Capture of Sea Fish Life in Application Maritime Blue Economy in
, Raja Oloan Saut Gurning
, Badrus Zaman
and Semin
Department of Marine Engineering, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, 60111, Indonesia
Live marine fish, Demand for fish, Circulation of water and oxygen.
With the development of information and civilization of human life, it is also necessary to pay attention to the
consumption of food, one of which is food that does not use preservatives. At this time, foods that do not use
preservatives are difficult to find, such as the need for fish in living conditions for consumption purposes. Due
to public awareness of this problem, the need for fish in living conditions for consumption is increasing. So as
to result in increased consumer demand for live marine fish for fishermen. Of course, this is a good opportunity
for fishing communities in Indonesia to improve their welfare. To meet the demand for live marine fish by
consumers, the fishing community must make efforts innovate so that fish caught by fishermen can survive
during sailing in the open sea. One of the innovation efforts is to circulate water and oxygen in the hold space
where the fish caught is collected. The principle of the innovation of water and oxygen circulation in this hold
space is to work in accordance with what nature provides efficiently and does not reduce but actually enrich
nature, productive, environmentally friendly, and in accordance with the concept of Blue Economy.
Indonesia as the largest maritime and archipelagic
country in the world has a very large and diverse
potential for marine and fisheries economic develop-
ment. With Indonesia’s geographical conditions that
are dominated by the oceans, it becomes a great po-
tential for Indonesia to implement the blue economy
concept, because Indonesia is a country with 3/4 the
sea. According to Nurhayati (2013) the Blue Econ-
omy is a new concept of maritime and fisheries devel-
opment that will be directed towards balanced eco-
nomic development between the utilization of marine
resources and optimal environmental management ef-
Consumer demand for live marine fish continues
to increase, because of the significant awareness of
marine fish enthusiasts to avoid the consumption of
foods containing preservatives. This causes them to
shift their choices in consuming sea fish with fish that
are living conditions rather than dead conditions. At
least 30 trucks of live fish gurame enter the Jakarta
area, with the capacity of each truck containing no
less than 7.5 quintals of live fish gurame. That is, in
one day there are 22.5 tons of live fish gurame that en-
ter the Jakarta market. For this reason, it is a good op-
portunity for fishermen in Indonesia to improve their
welfare. Because the price of marine fish lives is
much higher than the price of dead sea fish. Due to
the many demands of marine live fish conditions this
makes the develop of cafes / restaurants that serve fast
food sea fish which are fresh fish (,
To meet the needs of consumers for the demand
for live marine fish there needs to be an effort that
must be done by fishermen so that fish caught by
fishermen during sailing in the sea a few weeks can
survive. Of course, this is related to the concept of
the Blue Economy which combines economic devel-
opment and environmental conservation. The Blue
Economy concept exemplifies the way nature works
(ecosystems), works in accordance with what nature
and nature provide efficiently and does not reduce but
enrich nature (shifting from scarcity to abundance),
waste from one to food / energy source for another
(Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan, 2018).
Research by Soccol and Oetterer (2003) and Susanto
and Fahmi (2012) states that fish are rich in nutri-
ents such as proteins, minerals and fats, as well as
the largest producer of omega 3 fatty acids (PUFA),
Suratno, ., Gurning, R., Zaman, B. and Semin, .
Capture of Sea Fish Life in Application Maritime Blue Economy in Indonesia.
DOI: 10.5220/0008548800440048
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Marine Technology (SENTA 2018), pages 44-48
ISBN: 978-989-758-436-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
especially beneficial eicosapentaenoic (EPA) and do-
cosahexaenoic (DHA) for health. Based on the nutri-
tional content and benefits of fish, efforts to increase
fish consumption become important things to con-
tinue to be carried out continuously. Sokib, Palupi,
and Suharjo (2012) state that Indonesia is very likely
to make fish as a major protein source as an effort
to improve community nutrition. This is because In-
donesia has abundant fish potential, both from catches
and from aquaculture (Karuniawati et al., 2017).
In Indonesia, the total growth of fisheries produc-
tion in the 2002-2009 period continued to increase,
from 5.5 million tons in 2005 to 9.5 million tons in
2009. In the period 2002-2005 the growth was around
6% per year, but the period 2005-2009 reached around
10% per year. Sea fisheries and public waters tend
to be stable. The production of fish caught in the sea
this sector is the largest contributor to Indonesian fish-
eries production in the last 10 years, reaching 75.89%
of the total production, far above the contribution of
public waters (7.36%) and cultivation (16.75%) per
year. This trend illustrates that the supply of fish that
can be allocated to meet domestic consumption needs
(in addition to export needs) is available in consider-
able quantities.
When compared to the distribution of fish poten-
tial, there is a general difference between Western
and Eastern Indonesia. In western Indonesia with an
average depth of 75 meters, the type of fish that is
mostly found is small pelagic fish. A somewhat dif-
ferent condition is found in the eastern part of Indone-
sia where the depth of the sea reaches 4,000 m. In
Eastern Indonesia, there are many large pelagic fish
such as tuna and cakalang. In addition to depth, water
temperature is also one of the factors that influence
the spread of fish vertically. Temperatures at each
depth strata also affect the abundance of tuna in a wa-
ter (, 2014)(Virgantari et al., 2011)(No-
vianto et al., 2015).
Based on Susenas data in 2008, it can be said
that most of Indonesia’s population in various re-
gions consume more fresh fish than preserved fish or
Considering the large enough live fish needs of the
community, this is a promising opportunity for fisher-
men to improve their welfare by making innovations
in fishing so that fish can survive until to consumers.
There needs to be an innovative effort to keep catch
fish alive while sailing on the high seas. Traditional
ways that fishermen still do are :
Giving ice shards to fish caught.
Giving ice fractions mixed with salt to the fish
caught. There needs to be a new method with the
aim that fish from the catch of fishermen will sur-
vive. Examples of business implementation in the
maritime industry sector with the Blue Economy
model are the use of various materials / materials
and components of ships that are environmentally
friendly (Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan,
3.1 Fresh/Life Fish Needs
In general, the direction of the economic development
strategy of the Fisheries Sector is to develop an opti-
mal, sustainable, value-added, and competitive fish-
eries sector which in this discussion is about live fish
/ fresh fish. According to Adawiyah (2007), fresh fish
are fish that have the same characteristics as live fish,
both in appearance, smell, taste and texture. In other
words, fresh fish is :
Fish that have just been captured and have not un-
dergone a preservation process or further process-
Fish that have not experienced physical or chemi-
cal changes or who still have the same properties
when captured.;
Fresh fish can be obtained through good handling
and sanitation, the longer the fish is left after being
caught without good handling, it will accelerate the
decline in fish freshness.
When viewed based on rural-urban areas, house-
holds in the city have a higher preference for con-
sumption of fresh fish and fresh shrimp / aquatic ani-
mals than households in the village. On the contrary,
the preference of the people in the village is higher for
consumption of preserved fish than the people in the
city. When viewed based on the expenditure value,
the total expenditure allocated for food consumption
is almost the same as that allocated for non-food con-
sumption, which is around 50% Table 1.
Based on the allocation of food expenditure,
around 8% is allocated for fish consumption. The
largest average share of expenditure is for fish (fresh
and preserved). Especially for fresh fish, the highest
share of Indonesia’s population expenditure is used
for consumption of tuna / tuna / skip-jack fish and
mackerel (from the sea). In the group of preserved
fish the opposite occurs, the greater the class of expen-
diture the lower the share of expenditure. The figure
also indicates that the Engel curve which shows the
relationship between household expenditure and con-
sumption level of fresh fish, fresh shrimp, preserved
fish and shrimp is not linear.
Capture of Sea Fish Life in Application Maritime Blue Economy in Indonesia
Figure 1: Fish Distribution Map in Indonesia
Figure 2: Expenditure Value
Figure 3: Fish Consumption in Indonesia
While the need for fish for consumption in In-
donesia each year increases as in Table 2 (Virgan-
tari et al., 2011; Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan,
2012, 2018).
This is a very good opportunity to meet the needs
of fish, especially fresh fish / live fish.
3.2 Improving Fishermen’s Welfare
The impact of the many demands of marine fish liv-
ing conditions makes the mushrooming restaurant
Figure 4: Marine and Fisheries Investment Data for 2017
by Province of Destination
business serving fast food fish that are really fresh
fish. Especially from fish types of mud grouper, tiger
grouper, grouper stone, grouper god, red grouper and
grouper rat in living conditions the local price in 2012
has reached around Rp. 80,000 to Rp. 420,000 per
kg. In addition to grouper fish, Baronang and Kakap
fish also become a market for consumer demand that
is not small. From the high demand for live fish in the
community for restaurant and caf
e businesses and the
increase in fish consumption in the community every
year results in high selling prices for live fish, this is a
special advantage especially for fishermen and gener-
ally for restaurant and cafe entrepreneurs. Marine and
Fisheries Investment Data for 2017 by Province of
Destination (Rp. Billion) (Soeroso, 2013; Kemente-
rian Kelautan dan Perikanan, 2018).
3.3 Sea Fish Processing Methods
Catching Results
Fish is a commodity that is very easily damaged, rel-
atively faster than other animal products. Therefore,
the steps of handling on the ship as soon as the fish is
SENTA 2018 - The 3rd International Conference on Marine Technology
caught, have a huge effect on the process of metabolic
damage in the body of the fish in the subsequent han-
dling period. (Dr.Ir. Made Astawan, M.S.). Fish
quality can be affected mainly by procedures for han-
dling, processing and storing from catches to con-
sumers. Retention time and post-harvest fish stor-
age temperature are key factors for maintain the final
quality of this product. This paper proposes an image
processing method fully automatic, efficient and non-
destructive for network segmentation and prediction
freshness of fish samples (Dutta et al., 2016).
In live sea fish transport, it usually takes a long
time, from the time of catching up to the destina-
tion. Catched fish are usually not carried out fast-
ing, so there that need for water circulation. With
this circulation of water, to avoid accumulating am-
monia as a result of metabolism (feces) of fish, be-
cause of this circulation the ammonia substance will
be transported out of the reservoir. Ammonia occurs
because it is produced from digestive and metabolic
waste, this substance is toxic if the level in the wa-
ter reaches 0.6 mg/l, the higher the concentration in
the water causes ammonia in the blood of the fish to
increase making an increase in high blood pH, thus
influencing enzyme chain reactions in the metabolic
process of fish. The purpose of the fish is made fast-
ing and the circulation of water is to reduce ammonia
expenditure and reduce the level of pollutants in the
water that occur. According to Effendi (2003), the
source of oxygen dissolved in water is the absorption
of oxygen from the air, through contact between the
surface and air, and from the photosynthesis process.
Water organisms will live well if the dissolved oxygen
value is greater than 5.0 - 8.0 mg /l of water (Anony-
mous, 1986; Mujib et al., 2013).
In sea transportation generally requires a rela-
tively long time. Fish that are transported generally
without fasting, thus that plays a role for fish survival
is the circulation of water which is a very vital thing
to supply new water and transport out metabolic waste
(dirt) during the trip. In addition, the supply of oxy-
gen is very important to eliminate ammonia buildup,
where ammonia (NH3) is toxic and endangers the sur-
vival of fish, even though each type of fish has differ-
ent resistance. Therefore, the element of ammonia
content is immediately possible to be removed by the
circulation of water, so that new water changes occur.
Solubility of gases in seawater is a function of tem-
perature, the lower the water temperature, the greater
the level of solubility. In waters that have a low wa-
ter temperature will have a greater dissolved oxygen
content (Paramita, A., 2014; Wedemeyer, G., 1996).
The capture and transportation of live marine
fishes is the development of changes in shipload,
Figure 5: Water Circulation Installation and Oxygen Sup-
which was originally used to capture and transport
fish in dead condition, make the ship catch fish dead
conditions and transport fish in living conditions ,
which is expected to make the fishermen’s income
higher and can increase the value of business results
(Soeroso, 2013).
In this figure, it describes the cycle shape of the
circulating flow of water mixed with air in the storage
space of the caught fish. This water and air cycle re-
place the old system that uses pieces of ice mixed with
salt to keep the caught fish, so that with this cycle fish
are expected to survive.
Information :
Bottle O2.;
Regulating valve O2.;
Mixing valve.;
Water pump.;
From this discussion, an analysis can be taken,
that the use of water circulation systems on fishing
vessels to keep fish alive less efficiently. On the one
hand, it is a simple system and can keep catched fish
alive but requires complicated operation. Because in
addition to needing enough space, it also reduces the
capacity of the collection of catched fish and the less
practical operating system Then there needs to be a
new idea that is more practical and efficient. For ex-
ample, the manufacture of electronic devices that can
kill bacteria so that fish caught can survive long, or
the addition of additives that can maintain dissolved
oxygen levels from 5.0 to 8.0 mg/l of water, so that
catched sea fish can survive.
Capture of Sea Fish Life in Application Maritime Blue Economy in Indonesia
Based on data from BKPM and OJK, it can be con-
cluded that most of Indonesia’s population in vari-
ous regions consume more fresh fish than preserved
fish or shrimp. With the increasing consumption of
fresh fish in various regions, it can increase the value
of business results for fishermen in particular, and
restaurant businesses in general.
Traditional methods of cooling with cheaper ice,
more capacity of fish caught in the condition of dead
sea fish than methods of circulating water and oxygen
for the capture of live marine fish.
The use of water and oxygen circulation meth-
ods optimizes and strengthens the capture fisheries
industry, which is efficient, productive, environmen-
tally friendly, and in accordance with the Blue Eco-
nomic concept that combines economic development
and environmental preservation that works in accor-
dance with what nature provides.
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SENTA 2018 - The 3rd International Conference on Marine Technology