Creating Value through Authenticity and Social eWOM:
Evidence from Authentic Traditional Yogyakarta Cuisines
Vita Briliana
Trisakti School of Management, Jl. Kyai Tapa No.20 Grogol, West Jakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Authenticity, Social eWOM, Value, Behavior Intention.
Abstract: This study adapted the Mehrabian-Russell (M-R) model to examine how authenticity and social electronic
word-of-mouth (eWOM) factors influence Indonesian consumer behavioral intention toward authentic
traditional Yogyakarta cuisines. This study used nonprobability sampling with purposive sampling methods
and received 310 respondents. The theoretical model was tested using structural equation modeling with
partial least squares (SEM-PLS). The paper found support for the positive effect of authenticity (i.e. food
and atmosphere), social eWOM, and perceived value. Results indicate that social eWOM was a strong
factor influencing perceived value toward a traditional food hailing from Yogyakarta. Theoretical and
managerial implications are elaborated.
Indonesia's friendly climate, myriad islands, and
many unique cultures provide an ethnic and cultural
diversity to traditional habits, foods, clothing, art,
etc. Yogyakarta, a small city in Central Java, still
holds its prominent traditions. An online news report
released by the Jogja Tribunews (2017) revealed that
in 2017, 4.7 million domestic tourists visited
Yogyakarta. As for foreign tourists, the number
reached 397,000 in the same year
wisata-diy-tahun-2017, accessed June 25, 2018).
Food is a strong motive for tourism along with
transportation, accommodation, and attractions.
When traveling, visitors engage in some form of
local cuisine enjoyment (Chang et al., 2011),
ranging from eating food which is familiar back
home, to seeking novel and different local dishes
(Cohen and Avieli, 2004). Because eating is an
integral part of traveling, it is common for visitors to
expect pleasurable culinary experiences, even if this
is not the primary purpose of travel (Kivela and
Crotts, 2006). It is important to distinguish between
visitors who consume food as part of a travel
experience and visitors who make destination
choices based on their interest in food as food
tourism. Hence, food tourism means a visitation to
primary and secondary food producers, food
festivals, restaurants, and specific locations for
which food and tasting and/or experiencing the
attributes of a specialist food production region are
the primary motivating factors for travel. Yet not
every vacationer’s trip to a restaurant is connected to
culinary tourism, especially if the food eaten in the
visited restaurant is the same as, or similar to, the
food consumed at home.
Digital communications technology has led to
extensive discussions among consumers through
social media. Consumers are participating in a
variety of activities, from reading content to sharing
knowledge, experiences, opinions, and making
travel decisions. According to the Association of
Internet Service Companies Indonesia (APJII, 2017),
Indonesia has more than 143.25 million internet
users, most of whom (87.13%) have social media
accounts. Of these social media users, 89.3 percent
have Instagram accounts, with Facebook, at 74.8
percent, a close second that is catching up fast. In
addition, Indonesia has the largest Instagram
community in Asia-Pacific (Rachman and Briliana,
The objective of the present research is to
develop an understanding of the impact of social
electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) and authenticity
(i.e. food and atmosphere) on perceived value that
results in behavioral intention, and to test such
effects in a new empirical study. This paper adds to
the existing body of research because no studies on
the proposed link between social eWOM and
Briliana, V.
Creating Value through Authenticity and Social eWOM: Evidence from Authentic Traditional Yogyakarta Cuisines.
DOI: 10.5220/0008488500810086
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Entrepreneurship and Business Management (ICEBM Untar 2018), pages 81-86
ISBN: 978-989-758-363-6
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
authenticity and perceived value exist. While some
researchers have proposed models for the impact of
authenticity and social eWOM, none have yet
considered food as a focal construct.
The Mehrabian-Russell (M-R) model is a theoretical
explanation of the effects of atmospherics, or the
design of commercial spaces, on consumer behavior.
This model states that an emotional response arises
because of the relationship between the physical
environmental and human behavior. That is, the
physical environment affects the individual’s
emotional state, which can be described by three
orthogonal dimensions: pleasure, passion, and
dominance. Pleasure is a state of feeling good or
happy. Passion means the extent to which an
individual is stimulated, excited, alert, or active.
Domination refers to the degree to which an
individual feels influential, in control, or important.
The M-R model states that the way the
environment affects human behavior is mediated by
their emotional responses. Several empirical studies
have found that atmospherics can directly influence
consumer behavior intentions. The research of Ryu
and Jang (2008) states that there is an influence of
the restaurant's physical environment on emotions
and behavioral intentions. Within the physical
environment, aesthetic features and employees do
not only influence behavioral intentions through
emotional responses (pleasure and passion), but they
also directly influence behavioral intentions.
2.1 Authenticity
Food is a part of the culture of a country and can
even represent that culture. Indonesia consists of
many diverse cultures and unique populations. This
uniqueness is often referred to as authenticity (Jang
and Park, 2012). It is this genuineness factor that has
a strong impact on attracting customers from other
regions and even from other countries.
Richards (2012) revealed that authenticity is a
quality attributed to a range of foods and cuisines
that are specific to a particular location or place.
More importantly, such products are the result of a
cultural process that belongs to that place.
Furthermore, food represents ethnic, regional, and
national identities. Bessiere (1998) pointed out that
the culinary heritage of a destination embodies the
character and mentality of a society in the types of
food and the way they are eaten. Food, therefore, is
seen as an integral part of identity formation.
Extending this study, authenticity refers to the story
and meaning pertaining to the place and culture of
the food that is embedded as a representation of the
culture (i.e. Yogyakarta).
2.1.1 Food Authenticity
The characteristics of Indonesian cuisine are heavily
influenced by natural and cultural conditions. The
ingredients of Indonesian food include a rich variety
of herbs, seasonings, and spices. A traditional food
hailing from Yogyakarta, gudeg, is a stew made
from young jack fruit (nangka) with palm sugar,
coconut milk, meat, garlic, and lots of spices. It is
one of the most flavorful foods in the world,
blending everything from taste to texture. Verbake
and Lopez (2005) describe ethnic food as food
expressing the characteristics of a particular region
or cultural tradition, when it is prepared by local
citizens following traditions. Previous research
revealed that there is a relationship between food
authenticity and behavioral intentions
(Sukalakamala and Boyce, 2007; Liu and Jang,
2009; Jang and Park, 2012).
H1. Food authenticity influences perceived value.
2.1.2 Atmospherics Authenticity
The authenticity of the experience is enhanced
through the atmosphere which reflects local culture,
such as the décor and background music in
restaurants. Jang and Park, (2012) describe ethnic
atmospherics that reflects the restaurant’s root
culture as unique and distinctively different from
those of non-ethnic restaurants, which could affect
the restaurant’s diners. The perceived atmospheric
authenticity can be defined as the customer’s
evaluation of the authenticity of the restaurant’s
external appearance, interior design, décor, and
music, and which, based on these perceptions,
influence the customer’s behavior intentions (Wood
and Munoz, 2007). Research has shown that
authentic atmospherics significantly influence
behavioral intentions of consumers (Jang and
Namkung, 2011; Jang and Park, 2012).
H2. Atmospheric authenticity influences perceived
2.2 Social e-WOM
Social eWOM, or communication among consumers
through social networking sites, has become one of
the most frequently used electronic word-of-mouth
ICEBM Untar 2018 - International Conference on Entrepreneurship and Business Management (ICEBM) Untar
formats (Chu and Kim, 2011). Social networking
sites act as effective word-of-mouth communication
without geographic or time constraints among
consumers, serving as an important source of
product-related information and opinions. The
extensive use of social media platforms such as
Facebook and Instagram has become a worldwide
phenomenon. The internet has given a virtual space
to consumers, where every user can share their
experiences about products and services (Cheung
and Thadani, 2012). A study by Park et al., (2007)
found that online reviews act as strong informants
and recommenders and significantly influence the
purchase intention and actual purchase. At the same
time, online reviews significantly impact travelers’
destination choices (Jalilvand et al., 2012).
H3. Social eWOM influences perceived value.
H4. Social eWOM influences behavioral intentions.
2.3 Perceived Value
Perceived value is a consumer’s desired end-goal of
their purchasing behaviors and relates to a successful
transaction in a consumption situation (Jang and
Park, 2012). The perceived value of a local
Indonesian dish is that it is authentic, uses fresh
herbs, spices, and other local ingredients, and
otherwise differs from other traditional Indonesian
foods one has eaten. Research has shown that
perceived value has a significant role in influencing
behavioral intentions (Cronin et al., 2000; Ryu et al.,
2008; Liu and Jang, 2009; Jang and Park, 2012).
H5. Perceived value influences behavioral
2.4 Behavioral Intentions
Basically, consumers are buying not only products,
but also their meanings, stories, and the experiences
associated with them. All these elements make their
purchases different and unique. As experience
becomes the crucial offering in the marketplace,
companies should personally engage consumers
through staged events, and capture their hearts by
the memorability of the experience (Oh et al., 2007).
Te memorable experience is expected to be shared
with another potential customer and could in turn
influence their own behavioral intention. Knowing
the purchase intention for a product is important
because it gives an idea of customer retention.
Extending this study, behavioral intention refers to a
restaurant customer’s anticipation of repeat
patronage, recommendation, and favorable word-of-
mouth behavior in the future.
Partial least squares (PLS) analysis, a form of
structural equation modeling, was applied to
evaluate the measurement model and structural
model. The reason for using PLS is that it can
effectively be used with a relatively small sample
size and allows for potentially abnormally
distributed data (Hair et al., 2017). Furthermore,
PLS analysis was selected because it can assess all
paths simultaneously for model prediction. The
SmartPLS 2.0 software package was used to assess
the model in two stages:
1. Food authenticity (FA) and atmospheric
authenticity (AA) are proposed as antecedents of
perceived value (PV) in the first stage of the
model, covering H1 and H2; and
2. The second stage of the model studied the
influence of Social e-WOM (SW) is proposed to
influence PV and BI, covering H3 and H4. PV
itself is proposed to influence BI, covering H5.
All constructs were deemed highly reliable and
consistent due to their Cronbach alpha and
composite reliability scores, all of which exceeded
0.8 (Malhotra, 2010). Convergent validity was
measured through an assessment of the average
variance extracted (AVE) values for each construct,
with all clearing the prescribed minimum of 0.5
(Hair et al., 2017). This study used a self-
administrated questionnaire with closed-ended
questions. The questionnaire was distributed using
non-probability purposive sampling. The survey was
based on an area sampling technique conducted at
several traditional restaurants (i.e., ones that serve
gudeg) in Yogyakarta. The sample size of the study
was 310. The study was conducted in June 2018.
Respondents for the study qualified according to
pre-set criteria, i.e., they were residents of Indonesia,
had widely traveled overseas and within the country,
routinely used Instagram, and had recently posted a
picture of a local Indonesian authentic food or
authentic restaurant on Instagram.
From the respondents’ given profiles, the study
found that the majority (43%) were between 31 and
37 years of age, held bachelor degrees (63%), and
had a monthly income of at least IDR 20,000,001 or
more (51%). Most (66.1%) admitted that they had
been to Yogyakarta for culinary purposes in the last
6 months, while almost as many declared they had
Creating Value through Authenticity and Social eWOM: Evidence from Authentic Traditional Yogyakarta Cuisines
come to Yogyakarta more than 3 times (51%).
In this study, PLS was analyzed and interpreted
sequentially in two stages, namely the assessment of
the reliability and validity of the measurement
model, followed by the assessment of the structural
model. As recommended by Ramayah et al. (2011),
the validity and reliability of the measures were
examined using the PLS approach, particularly when
examining the goodness of measure. SmartPLS 2.0
software provided the results for both. These values
are reflected in Table 1 below.
Tabel 1: Summary result of the measurement model and
convergent validity.
Loading AVE α CR
FA1 0.90 0.76 0.89 0.93
Authenticity FA2 0.89
FA3 0.86
FA4 0.83
Authenticity AA1
0.78 0.91 0.94
Atmospherics AA2 0.87
AA3 0.89
Social SW1 0.85 0.76 0.89 0.93
eWOM SW2 0.86
SW3 0.87
SW4 0.89
Perceived PV1 0.89 0.81 0.88 0.93
Value PV2 0.92
PV3 0.89
Behavioral BI1 0.81 0.74 0.82 0.89
Intentions BI2 0.91
BI3 0.85
Composite Reliability (CR) = (square of the summation of the
factor loadings)/{square of the summation of the factor loadings}
+ (square of the summation of the error variances)}.
Average Variance Extracted (AVE) = (summation of the square
of the factor loadings)/{(summation of the square of the factor
loadings) + (summation of the error variances)}.
Table 1 depicts the current measurement model.
AVE, composite reliability, and R2 are reported.
AVE values ranged from 0.76 to 0.86, while
composite reliability values ranged from 0.91 to
0.96, fulfilling the criteria suggested by Fornell and
Larcker (1981) and Bagozzi and Yi (1988),
respectively. All constructs have AVEs of more than
0.5, meeting convergent validity (Fornell and
Larcker, 1981). At the same time, all constructs have
composite reliabilities of more than 0.6,
demonstrating that a high internal consistency of the
data exists (Bagozzi and Yi, 1988).
Table 2 represents the correlations between the
constructs along with the AVE on the diagonal.
Using Shiue et al.’s (2010) recommendation, all of
the diagonal values exceed the inter-construct
correlations—thus indicating adequate discriminant
validity. This also explains how the constructs were
retained for further analysis of data.
Table 2: Discriminant Validity.
AA 0.88
BI 0.75 0.86
FA 0.79 0.84 0.87
PV 0.83 0.85 0.77 0.81
SW 0.80 0.83 0.86 0.79 0.76
Diagonal entries (in bold) represent the square root of the average
variance extracted (AVE) while the other entries represent the
squared correlations. Note: AA = Authenticity
Authenticity Food, SW= Social eWOM, PV= Perceived
Value, BI= Behavioral Intentions
Using a bootstrapping technique, path loadings
and t-statistics for hypothesized relationships were
calculated. The PLS analysis results are shown in
Table 3. In marketing, researchers usually assume a
significance level of 5%. Hypotheses with a t-value
above 1.96 will be accepted and a hypothesis will be
rejected when its t-value is found to be less than 1.96
for significance level = 5% (Hair et al., 2017).
Table 3: PLS results of path coefcients and hypothesis
Path Coefficient SE t-value Decision
H1 FA PV 0.11 0.06 1.97 Yes
H2 AA PV 0.52 0.07 7.82 Yes
H3 SW PV 0.28 0.07 4.09 Yes
H4 SW BI 0.42 0.05 8.42 Yes
H5 PV BI 0.51 0.05 10.83 Yes
Figure 1: Structural Model.
The results for phase one indicate that a
significant relationship exists between FA and PV,
with a t-value of 1.97 and a path coefficient of 0.11.
The authentic food experience the customers had
was due to taste, the use authentic herbs, spices,
fresh foods, variety, and presentation in the dishes
they were served. Therefore, H1 is accepted at the
five percent significance level, and it may be
concluded that food authenticity influences
ICEBM Untar 2018 - International Conference on Entrepreneurship and Business Management (ICEBM) Untar
perceived value. (Wood and Munoz, 2007; Jang and
Namkung, 2011; Jang and Park, 2012; Jang and Ha,
The results for phase one further indicate that a
significant relationship exists between AA and PV,
with a t-value of 7.82 and path coefficient of 0.52.
Therefore, H2 is accepted at the five per cent
significance level, and it may be concluded that AA
positively impacts PV. The authentic atmospheric
experience the respondents had was due to the use of
the restaurant’s external appearance, the atmosphere,
and interior décor, as well as the presence of
traditional music. These results are consistent with
previous studies about the relationship between AA
and PV (Jang and Namkung, 2011; Jang and Park,
2012; Jang and Ha, 2015).
The results for phase two indicate that a
significant relationship exists between SW and PV,
with a t-value of 4.09 and a path coefficient of 0.28.
Therefore, H3 is accepted at the five per cent
significance level, and it may be concluded that SW
has an influence on PV. This finding is similar to the
results of the studies of Jalilvand et al., (2012),
which found that SW had a positive influence on
PV. Social e-WOM was also found to be a predictor
of behavioral intention, with a t-value of 8.42 and a
path coefficient of 0.42. Therefore, H4 is accepted at
the five percent significance level, and it may be
concluded that the SW influences BI. These findings
align with previous studies about the relationship
between SW and BI (Jalilvand et al., 2012).
Furthermore, H5 examines the effects of PV on BI.
PV is significantly related to BI with a t-value of
10.83 and a path coefficient of 0.51. Therefore, H5
is accepted at the five percent significance level, and
it may be concluded that PV influences BI. The
study found both SW and PV to be positively related
to behavioral intentions. These conclusions are in
line with previous studies, such as those by Jang and
Namkung (2011); Jang and Park (2012).
Basically, travelers visiting ethnic restaurants
expect some uniqueness of traditional cuisine, and
perceive the authenticity through ethnic foods.
Authentic cuisine features distinct cooking methods,
using specific ingredients and traditional kitchen
utensils used by each ethnic group when presenting
dishes in their own way. Ethnic restaurants also
create an atmosphere of authenticity by emphasizing
authentic environmental elements, which provide
customers with meaning and entertainment.
Moreover, the concept of authenticity evokes a
range of meanings, which are original, genuine, real,
true, and true to itself (Pratt, 2007).
Digital technology has changed the way travelers
express their memorable experiences, such as by
posting pictures of their authentic food, their
authentic atmosphere, and also their self-expressed
happiness and memorable experiences through
social media (e.g. Instagram). Indonesian customers
usually transmit their memorable experience through
Instagram to share with family, friends, and
followers. They do this with the intent to spread
information and perhaps influence the decisions of
other people who see photos of the posts and come
to enjoy for themselves the uniqueness of the food
and the environment. The friendliness of local
residents can also make the encounter more
enjoyable. The visitors sometimes get information
about variations of popular foods, good locations for
photography, restaurant hours, and transportation.
Sometimes the locals even help to photograph the
visitors. This fun and engaging experience translates
into photos is posted on Instagram, along with a
delighted comment.
The results from Jang and Namkung (2011);
Jalilvand et al., (2012); Jang and Park (2012); Jang
and Ha, (2015) supported our hypotheses. Ethnic
atmospherics that reflect the restaurant’s root culture
are unique and distinct from those of non-ethnic
restaurants, which could affect the restaurant’s
success. Word of mouth on social media platforms
not only acts as an informant giving product details,
but also as recommenders giving reviews from
experienced consumers.
It is worth pointing out that this study has several
limitations. First, the sample was confined to a
specific group of domestic travelers in a location in
Yogyakarta, and they are not representative of all
consumers. It would be necessary for future research
to examine the perceptions of domestic travelers in
other Indonesian regions, in order to improve the
generalizability of the findings. Second, this study
only explored authentic food, authentic atmosphere,
perceived value, and social eWOM as factors
determining the behavioral intention to choose an
authentic traditional Indonesian dining experience.
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APJII., 2017. Retrieved June 10, 2018 from
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