesson Plan
Abstract: A lesson plan is used to guide EFL teachers in conducting the learning process and reaching the achieved-
target. A good lesson plan influences its implementation as well. In Indonesia, lesson plan refers to the
syllabus and the syllabus refers to the curriculum. The research aims to describe: 1) the conformity between
the lesson plan and the learning process; and 2) the EFL teachers’ perception to their implementation of
lesson plan in the classroom. The research is described qualitatively with a multiple case study. There are
six participants of the research from different schools. Those are MTs in Sukabumi, SMP in Cianjur, and
SMP in Garut. Interview, observation, and documentation were used to collect the data. There are six steps
used to analyze the data: 1) preparing and organizing the data; 2) engaging in an initial exploration of the
data and it is coded; 3) using the codes to develop a more general picture of the data descriptions; 4)
representing the findings through narratives and visuals; 5) making an interpretation of the results meaning;
and 6) conducting strategies to validate the accuracy of the findings. Based on the data analysis, about
how the EFL teachers implement their lesson plans, it shows that only one EFL teachers wrote the teacher’s
activities while other teachers only wrote the students’ activities on the lesson plan. The teacher’s activities
are only written on the pre-activities and post-activities.
Should EFL teachers make a lesson plan before
teaching? EFL teachers involved in teaching
English as a foreign language where English
is not the primary language. In this case, a
lesson plan guides the EFL teachers in reaching t h e
target that should be achieved by the
students. According to Harmer (2007), there
are two important points of planning a lesson.
Firstly, a lesson plan is a guide for teachers
when teaching in the classroom. Secondly, it
relates to the teacher ’s relationship with
Lesson plan reflects how effective the EFL
teachers teach. According to Wong (2009), an
effective EFL teacher should; (1) have positive
expectations for students’ success, (2) know how to
design lessons reflected in the lesson plan, (3)
manage the classroom well. It is not only designing
the materials but also managing the whole things
relating to the English learning process as Norland
& Pruett-Said (2006) stated that a good teacher must
consider what the goals of the activities and how it
can be a long-term. However, designing and
managing language teaching-learning are not easy.
According to Brown (2001), designing and
managing a language learning classroom need
teachers’ specific skill and proficiency. One of the
ways is through making a lesson plan. An English
lesson plan is different from other lesson plans in
other courses. As Richards and Rodgers (1986)
claimed that there are four language skills to be
interpreted in English lesson plan and implementing
it in the classroom: listening, speaking, reading, and
Lesson plans developed in Indonesia
refer to the syllabus and the syllabus
re f e r s t o the curriculum. There is a rule organizing
the arrangement o f m a k i n g a l e s s o n p l a n
i n c l ud e d in Permendikbud Nomor 81A
Tahun 2013 Lampiran IV.
For some teachers, implementing a lesson plan
might be easy. Ganta (2014) claimed there were 50
Trisnawati, M., Sajidin, . and Ekawati, D.
EFL Teachers’ Implementation on using Their Lesson Plans: A Multiple Case Study at Secondary School Level in Indonesia.
DOI: 10.5220/0008221900002284
In Proceedings of the 1st Bandung English Language Teaching International Conference (BELTIC 2018) - Developing ELT in the 21st Century, pages 567-576
ISBN: 978-989-758-416-9
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
English teachers were observed and expressed that
lesson plan was necessary and help them.
Implementing the lesson plan was not a difficult
task so that they could implement it well.
However, among lesson plans and their
implementation d o not necessarily match each
other. For example, a research written by
Sesiorina (2014) indicated that two teachers
had been able to implement almost all aspects
of the lesson plan but there were two
characteristics frequently neglected: (1)
encouraging students’ responsibility, and (2)
producing learning outcomes. This also
happened to the teachers at MTs in Sukabumi,
SMP in Cianjur, and SMP in Garut. Most
teachers taught the students inappropriate with
the lesson plan.
Teaching English to students as a foreign
language i s n o t e a s y . Teachers s hould
a n a l y z e the students’ language needs first.
According to Krieger (2005), the materials
and resources which will be taught should
be modified, adapted, and accomplished with the
students’ condition in order to fit students’
language needs. English as a foreign language
should focus on students understanding of
t h e l e s s o n . It may confuse the students because
they do not usually use that language.
According to Brown (2001), “language activities
are considered crucial both to promote
students’ understanding and to carry out the
effective lessons, they are what teachers and
students do in order to achieve a specific
learning aim”. According to Maxom (2009),
teaching English as a Foreign Language
depends on the place it is taught and who the
students are. Teaching English as a foreign
language should be adjusted to the policy in the
country and the students’ condition.
Based on the explanation above, it is
concluded that EFL teachers’ is an English teacher
who can accomplish the learning activities with the
condition of the country and the students. Therefore,
the teacher should have an innovation to teach
English as a foreign language in order to make the
learning process is appropriate with the conditions.
Lesson plan is an important part of
learning process. According to Yildirim (2003),
lesson planning is an important process for a
teacher since it is such a reflection on what to
teach, how to teach, and how to evaluate. Every
process in learning process should relate each other
and be in accordance with the students’ condition.
According to Coppola et al. (2004), a
lesson plan is the primary foundation of
educational structure and core of education.
While according to Spratt, Pulverness, and
Willias (2005), “lesson plan is a series of
course plan providing direction for a teacher of
what kind of materials of study to be taught and
how to teach them”. Without lesson plan, EFL
teachers may be confused of what they have to do
to teach the students.
According to Permendikbud Nomor 65
Tahun 2013 about the standard process, a
lesson plan is a plan of learning activity for a
meeting or more. Lesson plan develops from
syllabus to guide the learning activity to
reach Kompetensi Dasar. Thus, a good
lesson plan should follow the rules from
Permendikbud No. 81A Tahun 2013 and there
should be conformity between the lesson plan and
the implementation in the classroom.
The lesson plan should cover all the
needs in the learning process. According to
Richards ( 1998), a l e s s o n p l a n s hould
a d d r e s s : (1) Concept to be taught and it is
told to the student what they will learn, (2)
Time blocks, (3) Procedures to be used for
instructional design, (4) Materials needed, (5)
Student task, and (6) Evaluation, applications, and
student understanding, to check student
Qualitative research method was used in analyzing
EFL teachers’ implementation on using their
lesson plans because this research is more
concerned with describing the result. According
to Creswell (2012), qualitative data collection is
more than simply deciding on whether y o u
will observe or interview people. In
addition, Punch (1998) stated that qualitative
research is empirical research where the data
are not in the form of numbers. Although
qualitative is about describing things but
sometimes the quantity of the data is needed to
support the research.
A multiple case study was adopted in this
research. According to Creswell (2007), several
teachers are selected in order to get a broader view
on how EFL teachers implement their lesson plans
and to answer the research questions.
Thus, based on the explanation above qualitative
research method was used in this research to
BELTIC 2018 - 1st Bandung English Language Teaching International Conference
describe the EFL teachers’ implementation on
using their lesson plans.
This research was conducted in MTs in Sukabumi,
SMP in Cianjur, and SMP in Garut. There w e r e
two EFL teachers for each schools to be
observed. The participants w e r e chosen
because they fit the purpose of this research.
Moreover, purposive sampling technique
was used in choosing the participants.
According to Creswell (2012), by using
purposive sampling technique individuals and
sites are intentionally chosen to learn or
understand the central phenomenon. Using this
sampling technique, people who can best help
understand the phenomenon can be chosen.
Creswell adds there are nine types of
purposeful sampling and theory or concept
sampling is chosen because it generates and
discovers a theory o r specific c o n c e p t s
w i t h i n the theory. This sampling occurs before
data collection.
In this research, an interview was conducted to six
participants to identify the teachers’ perception to
the implementation of a lesson plan and how the
implementation itself. The kind of interview used
was semi-structured and also conducted
individually. According to Kvale (1996) cited in
Creswell (2012), semi-structured interview permits
us to address the issue of trust while maintaining an
openness feeling.
After interviewing, the participants’ documents
were asked and checked. The additional information
to identify the conformity between the lesson plans
used and the learning process was documents. It was
the participants’ lesson plans. A valuable source
of information in qualitative research could be
documents. According to Creswell (2012),
documents consist of public and private records
that qualitative researchers obtain about a site or
participants in a study.
The main collecting data technique conducted to
identify the conformity between the lesson plans
and the learning process was observation. According
to Spradley (1980) cited in Creswell (2012),
“observation represents a frequently used form of
data collection, which the researcher is able to
assume different roles in the process”. It
w a s conducted in the classroom with observing the
way the participants solve the problem and their
implementation when teaching using the lesson
This research was conducted by following six
steps from Creswell (2012). (1) preparing and
organizing the data for analysis; (2) engaging in an
initial exploration of the data through the process of
coding it; (3) using the codes to develop a more
general picture of the data descriptions and themes;
(4) representing the findings through narratives and
visuals; (5) making an interpretation of the meaning
of the results by reflecting personally on the impact
of the findings and on the literature that might
inform the findings; and (6) conducting strategies to
validate the accuracy of the findings. Triangulations
was also applied to check the trustworthiness of data
4.1 How the EFL Teachers
Implement their Lesson Plans
Teacher 1
Based on the result, almost all activities on the
lesson plan were well conducted by teacher #1.
Since the teacher #1 always prepared the material
would be learnt before attending to the classroom. It
is supposed to Spratt, Pulverness and Williams
(2005) stated that “a lesson plan is a series of a
course plan which provides direction for a teacher of
what kind of materials of study to be taught and how
to teach them”. That is why a teacher should prepare
the material will be taught because it is written on
the lesson plan.
There were only four neglected activities at the
first observation by the teacher #1. In other hand,
there were five neglected activities at the second
observation. According to the teacher #1, it was hard
to implement all aspects on the lesson plan. Even
though, the lesson plan had been well made but
sometime the implementation was not appropriate
with the lesson plan. This statement was similar with
the observation result. The teacher #1 did not
implement all activities on the lesson plan well.
To sum up, based on two observations
conducted to the teacher #1, the teacher #1
conducted 75% activities from all activities at the
EFL Teachers’ Implementation on using Their Lesson Plans: A Multiple Case Study at Secondary School Level in Indonesia
first observation. While at the second observation,
62.5% activities were conducted at the classroom.
For the lesson plan, the teacher #1 wrote 87.5%
activities that should be written on the lesson plan.
Thus, the lesson plan was not well implemented
by the teacher #1.
Teacher 2
Teacher #2 neglected almost a half of the activities
at the first observation. While at the second
observation, there were six neglected activities. In
addition, the teacher #2 did not give a chance to the
students to conduct other activities except what is
included on the book. The students were not given a
time to ask what they did not understand to the
teacher #2.
The activities should use jigsaw as the learning
model but it was not well implemented. In fact, the
teacher #2 conveyed the material through speech and
the students learnt only by the book. It was different
with what was written on the lesson plan.
Meanwhile, based on Permendikbud No. 81A Tahun
2013, there should be conformity between the lesson
plan and the implementation in the classroom in a
lesson plan. That is what a good lesson plan should
It contrasted with the teacher #2’s statement, that
learning activity should be in accordance with the
lesson plan because it is something that should be
made to design the learning process. However, it is
not only about designing the materials but also
managing the whole things relating to the English
learning process as Norland & Pruett-Said (2006)
stated that a good teacher must always consider what
the goals of the activities and how it can be a long-
term. A good design will not be useful if it is not
well implemented.
Therefore, t h e t e a c h e r # 2 o n l y
conducted 3.75% activities written on the lesson
plan at the first observation. In other hand, there
were 50% activities conducted by the teacher #2 at
the second observation. Additionally, t h e
t e a c h e r # 2 w r o t e 81.25% activities on the
lesson plan. It means that the lesson plan did not
follow the rules from culture and education ministry.
Teacher 3
The teacher #3 used the students as the media
because it was about describing person. It made the
students active and get more information from the
real object.
According to teacher #3, teaching in the
classroom should not be always similar with the
lesson plan. The important thing was a teacher had
to know which were pre-activities, main activities,
and post-activities. It was not quite hard to
implement all aspects on the lesson plan for the
teacher #3 because the teacher #3 never wrote many
indicators on the lesson plan to decrease the worst
probability. If there was material or activity
neglected, the teacher #3 preferred to convey it at
the next meeting.
Thus, the teacher #3 conducted 75% activities at
the first and the second observation. It means that
there were only 25% activities neglected by the
teacher #3. In addition, the teacher #3 wrote 87.5%
activities that should be written on the lesson plan
based on the rules from culture and education
Teacher 4
According to teacher #4, ideally activities in the
classroom should be in accordance with the lesson
plan. It was not quite hard to implement the lesson
plan because the teacher #4 always made sure that
there is no many indicators should be achieved. The
important thing is the students could achieved the
Somehow, a teacher definitely did not know
what will happen in the real life. Therefore, a lesson
plan should be flexible but the learning aims should
be well achieved. It is supposed to Krieger (2005)
that the materials and resources which will be taught
should be modified, adapted, and accomplished with
the students’ condition in order to fit students’
language needs. Therefore, a lesson plan can be well
implemented if all aspects relate each other.
Based on the result, there were some activities
neglected by the teacher #4. At the first observation,
the teacher #4 neglected five activities. In other
hand, there were four activities neglected at the
second observation.
Thus, based on the explanation above it is
concluded that the teacher #4 conducted 68.75%
activities on the lesson plan in the classroom at the
first observation. Meanwhile, at the second
observation 75% activities were conducted by the
teacher #4 in the classroom. Then, the teacher #4
wrote 81.25% activities on the lesson plan based on
the rules from culture and education ministry.
Teacher 5
Teacher #5 almost conducted all activities on the
lesson plan. There were only two activities
neglected by the teacher #5 at the first and second
observation. It was because teacher #5 always
prepared what material will be taught, the media,
and the method used before coming in to the class.
BELTIC 2018 - 1st Bandung English Language Teaching International Conference
According to the teacher #5, to make a lesson
plan goes well, a teacher should prepare it well.
Since it could make the learning process effective. It
is supposed to Nesari & Heidari (2014) that “by
having a lesson plan, a teacher is able to manage his
time, effort and resources efficiently”. The teacher
#5 added that the lesson plan was always made by
the teacher #5 but also supported by other
Sometimes, it was hard to implement the
lesson plan well. Time, facilities, and students
condition influenced the implementation of the
lesson plan. According to Krieger (2005), the
materials and resources which will be taught should
be modified, adapted, and accomplished with the
students’ condition in order to fit students’ language
Thus, there were 87.5% activities conducted
by the teacher #5 at the first and second observation.
The activities neglected at both observation were
similar as well. However, the teacher #5 wrote
81.25% activities on the lesson plan. Even though,
the activity not written on the lesson plan was
conducted in the classroom.
Teacher 6
Teacher #6 neglected five activities at the first
observation. In addition, at the second observation,
teacher #6 neglected five activities as well and it was
almost same with the first observation.
The teacher #6 always uses lesson plan when
teaching English. The teacher #6 stated that to
support the implementation well, a teacher should
prepare all things needed to teach in the classroom
physically and mentally. According to Nesari &
Heidari (2014), “by having a lesson plan, a teacher is
able to manage his time, effort and resources
efficiently”. Thus, the time should be well managed
in order to make all aspects were achieved, such as
cognitive, affective, and psychomotor.
Thus, at the first and second observation, the
teacher #6 conducted 68.75% activities on the lesson
plan. On the other hand, the activities neglected at
both observation was different. In addition, the
teacher #6 wrote 81.25% on the lesson plan made.
4.2 EFL Teachers’ Perceptions to
their Implementation of Lesson
Plan in The Classroom
Teacher 1
Teacher #1 stated that a lesson plan is important for
a teacher. Thus, it is always made by teacher #1
before teaching in the classroom. It is used as a
guidance to teach students.
[Interviewer: “Apakah RPP itu penting untuk
kelangsungan kegiatan
pembelajaran di kelas? Lalu
bagaimana persepsi Ibu terhadap
implementasi RPP di kelas?”
Teacher #1 : “Bagi saya penggunaan RPP sangat
penting dan berperan sebagai
pedoman ketika proses
pembelajaran berlangsung. Saya
pun membuatnya sendiri.”]
Interviewer: “In your opinion, is a lesson plan
important? What is your
perception to the implementation of
lesson plan in the classroom?
Teacher #1 : “The use of lesson plan is very
important for me and it guides
me when teaching in the
classroom. I also made it by
It is supposed to Jensen (2001) that a lesson
plan is an extremely useful tool that serves as a
combination guide, resource, and historical
document. Through a lesson plan, a teacher could
know the steps of learning activities started from
pre-activities, main- activities, and post activities.
According to teacher #1, a good lesson plan
should be able to make a learning process easier.
Since by using a lesson plan, the learning activities
were planned well.
[Interviewer: “Lalu menurut Ibu RPP yang baik itu
harus seperti apa?”
Teacher #1 : “Sejauh ini saya membuat RPP itu
yang intinya untuk membuat
kegiatan pembelajarannya jadi
terencana agar tidak berantakan
dan RPP yang baik itu harus
bisa membuat proses
pembelajaran jadi lebih mudah.
Dimulai awal kita greeting,
memberi materi, setelah itu
memberikan tugas.”]
Interviewer: “In your opinion, what is a good
lesson plan should be?”
Teacher #1 : “Until recently, I made a lesson plan
to make the learning activity be
planned and arranged. In addition,
a good lesson plan should be able to
make the learning process easier.
Started from greeting, giving
material, then giving assignment.”
EFL Teachers’ Implementation on using Their Lesson Plans: A Multiple Case Study at Secondary School Level in Indonesia
Sometimes, teacher #1 neglected some activities
on the lesson plan. It was because some factors.
However, a teacher should be able to solve it and
always tried to make a lesson plan well
Teacher 2
According to teacher #2, the implementation of a
lesson plan should be in accordance with the rules
from government.
[Interviewer: “Bagaimana persepsi bapa terhadap
pengimplementasian RPP di dalam
Teacher #2 :“Pengimplementasian RPP itu perlu
diperhatikan supaya tidak keluar
dari rambu-rambu yang telah
ditentukan oleh menteri
Interviewer: “What is your perception to the
implementation of lesson plan in the
Teacher #2 : “The lesson plan implementation
should be concerned in order to not
out of the rules from education
A teacher should implement the lesson plan in
the classroom well. Thus, a lesson plan plays an
important role as a guidance to teach in order to hit
the target.
The teacher #2 added that a lesson plan is always
made by the teacher #2 before teaching in the
classroom. A teacher have to make a good lesson
plan in order to make the implementation of the
lesson plan goes well. In teacher #2’s opinion, a
good lesson plan should refer to valid-syllabus in the
[Interviewer: “Jadi, RPP itu berperan sebagai
pedoman dalam pembelajaran. Lalu
RPP yang baik itu harus
seperti apa?”
Teacher #2 : “RPP yang baik itu harus sesuai
dengan silabus yang berlaku di
Interviewer: “Thus, a lesson plan plays as
a guidance in learning process.
Then, what is a good lesson plan
should be?”
Teacher #2: “A good lesson plan should be in
accordance with the valid-syllabus
in the school”
Teacher 3
According to teacher #3, a lesson plan is very
important to a teacher. It guides the teacher when
teaching in the classroom.
[Interviewer: “RPP merupakan komponen yang
tidak bisa dipisahkan dari seorang
guru, apakah Ibu selalu membuat
RPP ketika mengajar di kelas?
Teacher #3: “RPP itu memang sangat penting
ketika kita akan melakukan
proses pembelajaran karena RPP
berperan sebagai pedoman bagi
seorang guru.”]
Interviewer: “Lesson plan is a component that
cannot be separated from a teacher,
do you always make a lesson plan
when teaching in the classroom?
Teacher #3: “A lesson plan is very important for a
teacher because it plays an
important roles a guidance.”
Amininik (2000) also stated that a lesson plan
can help in teaching as guidance. Since there are
pre- activities, main-activities, and post-activities.
Until recently, a lesson plan is extremely important
for teacher #3 to support the learning process. Thus,
the teacher #3 always makes a lesson plan and tries
to implement it well.
Teacher #3 also stated that besides being a
guidance, a lesson plan is also being a reference to a
teacher in teaching.
[Interviewer:“Lalu bagaimana persepsi Ibu
terhadap pengimplementasian RPP
di dalam kelas?
Teacher #3: “Sebenarnya RPP itu merupakan
acuan untuk guru dalam mengajar,
kalau kita tidak ada RPP berarti
kita tidak terstruktur mengajarnya
dan acak- acakan.”]
Interviewer: “What is your perception to the
implementation of lesson paln in
the classroom?”
Teacher #3: “Actually, a lesson plan is a
reference to a teacher in teaching. If
there is no lesson plan, the lesson
will be conveyed un-structurally and
Teacher 4
According to teacher #4, the implementation of a
lesson plan should be in accordance with the
students’ condition.
[Interviewer: “Pada pengimplementasian RPP di
kelas, apakah kegiatan
BELTIC 2018 - 1st Bandung English Language Teaching International Conference
pembelajaran itu harus sama persis
dengan apa yang ada di RPP?
Teacher #4: “Jadi menurut saya RPP itu harus
dibuat sefleksibel mungkin
disesuaikan dengan kadaan siswa.”]
Interviewer: “On the implementation in the
classroom, should the learning
activities same appropriately with
the lesson plan?
Teacher #4: “So, in my opinion, a lesson plan
should be made as flexible as
possible and it should be
accomplished with the students’
The teacher #4 always makes a lesson plan to
teach in the classroom. It is because every teachers
were asked to collect educational administration
at the beginning of the semester.
Teacher #4 also stated that a lesson plan is
very important, helpful, and useful for a teacher.
[Interviewer: “Bagaimana persepsi Ibu terhadap
implementasi di kelas?”
Teacher #4 : “Kalau menurut saya dengan adanya
RPP itu akan sangat membantu
kami selaku guru. Selain membantu
RPP juga sangat penting dan
Interviewer: “What is your perception to the
implementation of lesson plan in the
Teacher #4 : “In my opinion, a lesson plan helps
us as a teacher. It is very important
and useful as well.”
According to Harmer (2007), a lesson plan gives
a framework for teachers. Through a lesson plan, a
teacher could know what should be conducted, what
the target should be achieved, and how far the
implementation on that day. It means that it could be
predicted through a lesson plan.
It is not easy to make and implement a lesson
plan. According to teacher #4, a good lesson plan
should be complete which is in accordance with the
guidance from educational ministry. The lesson plan
made should be in accordance with the students
condition, as the target. It also should be adjusted
with the environment. Thus, in making a lesson plan,
a teacher should observe some related aspects.
Teacher 5
According to teacher #5, a lesson plan is extremely
important because when teaching in the classroom a
teacher should have a plan in form of a lesson plan.
If there is no lesson plan, a teacher will be confused
of what have to teach.
[Interviewer: Bagaimana persepsi Ibu terhadap
implementasi RPP di kelas? Apakah
RPP itu penting?”
Teacher #5 : “RPP itu sangat penting karena
ketika akan mengajar di kelas guru
harus mempunyai rencana
pembelajaran yang dituangkan
dalam bentuk RPP. Kalau tidak,
guru akan bingung apa yang akan
diajarkan. Sebaiknya RPP itu
diimplementasikan dengan baik di
dalam kelas dan tidak boleh asal-
Interviewer: “What is your perception to the
implementation of lesson plan? Is it
Teacher #5 : “A lesson plan is very important
because a teacher should have a
plan in form of lesson plan when
teaching in the classroom. If there
is no lesson plan, a teacher will
be confused of what will be taught.
It is better to implement the lesson
plan well.”
According to Alshehhi (2015), “lesson planning
is a vital component of the learning process”.
That is why a lesson plan plays an important role as
a guidance for a teacher.
The teacher #5 added that a lesson plan should
be implemented well. A good lesson plan supports
the implementation of the lesson plan as well.
According to teacher #5, a good lesson plan is a
lesson plan made by their own self and it should be
in accordance with the material, strategy, and media
[Interviewer: “RPP yang baik itu menurut Ibu
harus seperti apa?”
Teacher #5: “RPP yang baik itu menurut saya
adalah RPP yang dibuat oleh
sendiri dan disesuaikan juga
dengan materi, strategi, dan
media yang digunakannya.”]
Interviewer: “In your opinion, what is a good
lesson plan should be?”
Teacher #5 : “In my opinion, a good lesson plan is
a lesson plan made by their own self
and it is accomplished with the
material, strategy, and media used.”
Teacher 6
According to teacher #6, a lesson plan is very
important. If a teacher does not use a lesson plan, the
EFL Teachers’ Implementation on using Their Lesson Plans: A Multiple Case Study at Secondary School Level in Indonesia
teacher will not have direction and material.
Yildirim (2003) stated that lesson planning is an
important process for a teacher since it is such a
reflection on what to teach, how to teach, and how to
evaluate. The teacher #6 also stated that a lesson
plan is better to make in the beginning of academic
year because it cannot be made in a short time.
[Interviewer:“Bagaimana persepsi Bapak
terhadap implementasi RPP di
kelas? Apakah RRPP itu sangat
Teacher #6 :“RPP itu sangat penting. Karena
kalau tidak pakai RPP tidak punya
arah dan bahan. RPP itu tidak
bisa dibuat dalam waktu singkat
jika ingin sempurna.”]
Interviewer: “What is your perception to the
implementation of lesson plan in
the classroom? Is it important?
Teacher #6 : “A lesson plan is very important
because if it is not used, a teacher
will have no direction and
material. A lesson plan cannot be
made in a short time if you want to
make it perfect.”
Teacher #6 added that everything on a lesson
plan should be implemented well. There are some
things that should be thought when making a lesson
plan. It should be in accordance with the
curriculum, the school condition, and the
nowadays era from material and media.
[Interviewer: “RPP yang baik itu menurut Bapak
harus seperti apa?”
Teacher #6 : “Sebenarnya ada beberapa hal
yang harus dipikirkan saat
membuat RPP.1) Harus disesuaikan
dengan penggunaan kurikulumnya.
2) Harus disesuaikan dengan
kondisi sekolahnya. 3) Harus
disesuaikan dengan zaman dari segi
materi dan medianya.”]
Interviewer : “In your opinion, what is a good
lesson plan should be?”
Teacher #6 : “Actually, there are some things
should be thought when making a
lesson plan. 1) It should be in
accordance with the curriculum
used. 2) It should be in accordance
with the school condition. 3) It
should be in accordance with the
nowadays era from the material and
Thus, the implementation of the lesson plan
should always be in line with all aspects.
The findings show that only 16.7% EFL teacher
conducting all activities written on the lesson plan
well. Unfortunately, there are only 13 activities
written on the lesson plan. Even though, based on
Permendikbud RI Nomor 81A Tahun 2013 and
Permendikbud RI Nomor 65 Tahun 2013 there are
16 activities that must be written on the lesson plan
and implemented in the classroom.
It was also found that the implementation of
lesson plan in the classroom is quite hard. Although
in participants’ perception, a lesson plan is very
important for a teacher. It plays an important role as
a guidance to a teacher. The implementation should
be in accordance with the students’ condition, the
school condition, the environment, the material, the
curriculum, and the syllabus.
The participants stated that a good lesson plan
should: 1) be able to make a learning process easier,
2) refer to valid-syllabus in the school, 3) refer to
main competence, base competence, and also the
syllabus, 4) be complete which is in accordance with
the guidance from educational ministry, 5) be made
by their own self and it should be in accordance with
the material, strategy, and media used, and 6) be in
accordance with the curriculum, the school
condition, and the nowadays era from material and
media. To sum up, there is no implementations
which conform with the lesson plan.
This research is recommended to EFL
teachers. It is expected to be able to provide
information about the implementation of a lesson
plan through the research. It is suggested that the
teachers need to conduct the learning activities in
accordance with the lesson plan.
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