The theme “hold the test, the milk for the sake of
the baby” general explained that breast milk is best
for babies and all women should do. Give the best
thing for a baby is a strong motivation for most
women to choose exclusive breastfeeding. But for
many people to give the best for the baby requires
new skills in the face of unforeseen challenges.
The results showed although breastfeeding is
described as natural, easy and practical for every
mother, but in fact the mother requires great effort to
remain mempertahanka exclusive breastfeeding. It is
also supported by research Burn, et al (2009) which
states that breastfeeding is not as easy as one might
imagine, in fact, the mother is required to have
perseverance, to be able to survive in a difficult
situation, and requires great sacrifice.
Put aside personal interests in order to move
towards the goal achieved. Prioritize. the needs of
the children themselves need to fulfill her
responsibilities as a mother. Mother willing to lose
his time and pleasure for the sake of children.
The theme “knowledge is the key to successful
explained about the breast feeding knowledge from
the participants. According Fikawati & Shafiq
(2009) which states that can be ascertained if the
mother does not know about exclusive
breastfeeding, mothers may not know the benefits of
exclusive breastfeeding. Maternal knowledge is the
basis for the mother to believe that exclusive
breastfeeding is the best option that is a mother for
the confidence anaknya.dengan mother needs to
survive to continue to provide the best for her baby.
The mother also understands that, as Muslims
believe breast-feeding mother is instructed in
religion. So the suggestion breastfeeding is
as an obligation that must be fulfilled like doing
other acts of worship.
In the Qur'an Allah surah Al Baqarah verse 233,
Allah says which means "The mother let suckle their
children for two full years, that those who want to
enhance the breastfeeding (Al-Baqarah: 233).
Lessons clause contained in the book of the Holy
Quran, at least emphasizes that breastfeeding is very
important. Although there are still differences of
opinion about whether or not mandatory
breastfeeding, but should for a Muslim to respect the
verses of Allah. That verse firmly advocated to
enhance breastfeeding period is for 2 years.
According to Shaikh and Ahmed (2006) stated
that the Muslims formed by two main sources that
drive on the belief that Al-Qur'an and hadith as a
guide for the behavior of a Muslim. Likewise with
breastfeeding behavior. Mother believed that God
give as a breast milk production as a gift for the
baby and the mother has an obligation to God to
memmenuhi right baby. So most Muslim women
believe that they will be rewarded if it does not
fulfill this obligation.
Cultural values of the people of Aceh believe
breastfeeding is associated with the nature of the
task and the role of a mother. In this case it appears
that the values of the culture of breastfeeding is still
attached firmly and believed by most people in Aceh
Acehnese people undergo various traditional
rituals performed in welcoming the birth of the baby.
But there are two rituals are very striking that
influence breastfeeding practices of exclusion,
namely ritual peucicap and bie ie sira. Peucicap is a
ritual that is performed when the baby is 7 days old
or some are doing so at the age of infants 40 days all
the rituals of getting off the ground. Peucicap ritual
performed to introduce a wide variety of food to the
Bie ie sira is the provision of water mixed with
sugar and salt to the baby's first visit to the house of
relatives after the baby off the ground. Bie ie sira
done as a symbol of welcome and praise the baby
first came to the house of relatives.
A culture that believed in an area will affect the
behavior of the local community, as well as with the
behavior of breastfeeding. It is also stated by the
Yzer (2012) based integrative models of behavioral
prediction, namely that culture is the background
variables that indirectly affect the intention to
perform the behavior.
However, the results also showed some
mothers still perform traditional rituals such as
peucicap and bie ie sira to respect the rituals that
have been undertaken families and the surrounding
communities for generations. To keep the
exclusivity of breastfeeding mothers do both of these
traditional rituals symbolically, it is only by
smearing the lips of baby food / liquor. This will
make the baby still exclusively breastfed for food
and drinks was not until tertelah by infants.
This is done by the mother so as not to be a
new conflict between beliefs about exclusive
breastfeeding mother with family and community
understanding of the rituals associated with peucicap
and bie ie sira understood as a ritual and sacred.
Mother knows that knowledge of the family, the
local community or indigenous elders not fully
understand about exclusive breastfeeding, so that the
mother can make a leeway in rituals peucicap and
bie ie sira.