Pedagogical Values: Revealing Mathematics Teachers’ Belief and
Action in Teaching
Kamirsyah Wahyu
, Sri Subarinah
, Sofyan Mahfudy
, Dwi Ratnasari
1Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Islam Negeri Mataram, Jln. Gajah Mada 100, Mataram,
2Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Mataram, Mataram, Indonesia
3Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Islam Negeri Mataram, Mataram, Indonesia
4Informatics Department, STMIK Bumigora Mataram, Mataram, Indonesia
Keywords: Pedagogical Values, Beliefs, Actions, Mathematics Teaching.
Abstract: The current research aimed to identify the pedagogical values (PVs) held by mathematics teachers and then
analyze on the factors that affect the PVs enacted in the classroom. It involved ten teachers in Madrasah who
have been teaching mathematics in the various period, from one year until over five years of experiences. Of
three teachers were purposively chosen that satisfy the values criteria to be further observed in classroom
teaching and interviewed. The teachers’ PVs were identified through communication, dialogue and pedagog-
ical reflections by means of the questionnaire, interview, focus group discussion, and classroom observation.
The data was then confronted with the values criteria (choosing, prizing, and acting) to determine the mathe-
matics teachers’ PVs. The research found that only two teachers satisfy the criteria, one teacher found diffi-
culties to enact his PVs and the others could not pass through prizing criteria. The research concluded that the
PVs held by the mathematics teachers are shaped by the specific need or condition of their students (culturally
dependent) and constraints such as values alignment and institutional values can affect the enactment of PVs.
The implication for educational program and school context will be discussed.
Teaching and learning in the classroom involve three
primary elements, i.e., teachers, students and content
or well-known as didactic triangle (Steinbring, 2005).
Each element has its characteristics, e.g., the teachers
have in mind what would be done in the classroom to
make students understand the subject or content, the
students have the views on the subject and expect to
learn it in a specific ways so that she/he perceives the
subject as the essential part of their classroom experi-
ence, and the subject learnt and taught is value-laden.
Leu and Wu (2005) asserted that all of them are not
value-free. In fact, they are value-carriers
Value is another affective and sociocultural con-
struct which becomes a crucial yet neglected aspect
of mathematics education. There are not many re-
searches on values for the last decade in mathematics
education (Seah & Peng, 2012). Bishop (1991) shed
light on how the cultural aspects of teachers and stu-
dents contribute to mathematics learning. Research
projects such as VAMP (Values and Mathematics
Projects), VIMT (Values in Mathematics Teaching),
and Third Wave Project (Seah & Wong, 2012) were
further effort to understand the significance of values
in mathematics teaching and learning. The projects
revealed that what teachers and students valued in
mathematics and its teaching support the mathematics
learning. The researches (e.g., Kalogeropoulos &
Bishop, 2017; Seah & Andersson, 2015a) showed that
values alignment in mathematics classroom help stu-
dents’ engagement in learning. When students valued
achievement in mathematics learning, despite their
negative feeling toward the subject, it gives them a
sense of will and determination to work better in
mathematics (Seah, 2016; Zhang, Barkatsas, Law,
Leu, & Seah, 2016). The values students possessed in
mathematics learning might be an alternative reason
why students in Mainland China, Hong Kong, and
Wahyu, K., Subarinah, S., Mahfudy, S. and Ratnasari, D.
Pedagogical Values: Revealing Mathematics Teachers’ Belief and Action in Teaching.
DOI: 10.5220/0008524805220529
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Mathematics and Islam (ICMIs 2018), pages 522-529
ISBN: 978-989-758-407-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Taiwan scored better in the international assessment
like PISA.
The classification of values by Bishop (2008);
mathematical values, mathematics educational val-
ues, and general educational ascertain mathematics
educators especially teachers that inculcating values
in mathematics teaching is highly possible. For exam-
ple, persistence is one of the mathematical educa-
tional values (Clarkson, Bishop, FitzSimons, & Seah,
2000). Mathematics teachers have the chance to de-
velop students' persistence, for example, in problem-
solving. Teaching values is in accordance with the
agenda of values or character education echoed in
many countries such as Indonesia.
Values and beliefs are closely related to affective
constructs (Lim & Kor, 2012). However, the differ-
ence is not always made clear (Bishop, Seah, & Chin,
2003). Hart (1989) defined beliefs as certain types of
judgments about a set of objects. “Teaching mathe-
matics is about explaining rules or formulas” is one
example of beliefs about mathematics pedagogy
(McLeod, 1992). Halstead and Taylor (2000) defined
values as “…principles and fundamentals convictions
which act as general guides to behavior, enduring be-
liefs about what is worthwhile(p.3). Values repre-
sent a more internalized form of affect. It is the deep
affective qualities (Bishop et al., 2003). Kluckhohn
(1962) asserted that values differ from beliefs “…by
the commitment to action in situations involving al-
ternatives (p.432). P. Clarkson and Bishop (1999)
stated that values are beliefs in action. Raths, Harmin,
and Simon (1987) concluded that a belief evolves into
value when it includes choosing, prizing, and acting.
If a teacher valued teaching mathematics is just about
explaining the rules or formulas, then it will be his/her
typical way of instruction in the classroom.
Researching values give alternative perspective in
improving mathematics learning since it deals with
beliefs in action held the teachers or what a worth-
while for the students in learning mathematics. Prior
researched on values have analyzed teachersplanned
and espoused values (Lim & Ernest, 1997), teachers
intended and implemented values (Bishop et al.,
2003), values as pedagogical identities (Chin, 2002;
Chin & Lin, 2000), tools used to access studentsand
teachers values in mathematics pedagogy (Dede,
2006, 2011), values related to effective mathematics
lessons (Seah & Wong, 2012), and alignment of val-
ues in mathematics classroom (Kalogeropoulos &
Bishop, 2017; Seah & Andersson, 2015a).
Chin (2002) and colleagues investigated values in
mathematics teaching. Chin and Lin (2000) focused
on identifying and interpreting pedagogical values of
mathematics teachers. Values were conceived as
“…teacherspedagogical identities which reveal prin-
ciples of each teacher’s choice and judgments con-
cerning the importance of using certain pedagogical
identities in her/his classroom teaching mathemat-
The prior researches (Chin, 2002; Chin, Leu, &
Lin, 2001; Chin & Lin, 2000; Leu & Wu, 2005, 2006)
on pedagogical values have not analyzed how stu-
dents valued mathematics and its learning (mathemat-
ics learning) and institutional values affect the teach-
ers to enact their values in teaching mathematics. The
current research attempted to fill the gap, analyzing
the two factors that affect mathematics teachersped-
agogical values enacted in the classroom. We defined
pedagogical values in this research as the personal
conviction of teacher’s thought, choices, and action
concerning the importance of specific pedagogical
identities in teaching mathematics. It is about feeling,
beliefs, and action of teachers in teaching mathemat-
ics. Pedagogical identities here mean typical ways
teachers deliver his/her mathematics instruction. The
criteria of values, i.e., choosing, prizing, and acting
by Raths et al. (1987) will be used to examine the ped-
agogical values.
The research used values clarification for data
analysis to answer two questions, i.e., what PVs held
by mathematics teachers? And how students valued
on mathematics learning and institutional values af-
fect mathematics teachers when enacting their PVs in
the classroom? The current research strengthens the
prior research on values in general and contributes to
understanding the pedagogical values of mathematics
teachers and its practice in the classroom in specific.
Understanding teachersPVs is the crucial step to for-
mulate actions in improving mathematics teaching
and learning. In practices, mathematics teacher edu-
cation and the development program for in-service
mathematics teacher especially in Indonesia could
consider not only pedagogical/content knowledge but
also the clarification and refinement of pedagogical
This research used descriptive qualitative approach to
identify and analyze mathematics teachers’ PVs. The
subjects, ten mathematics teachers, were given a
questionnaire, interview, and focus group discussion.
The three methods are parts of dialogue, communica-
tion and pedagogical reflections as critical activities
in the process of value clarification (Chin et al.,
2001). We used value clarification (Chin & Lin,
2001) to identify and document teachers PVs. Val-
ues criteria (choosing, prizing, and acting) by Raths
Pedagogical Values: Revealing Mathematics Teachers’ Belief and Action in Teaching
et al. (1987) was utilized to examine the PVs. The
methods used in this research can be summarized in
Table 1.
The subjects teach mathematics in Islamic-based
schools called Madrasah (secondary school level).
Public schools are somewhat different from Mad-
mainly regarding number and kinds of subjects
but both apply the same national curriculum. In Mad-
rasah, there are additional subjects about Islam. Stu-
dents in Madrasah have more subjects than in public
schools. The nature of Madrasah related to mathe-
matics teaching will be elaborated in the discussion
The indicators of each value criteria are as follow
(Chin et al., 2001):
a. Choosing; one’s free will to choose, choosing
from alternatives, and choosing by thoughtful
b. Prizing; being happy with the choice or affirm
the choice to others
c. Acting; repeated practices which form a pattern
of teaching
Table 1: Summary of research methods
of PVs
Data collection
Questionnaire and interview (Peda-
gogic reflection)
Interview (Dialogue and communica-
Questionnaire, interview, and class-
room observation (Dialogue, communi-
cation, and pedagogic reflection)
The questionnaire aimed to document teachers’
choices in teaching mathematics. It is a semi-open
questionnaire consists of several questions. Two of
them are what are the important things to teach in
mathematics classrooms? And how do you typically
teach mathematics? The teachers are encouraged to
write their answer if they disagree with the options.
The two questions are very crucial to identify teach-
ers choices of given alternatives. The last item of the
questionnaire asked teachers to reflect on their teach-
ing experiences. They are required to explain how
they teach mathematics which represents his/her
identities or typical ways of teaching. This question
aims to reveal teachers’ action after choosing the al-
The interview attempted to confirm teachers’ an-
swers (choices) in the questionnaire and examine how
teachers prize their PVs. The result of interview and
There are two kinds of Madrasah in Indonesia, public and private
Madrasah. Both are managed under the Ministry of Religious Af-
fairs. Private Madrasah is managed by community-based
questionnaire are used to choose three teachers pur-
posively. The selected teachers showed consistent
PVs through their choosing (in questionnaire and in-
terview), prizing (in the interview), and acting (in the
questionnaire when writing a pedagogical reflection
on his/her typical ways of teaching mathematics and
interview). We interviewed the teachers in two focus
group discussion (FGD). We argued that FGD can be
communal pedagogic reflections where dialogue and
communication between researcher team and teachers
flexibly take place. It also aimed to examine the con-
sistency of teachers PVs. We then have in-dept inter-
view and classroom observation with the three teach-
ers to further understand their PVs and analyze fac-
tors that can be constraints in classroom practices.
What are the important things to teach in mathemat-
ics classroom?
The subjects had varied answers to the question,
but none of them give alternatives out of the given
options. In the interview, some teachers answered dif-
ferently to what they have chosen in the question-
naire. The summary of teachers’ choices and answers
are presented in Table 2 (Choosing column). The ten
teachers are coded as MT
to MT
How do you typically teach mathematics?
For the question, we did not provide any options
in the questionnaire. The teachers were required to
write his/her typical ways of teaching mathematics.
We believe that teachers’ responses are heavily based
on their experiences in teaching mathematics. Thus,
what they wrote is his/her identities in practice. Then
interview was administered to validate the responses.
Table 2 (Acting column) shows the result of question-
naire and interview.
Drawing from the results of questionnaire and in-
terview, the mathematics teachers’ PVs will be cate-
gorized based on consistency in choosing, prizing and
acting. Consistent means that teachers’ responses are
in accordance with the indicators of the three criteria
of pedagogical values or otherwise. Based on Table
2, it is found that two teachers satisfy the indicators.
One teacher is inconsistent in her response to inter-
view. One teacher is inconsistent with the 1
and 2
question. The other six teachers could not prize their
choices and action. They were not aware of having
the PVs by their explanation in the interview. In fact,
it was challenging to examine what teachers prize.
organization and mostly apply boarding system.
ICMIs 2018 - International Conference on Mathematics and Islam
We examined it through their reasonable explanation
for the choices and action in the interview.
Table 2 shows that only two teachers (MT
, MT
satisfy the criteria of pedagogical values. MT
over five years of experiences in teaching mathemat-
ics. She currently teaches in public Madrasah. MT
a junior teacher with a year experience. He teaches
mathematics in Madrasah with boarding system. He
also graduated from Islamic boarding school (Junior
and senior high school level).
One teacher (MT
) could prize his choice for what
importance in teaching mathematics. However, MT
had a different answer on what he typically did in the
classroom. MT
teaches mathematics in private Mad-
rasah. In the interview, MT
posed interesting expla-
nation why he could not enact what he valued in
mathematics teaching. MT
explained that some con-
straints related to students’ values and institutional
values. In addition to the reasons, we decided to in-
clude MT
as the third subject to be observed in class-
room teachings.
The classroom observation was done in one ses-
sion with each teacher following by interview. It
aimed to confirm the results of questionnaire and in-
terview. For MT
, we wanted to identify further what
he called as constraints in enacting PVs.
The classroom observation showed that MT
lized Islamic inheritance context (Faraid) to learn
fractions. He confirmed in the interview that "it is im-
portant to relate mathematics topic with Islamic con-
text since students valued mathematics as only set
Table 2: Summary of subjects’ responses in questionnaire and interview
A set of formulas
and its solution,
mathematics con-
MT1 did not choose in-
culcation of values in the
Using learning
tools made
from Delphi 7
Explain the
topic, give an
example and ex-
A set of formulas
and its solution,
mathematics con-
cepts, the applica-
tion of mathemat-
ics in daily life,
skill to solve
mathematics prob-
No prizing in the inter-
Explain the
topic related
to daily life,
give an exam-
ple and drill,
ask some stu-
dents to write
their answers
on the white-
Similar to ques-
Mathematics con-
cepts, the applica-
tion of mathemat-
ics in daily life
No prizing in the inter-
Explain the
topic, give
worked exam-
ple and exer-
Similar to ques-
Mathematics con-
cepts, the applica-
tion of mathemat-
ics in daily life, in-
culcation of values
Able to confirm her
choice to others
Explain the
concept, relate
the topic to
daily life, in-
culcating the
Similar to ques-
Mathematics con-
cepts, the applica-
tion of mathemat-
ics in daily life
Able to confirm his
choice to others
Explain the
concept, relate
the topic to
daily life (Is-
lamic context)
Similar to ques-
The application of
mathematics in
daily life
Able to confirm his
choice to others
Explain the
topic, give
worked exam-
ple and exer-
Similar to ques-
Pedagogical Values: Revealing Mathematics Teachers’ Belief and Action in Teaching
A set of formulas
and its solution
Unable to confirm her
choice in the
Explain the
topic, give
worked exam-
ple and exer-
Similar to ques-
of rules and nothing deals with daily life, and one of
the main reasons their parent sent their children here
is to learn religious teachings." He added that "I want
to show them that mathematics is not what they know.
And through the context, we can discuss the concept
of fraction and its operations.”
does understand the capability of her stu-
dents in mathematics. He said that “Only two or three
students could understand what I explain without re-
lating to their familiar context. My students do often
ask me about the use of mathematics for them. So, I
try to connect mathematics topics with something
they are familiar with.” MT
asked students to bring
snacks or plastics used for snacks to learn about netto,
bruto (net weight), and tara (the difference of netto
and bruto). MT
frequently emphasize to her students
that no matter what you do and get in mathematics,
the important one is you must be honest when you do
your task.
Unlike MT
and MT
, MT
had a somewhat diffi-
cult condition of teaching. In the observation, MT
started the lesson by explaining integers with the
number line, scaffold students to make number line,
ask students to place integers onto number line, give
examples of operating integers and give exercise.
told us that “I have tried bringing daily life or
context in my mathematics lesson. However, my stu-
dents could not get involved in that. They showed
lack of motivation in learning. Exercises or home-
work given were not accomplished. What an im-
portant thing for them is not to learn mathematics but
reciting and memorizing the Qur’an.”
In the schools, there is informal ‘consensus’
amongst students (not all) that nothing important than
learning the religion. Religion could save you in this
world and the later. The ‘consensus' is also directly or
indirectly influenced by the other teachers (non-math-
ematics). This condition also has been experienced by
while he was in Madrasah. MT
told that “a
great student was not a student who master the gen-
eral subject like mathematics or science but a student
who was able to memorize the Qur’an. So, mostly stu-
dents followed that way of thinking.”
In this part, we will analyze the level of value clarifi-
cation of MT
and MT
(Chin et al., 2001), constraints
that MT
had relating to what students valued on
mathematics learning or the notion of values align-
ment (Kalogeropoulos & Bishop, 2017; Seah & An-
dersson, 2015a, 2015b) and institutional values
(Bishop, 2008). In the last, we are going to discuss the
implication of the findings related to educational pro-
gram and schools context.
For MT
, connecting mathematics with students’
familiar context to show the application of mathemat-
ics in daily life and inculcation of values are im-
portant things to teach in the mathematics classroom.
In the interview, MT
explained the ability and need
of her students in learning mathematics. In this case,
she expressed her pleasure in those ways of teaching
mathematics and convinced the researchers and the
other teachers about her choices and actions in the
classroom. For MT
, introducing mathematics con-
cepts through Islamic context is the important thing
in teaching mathematics. He argued in the interview
that “using Islamic context to learn mathematics con-
cepts is the way to convince my students that mathe-
matics is not just a set of rules and formulas.”
What MT
and MT
chose in the questionnaire,
prized in the interview, and acted in classroom obser-
vation shows that they are aware of having the PVs.
Within that awareness of the importance of such val-
ues, they communicate them in the classroom with the
students and others in the interview. For example,
used the context of Faraid to teach fractions and
showed the use of mathematics through the
snack plastics. Both are not just the pedagogical value
carrier but value communicator.
The teacher who is aware of her/his values and
able to communicate it has a high level of value clar-
ification. The level of value clarification determines
the improvement that teacher can make in teaching
mathematics (Chin et al., 2001). However, the current
research did not further identify the changes that MT
and MT
make referring to their level of value clarifi-
The PVs held by MT
is affected by her students’
ability and need. When her students learned
ICMIs 2018 - International Conference on Mathematics and Islam
mathematics better by connecting to their familiar
contexts, MT
found that way of teaching is im-
portant. So, did MT
, when his students valued math-
ematics as just a set of rules and formulas, he used the
context of Faraid to teach fractions. This finding im-
plies that mathematics learning is a social-cultural ac-
tivity that involves close interaction between the
teachers and the students (Lim & Kor, 2012). A
teacher may hold various importance pedagogical
identities in teaching mathematics but only what
he/she enact in the classroom consistently which ac-
commodate what they valued become his/her PVs.
Although implementing similar national curricu-
lum, public schools are slightly different from Mad-
rasah in Indonesia. The difference is not only about
the number and kind of subject but also the emphasis
that the schools put on what the students should
achieve. For example, in some Madrasah with board-
ing system, mathematics is less important than recit-
ing and memorizing the Qur’an. A model student is a
student who knows lots of religious teachings. So,
each student wants to be in that position. This condi-
tion is what MT
experienced when he was in Mad-
rasah and MT
was facing in his school. Unfortu-
nately, we did not find any researches which empiri-
cally explain that condition in Indonesia. Bishop
(2008) called this as institutional values. He asserted
that the values that institutions have contributed to the
development of mathematical thinking in the differ-
ent group of students.
argued that such ‘doctrine' in the level of in-
stitution affect the way students perceived other sub-
jects like mathematics. He found his students have
less willingness to learn mathematics since it is less
important. However, we need further research to ex-
plore how institutional values affect students’ value.
What students valued on mathematics classroom dif-
fer from what the teacher valued is one of the causes
of students (dis)engagement in learning mathematics
(Kalogeropoulos & Bishop, 2017; Seah & Andersson,
2015a, 2015b). In this research, we did not document
students’ values to validate what MT8 underwent in
his practices.
In some scenes of the FGD, we discussed the pos-
sibility of inculcating values in teaching mathematics.
All teachers agreed that through mathematics teach-
ing, values could be taught. The teachers also showed
similar response about teaching values in the ques-
tionnaire. However, they did not have any idea how
to teach values and the values they know are limited
to general education values. For example, MT
cated honesty through direct speech in the class, not
as a part of mathematics activities.
The findings along with the status quo of institu-
tional values held by some Madrasah which affect the
PVs of MT
should be a concern by the mathematics
educators and the policymakers to support the im-
provement of mathematics teaching and learning. The
further efforts especially researches on the pedagogi-
cal values should be taken as they could support the
program of character education. We argued that,
based on the findings of the current research, mathe-
matics teacher education and the development of in-
service mathematics teacher programs should take
values issues into account (Chin, 2006). The research
on pedagogical values could be extended to other sub-
jects in specific and educational context in general,
e.g. school context (Husu & Tirri, 2007).
The research found that only two of the ten teachers
fulfill the values criteria. What teachers think and feel
as the worth in teaching mathematics falls onto the
beliefs. The two teachers have quite similar PVs re-
garding the use of context in teaching mathematics to
show their students that mathematics relates to their
daily life. However, they have a different situation
which develops their PVs. The first is students’ lim-
ited ability in mathematics, and there is a need to fa-
cilitate the ability by bringing daily contexts in math-
ematics teaching. The second is that the students val-
ued mathematics is just a set of rules and does not deal
with daily life. In this case, the mathematics teachers’
PVs are built on the adjustment of students’ condition
such as the ability in mathematics and the values they
have. Whether or not the teachers enact his/, her PVs
is affected by constraints such as what the students
valued on mathematics learning and institutional val-
ues. The existence of constraints closely relates to the
context of the institution (Madrasah). Further re-
search is needed to thoroughly examine how students’
values on mathematics and its learning, institutional
values and the enactment of teachers’ values relate
one another.
We would like to acknowledge LP2M Universitas Is-
lam Negeri (UIN) Mataram for funding the program
and mathematics teachers who are willing to partici-
pate in the interview actively, classroom observation
and accomplish the questionnaire.
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Pedagogical Values: Revealing Mathematics Teachers’ Belief and Action in Teaching