Relationship of Family Support and Tooth Brushing Technique
among Pre-schoolers in Banda Aceh
, Sri Nurhadisah
, Sri Intan Rahayuningsih
, Nova Fajri
Department of Pediatric Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh, Indonesia
Undergraduate Program of Nursing Science, Faculty of Nursing, Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh, Indonesia
Keywords: Family Support, Teeth Brushing Technique, Pre School
Abstract: Oral and dental health are essential parts of health which could not be separated from one another as they
affect the overall health. Because of their importance, maintaining oral and dental health as early as possible
might improve dental health in a long-term. A survey conducted on a socialization of tooth brushing
program organized by a collaboration of Municipal Health Office and Municipal Office of Education and
Culture, which involved 1000 elementary school students, shows that only 7% of children had a good level
of knowledge on tooth brushing. Therefore, those children are more susceptible to dental health problems.
This research aimed to identify the relationship of informational, instrumental, emotional support and family
assessment with tooth brushing techniques among preschoolers (3-6 years). This study employed a
correlative analytical design with a cross-sectional approach. 70 respondents of preschoolers attending a
kindergarten in Banda Aceh were selected as sample by using a lottery technique. Data were collected using
questionnaires and analyzed by Chi-Square test. The findings show significant relationships of
informational support (0.000), instrumental support (0.000), emotional support (0.000), and assessment
support (0.000) with tooth brushing techniques among preschoolers. It is expected that health workers in the
health centers, especially doctors and dental nurses, continuously implement the school dental program and
provide dental health counseling for families about the proper tooth brushing techniques.
Oral and dental health is part of the body's health
that cannot be separated from one another because
the health of the teeth and mouth will affect overall
body health. Teeth are one part of the body that
functions to chew, speak and maintain the shape of
the face. Because of its importance, maintaining
dental health as early as possible is an effort to make
teeth last longer in the oral cavity (Kamal, 2011).
Dental and mouth disease is the most expensive
disease because the medical costs are still very high,
and many health workers are needed, this is due to
lack of awareness of people to maintain behavior in
treating dental and oral health. There are many
aspects that cause bad dental and oral health
behaviors, such as economics, social, culture and
science. Besides the lack of medical personnel
needed, according to data from the WHO
comparison of dentists with people who need
services is 1: 2000, in Indonesia in 2008 the ratio
was 1: 12000 (Simanjuntak, 2013).
According to Alpers (2006) dental disease is the
most prominent chronic disease of children in
developed countries. In America, periodontal disease
is the main cause of tooth loss in adults, which
affects at least three in four adults to account for
95% of the population at one time (Loe, 1988 in
Friedman, 2010).
Based on Ministry of Health (2013), the national
prevalence of dental and oral problems is 25.9%,
and as many as 14 provinces in Indonesia have a
prevalence of dental and oral problems above the
national figure. Overall the ability of the community
to obtain dental and oral health services is 8.1% and
there are 31.1% of the people who receive treatment
and treatment from medical personnel, while the
other 68.9% do not receive treatment. Aceh Province
is one of the areas that has the highest dental and
oral problems to 7 with a percentage of 30.5%, and
those who receive treatment are 45.9%. In addition,
as many as 89.9% of the people brush their teeth
every day and 2.2% brush their teeth properly, this
number is still relatively low compared to the
Imelda, ., Nurhadisah, S., Rahayuningsih, S. and Fajri, N.
Relationship of Family Suppor t and Tooth Brushing Technique among Pre-schoolers in Banda Aceh.
DOI: 10.5220/0008395100002442
In Proceedings of the Aceh International Nursing Conference (AINC 2018), pages 95-103
ISBN: 978-989-758-413-8
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
national prevalence rate of 93.8% for daily brushing
and 2.3% for brushing teeth properly. Most people's
behavior towards brushing teeth is influenced by
various factors including gender factors where
women have more dental and oral problems,
economic factors, and areas of residence are also of
concern. National prevalence of dental and oral
health problems in 2013 increased by 2.7% from the
national prevalence rate of dental and oral health
problems studied by regional health research in 2007
at 23.2%.
Reports on the number of dental and oral health
service visits from the Aceh Health Office from
January 2012 to October 2013 for the city of Banda
Aceh, obtained data on the number of new visits and
old visits in 2012 totaling 13045 for new cases and
9204 for old cases, while in 2013 until October
reached 11762 new cases and 8478 old cases. Based
on these data it can be concluded that the number of
visits both new and old from the beginning of
January 2012 to the end of 2013 continues to
increase and will be a concern for related agencies to
be able to think about and analyze how to minimize
the number of visits by improving the quality of
health services to the community.
The data obtained from the dental and oral health
reports of a public health center in Banda Aceh from
2011 to 2013, where the number of new case visits
and old case visits also continued to increase every
year with an overall value in 2011 there were 2912
visits and in the year 2012 there were 2876 visits
and in 2013 there were 3203 visits. Although the
number of visits is dominated by adults, the number
of new case visits and old case visits is still high in
children under five (2-5 years old), where pulp and
periapical tissue and abscesses are the most common
problems affecting children.
This was also supported by the survey results in
a socialization organized by the Banda Aceh Health
Office together with the youth and sports education
office of Banda Aceh and the company of Wings
Aceh which was held at Taman Sari Banda Aceh on
May 6, 2014 in a program of 1000 elementary
students following the brush socialization free teeth
also showed very few of them knew how to brush
their teeth properly and correctly, from that number
only 7% of children had knowledge of how to brush
teeth properly, while 93% of other children did not
understand how to brush their teeth. good and right
(Ril, 2014), so that children are more susceptible to
dental health problems.
The dental and oral health problems had
previously also become a discourse in the dental and
oral health service program which is the 2010-2014
health ministry strategy in the form of promotional
efforts, prevention efforts and dental and oral health
services in vulnerable groups (pregnant women,
toddlers, preschoolers, school children and the
elderly) (Simanjuntak, 2013).
Dental health care is one of the efforts to
maintain a high level of dental health with the habit
or personal practice (brushing teeth) to clean teeth
from dirt, especially plaque and debris and the
breath becomes fresh, therefore learning to brush
your teeth with the right technique to clean Plaque is
the most valuable investment for parents in keeping
their child's teeth healthy (Kandzari, et al in
Friedman, 2010).
The world of children is the world of play,
everything that is done is related to playing
activities. Therefore, parental support is very
influential on child development where parents need
to think about how to make tooth brushing an
enjoyable activity, so they want to brush their teeth
without coercion because the consequences can be
bad, and the child is reluctant to do it again because
it is unpleasant (Procter & Gamble, 2013).
Cleaning your teeth early and routine can not
only help prevent tooth decay, it also makes children
accustomed to becoming a part of their daily routine
(Downsen, 2002). Based on several studies reported
the relationship between age with tooth brushing,
where children aged 1.5 to 4.5 years who began
brushing their teeth before the age of 1 year 12% of
these children experience caries and in children who
start brushing their teeth between the ages of 1 and 2
years, 19% experience caries and those who have
not started brushing their teeth until 2 years old 34%
experience caries, it can be concluded that the
slower to start brushing teeth, the higher the risk of
caries (Davies, 2003 in Ihsani, 2007).
It is known that children aged 3-6 years generally
already have complete milk teeth, with 20 pieces and
the behavior of children in maintaining dental health
of children requires some support from families in
the process of brushing their teeth until they are
between 7 and 10 years old, therefore parental
behavior especially in maintaining dental hygiene
and in providing food drinks that can cause dental
caries greatly affect the child's health status, but if
family support is lacking the child will not be
accustomed to maintaining the health of his teeth
and mouth so that it will affect child growth and
Research purpose is knowing the relationship of
informational, instrumental, emotional support and
family assessment with tooth brushing techniques in
preschoolers (3-6 years) at a kindergarten in Banda
AINC 2018 - Aceh International Nursing Conference
This study uses a correlative analytical design with a
cross-sectional study approach. The population in
the study were mothers of children attending a
kindergarten in Banda Aceh. Totally, there was 282
children attending the kindergarten, which
comprised 48 children aged 3-6 years old, and 234
children aged 3-6 years old. 70 respondents was
selected using simple random sampling with lottery
Data collection tools in this study were: a
demographic data questionnaire, Family Support
Questionnaire with 30 statements using a 5-Likert
scale; and a questionnaire measuring tooth brushing
technique with 16 statement items using Guttman
Those tools were tested on 20 mothers of
children attending a kindergarten at a different
kindergarten in Banda Aceh. The data collection
process passed an administrative procedure. Before
collecting the data, the researcher identified the
respondents, and explained the research process.
Data processing methods included editing, coding,
transferring and tabulating. After the data is
processed, then the data is analyzed with Chi-Square
test (χ2).
Demographic data of respondents in FKIP
Kindergarten and family support for child teeth
brushing describes below.
3.1 Demographic Data
This research identifies mother’s age, mother’s
education, mother’s work, child gender, child’s age,
and the order of children in the family. Table 1
shows that the average age variables of mothers
aged 31-40 (middle adult) is 44 people (64.9%), the
average mother education (bachelor) variable is 24
people (34.3%), variable mother's occupation
average housewife that 38 (54.3%), the variable
gender of children the average girl is 40 people
(57.1%), variable average child’s age 4-5 years is 30
people (42.9%), and child sequence variables in the
family average are second which is 24 people
Table 1: Demographic data of respondents (n = 70).
Variable f %
Mother's Age (Years)
a. 20-30 (Early adult)
b. 31-40 (Middle adult)
c. > 40 (Late adults)
Mother's Educational Background
a. Elementary school
b. Middle school
c. High school
d. 3 years Diploma
e. Bachelor
Mother's occupation
a. Housewife
b. Civil Servant
c. Non-Government employee
d. Entrepreneur
Gender of Children
a. Boy
b. Girl
Child's age
a. 3-4 years
b. 4-5 years
c. 5-6 years
The order of children in the family
a. First
b. Second
c. Third
d. Fourth
Relationship of Family Support and Tooth Brushing Technique among Pre-schoolers in Banda Aceh
Table 2: Relationship of informational support with tooth brushing technique among preschoolers (n = 70).
Tooth Brushing Technique Total OR
P - Value
Well Less
f % f % f %
Informational Support
High 37 88.1 5 11,9 42 100
199,800 0,000
Low 1 3.6 27 94.6 28 100
Instrumental Support
High 31 77.5 9 22.5 40 100
11,317 0,000
Low 7 23.3 23 76.7 30 100
Emotional support
High 34 87.2 5 12.8 39 100
45,900 0,000
Low 4 12,9 27 87.1 31 100
Assessment Support High 29 96.7 1 3,3 30 100
99,889 0,000
Low 9 22.5 31 77.5 40 100
Total 38 54.3 32 45.7 70 100
3.2 Relationship of Informational
Support and Tooth Brushing
Technique among Preschoolers
The relationship family support and tooth brushing
techniques among was tested using using Person
Chi-Square Test with 95% level of confidence or
level of significance (α) = 0.05. The results of
statistical analysis to identify the relationship of
informational support and tooth brushing techniques
among preschool children (3-6 years) is depicted in
the table above.
Table 2 shows that of 42 respondents with high
informational support having good tooth brushing
techniques were 37 people (88.1%) and from 28
respondents with low informational support having
good brushing technique was 1 person (3.6%)
Based on the results of statistical tests that have
been done, p-value obtained is 0,000, which means
that p-value <0.05, it can be concluded that Ho is
rejected, which means there is a relationship
between informational support with brushing
techniques in preschoolers (3-6 Year) in TK FKIP
Unsyiah Darussalam Banda Aceh in 2014.
Based on the results of statistical tests also
obtained an odds ratio of 199,800 means parents
who have high informational support have a
tendency of 199,800- or 199-times greater
relationship compared to low informational support
in applying tooth brushing techniques.
3.3 Relationship of Instrumental
Support and Tooth Brushing
Technique among Preschoolers
The results of statistical analysis to see the
relationship between instrumental support with tooth
brushing techniques in preschool children (3-6
years) in a kindergarten in Banda Aceh is described
in the table above. Based on table 2 can be
concluded that from 40 respondents with high
instrumental support having good tooth brushing
techniques were 31 people (77.5%) and from 30
respondents with low instrumental support having
good brushing techniques were 7 people (2 3, 3 %).
Based on the results of statistical tests that have
been done, then obtained p-value 0,000, which
means that p-value <0.05, it can be concluded that
Ho is rejected, which means there is a relationship
between instrumental support with tooth brushing
techniques for preschoolers (3-6 years) in Banda
Based on the results of statistical tests also
obtained odds ratio of 11.317 means that parents
who have high instrumental support has a tendency
of 11.317- or 11-times greater relationship than the
low instrumental support in applying tooth brushing
3.4 Relationship of Emotional Support
and Teeth Brushing Technique
among Preschoolers
The results of statistical analysis to see the
relationship between emotional support with
brushing techniques in preschool children (3-6
years) in a kindergarten in Banda Aceh is explained
in the table 2.
Based on table 2 can be concluded that from 39
respondents with high emotional support having
good brushing techniques were 34 people (87.2%)
and from 31 respondents with low emotional support
had good brushing techniques were 4 people (12, 9
Based on the results of statistical tests that have
been done, then obtained a p-value of 0,000, which
means that the p-value <0.05, it can be concluded
that Ho is rejected, which means there is a
relationship of emotional support and brushing
AINC 2018 - Aceh International Nursing Conference
techniques among preschoolers in a kindergarten in
Banda Aceh.
Based on the results of statistical tests also
obtained an odds ratio of 45,900 means parents who
have high emotional support have a tendency of
45,900 or 45 times the relationship compared with
low emotional support in applying tooth brushing
3.5 Relationship of Assessment
Support and Tooth Brushing
Techniques among Preschoolers
Statistical analysis results to see the relationship of
assessment support and tooth brushing techniques
among preschoolers (3-6 years) in a kindergarten in
Banda Aceh is mentioned in the table 2.
Table 2 shows that from 30 respondents with
high assessment support had good tooth brushing
techniques were 29 people (96.7%) and from 40
respondents with low assessment support had good
brushing techniques were 9 people (22.5%).
Based on the results of statistical tests that have
been conducted, then obtained a p-value of 0.000,
which means p-value <0.05, it can be concluded that
Ho is rejected, which means that there is a
relationship between support on the ratings brushing
technique in preschool children (3- 6 years) at a
kindergarten in Banda Aceh.
Based on the results of statistical tests also
obtained an odds ratio of 99.888 means that parents
who have high assessment support have a tendency
of 99.888- or 99-times greater relationship compared
with low assessment support in applying tooth
brushing techniques.
The data processing results show that out of 42
children with high informational support, including
doing the brushing technique well. Meanwhile, of
the 28 children who had low informational support,
1 child (3.6%) were classified as good in doing tooth
brushing techniques.
Based on the results of statistical tests that have
been carried out, then obtained p-value 0,000, which
means that p-value <0.05, it can be concluded that
Ho is rejected, which means there is a relationship of
informational support with brushing techniques
among preschoolers (3-6 years) in a kindergarten in
Banda Aceh. This is consistent with the results of
research conducted by Dahniar (2010) which
mentioned the relationship between informational
support for prevention of dental caries in preschool
children in another kindergarten in Banda Aceh.
The informational support in question is in the
form of advice, suggestions, giving opinions and
explanation of the information provided. Therefore,
so that informational support can be conveyed to
other family members, the family must also know
about health knowledge which includes knowledge
about the disease, factors that can affect the disease,
health care facilities, and knowledge on how to
prevent the disease does not occur (Notoatmodjo,
Family informational support is also influenced
by education, as stated by Notoatmodjo (2005) that
education or knowledge is the result of one's
thoughts and feelings to provide support to others
such as mothers who teach good and right brushing
to children. In addition, the support provided by
parents (especially mothers) is also influenced by
age. According to Friedman (2010), older mothers
tend to be more able to feel or recognize their
children's needs than younger mothers because they
have a high egocentric attitude. Baumann (1961, in
Friedman 2010) also holds the same opinion that a
mother is a family member who is considered
capable and has better information.
The results of data processing obtained high
family informational support (60.0%), families
provide information, teach and explain about the
technique of brushing teeth to children and get
information by asking health workers or getting
information from television media and magazines
about tooth brushing techniques. Based on
demographic data also obtained, most respondents
(34.3%) were at the undergraduate level, supported
by maternal age, most of them (62.9%) aged
between 31-40 years (middle adults).
The researcher assumes that the higher education
or knowledge , work and income that is owned by
the family, the easier it is for the family to provide
good support such as facilities, knowledge and
appreciation to the child , because having knowledge
of the mother will be easier to explain and teach
children how to brush techniques good and right
teeth .
Likewise, with the age of the mother, the
researcher added that the more mature a mother is
the defter and more understanding in meeting needs
family. Therefore, providing high family
informational support is the main thing for the
formation of an attitude and behavior, where the
knowledge gained by the family about tooth
brushing techniques is an action to prevent dental
Relationship of Family Support and Tooth Brushing Technique among Pre-schoolers in Banda Aceh
and oral health problems that are usually susceptible
to preschool children. In addition, this also aims to
foster awareness and habits to maintain healthy teeth
and mouth. So that the more educated the family is,
the better the family knows about health.
Regarding instrumental support for brushing
technique among preschoolers, the data processing
results show that of the 40 children with high
instrumental support as many as 31 (77.5%),
including doing the brushing technique well.
Meanwhile, out of 30 children who had low
instrumental support as many as 7 (23.3%),
including classified as good in doing tooth brushing
Based on the results of statistical tests that have
been carried out, p-value obtained is 0.000, which
means that p-value is <0.05, so it can be concluded
that Ho is rejected, which means there is a
relationship between instrumental support with tooth
brushing techniques in preschoolers (3-6 years ) in
Kindergarten FKIP Unsyiah Darussalam Banda
Aceh 2014.
This is consistent with the results of research
conducted by Prehantoro (2012) that there is a
relationship between family support for brushing
teeth behavior in preschoolers (4-6 years) in
Kronggen Village, Brati District, Grobongan
Regency. But it is different from the results of
research conducted by Dahniar (2010) which states
that there is no relationship between family
instrumental support for prevention of dental caries
in preschool children (4-5 years) in TK RA
Perwanida Banda Aceh.
Family functions are a source of practical and
concrete help for family members who need care.
Relief in the form of provision of facilities while
brushing, the need foods and drink's good for dental
health, providing unt uk time teaching children
brushing teeth (Caplan, 1964, in Friedman, 2010)
According to Feiring and Lewis (1984 in
Friedman, 2010) that family support influenced by
several factors such as income or employment,
education in which middle-class economy families
are more democratic and equitable and have higher
family involvement in family members than lower-
economy families who are more likely to be of an
Notoatmodjo (2005) also argues that a family
will always be able to meet the needs of his family if
he has the resources (facilities and infrastructure or
facilities) that are supporting the occurrence of a
behavior. Thus, someone will be very easy to do
their activities if other family members provide
instrumental support such as providing tooth
brushing facilities, providing food and drinks that
are good for dental health (House, 1994 in Setiadi,
Data processing results obtained high family
instrumental support (57.1%), families provide
tangible support such as providing places and tools
needed by children to brush their teeth and provide
food and drinks that are good for dental health.
Based on demographic data it was also found that
most (54.3%) respondents had a job as a housewife,
even though of the 70 respondents 21.4% of
respondents had a permanent job as a civil servant
who could support family income to help fulfill
family needs.
Researchers assume that having a job as a
housewife is a common thing done by the mother,
where the mother will have plenty of time to
accompany, give help to family members, because
by having income from the work the mother will be
easier to provide facilities such as brush and
toothpaste that children like. Therefore, the success
of the family in caring for family members could
provide the best for his family which is influenced
by income and the existence of the family in meeting
the needs of family members specially to maintain
the health of his teeth and mouth.
In this study, the data processing results show 34
of the 87 children with high emotional support,
including doing good brushing techniques.
Meanwhile, of the 31 children who had low
emotional support, there were 4 (12.9 %), including
those in the good category in performing tooth
brushing techniques.
Based on the results of statistical tests that have
been done, then obtained a p-value of 0,000, which
means that the p-value <0.05, it can be concluded
that Ho is rejected, which means there is a
relationship between emotional support with
brushing techniques in preschoolers (3-6 Year) at
TK FKIP Unsyiah D aru in Banda Aceh 2014.
This is consistent with the results of research
conducted by Dahniar (2010), namely the existence
of a relationship between family emotional support
for prevention of dental caries in preschool children
(4-5 years) in TK RA Perwanida Banda Aceh.
Family emotional support is a form of family
education towards children, where families can
express feelings of empathy such as listening to
complaints, being open, showing trust in what they
complain about and willing to understand, express
love and attention. This support will make someone
feel happy, comfortable, safe and loved (Cohen and
Syme , 1985 in Friedman, 2010)
AINC 2018 - Aceh International Nursing Conference
Provide support emotional families (especially
mothers) are also influenced by age, where young
mothers tend to be more unable to feel or recognize
their children's needs and also more egocentric
compared to older mothers , besides the number of
children also affects family support in where
mothers with a large number of children in the
family need more time to pay attention to children
when compared to mothers with fewer children (
Feiring and Lewis , 1984 , in Friedman ( 2010 )
Regarding the above theory, it is known that
preschoolers (3-6 years old) are those who have
good fine motor development and enable them to
use toothbrushes well and brush their teeth twice a
day, even though parents must keep an eye on their
children when brush your teeth and clean between
teeth (Muscary, 2005)
This is consistent with the theory put forward by
Dowshen (2002) that most children under the age of
eight cannot brush their teeth as expected so that
children need family support in brushing their teeth
by not forcing them to do so, but the family tries to
make brushing teeth are fun.
As with the above theory, the results of the
respondents' answers to the questionnaires also
showed high emotional support (55.7%) from family
by encouraging, supervising children when brushing
their teeth, understanding the problems facing
children and paying attention and praise when
children could maintain their dental health. In
addition, based on the demographic that they got, the
category of the respondent's age / height mothers is
in middle adult age range (62.9%) and late
adulthood (30.0%) and on average have as many
children as 3 and 4.
Researchers assume that maternal health
behavior supported by maternal age and number of
family members is the duty of a mother to give the
best to her children because the mother understands
the emotional support needs of the family if one of
her family members is in need of her, as in the case
of brushing teeth the preschooler will be very
motivated if the mother accompanies her when
brushing her teeth. Because the world of
preschoolers is playing, everything is done by
playing. Therefore, expected emotional support
families can affect the development of children
become better able to understand and have an open
attitude and be someone who can be relied upon for
the child in maintaining the health of teeth, so that
the higher the emotional support the family, the
higher the application of techniques of brushing
done by child.
The results of this study show that the number of
30 children with high assessment support as many as
29 (96.7 %), including doing the brushing technique
well. Meanwhile, of the 40 children who had low
assessment support as many as 9 (22.5 %), among
them classified as good in doing tooth brushing
Based on the results of statistical tests that have
been carried out, then obtained p-value 0,000, which
means that p-value <0.05, it can be concluded that
Ho is rejected, which means there is a relationship
between assessment support with tooth brushing
techniques in preschoolers (3-6 years) in a
kindergarten in Banda Aceh, 2014. This is consistent
with the results of Dahniar's research (2010), namely
the existence of a relationship between family
assessment support for prevention of dental caries in
preschool children (4-5 years) at another
kindergarten in Banda Aceh.
According to Friedman (1998, in Setiadi, 2008)
which states that assessment support is as feedback
from the family, guiding and helping problem
solving, appreciation and attention. A positive award
is a form of appreciation that is given by someone to
another person based on the actual conditions to
make the individual feel meaningful, able and feel
himself worthy (House, 1994 in Setiadi, 2008).
Providing assessment support such as guiding
children in choosing good food choices for dental
health is an effort to prevent tooth decay. This is
consistent with the theory put forward by Alpers
(2006) which states that diet modification is an
effort to reduce the number and frequency of snacks
between eating and obeying three meals a day,
balanced and regular, so that choosing foods that are
not cariogenic, tasty and interesting very helpful
family diet habits.
Therefore, brushing your teeth is the main
action to clean food scraps. This is reinforced by the
theory of Behrman et al (2000) that brushing teeth
every day helps prevent dental caries and
periodontal disease , because in children under ten
years of age do not have the eye-hand coordination
needed to seek adequate oral hygiene, then parents
must guide and assist children when brushing their
teeth and are able to understand the child's ability in
accordance with their growth.
Although overall family assessment support
has shown good results ( 42.9%) , but in the
participation and understanding of the family about
the importance of checking a child's dental condition
is still relatively low, which is caused by several
reasons It is known that the American Dental
Association and the
American Academy of Pediatric
Relationship of Family Support and Tooth Brushing Technique among Pre-schoolers in Banda Aceh
Dendist recommend children to visit the dentist
when they are 1 year old and usually have 6 to 8
teeth, the visit is not only to find out the dental
health condition of the child but can help parents get
additional information or instructions on how to
prevent health problems child's teeth (Dowshen,
In addition, according to Potter & Perry (2009)
states that girls are more skilled in practical tasks,
especially in fine motorized tasks and at the age of 5
years children will use certain rules to understand
something, they will begin to explain things from
general to specific things so that this process will
form a logical basis for thinking the child will think
that he has to brush his teeth twice a day, besides
that they also have control (control) of his body and
really like the activities carried out alone .
Based on demographic data, the same thing
was found where most children aged 4-5 years
(42.9%) were dominated by girls (57.1%). Besides
that, the results of data processing showed that
family assessment support was in the low category
Researchers assume that what causes low
family assessment support is that families are still
not used to assessing, discussing dental health and
trying to get dental health services only if they are
experiencing problems with dental and oral health.
Therefore, it is expected that the family will pay
more attention to the support of good assessment,
guide them, discuss about children's health and
provide feedback on what their children do, due to
good evaluation. assessing the extent of children's
abilities and interests in caring for teeth that are in
accordance with the child's growth and development
is a very meaningful support.
There are informational support relationships
(0.000), instrumental support (0.000), emotional
support (0.000), and assessment support (0.000) with
tooth brushing techniques in preschoolers (3-6
years) attending a kindergarten in Banda Aceh. It is
expected that further researchers will be able to
conduct further research on the relationship of
family support with tooth brushing habits in
preschool children. To health workers in the health
center such as doctors and dental nurses to continue
to maintain and run the existing dental health
program and can provide health counseling to
families about how to do good and right brushing
techniques, every 2 (two) times a day, morning after
breakfast and the night before going to bed. so that
motivation arises for children to be better and
expected. For teachers who teach preschool children
are also expected to motivate and apply tooth
brushing techniques to children, such as brushing
teeth after eating together.
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Relationship of Family Support and Tooth Brushing Technique among Pre-schoolers in Banda Aceh