institutions, lay the foundation for understanding and
moral concepts in individuals. Emotional factor is a
form of attitude in the form of an emotionally based
statement that serves as a channel for frustration or
the transfer of the ego defense mechanism.
This research was supported by research
conducted by Hadi, et al in 2012 with the title of the
study "The Relationship Between the Level of
Knowledge About HIV/AIDS and the Premarital
Sexual Attitudes of Adolescents in SMK Negeri 4
Manado" where the results showed that 56.6% of
respondents who had positive attitude and 20.5% of
respondents have a negative attitude towards
premarital sex.
In detail premarital sexual behavior is as follows:
54.3% stated that I was forced to have sexual
relations, using condoms according to my
boyfriend's sexual desires, because if not then my
boyfriend would have sexual relations with other
people, 41.3% of vocational students/High school
doing sexual masturbation, 34.8% of vocational/high
school students doing sexual activities such as
holding hands, kissing on the lips, and kissing on the
neck except for sexual intercourse, 33.7% of social
respondents need to change boyfriends, 28,3% of
vocational / high school students have sexual
relations before marriage if they love each other.
This is due to the lack of attention of parents to
adolescents and lack of youth participation in
religious activities so that teenagers have less sexual
behavior. According to Sarwono in Larasati (2012),
factors that cause sexual behavior in adolescents
include, hormonal changes that increase sexual
desire (sexual libido) of adolescents, delay in
marriage, taboo/prohibition in society to conduct
sexual behavior before marriage, lack of information
obtained by teenagers about sexuality and related
matters in it, increasingly free association.
Based on table 5, shows that there is no
relationship between knowledge of HIV/AIDS and
premarital sexual behavior is evident from the
results of the study p-value = 0.494. The results of
this study indicate that good knowledge and good
behavior 25 people (58.1%), lack of knowledge and
behavior less 24 people (49.0%), good knowledge
and behavior less 18 people (41.9%), but there are
also the lack of knowledge and good behavior of 25
people (58.1%). The chi square test results obtained
the value of ρ = 0.494 > 0,05, so declare Ha
accepted, which means that there is not a
relationship of public knowledge about HIV/AIDS
against Premarital Sexual Behavior depends on the
value of RP =1.008 who interpreted respondents
who have knowledge of less premarital sexual
behaviors less of 1.008 times greater compared to
responden who have good knowledge.
This contrasts with Notoadmodjo's theory that
good knowledge creates good behaviour. This
happens because the information obtained from both
formal and non-formal education can have a short-
term effect, resulting in changes in knowledge.
This study also proves that good knowledge
about HIV/AIDS is not the only factor that shapes
positive adolescent premarital sexual behavior,
because respondents who have good knowledge
about HIV/AIDS but still have negative premarital
sexual behavior. According to Azwar in Hadi, et al,
2012 which influences behavior including culture,
mass media, and emotional factors in individuals. As
for other factors that influence, adolescents are more
likely to be influenced by peers, which is the most
important aspect of their lives. Information about
sexual relations obtained from peers gives a lot of
encouragement to determine the behavior of
adolescents in interacting with the opposite sex or
Knowledge of adolescents at SMK Negeri 3
Jayapura about HIV/AIDS showed that 43 people
(46.7%) were well-informed and 49 people (53.3%)
had less knowledge. Premarital sexual behavior at
SMK Negeri 3 Jayapura shows that 50 people
(54.3%) behaved well and 42 people (45.3%)
behaved less. There is no relationship between
knowledge of HIV/AIDS and premarital sexual
behavior, as evidenced by the results of the study p-
value = 0.494.
There were some suggestion for students should
seek more information about HIV/AIDS and involve
themselves in religious activities, as well as school
extracurricular activities such as scouts, the Youth
Red Cross, student organizations, and other positive
activities so that they are not easily involved in
premarital sexual behavior. For Schools, in order to
increase the delivery of material about HIV/AIDS
and premarital sexual behavior and to hold religious
activities to increase the students' piety.
Arikunto S (2010). Prosedur dan Pendekatan Penelitian.
Rineka Cipta Jakarta