Research conducted by Riley, Kirsch, Shapiro,
and Conley (2016) at the University of Loyola
Chicago showed that students had higher depression
experience, anxiety, and stress during transition
period and on first year in the university. Students
were showing type of maladaptive coping strategy
and less adaptive coping strategy at the level of
transition in university. This is also supported by
research held by Geng and Midford (2015) at the
University of Charles Darwin where students of the
first year in university have higher stress level rather
than other students which influenced their
experience on continuing or stopping their courses.
Students who are in the process of writing a
thesis tend to cause anxiety. Sources of anxiety are
varied, such as lack of confidence, easy giving up, or
pressure from the environment. Parents, supervisors
and distant social environments cause students to be
anxious and tensed so need for social support to
reduce the level of anxiety (Astuti & Hartati, 2013).
The application of the CBC learning method is
also able to improve adaptive coping responses in
the learning process of students at the University.
This is evidenced by the respondent's answer that
69.6% of students try to see the problem as an
opportunity and are ready to face challenges and
71.7% of students understand well the causes of a
problem.mThe results of this study are supported by
the research conducted by Schaufeli (2006) in the
Netherlands which the result that small group
methods can make someone to have knowledge and
improve their coping abilities. Social interaction
during the group work process makes individuals
have good practicing skills and understanding
feedback from their coping. The results of this study
also concluded that the effect of increasing
knowledge and coping abilities of small groups
would only last for at least 8 weeks. The study was
supported by respondents' answers in this study,
which 62.9% of students were able to provide
constructive feedback in the Small Group
Discussion learning method so that it had a positive
impact on improving students' knowledge and
coping abilities in the learning process.
The research conducted by Kulkarni and Sinha
(2015) at Manipal University showed that the CBC
learning method made students to be able to
understand the meaning to express themselves in
language as well as how they understood the
teaching and learning process itself. Small group
method learning affects the ability of knowledge
transfer between educators and students and also
promotes integration that enables students to
communicate freely.
Research conducted by Atindanbila and
Abasimi (2011) showed that only 4% of the total
coping strategies used by students to reduce their
stress levels at the University. This is due to
students' mistakes in choosing strategies that are
inadequate to reduce their stress levels. Errors in
choosing the coping strategy can also be caused by
different levels of student adaptation.
The influence of the level of adaptation from
research conducted by Al Dubai (2011) in one of the
Faculty of Medicine in Malaysia showed that older
students used active coping, reframing, and planning
more than those done by younger students. This
happens because older students have adapted to the
learning environment better and they have known
lecturers for longer time than the younger ones. This
is supported by the answers of respondents with the
results of 57.3% of students learning from existing
experiences. This shows that the longer the student's
adaptation period, the better the coping response he
Based on respondents' answers, 78.6% of
students handled the problem actively and tried to
solve the problem and 48.3% of students did not
avoid the problem. These results provide evidence
that it turns out that with the CBC method of
learning students try to deal with the problem
actively and try to understand the learning issue
provided by the lecturer.
Research conducted by Jensen et al., (2016)
showed that avoidance was used by students when
they were unable to reduce stress as an alternative
approach. Students who use avoidance responses are
often helped to find short-term relief from stress by
focusing on feeling afraid of stress. This helps them
to use avoidance coping strategies in the future.
Avoidance is the first defense mechanism that is
often shown by students. They still try well on
learning material that is considered difficult and still
hopes to pass through the material by minimizing
the relationship with the learning scenario (Khiat,
Based on respondents' answers, 78.9% students
did not understand the scenario given and 67.4%
students were less able to relate the scenario to the
problem that occurred. This is due to differences in
the level of understanding between scenario makers
and students so that students find it difficult to
interprete the cases given. Nevertheless, students are
of the opinion that the Case Study method is able to
provide great benefits in the CBC learning method.
The results of this study are supported by
research conducted by Rahmawati and Ervanto
(2017) at Trunojoyo Madura University with the
result that case-based learning strategies have not
been effective in increasing students' understanding